Batman: Brave and the Bold




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Two words: Stuffed Gleek.
Wait, what?



... sorry, I thought I heard someone call my name. I was clearly mistaken.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

One of the most annoying characters ever devised out of Hanah-Barbara's animation studios.
i would gladly enjoy watching Gleek with or with out the Wonder Twins loooooong before i would ever even begin to tolerate the torture of haveing to watch Wendy and Marvin, and their flea-bitten mutt, Wonder Dog



Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
i would gladly enjoy watching Gleek with or with out the Wonder Twins loooooong before i would ever even begin to tolerate the torture of having to watch Wendy and Marvin, and their flea-bitten mutt, Wonder Dog
... ....

I really have no smart-mouthed retort for that since Wendy, Marvin, and Dunder Mutt were the direct precursors to the Wonder Twins and Blip... I mean Gleek. Technically, the Hanna-Barbera production team learned from their mistake, as the follow-up trio were nowhere near as bad as the first trio.

That being said, the second go-around of wimpy hero sidekicks for the Super-Friends annoy me more than Marvin, Wanda, and Dunder Mutt. Mostly this is because Hanna-Barbera, after figuring out the trio was a bad idea and was turning viewers off, instead of creating entirely new characters simply raided their back catalog... specifically the 1966 Space Ghost show.

Space Ghost's two sidekicks were Jan and Jayce, and they had a pet monkey named Blip. The Wonder Twins were named Zan and Jayna, and their pet monkey was named Gleek.

I mean... seriously, Hanna-Barbera wasn't even trying. They just took the side-kick trio from Space Ghost, colored Blip blue, and called it a day. The sheer abject laziness of the shows producers, neverminding DC signing off on the project, just annoys the daylights out of me.



I get that they think kids won't like the stories if there aren't kids in them. What I don't get is why they didn't use the existing kid sidekicks instead of making up new ones. Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl...all would have been better than what we got. I can certainly remember seeing Teen Titans cartoons back as part of The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Power so I don't know why they didn't just do that again.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... ....

I really have no smart-mouthed retort for that since Wendy, Marvin, and Dunder Mutt were the direct precursors to the Wonder Twins and Blip... I mean Gleek. Technically, the Hanna-Barbera production team learned from their mistake, as the follow-up trio were nowhere near as bad as the first trio.

That being said, the second go-around of wimpy hero sidekicks for the Super-Friends annoy me more than Marvin, Wanda, and Dunder Mutt. Mostly this is because Hanna-Barbera, after figuring out the trio was a bad idea and was turning viewers off, instead of creating entirely new characters simply raided their back catalog... specifically the 1966 Space Ghost show.

Space Ghost's two sidekicks were Jan and Jayce, and they had a pet monkey named Blip. The Wonder Twins were named Zan and Jayna, and their pet monkey was named Gleek.

I mean... seriously, Hanna-Barbera wasn't even trying. They just took the side-kick trio from Space Ghost, colored Blip blue, and called it a day. The sheer abject laziness of the shows producers, neverminding DC signing off on the project, just annoys the daylights out of me.
This is why they should have just brought in Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.