22 -
I appreciate the info guys,
Thanks again. -
Ty So much gentlemen!
How does Ranged/Melee/AOE defense work in conjunction with defense to types of damage like smashing & lethal?
For example
Lets say I have a 25% Defense to Ranged, AOE, and Melee attacks...
I also have a 10% defense to Smashing/lethal
And I have 15% defense to fire/cold
Would I have a 35% defense to a smashing melee attack?
Would I have a 40% defense to a ranged fire attack?
Or does it just go by whichever is the highest defense?
If it goes by the higher defense is there any point in increasing your defense to damage types if your ranged/melee/AOE is always higher?
Thank you so much if you can help. -
For finding friends, use the /search command. Sort by level and just start sending people tells. To me the most fun part of the game is meeting people, teaming, and seeing how others play the game....Sometimes you manage to form a team that is shockingly powerful and synergetic...SOmetimes you get someone who has a bad build and can't play....It is the random nature of these things that brings me joy.
"Hey do you want to join a level X mission team?" Is all you need to send. Then just run your missions....Before each door spam something in /b like "3 Spots on mission team, PST if interested"....And remember you can use /search inside the mission door as well.
Also, Welcome to the game! If you are ever on Freedumb , look me up I would be glad to team with you any time. -
Quote:I think you are making a mistake, personally. The only zone you see AE spam in is Atlas....People arguing I think is a function of a large population, and that same AE crowd. All you have to do is ignore them (literally put them on ignore) if you think someone is lame. Yes there are more lame people on Freedom. That's because there are more PEOPLE. There are also more cool people, more TF's , more average people..more noobs, more vets...Etc...There are MORE people there. There are plusses and minuses that come along with that.Well i just spent a good 20-30 mins in Freedom and tested some of the Chat channels that are listed on the forums.
1) EVERYTHING ive read so far in broadcast is AE this AE that AE farming. AE AE AE AE AE... I sometimes question how well they play or if they ever leave Atlas.
2) People complaining and argueing about this or that and blah blah blah. 1 Word - Anoying.
Im crossing freedom off my posible locations.
3) on the chat channels that i have added have been *Cricket...Cricket*
Liberty so far seems to be the best. But at this point im still going through the servers.
I would rather deal with the bad parts of having a large population (some arguing, AE farmers...etc..) than not having TF's and raids.
I did 3 TF's yesterday alone....All from 'Freedom TF' global channel....I did CoP and two other TF's. This last couple of weeks there have been many CoP's, Hami's, Mother Ship Raids, TF's etc....there are constantly TF's happeneing 'on the fly' even at odd hours.
I think your 'investigation' hasn't gone deep / thought out enough...especially given that your qualifications are you want a server where you can do a lot of raids.
Large populations have their pros and cons. To me the cons are very minimal, as I have no problem ignoring the few people who bother me enough to warrant it.
One thing I would recommend is transfering a 50 to the server where you are thinking you will end up. Then try and play some TF's and Raids and the content you want to play. This minimal investment will either pay off (you will find you picked the right server) or it will save you from investing your TIME into a server you end up not liking. If you try 2-3 servers in this way and end up finding a great server, it would be worth it IMO. -
Thank you for taking the time to write this...
I Haven't read ALL of it (YET) but I agree with your assesment of things.
(As someone coming back to the game after a LONG time)
The main points I really applaud are:
1) suppression sucks: It kills the feel of the game.....I hate the feeling of suppression it just feels bad, and wrong.....It disrupts the flow of the game....there must be a better way to handle things than this.
2) Control based AT's: There is not much point it seems in being a prototypical controller type class. You are better off doing damage....The attack chains are short enough and mez's suck so much now that all you really need is one single taget hold which means you might as well play a blaster and at least do some damage. I did HATE having to take a tray full of BF's but it was better than what we have now IMO. I would rather see an INSP vendor in the hospital than worthless controls. -
Well written and very thoughtful.
After a week or more of intensive (4+ hours a day) PVP on freedom in RV there isn't much I disagree with in there. (as far as the problems go)
I didn't see anything regarding holds/mezzes...
They don't seem to do jack **** now cept stop someone for about 2 seconds. That isnt fair to trollers etc...
I dunno what the best solutions would be but I think you have addressed the problems very well. -
I agree for sure..
The build I came up with is pretty much disrupt/support/ team oriented.
I might post it, but it is horribly expensive (INF wise) and probably not terribly useful as the same thing could be done with another AT for much less inf...I just did it on my troller because I am stubborn. 8-) ( I also want the badges for that toon so I guess it is worth it LOL)
On the bright side, it is pretty fun....and trollers are my favorite AT so I like to represent. Anyone in RV the last week or so should have seen me in there mixing it up....I am at about 340 rep now, so making the final push to 400 next couple days. -
I am back to the game after years of not playing and was wondering if anyone could kindly point me to a good build for a Fire / rad troller in Zone PVP.
Thanks very much and hope to see you in the zones! -
Just curious where the most recent guide to PVP builds is located...
I don't see it and the link is broken to the other "guide"
Thanks -
I made it in after all!!
(see if u can spot me in this picture
http://www.cox-supergroups.com/wp-co...0-21-58-12.jpg )
Hint: bottom right
Anyhow great teaming and much fun was had....I got over 1000 merits...I got my salvage sack and most of the costume pieces!
Thanks guys! -
I arrived at 7:00 and zone was full...
My bad next time I will be early...
Didn't realize zone would fill up, and I am sorry I missed the good time -
Can't wait!!!
Thank you for organizing this!! -
I was wondering if I could bring my Fire/Rad Controller and also My Friend might come as well, but I am not sure what his 50's are...I know he has a Bubble Defender and some other things as well.
@Charnobyl Man -
But I believe I lost somewhere in the range of 50 million inf worth of items. I love I9, figured there was bound to be glitches....probly shouldnt have so many things listed on auction!!! But the auction house is like crack to me!! Im crossing my fingers to get my inf/items back so good luck devs. If you fail, you wont be getting any /petition from me or anything like that, but it will tick me off a bit.
WOW! I didnt exactly know where to post this, since I have read EVERYTHING you have posted like a crack fiend smokes his last rock! WOW! HEy - Did I say WOW????? Thank you so much. As a long time player and lurker of these forums, I wish to thank you for the series of thoughtful, informative, and highly entertaining posts you have made. I read all of them when you post them....and I am looking forward to more! (single target hold!!!!!! hint!!!) Actually it doesnt even matter which one you post next I will read it like a teenager reading his first playboy!
Thanks agaiN! -
Forget the BS. WHen you PVP your blood pumps and it is FUN.
Try it sometime. -
It's not some of the components for a recipe, it's the recipe itself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the clarification, I removed the 'components' part and just left recipe. Seems like its kind of the same general concept though. -
Just wanted to chime in..
Been playing on and off since 04. I have 21 months of paid Vet rewards. Lvl 50 Characters etc... I actually have 2 paid accounts...one is for my GF, but she rarely plays, so I end up making more alts (altaholic here).
Anyway: Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in, I am not a forum regular as you can see by my amount of posts in 3 years.
1) Having some of the recipes being tied to story arcs I think is one of those ideas that is good on paper, but BAAAD in reality. I really dont want to go back through all of my story arcs with any of my characters.
2) Even task force drops are worrisome. I don't want to spend 4 hours doing a task force. Yes I know people have said they 'can' be done faster. I think placing rare drops in task forces makes these items available only to the hard core gamers. I am fairly hard-core, so I will be able to get these for myself and my supergroup....BUT I don't really feel this is fair to those who don't have the 'CONTINUOUS' time to be in a task force.
I REALLY like the suggestion that there be another broker, with a bar, whom you do missions for and get IO stuff. This seems to be a simple , clean solution to the continuous play problem.
3) As far as the economy goes, I really hope that influence becomes worth something....and If it does, I hope for two changes:
A) We should get both INF and PRESTIEGE post 34...Maybe at a half rate, but why does it have to be one or the other, why not allow us to get 1/2 and 1/2? Yes I know you can exit SG and Enter SG, but this is a hassle.
B) If influence becomes more valuable, perhaps we can change the EXCHANGE RATE for influence/prestiege..which right now is completely abyssmal. I would argue for changing it anyhow, but if Influence suddenly has some value (likeyou can actually buy a hamidon, or IO) then I think that the exchange rate needs to be changed immediately to reflect this.
4) With regards to the hamidon raid, I really hope there is a public HUGE type of raid. I thouroughly enjoyed coming to the hami-raids and seeing who was there, chatting with other non-sg people, and meeting new folks. Taking this away is questionable. In my opinion it takes away from the game. I like the idea of less lag etc..but this game is social, so to me it was worth it to be in a huge raid. I would humbly suggest having a raid such as the hamidon raid in addition to the new 'hamidon' raid.
My general thoughts are that people play this game (at least me and my friends) partially because the game is so simple with regards to loot. I never liked rpgs that forced me to constantly stop and sell. I barely ever stop and sell enhancements, I just keep playing. People have different versions of fun, but tinkering with this main concept is very risky IMHO. I think the lack of LOOT and rare items was one of the main positive aspects of this game. Everyone is on the same level, even HO's dont take too long to get and they are announced time and day ahead of time. Introducing rare loot is going to change all of this.
edited for clarity - removed the phrase 'some of the components for' from the 1st part of the post. -
I think you should drop ring of fire,super speed, rec friend, fire blast, and bonfire.
Fire blast isnt needed...recall friend is NICE for PL'ing a second account or something, but not needed...No need for super speed, as super jump is all you need....and no need for bonfire either as it is knocking foes back instead of keeping them clustered.
That would give you 5 powers to play with. First off, I would recommend consume instead of fire blast. This will replenish your endurance at critical times, and allow you to work continuously. I usually pop this after an EMP blast.
I would also recommend Choking Cloud. You are going to be in the middle of them with hotfeet / cinders anyway, so why not add a little security. Personally I think you have it backwards regarding the strategy. You said in your guide that it is better to do a few tough opponents than a large number of minions...I think this is wrong. With hotfeet, choking cloud, fireball, and the imps...you will GRIND through huge masses of +1s no problem. Yes it takes a lot of endurance to keep this going, but that is what consume is for.....and make sure to collect blue insps as the mobs are dying just use the acc/damage ones and save the blues.
So theres 3 more powers...If you are going to dabble in PVP I would recommend assault/tactics....I mean you have hit 50, so there is not much else to do but PL and PVP and raids....
BUT even if you dont want to PVP, I would probably still pick assault....
Leaving two more powers....if ALL you are doing is PL'ing people, recall friend would probably be nice. But if not theres other powers you can get that will be better used with the theme of this build, which is "get in the middle of the huge pack and MELT everything."
The most major flaw in your current build is having RoF instead of fire cages. Using Fire cages/falsh fire is the basic strategy of any fire controller. Learn it, live it, use it!
Another minor point (but major if you arent respeccing) is that I would take hasten much earlier! You need this to keep your cinders/flashfires comin around!
I will post more in a bit, off to work.