The Scotbot Picture...




Here, for your consideration, is my first artistic effort. It will also like be the only thing I ever post of an artisticy nature...

The subject is my long, oh-so-long running line of borderline psychotic serving robots that attend (or should that be plague) the Galaxy Girl RP meets on Union...

I give you...

The GX Series!

*runs away and hides from comments*



Love the pose.



Or a kitten :P. Nice work.



Or coffee made from kittens...

Envisioned this as part of the promotional material for the GX bots. Hence the woefully misleading "polite, reserved, reliable & quiet" description. I think the denizens of GG can attest to none of those attributes being applicable...



*dashes in to save kittens*

Funny, Kit's always got fairly reliable service so far and actually likes and trusts the Scotbots. As long as they don't offer to refund her kittens for hot drinks.

The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson