Supernatural 9/24/10
That was kinda weird.
was kind'a a decent episode ... but seemed to be more going the LOST route,... as in asking dozens of questions and answering none of them
Well, they're in a difficult place story wise. How do you top the apocalypse? I'll be interested in seeing what they've come up with.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
not quite the direction i was picturing they were going to go. to be honest, i was hoping after they mentioned what the monster was, this was going to end up being something of a hallucination. i liked it, but there were parts of the episode that just felt weak.
I thought it was decent enough, but I am fully prepared to consider Dean sitting at the table with Lisa and Ben to have been the series' final shot and ignore everything that came after. Worked for the finale of Buffy season 5 for me.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Seemed to me that there was still something that Sam and the others were hiding from Dean, or not ready to tell him yet. I mean in addition to the whole djinn kidnapping thing, that Samuel kept (or is keeping?) from Sam.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

So... where is God? Where is Cas (And is he still almost out of minutes?) What got Sam/Dean onto the plane? What got Sam out of the Lucifer trap? Is Lucifer still in the trap? What pulled Samuel from hell? What are they doing with the jin? Why do they want Dean hunting again? Is Sam really Sam (Cause Sam wouldn't want Dean to give all that up... preview reveals even more so that this Sam does)? What happened to the Anti-Christ? What stage is the apocalypse in now? How is that related to all the new monsters/monsters behaving strangely? What are the angels up to? What are the demons up to? If Samuel is back, who else might come back? Ellen? Jo? Meg? MIT-Mullet? What does Sam remember from the trap/hell? Why did Dean's necklace that Sam got him waaay back help track down God? Where did Sam get it? Where did it end up? I'm sure I could throw down a lot more questions too. They better start answering some stuff.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
Samuel said he was pulled down at the same time Sam was pulled up. That would indicate that he was pulled out of Heaven, not Hell.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I liked it. Be interesting to see how Sam's going to pull Dean back in. Grandpa better not be a bad guy cause that would just be mean.
I like the concept that the fact that they averted Armageddon may have messed with the order of things a little bit.
Sam seems, somewhat, diminished for his experiences. We'll see how long it takes for everyone to get onto grandpa and the others.
/em crosses fingers for Ellen and Jo coming back as well
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
It was one of the things i was expecting them to get into this season. That with the boss gone (Lucifer), all hell breaks loose, (if you'll excuse the term) so i was expecting this after a fashion. Even the somewhat 'meh' response to folks being back from the dead, happens a lot on this show. Not to fond of the extended family though. Makes a body wonder if they decide to try and get another season of the show going, and they'll try to do it without Sam & Dean.
As i said, i liked it and i want to see where it goes from here.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
I think there was speculation that God did it but no one knew for certain because he wasn't talking to anyone and then Lucifer claimed he did it. I don't think it really mattered because both sides wanted them both alive so that Michael and Lucifer could have their final battle.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
It was one of the things i was expecting them to get into this season. That with the boss gone (Lucifer), all hell breaks loose, (if you'll excuse the term) so i was expecting this after a fashion. Even the somewhat 'meh' response to folks being back from the dead, happens a lot on this show. Not to fond of the extended family though. Makes a body wonder if they decide to try and get another season of the show going, and they'll try to do it without Sam & Dean.
As i said, i liked it and i want to see where it goes from here. |
The episode was...weird, overall. Definitely noticed some changes in the way the show is directed and composed. And the anticlimactic ending which suggests there won't even be a season (there will, of course, but as of this point the story is Dean's, and he's not going anywhere) was definitely different, though interesting. I'd have to say the episode overall was not one of the show's better ones on its own merits, but it did do a good job of setting things up for a season.
I love supernatural, but I think that this will be the last season. If you look at the interview from San Diego Comic Con they were jokingly but kinda serious saying things like oh another season we can go on and on like that show Dallas then they would say oh god I hope not. So I think maybe the actors are getting tired of the show. I could be wrong and reading something into nothing but that is my take on it.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
They went into the show planning 5 seasons. Had the majority of the "overall plot" laid down and planned. The show rocked, and they were offered another season, it wasn't in the plan, but they're smart people, and I trust them to give us something good. I *think* I've heard they've already been offered a 7th season as well (probably due to CW not having anything else... at all... esp since Smallville finishes this season), so it is possible they may have another really good, and deeper running story than just a single season tacked on at the end. We'll see, I hope so.
Season 6 begins tonight
Dean tries to live a normal life and gets an unexpected visitor.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.