Mr. DJ

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by damienray View Post
    I would LOVE to know how you are getting any successful runs on this lousy trial. 11 PUGS - 11 Failures. If this is the direction the game is going, then why bother ? It's "supposed" to be fun... it's supposed to be do-able with a PUG. I've yet to see it for myself. Personally I am highly turned off by this trial.
    The STF was "hard"
    The LRSF was "hard"
    Reichsman was "hard"
    Hell, even Trapdoor was "hard"

    People need to learn to adjust.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Its too hard, its not fun and encourages aborting the trial early to maximize reward.

    I never said it was impossible just very poorly designed and put together.
    The OP said it though.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    so she's never heard of a thesaurus. interesting.

    they're good at math and science stuff
  4. *City of Heroes w/ a CryTek engine*

  5. Mr. DJ

    Celestial Armour

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    GJ Mr DJ. I see you are one of the 'I cant come up with a smart reply to anything using my brain, so instead I will find a collection of dumb pictures and post them instead,' people.

    Maybe if the game would let you preview the bits BEFORE unlocking..oh wait, that would be logical. Letting people SEE what they are spending reward points on before hand. Especially since all the store bought bits can be previewed.
    I guess I should apologize for your less than logical reasoning and inability to ask for help.

  6. I think he understands that, but it's still bleh.

    and what BrandX said
  7. If you were gonna take some artist freedoms...Batman's design would have been a good start...
  8. Mr. DJ

    Celestial Armour

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Ok obviously what is meant to be 'mystical' looks stupid to me. What other mystical mobs do we have? Cot? No magical flying back bits on them.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack
    Does this dude have a goal to play every male super/sci fi hero?

    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare
    Tell me about it... and villain(s), lol.

    you mean like Will Smith and son?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Considering that it won eleven academy awards including best picture, is the second highest grossing movie in history, and was number one in the box office for fifteen consecutive weeks? I'd say there are a CRAP LOAD of people who disagree with this opinion. But to each their own.
    and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize
  11. I'm looking forward to Black Dynamite
  12. Shame on you Chrome...saying Titantic is a great movie....SHAME!!!
  13. Mr. DJ

    Sharks Fin

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't know, he looks cute to me. A lot more so than Felicia, with her cloven feet and thighs twice the size of her waist.
    which is why I like this version that Omar Dogan drew

  14. Quote:
    1) My lack of time to invest in Super Group stuff, TF or Incarnate Arcs.
    Take a break.

    2) Lack of mission teams to join. Trials have destroyed teaming in Paragon.
    Solitary nature of trial interaction reminds me of PI powerleveling run.
    Empty zones with almost no one to team with during daytime.
    Join some global channels? Saying the trials destroyed teaming is nonsense.

    3) Lack of new enemies, staleness of same old foes year after year.
    Lack of new contact, paper, radio missions for mission teams.
    Do some tip missions, run the SSA.

    4) Lack of Desire to create new Hero/Heroine
    The same old powersets nothing new or interesting for free.
    The new powersets that I have bought have dissapointed me.
    Same old costumes unless you pay for new options.
    Aside the costume part, this is mostly a YOU problem and not a game problem.

    5) Lack of Desire to level or roleplay my older Heroes.
    Do to apathy or boredom with my progress or the game itself.
    Take a break.

    But, for me as a VIP it only serves annoy me since now powersets and costumes
    are not QL improvements as they have been in the past.
    The Paragon Market has reduced my choices instead of increasing them.
    It is too bad new free stuff might have rekindled some interest in the game.
    Does not compute.

    Overall, I guess you could call me dissapointed in the direction of the game.
    You guessed wrong, now take a break.
  15. None of the current terminators stand a real chance unless we start fiddling with time travel.

    The ground troops are just fodder to everyone in the Avengers
    The T-1000 can be melted down completely by either Thor or Iron Man
    The T-Meg is guarding the Skynet Core...but I'm sure it'll meet the same fate as the 1000s.
    T-X was taken out by
    T-XA has good recon skills with it's ability to split up it's body and transfer information between its split selves and probably stands the best chance (at least better than the other models, which isn't really saying much...) with being able to implement pieces of itself into humans and manipulate them, but will suffer the same fate as the other liquid metal units...
  16. Macho Man Randy Savage stopped the rapture, so it only makes sense that archaeologists found new calenders.
  17. "You do not pass GO and you do not collect $200!"
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Here is a hint: it's not in for the story, it's in for the world-building.
    my hate for it doesn't allow me to see past that, for now.
  19. There's nothing special about Dances with Wolves in