Foul Language / Topics?




What's ok, and what isn't?

I'm a roleplayer - and a rogue/villain that doesn't even use the f-word strikes me as silly. 7 year old girls in catholic school uses the f-word. I'm hoping I'm not expected to live up to US TV standard, bleeping myself all the time.

As far as I'm concerned... I think it should be fine to use as foul language as I like. Anyone that doesn't like it should keep the profanity filter ON; that'll take care of everything.

Of course, mis-spelling foul language on purpose to circumvent the filter has to be a BIG NO NO - as it forces people to listen to it, even if they don't want to, bypasses game mechanics, and is clearly something that's spoken out of character, not in character.


And what's ok to actually do/discuss in RP?

Villains, rogues and vigilantes can be pretty freaky folks. Murder is all in a day's work - so I'm assuming topics of murder, torture and inhuman experiments sort of have to be in the clear... (though at the same time, I somehow doubt it is)

Can people talk about sex, or will we end up black listed for it? It's not quite as "necessary" as violence, but I don't think all the supers around here are gonna stay virgins.


Just thinking.




As a general rule?

I'd say in a closed forum (e.g., /team or a supergroup base), I would only worry about it if the other players expressed concern or found such things distasteful. In places where people might overhear (like Pocket D), I'd settle for alluding to such things.

Of course, even in private, just because one can doesn't mean one should. In my mind, there's a line between creative expression and poor taste. I'd suspect that line exists for almost everyone, but we all put it in different places. So, I'd reiterate the importance of knowing the other players before cutting lose.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Well, the classic comic book villains of the silver age do NOT use foul language. The more modern, grittier villains often do.

There are a lot of kids who play this game, including my 10 year old son and 13 year old daughter. Sure, they hear the stuff all the time in school, but I would prefer my kids to be exposed to foul language as little as possible. We don't use it at home, and if a word or two slip out, it is frowned upon. My kids actually prefer it that way, and don't like to be around folks who constantly use "salty" language.

Sometimes we adults turn off the profanity filter, and forget to turn it back on again.

I suggest that before you let loose with the profanity, you might want to ask if anyone is offended by it. Set that up as a macro, so you don't have to keep re-typing it.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
What's ok, and what isn't?

I'm a roleplayer - and a rogue/villain that doesn't even use the f-word strikes me as silly. 7 year old girls in catholic school uses the f-word. I'm hoping I'm not expected to live up to us TV standard, bleeping myself all the time.

As far as I'm concerned... I think it should be fine to use as foul language as I like. Anyone that doesn't like it should keep the profanity filter ON; that'll take care of everything.

Of course, mis-spelling foul language on purpose to circumvent the filter has to be a BIG NO NO - as it forces people to listen to it, even if they don't want to, bypasses game mechanics, and is clearly something that's spoken out of character, not in character.


And what's ok to actually do in RP?

Villains, rogues and vigilantes can be pretty freaky folks. Murder is all in a day's work - so I'm assuming topics of murder, torture and inhuman experiments sort of have to be in the clear... (though at the same time, I somehow doubt it is)
You're not going to get a good answer from the community regarding what kind of conversation two individuals should have. Individuals vary, so thier tolerences vary.
Witha game rated "T for Teen" (or whatever it is by now), I'd keep "PG-13" in mind.
Can people talk about sex, or will we end up black listed for it? It's not quite as "necessary" as violence, but I don't think all the supers around here are gonna stay virgins.
Why wouldn't they stay virgins? The avatars aren't anatomicly correct.
If you want to talk sex with other players, keep in mind that you don't have to be 18+ in order to play.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
If you want to talk sex with other players, keep in mind that you don't have to be 18+ in order to play.
Ah, yes. That brings up an addendum to the post I made above: even discussing some things in a sterile, scientific, and medically appropriate fashion with persons under the age of 18 could be enough to have the hypervigilant lining up outside your door with torches and pitchforks. That's worth keeping in mind, too.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
Ah, yes. That brings up an addendum to the post I made above: even discussing some things in a sterile, scientific, and medically appropriate fashion with persons under the age of 18 could be enough to have the hypervigilant lining up outside your door with torches and pitchforks. That's worth keeping in mind, too.
That right there is what to keep in mind.

I'm not in any way against vulgarity except when I am. I know my son hears everything I normally spew while he's at school, but I choose not to cuss around him. This doesn't mean I don't slip up from time to time.

The other side of my opinion is that we do have a profanity filter in this game and those offended by such language should be using it. Parents should make sure that it's enabled before allowing their kids to play. None of us should ever hear from a GM that we were reported for foul language.

But it happens because this is America, Land of the Offended.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That right there is what to keep in mind.

I'm not in any way against vulgarity except when I am. I know my son hears everything I normally spew while he's at school, but I choose not to cuss around him. This doesn't mean I don't slip up from time to time.

The other side of my opinion is that we do have a profanity filter in this game and those offended by such language should be using it. Parents should make sure that it's enabled before allowing their kids to play. None of us should ever hear from a GM that we were reported for foul language.

But it happens because this is America, Land of the Offended.
Just like to point out something Bill, Parents can't keep their kids from going into options and turning the filter off.

Now personally swearing and cussing doesn't bother me in the least, but I do understand that everyone doesn't share my tolerances so I respect my fellow players enough to keep it to a minimum on the public channels when playing. When I'm on the private channels where I know everyone and they know me then it's okay to relax and let loose with the vulgarity.

The same goes with the ERP chat. I don't give a rat's *** what people say in private channels, but it doesn't belong on the open channels where minors or the overly sensitive can read it.



I am amused by the filter in the sense that I enjoy seeing the words turned into bleep or !@!#!$ characters.

I don't know why.

I will never report someone unless they are in broadcast and deliberately doing things to go around the filter. And then I am not reporting them because their words offend me but their intentional effort to do it seems jerkish to me.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
As far as I'm concerned... I think it should be fine to use as foul language as I like. Anyone that doesn't like it should keep the profanity filter ON; that'll take care of everything.
To the best of my knowledge, profanity is prohibited by the TOS (despite the presence of an optional profanity filter). I'm pretty sure there is no general monitoring of player dialogue for infractions, so you are safe to use profanity in semi-private chat (like Team or Supergroup) if you know that the other members of your team or group will not have a problem with it. However, if you use profanity in broadcast or local or if you group with people you don't know, there is a possibilty that you will be reported. (why someone offended by profainity would not be using the filter I can't say, but they're out there). Since it is against the rules, a ban could result from complaints.

Villains, rogues and vigilantes can be pretty freaky folks. Murder is all in a day's work - so I'm assuming topics of murder, torture and inhuman experiments sort of have to be in the clear
I can't see why this would be a problem unless you get into really graphic or gory details. Plenty of in-game content deal with these issues.

Can people talk about sex, or will we end up black listed for it?
Again, just don't get too graphic when in public chat. I don't think you're required to avoid the topic entirely, but keep it clean if you don't know who all may be listening.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just like to point out something Bill, Parents can't keep their kids from going into options and turning the filter off.

Now personally swearing and cussing doesn't bother me in the least, but I do understand that everyone doesn't share my tolerances so I respect my fellow players enough to keep it to a minimum on the public channels when playing. When I'm on the private channels where I know everyone and they know me then it's okay to relax and let loose with the vulgarity.

The same goes with the ERP chat. I don't give a rat's *** what people say in private channels, but it doesn't belong on the open channels where minors or the overly sensitive can read it.
I may not be able to keep them from going into the options and turning it off but if they do I can keep them from logging in again for a very long time.

I've done that when I see them being rude or obnoxious. Was Barney Fife the character that has the "nip it in the bud" quotes?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
What's ok, and what isn't?

I'm a roleplayer - and a rogue/villain that doesn't even use the f-word strikes me as silly. 7 year old girls in catholic school uses the f-word. I'm hoping I'm not expected to live up to US TV standard, bleeping myself all the time.

As far as I'm concerned... I think it should be fine to use as foul language as I like. Anyone that doesn't like it should keep the profanity filter ON; that'll take care of everything.

Of course, mis-spelling foul language on purpose to circumvent the filter has to be a BIG NO NO - as it forces people to listen to it, even if they don't want to, bypasses game mechanics, and is clearly something that's spoken out of character, not in character.
I can think of plenty of "villains" who would never be caught dead using foul vulgar language. If your RP concepts of villains are limited only to people who'd swear like drunken sailors then I'd suggest you expand your point of view on that a bit.

And what's ok to actually do/discuss in RP?

Villains, rogues and vigilantes can be pretty freaky folks. Murder is all in a day's work - so I'm assuming topics of murder, torture and inhuman experiments sort of have to be in the clear... (though at the same time, I somehow doubt it is)

Can people talk about sex, or will we end up black listed for it? It's not quite as "necessary" as violence, but I don't think all the supers around here are gonna stay virgins.
I tend to follow the same basic rule of social ettique I follow in the "real" world:

If I'm speaking in a public channel/place where there even MIGHT be people listening I don't know I automatically assume some of those people are kids who don't need to be exposed to foul or adult-themed langauge. It's not even really safe to assume the "automatic language filter" will save you because you can't control who's using it. Better safe than sorry. The only time I would use "questionable" and/or RP langauge like that is if it's on a channel where I'm reasonably sure no one can "overhear" me who shouldn't and I'm talking to people who I know don't mind beforehand.

Seems like a pretty simple way to handle things to me.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Throwing my two cents in, though it's echoing other sentiments.

If you're in private - SG base, mission, whatever - I don't care. If you ******* want to ****** swear every ****** other ****** word, that's ***** up to you, ******. As long as everyone ELSE is OK with it. Don't just assume that it's OK, though - if I were in the group, for instance, I'd probably ask you to tone it down.

Publicly? Yes, people have a filter. That doesn't mean they want to see <bleep!> every other word, though. And as Forbin mentioned, kids can turn it off when a parent who would prefer it on wouldn't be looking. As the parent's probably the one paying the bill... well, do try to control yourself.

(Edit: And personally, if I see it in broadcast continually - not someone obviously venting or having a moment, but doing so long enough for me to finish a mission - I'll tend to avoid that person in the future. Fortunately, I don't think I've seen anyone that bad in years.)



See rule #3 in regards to the sex question, as well as some of your "villainous" language.

3. You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.

See 4(k) for the rules for chat channels (namely Global chat channels). While not explicitly stated, this rule may be applied to any channel: local, broadcast, request, super group, coalition, etc.

(k) In the Game(s), in-game characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called 'Global Chat.' With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated 'spamming,' or 'flooding' of the global chat channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the Account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent Account closure. We may record or monitor the chat to assist us in this process.



The problem is when excessive profanity is used in public channels.



I've always wanted a customizable profanity filter, just so I could add certain words to it.

(Broadcast) PL_Begger: Looking for <Bleep!> team to <Bleep!> me! pst.
(Broadcast) Me: Lol.
(Broadcast) PL_Beggar: wut?



Also to note, a lot of what is/isn't acceptable has to do with the people you're addressing. It's far easier to ask before you cut loose, than it is to walk something back or hide behind "the rules" after you've bugged someone.

Even playing on an RP server or in an RP group doesn't count as a free pass where people have to be prepared for anything. When dealing with people you know in a familiar situation, go with what's normally acceptable. When dealing with new people in an RP situation an OOC question or a friendly tell will let you know what they're comfortable with.

Just remember RPing like a foul mouthed pervert isn't a good way to let your inner foul mouthed pervert have free reign. Know when to stop, is what I'm saying. If someone contacts you OOC about it, adjust your mood, step out of character, and make it clear it's the act, and not you.

And lastly, if someone politely let's you know what you're doing is bothering them, that's your Stop Sign. Dial it back or take your leave. If it's someone you come across in a regularly recurring situation and they are an odd man out from the normal crowd, politely let them know how to put you on ignore.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post

See rule #3 in regards to the sex question, as well as some of your "villainous" language.

See 4(k) for the rules for chat channels (namely Global chat channels).
Here's the first paragraph of that first link you provided with one critical word highlighted:

The following rules govern basic interaction within the City of Heroes, City of Villains, and Going Rogue game and the City of Heroes website (including message boards). Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination of your City of Heroes, City of Villains, and Going Rogue game account according to the City of Heroes, City of Villains, and Going Rogue User Agreement.
That one critical word is "may". That word makes all the difference.

That one word gives the GMs of this game the flexibility to decide if any given incident is worthy enough to warrant account termination or not. Obviously this means you better do your best to follow these rules. But just as clearly as long as no one complains they're a "victim" of any activity that violates these rules there's relatively little the GMs could do or would even care about.

Bottomline if you're not stupid and don't piss off any other player with your activities it's hard to argue an "infraction" even actually happened. That's not a licence to be an idiot until you're caught, it's more like a bit of breathing room to allow for responsible respectful interaction between consenting parties.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



I've always felt that heavy profanity use, largely, displays an innate intellectual inadequacy with regard to being incapable of expressing one's thoughts and feelings like a civilized human being.

That said, why not make your bathroom-etiquette villain talk like Wolverine, Lobo, or Roman Moroni? All the cursing you can stand, and still rated G.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Basically it comes down to your audience. The presence of a profanity filter is not an excuse to spew forth foul-mouth obscenities.

There are some some characters (hero and villain) in my RP group that swear or use sexual innuendos that would likely get the written up/fired in RL, but it's how that character is, and our character get that.

Most of that is kept to local while in our base, and team chat during missions because we'll obviously be in and out of the zones.

Be aware of your surroundings and think of who might be listening in.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I can think of plenty of "villains" who would never be caught dead using foul vulgar language.
Good point. I can't imagine Dr Doom using the F-word, for one.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I've always felt that heavy profanity use, largely, displays an innate intellectual inadequacy with regard to being incapable of expressing one's thoughts and feelings like a civilized human being.

That said, why not make your bathroom-etiquette villain talk like Wolverine, Lobo, or Roman Moroni? All the cursing you can stand, and still rated G.

Personally Dump I think it's more a sign that the individuals in question lack maturity when they feel they need to express themselves constantly with profuse amounts of profanity.

(I say this because when I see the words "intellectual inadequacy" I'm thinking it refers to people with lower IQ's. If I'm wrong I apologize.)

I believe there are appropriate times when vulgarity is ok. For example if someone were to come up to you and say, "Hey how would you like to go to the local prison, get naked, and play some soap soccer with the inmates?"

Sure you could say,

a. "I'm sorry but I won't be joining you. Thanks so much for asking. I appreciate the invitation, but I've checked my schedule and it turns out, unfortunately that I'm unavailable."

Or you could say,

b. "F*** off!"

Sure the first response is more polite but it lacks the visceral impact the second response expresses.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I tend to follow the same basic rule of social ettique I follow in the "real" world:

If I'm speaking in a public channel/place where there even MIGHT be people listening I don't know I automatically assume some of those people are kids who don't need to be exposed to foul or adult-themed langauge. It's not even really safe to assume the "automatic language filter" will save you because you can't control who's using it. Better safe than sorry. The only time I would use "questionable" and/or RP langauge like that is if it's on a channel where I'm reasonably sure no one can "overhear" me who shouldn't and I'm talking to people who I know don't mind beforehand.

Seems like a pretty simple way to handle things to me.
I agree with this totally. I tell my children, when you grow up if you want to swear, and you're among friends who don't mind say what you want, but never, EVER swear in public, or around people you don't know.

I've spent some time in the military and can curse someone out in 5 languages, but I have the common courtesy not to swear in public or around my children. I can't help it but when I hear someone swearing in public, it instantly changes my opinion of them. I feel that it is a lack of self control, and disrespect towards myself and others within earshot. It's called vulgar for a reason.

Because of the filter, I don't mind so much in game, but what really burns my biscuits are the knuckleheads that intentionally get around the filters by misspelling the words, or putting s p a c e s or d.o.t.s in the words just to make sure that everyone sees it filter or not.

I've actually had to drop out of a few teams because of garbage like this.



Politeness costs nothing.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'm not in any way against vulgarity except when I am.
I like this, and I'm 100% in agreement. It's not the language itself, it is the circumstances in which you are using it. You've got to keep in mind that you are doing the equivalent of walking into a radio station, turning on a mike and yelling into it here. The Internet is a public medium. Which means you have to be more aware of the consequences of your actions and speech than if you were speaking in the privacy of your own home.

I'll also agree with Emberly, in that politeness doesn't cost you anything. If anything, I have found that tact is not held in a high enough regard. It seems as if only abrasiveness and confrontation are respected, which I disagree with.



I have never, nor will I ever, base a character on bad language and profanity, just to make that point clear. I wouldn't have thought it necessary to make a point of clarifying that, but since some may have hinted at it, I suppose I'll have to. Being Swedish, and English being pretty far from my native tongue, I should hope that my rudimentary grasp of the English language should also suffice as adequate evidence that any profanity or vulgarities from my direction isn't the result of neither stupidity nor lack of imagination; quite frankly I find the very notion offensive.

Now, while it's certainly true that the silver age villains wouldn't use much profanity, it may also be wise to consider that the vast majority of said villains appear in comics made in the US, and are aimed at a young US audience. Let's not forget that they are also about fourty years old. Not all comics follow this standard. Some heroes and villains can pull such things off. Some can't. For example, every time Robin says "Holy Noodles, Batman!" instead of "<censored>!", I feel like bringing a baseball bat over to the bat cave to have words with him. There's certainly room for these characters, but if they all spoke in this manner, or even if just one out of ten did, I'd have to cut myself.

I have the utmost respect for any hero or villain who can be truly acidic, while remaining perfectly composed and civilised. It is however not an optimal solution for all characters and all times. Everyone can't run around, exchanging politically correct insults like Batman and E Nigma. In fact, many characters would suffer failure of epic proportions if they even tried. It's a rare few thug masterminds that should ever even consider saying "Oh, I say... Lucas, would you be so kind as to teach the gentleman a lesson?" Again, there's room for these characters as well, but if they all acted like this I would need a higher dose of anti-depressants.

Personally, I only play characters who are highly intelligent. I simply find it more entertaining. Most of them are in fact quite skilled at delivering sly remarks, and using clever language to belittle people. However, they never fit into either of the above categories. I don't use catchphrases as a substitute for when a sane human being would simply curse, and I don't use a higher standard of language than you can expect form an average human being, or even an intelligent one. If pushed, involved in a heated discussion, or -heavens forbid- an actual argument, pretty much all of them can resort to some pretty foul language; this isn't due to a lack of imagination, but rather an imitation of how perfectly normal people tend to react in the same circumstances. I never liked dressing things up needlessly.

In order to provide depth to a character, they also need a flaw, a disadvantage. I suppose there's always room for more cryptonite, but to be perfectly honest, such mundane cop outs are rather dull and dated. It is for good reason that the majority of more modern heroes and villains have a truly horrendous background of some sort, that in itself is the flaw. Such a flaw typically manifests itself through behaviour; some of it can be disturbing, and include bad language. In fact, more often than not you can barely tell the heroes from the villains; Going Rogue really did arrive in the nick of time.

To reconnect with the original topic, I'm hoping the spirit in which I making the original post is a bit clearer. Perhaps it's easier now, to see why I would ask about what is considered kosher and what isn't. Normally I would try to avoid making posts with quite this much attitude, or at least feel bad about doing it, but I will make an exception just this once, as I rather feel it illustrates well my ability to belittle and patronise without resorting to profanities.
