A Call for Guides and Organization--PvP Specific!
Can i make a guide to be a pvper and still be on top of the badge game too?
Hey, you used my ideal!
This will make it alot easier for some non-pvper's to find builds for at least one their toons for pvp.
Plus, I would like to see how some of them builds are slotted and what powers are selected.
Bill's Brigade
Light Bill lvl 50 (regen-tank) Blaster Elec/Elec/Mun (1606 HP!!)
"Have No Fear, For Blaster Bill is Here!!!"
Cool Blue Magic lvl 50 controller Ill/Emp/Ice
Bad Billy lvl 50 defender Dark/Rad/Dark
Shadow Wraiths
Devil's Bill lvl 50 Brute Stone/Stone/GW
Hmm. And I was just going to ask if you could unsticky my old guide so I could tailor it to the new forum and add other guides in.
Let me go guide searching and see what I can cook up this afternoon.
Is a FAQ still appropriate or should it be pure links to other guides?
FaQ is appropriate for sure... and I will unsticky your post so you can make adjustments just PM me with what you need from my side.
Hello PvP Community. Since we already know how special you are, and that you all work from very early in game to build up your PvP sets just right for the PvP environment.
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Hahaha, special. In an Olympic way.
That's right, I said it. That's high-quality pwn right there, yo.
(point for Ex!)
where is/are Sing guide(s)?
You will find links to all PvP Guides in here.
It is easier for us to sticky one topic than dozens. Sings links are in there.
Ok so what if we wanted to create a new guide. Do we post it to the PvP guides or the AT guides?
Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST
Any posts made in the player guide section are marked not to purge when we do forum maintenance so I suggest posting your guide there for inclusion to the guide to guides section and then post up your link here and we will include that in the PvP only guide.
But Player Guide forum is the best suggestion so that it will be archived properly.
If you need me to move a thread please let me know.
I notice my guide hasn't made the list... I wonder why
Link in sig.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

There are several exploits, glitches, cheap tricks, and dirty tactics people use everyday in pvp.
We need a detailed, consolidated list of these things for 2 reasons.
1) It can help noobs make the transition from pvE to pvP more palitable if they had a better understanding of what may/may not have just happened to them.
2) It could possibly lead to the devs fixing a few issues that we might know about that they may be unaware of or have forgotten about.
No I'm not asking someone to go Greydog on us, I'm asking for help compiling a list of things most of us already know about and dislike because of the unfair advantages the abuse of such things give.
Things like getting tped into the crates/hotdog stand.
Getting nailed by a blaster flying around under the map.
Using /search as a targetting crutch.
All those things that have been around so long and we're so used to that we're suprized when we find out noone told the n00b.
If anyone's feeling up to this challenge then by all means, please give it a shot and post it in the guide section to keep it from getting purged so when can have a quick referance point to direct new(er) pvpers to.
If possible try getting in contact with a mod when you post it and see about the possibility of if/when new things pop up they can add to/update the OP.
Things like getting tped into the crates/hotdog stand
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Getting nailed by a blaster flying around under the map.
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Using /search as a targetting crutch.
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what is this witchcraft you speak of?!?!?!
If it were up to me, all pills would be banned
from pvp zones (except in missions) and made optional in the arena! Now before you all start tossing vegetables at me, let me say this: I came to fight your toon (build), not your medicine cabinet.
Let the tomato's fly!
wait, theres a guide for pvp kheldians??? where?
Make three catagories Arena, Zone, and Raids. Have two sections in each except raids. Team, and Solo. How i think it should be done just a suggestion
Make three catagories Arena, Zone, and Raids. Have two sections in each except raids. Team, and Solo. How i think it should be done just a suggestion
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You will find links to all PvP Guides in here.
It is easier for us to sticky one topic than dozens. Sings links are in there. |
Page Not Found We're sorry but the page you are looking for cannot be found. It is possible you typed the address incorrectly, or that the page no longer exists. |
this thread should be unstickied
See in order to increase the play in pvp zones there needs to be some attraction there. And the way it is set up now. (at lest on pinnacle) is that you have on VG PVPing themselves because they will not share any knowledge with the rest of the community so basically no one goes in the zones.
If you arm new players with a new toon that they feel will be able to stand up a bit in the zone they will venture into the area. and maybe take some friends with them.
I ama decent PVPer not great but could be better. still cruising the forums looking for more info and not finding anything but PVP smack talk. There so far is really nothing useful to offer around here from players or Devs.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
If you didn't notice the dates of most of the posts in this thread, let me help you out. They are OLD as in 2007 old and here is a little more help, there are hundreds of builds and posts about powers and slotting and differences in PvP and PvE in the main forum that this thread is in. Use a little search fu and find the answers to the questions you have or maybe even ask your question. It will get answered.
Our group has been relying on the kindness of the uber pvp vets to tutor us and show us the ropes, but, not everyone gets that lucky.
Guides that teach strategy and what is important in a pvp build would be a great thing to see.
Just curious where the most recent guide to PVP builds is located...
I don't see it and the link is broken to the other "guide"
My Guide
(H)Dark/Rad, Rad/Psi, Spine/Regen, Ice/EM, Psi/EM, Earth/FF,
(V)EM/NIN, Bots/FF, Fire/Rad,Fire/Fire, Earth/Fire, Grav/Energy
Hello PvP Community. Since we already know how special you are, and that you all work from very early in game to build up your PvP sets just right for the PvP environment. We wanted to ensure you had a space to make guides, builds, and get some of your general tactics documented.
Some will ask why is there a need for a second guide area, and the answer is simple, PvP builds are different from PvE builds. So this space is dedicated to PvP and we want to give it the same time and dedication that we have in the guides section from player help.
So we will need some help in making this happen.
1) A call for guides that are specific for PvP.
2) Some dedicated and organized folks that will help us wrangle up all those guides and communicate with us on the community end to get those guides updated to the master lists.
What we are looking for are people who are willing to take a category or two and create a revised version of the post containing all the new links.
Let me explain further. For example, say someone is willing to help update the Kheldian Guide Post. What they would do is the following:
1. Visit the guide post they want to update.
2. Click the "Quote" button, just like they are replying to that post and wanted to quote it. This will give the person editing the original posts UBB code (with links and all that).
3. Using that content and UBB code, create a new post that is updated. This would include links to any new guides and any new information, or organization they feel is appropriate for that Guide post.
4. Post their revised version as a reply to the end of the thread where the guide link post is at.
5. Send a Private Message to Ex Libris or Lighthouse letting us know you have posted an updated guide link post. As with any communication to us it is helpful if you provide the link in your correspondence.
6. Then, we'll take a look at it and if the revised guide post looks good, then edit the original post and paste in your revised version and give you credit in that post as the "Official PvP Guide Post Editor."
7. Once we use your revision, we will send you a reply private message and you will then have the option to have your title changed to "Official PvP Guide Post Editor."
Thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to help with this!
Guide Link Posts that have been done:
Guide to Guides
If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask here or PM Ex Libris and I will answer you as soon as possible.
Thanks again.