Morbid Star

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Euphemisms and invented vulgarities are the best way of getting your point that a character is a crude brute across publicly without violating the game's rating.
    to the OP, in a purely RP atmosphere, this is a great way to work it in a non offensive manner ...

    Frack : made famous on the BattleStar Galactica series
    Frell : made famous on the FarScape series
    Smeg(head) : made famous on the Red Dwarf series
    Frag : made famous in numerous FPS games

    are just a few of the many examples
    a major part of RPing is creativeity
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    One of the most annoying characters ever devised out of Hanah-Barbara's animation studios.
    i would gladly enjoy watching Gleek with or with out the Wonder Twins loooooong before i would ever even begin to tolerate the torture of haveing to watch Wendy and Marvin, and their flea-bitten mutt, Wonder Dog
  3. what did Lou Ferrigno ever do to you ?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    Hey, a request for all you movie-philes. I need some suggestions (as many as you can give) for a movie to show one of my classes so they can write a review.
    what class ?
  5. was kind'a a good episode...
    seriously hated the "new" (bad) Lex. why didn't they use the same kid they had used for the "young" Lex ? , i miss Michael Rosenbaum, and i will be seriously disappointed if he doesn't return for atleast the final season finalle, just my opinion (not sure how many actual actors have portrayed the role in all the various series both tv and movie) but his portrayal of the role was the best that i've seen...
    the father son talk was touching, ...
    and you know it's Darksied especially with everyone saying "something dark is comeing" ...
  6. was kind'a a decent episode ... but seemed to be more going the LOST route,... as in asking dozens of questions and answering none of them
  7. With GR we deffinately need to add a section on the Patron Powers (Stalker's version) now offered to Scrappers that switch factions.
  8. I mainly would like to see a more natural animation form of the Claws powers, more beastial / feral / animalistic , the current versions are far too artificial.

    Also, another vote for the more variety in pool powers animations.
  9. Just buy the Super Science Booster pack ... then you can adjust it anytime you dont like it, instead of being locked in at time of creation.
  10. ello Mod12 ... any relation to Mod08?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
    Once you are softcapped, applying -tohit on an enemy has no effect.
    Incorrect. Just because you are soft capped, doesnt mean the rest of the team is.
  12. Actually i think i remember reading somewhere , that AV's have a toHit floor of 7.5% as opposed to the standard 5% ...
  13. Morbid Star

    SBP V: Mutant

    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Will there be jet packs?
    there already is a

    City of Heroes® Mini Booster: Temporary 30 Day Jetpack
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Temporary Powers do not function in Crab or Squid form.
    Not sure where you're geting your information from, but the Secondary Mutation works perfectly fine on my Crab. But I belive the OP was refering to both the nova and dwarf forms of the kheldians, as in the PeaceBringer and WarShade Arch-Type's.
  15. You have made me exstatically happy, this has solved all the problems i've been experianceing trying to get the game to work,... THANK YOU Hyperstrike !
  16. Morbid Star


    Open up your TEAM window and Quit TaskForce
  17. I've seen this happen as of late due to the fix they implemented to LINKED missions, as in i'm guessing the Unai Kemen's Council Empire mission (untimed) at 49 was recieved onto your mission que upon completeing the mission prior to it, and not completed through speaking with Unai and recieveing it as the next. The fix had to do with an exploit that had to deal with Linked messager missions that could just be completed abandoned repeated completed abanoned for XP for just talking. Now it appears that any Linked missions will simply move onto the next when abandoned or auto-completed.
  18. Welcome to the game and the forums ...

    As for your question, I'm wondering about this abit myself ?, As in, isn't today Wednesday ? i thought the standard maintenence was scedualed for Thursdays not Wednesdays? Why did they shut down the servers for standard scedualed maintenence on an unstandard unscedualed Wednesday ?
  19. Morbid Star

    Malta Sappers

    Not exactly sure what your asking here. But the correct answer is , Defeat them Fast. Kind'a depends on what AT and power set you're currently playing, as to how you go about doing that.
  20. Yeah, it can get pretty interesting, especially considering they are untargetable in tree form. And dont leave tree form untill aggro'd. Includeing Eochai the GM.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    If I have a mission I got at a previous level, but I'm still within the contact's level range, can I abandon it, and by talking to the contact get it again, but it will now be my current level?

    Does it make a difference if it's a mission in a story arc instead of a non-arc mission?
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    If it's in an arc, you will not be able to get it again.

    You might be able to get one of the non-arc, generic missions from your contact, but I doubt it.
    I have tested this on all of, a regular mission, a small story arc mission, a large story arc mission, and a badge mission,. from contacts. Then abandoned them, increased my level and recieved the same , a regular mission, a small story arc mission, a large story arc mission, and/or a badge mission, from the same contact at the current higher level. As long as the new higher level does not exceed the current contacts level range, I had absolutely no trouble at all with getting it reguardless of wether it was a regular mission, a small story arc mission, a large story arc mission, or a badge mission. Keep in mind that this was in starting a new arc in such cases, and not proceeding with an existing arc, as to which we know will proceed at up to the contacts max level range reguardless of your currently level untill the arc is completed.

    Not sure if Aett maybe just didn't understand the question, but their reply is incorrect.
  22. The Set Bonuses of Purple (Very Rare) Sets and PvP Sets are immune to the effects of exemplaring.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ex_Libris View Post
    You will find links to all PvP Guides in here.

    It is easier for us to sticky one topic than dozens. Sings links are in there.
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  24. Ah, thanx, a detailed account of events of when this happened certainly narrows it down. Which leads to the question .... What else happened to the game durring Oct.-Nov. 2008 time period ?