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  1. MacOberon

    Kicked from LaM

    Unexplained crashing to login while entering lambda? Hm... sounds familiar.

    Happened to me yesterday.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Defianlty a problem my man, we lost like 4 people on a 16 man baf yesterday and the adds starting wiping us out. Luckily we re organized our selves and won. Usually when that many people drop they return shortly not the case recently.

    Oh and the league leader was kicked go figure I talked to him in pocket d afterwards. Messed up stuff I really really hope they fix this soon.
    I heard many people used to crash when entering trials, and that they could get back into the trial when restarting the client. Problem for me (if it's a PROBLEM as such) is that I don't crash. I just get booted from the league and stay online.

    Is there any way to actually rejoin a league and enter a trial in progress after getting booted?
  3. I'm doing lots of trials, which nets me a bit of threads, a bunch of merits, lots of commons, a few uncommons, and very few -but still some- rare incarnate components. As I'm all in on trials, I don't get any shards at all.

    Astral Merits
    Common. You get a few for every trial. There's costume pieces to unlock with these, but they are very useful for making more threads when you need them.

    Empyrean Merits
    Rare. I seem to get maybe one per 3-5 trials. As these seem pretty valuable, I'm hanging on to them. Just 8 merits can give you a rare incarnate component, and that's a good indication of their value.

    Common Components
    These drop a lot. They are also cheap to make from threads. The fact that you need a lot of them means you will probably need to make some of these from threads to get what you need: not a bad way to use a few astral merits.

    Uncommon Components
    These are more costly to make yourself. Usually though, you don't need many, and you will get enough of these dropping to meet your requirements anyway.

    Rare Components
    These are rare enough to make breakdown and downgrade a horrible choice. My suggestion is you leave your rares alone. Sidegrade them, fine, but never ever downgrade or breakdown. To create one rare, you need 4 uncommons + 100 threads I think, which is very costly. Don't waste the rares; you WILL need them eventually.

    Personally, I keep a list of common, uncommon, and rare components that I currently need, so I can make sure to pick the right reward at the end of a trial. It saves me the sidegrade cost.
  4. I've joined maybe 13-14 BAF / LAM trials by now on my fresh 50. So far, the game has booted me out of the league 4 times. This is not just me either: I usually call the league leader back to apologise and explain what's happened - and usually the league has lost half a dozen people in one swoop.

    Last time I called my league head to apologise, he turned out to be standing next to me in RWZ going "lol, it kicked me too".

    Seriously, this is horrible.

    Here's what happens on my client (mac) when this bug kicks in:
    - League forms and starts a trial in the normal fashion.
    - I see the loading screen for CoH.
    - I see the loading screen for BAF/LAM.
    - I return to CoH loading screen, before LAM/BAF loading finishes.
    - I get the RWZ loading screen.
    - ...and then I'm returned to my char in RWZ.
    - If I check my chat log it says I have "quit my team".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balos View Post
    Actually, I'd prefer:

    Thank you for trying to log in. We are terribly sorry to have inconvenienced you. Here are 4 Very Rare Incarnate Components for your trouble, to be used on any toon on your account. We'll give you a call personally, as soon as the Servers are back up and running. Thank you for being a dedicated and loyal customer.

    Sounds about right...


    I just find it strange that the launchers even try to connect and update like this (and failing) instead of just contacting the launcher server to see if it's available for update or connection, and give you a proper message to reflect the status of the servers. Had I designed a launcher for a game, I'd make sure the launcher reported not only that there was maintenance in progress, but provide news *right there* regarding what the servers are down for, as well as the estimated time to completion and restoration of service.

    Twitter, facebook, forums, web - four places to look for information, neither is well updated, and the proper place to display the information would be in the launcher anyway: it's the one place people are guaranteed to find it.
  6. Quote:

    No patches were found from version
    2060.201108050059.1.0 to version Please
    select "Repair" to bring City of Heroes up to date.
    I don't know about you, but personally I'd prefer something like:

    Servers down for Maintenance.
    Select "Exit" and try again later.
  7. Unless one plays a serious solo-oriented AT and power-set, and can manage to play at a very high difficulty, solo work is horrendously slow. Personally, I don't solo. At all.

    There's times when I'd like to go solo, but I know from experience that running with an 8-man team is quite literally going to mean a 1000% increase in XP/hour. Going solo feels like shooting myself in the foot, repeatedly, and the terrible XP/hour I've been able to get just takes all the fun out of it. All I think while soloing is "if I had been teaming, I'd be level X by now."

    My personal opinion is that the XP payouts for solo work and smaller teams needs to be revised to match what you can do on an 8-man team better. I really like small teams, but the low XP payouts just make it... painful.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samhain View Post
    I finally get home to play CoH, I subscribe, I sit down to log in after updating and as soon as I get into the game BAM! I get the boot.
    Wow, that's a bad start on a fresh subscription. For all our whining, you have a better reason to than us. Sorry. Hope you get to enjoy the game soon enough, rather than go all crazy.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroKitty View Post
    Logged in then ten minutes later got forcibly disconnected...are servers down again??
    Not according to the forum announcements. They re happily posting "we are up!" but well... I guess they were overly optimistic. And we had just gottenthe first 4 slots filled for our WST. I want that respec.
  10. MacOberon

    Breaking the ice

    I do know the feeling. Walking into the Pocket D or something like it, how do you insert yourself into the conversation? I usually start by testing the waters a little bit: a silent emote or two, ordering coffee, finding a seat, dodging the minotaur at the end of the bar, etc.

    Often that's enough to get a small acknowledgement from -someone- that you can build on: a look, someone making room for you, or a polite nod. Even a hello, once in a while. Sometimes of course you get nothing, and it's not because people are evil - it's just not always easy to respond to everything that goes on around you all the time.

    I tend to insert myself into any conversation that appear it might be interesting by waiting for a good opening to inject an unexpected comment, question, or better yet, joke. Amusing people tends to make them sweep you up in conversation quickly.

    Showing an interest in general can be effective. Read people's info. Comment on some personal item they carry, make an incorrect but flattering snap judgement based on their manners or something. It tends to spark an interest very quickly.

    It's of course easier with an attractive and interesting character, than with a loner, a robot or a grumpy guy. Of course there are some days, when you just can't get anyone to notice you at all. Again, that's just how it is, and one can only take a deep breath, swallow the frustration, and try again in two hours, or on another char.
  11. Agreed, though it's not exactly a new phenomenon, and is quite wide spread on most games. Personally, I don't much give a crap - if we are talking about a raiding group or something of the sorts, where being all epic is the primary concern, and spec and equipment is the criteria for joining.

    Sending people to the website in the case of an RP group though... that's just plain horrible. To me, it's a dead giveaway that the people in the guild don't give a crap about RP, or that they keep it tight and confined within the group and never let anyone else in. In either case, it's a total turnoff.

    A guild that doesn't want to talk to potential applicants is a guild I have no interest in joining. Hell, in every case I can, I skip the damn website applications completely and do everything face to face, in person. It's a roleplaying group - so let me role play my way in. That's sort of the point.
  12. Well, the Pocket D is accessible, especially for low level players. It's usually the very first recommended spot for finding some RP. For newer people that don't have a VG / SG, a big friend network, knows all the correct channels, and (due to level 15 reasons) can't really survive grandville unless they sit in a canoe off the coast... what other options are thereto go out and "find RP"?

    For those that don't have the network all in place yet, finding RPers, either just RPing or mission-RPing is fricking HARD.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
    We're fine with Virtue and Union, just saying. We do NOT need three ...
    Here's a question: is there any demand for Union at all lately? Even during prime European time, Virtue appears to have as high or higher load as Union. I popped my head in on Union a few times, and I can't see much going on. Also since the merger between US and EU, there's lo longer ANY distinction whatsoever between EU / US servers ( save for the FR and GER servers of course ).

    I'm European and I'm in fact playing Virtue now. To me it would make sense to just label one server "RP" and be done with it. The Europeans log off just in time for the Americans to log on. Of course, this would increase load - possibly beyond whats bearable, but maybe that will give people who don't actually rp incentive to move to a non-RP server.

    Would of course require a lot of good-will on behalf of NC, and many free character transfers will be quite necessary. Wouldn't hurt to give it an official RP label in the list to.

    Just thinking.
  14. Short Version

    I'm looking for role playing VGs / SGs for two of my characters, and the main concern is that the group needs to be reasonably active around 18-24 CET ( which would mean around 12-18 eastern US time.)

    Both characters I categorise as "Neutrally aligned", meaning they could potentially fit into any VG or SG that doesn't demand a great deal of loyalty, and doesn't have grand aspirations for neither heroism nor villainous nature.

    Character 1:
    Name: Deliverence Payne
    Occupation: Witch ( Corruptor, Fire-Ice )
    Currently residing in: Cap au Diable
    Alignment: Neutral (technically Rogue)
    Liv is a competent witch, whose main interest in life is to develop her skills: not only her active powers, but also her knowledge of classic witchcraft such as potions, wards and charms. She has little interest in power of any kind, other than being able to defend herself and her own. Villainous scheming, political influence, Being feared, or building a reputation as a hero - none of it is of much interest to her. The only reputation she wants, she already has to some degree: a good reputation as a dependable witch, when one is required. In line with her neutral attitude she's managed to secure a US travel pass, and frequently visits Paragon City for any number of reasons - though as a citizen of the rogue isles she is of course being monitored by longbow, something she tries to not take as an offense despite being none too fond of the organisation.

    Character 1:
    Name: C-162, aka Charlie
    Occupation: Robotic mercenary, sort of ( Scrapper, MA-SR )
    Currently residing in: Paragon City (built in Pretoria)
    Alignment: Neutral (technically Hero)
    Charlie is a prototype clockwork, a testing platform for a number of new and interesting parts, or things that were new a few years ago. Much of the hardware tested on Charlie has gone into the Victoria class assassin droids. Charlie however, isn't an assassin droid per se. It's very agile, sports an advanced synthetic brain and ai, and in order to test this hardware the programming includes classic ballet, interpretative dance, and a martial arts combat program. Charlie was however also a testing platform for various software experients, resulting in advanced subroutines for household work, advanced linguistics, an autodidactive program to enable it to learn, basic emotional response, self preservation, and a number of other things. Through a long chain of events, this robot has managed to achieve a sense of self and independence, and ended up finding it's way out of Pretoria to seek refuge in Paragon City. While often sounding quite sarcastic and blood thirsty, it's mostly a result of it's experimental programming and it will rarely hurt anyone without being specifically ordered to. Its goals are somewhat unclear; self preservation programming and emotional response makes it go on and seek new things, but it doesn't appear interested in fame or fortune beyond what it needs to improve itself: a small engineering lab.

    Why Virtue?

    Why not? Virtue appears to be at *least* as crowded as union (the old traditional EU rp server) even at european prime time. It's all one server-group now anyway, so I'm guessing the distinction between EU and US servers is at an end at any rate, with the exception for the french and german servers of course.


    Thankful for any tips regarding groups active in the hours before US prime time. I can also be reached at @macoberon.
  15. MacOberon

    Strange Ratings?

    I recently looked up the ratings for CoX, out of personal interest, and it all seems a bit odd to me. As far as I can tell, it's rated T (13+) in the US. In Germany, it's been further downgraded to 12+. In the rest of Europe, it's PEGI 16, which is a pretty huge difference! (The PEGI 16 rating corresponds to "crime, violence, sex, drugs, and language of a level you can expect in real life".)

    Just to further complicate things, all the splash screens for the EU versions of CoH, CoV and GR, all display the PEGI 16 icon, but the actual PEGI website lists CoH specifically as PEGI 12, and all the later issues at PEGI 16.

    I'm curious about the somewhat inconsistent ratings.
  16. Anti-everythings.

    My chars tend to fall into the niche of not fitting anywhere. They are just trying to get through life, which is awkward enough for most people, even without super powers. Usually this makes them rogues, though with no interest in money.

    Usually this is also coupled with some kind of mentally scarring history...
  17. MacOberon

    Updater down?

    Never mind. Of course, once I got tired of waiting and made a post, the darned thing woke back up.
  18. MacOberon

    Updater down?

    Seems the update server has gone and hanged itself or something. I try to launch and it just fires off attempt after attempt without ever managing to connect.

    I tried to bypass the updater, using CuppaManga's instructions, and CoH does launch, and I can log in. Only problem: Once logged in, I get only one server in the list and it's "UNNAMED".

    Anyone know what's going on, or if there's anything I can do?

  19. Not sure if this is known or not, but I'm on a mac mini and my client pretty much never crashes. There's a memory leak or something though - so if I leave the client open for hours on end, it slows down and eventually crashes. (Entering edit mode in a base will do the same thing in 5 minutes, btw... overload, crash.)

    2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 gb ram
    Snowleopard 10.6.4

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
    Talk about a point ZOOMing right over your head. Perhaps now you get some idea of how *I* feel when someone with no concept of stemming the sewer spewing from their mouth thinks it's cool to swear because "hey, I'm eeeeevil!!"

    Your opinion is that you should be able to violate the ToS. Great. Do it when I'm not around. It still won't save you from the banhammer because there are plenty of people out there who don't appreciate it, for any reason, least of all because you think you're role-playing.

    By the way, I know how to petition, I've been playing MMO's a long time. Just because you have no governor on your actions doesn't mean I don't. If you HAD said "**** **** **** *****", my complaint would be delivered via GM. Hope that clears up that.
    No, Neko, that doesn't clear up that.

    Clearly my posts should have indicated that you have in fact succeeded in hurting my feelings with your first post. Congratulations. Do you want a brownie for doing it again?

    I avoid cursing in character to the greatest extent. The very reason I asked here on the forums, is because I didn't want to run off and break rules and hurt people needlessly, even if my opinion is different and I'd like to be able to curse on some of my characters. Instead of giving me a benefit of a doubt, you immediately assume I'm cursing non-stop, don't know anything about role playing, and I'm only asking so I won't be banned. Your unfounded assumptions about me are insulting and offensive, and you either don't understand that, or simply don't care. What's wrong with you? How did you end up that cynical and mean?

    I can see you have been playing MMOs for a long time, because every post you make is just borderlining on what will end up petitioned. You know just how far to push, without being sanctioned. Serves me right I guess, for trying to talk about something; guess I was just asking to be insulted. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of the assumptions, I'm sick of this thread. Mostly I'm sick of you, Neko; you are a mean, narrow minded little person.

    I will not continue to follow this thread.
  21. Quote:
    What exactly is it about the F-bomb, or the "S word",...etc. etc. that people find so offensive
    I have often wondered myself what is so bad about certain words, mostly because I myself don't feel that most of the words are in any way bad. Honestly, I don't have a clue. I guess it's just some kind of society standard, and it varies extremely with location. The only Americans I have actually met in the flesh were UCSB exchange students at my college. We had droves of them, as we had some kind of private exchange deal between our colleges. None of them seemed to have any issues at all with profanity. These were all intelligent young adults, in the process of getting their higher educations, and most of them would curse on a regular basis. Maybe this is normal for California, but not for everywhere else?

    If someone uses foul language around me I really don't care. If someone uses profanities directly aimed at me... then I just perma-ignore the account. I rarely bother with a petition. It's probably just another 12yo kid anyway; let his parents deal with it.

    On the other hand, if someone reasonably intelligent and controlled with a decent grasp of the language carefully and deliberately takes aim and fires insults, racism, sexism, or otherwise goes out of their way to hurt me... THAT I will petition, regardless of whether the language itself contained anything prohibited by the TOS or not.

    I guess one is a consequence of the other. Words don't bother me much. Intentions do. Lots of people will resort to calling you a **** in a heated moment, and even feel bad about it afterward. It very rarely means anything. Anyone that's controlled enough to avoid all those dangerous words, think it over, and reformulate his response into a politically acceptable insult... now that shows patience and deliberate intent to hurt. That's far worse in my book.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
    That sounds like a passive/aggressive way of threatening people against reporting whatthey think are voliations of ToS. All those ifs, maybes, and perhaps about even if you didnt use swear words yourself the mods will still ban you etc.
    It also shows a lot of ignorance on how the GMs work in this game in my experience.
    Well it wasn't intended in any way to threaten anyone. I was merely spewing out some frustrations over some earlier posts such as that by Neko Neko. A lot of people who like to think they are "on the good side" can become highly offensive and aggressive. If that's the reply I get for daring to have an opinion, I'd hate to think what a complaint from Neko would look like if I had actually said **** **** **** *****. Just figured I'd make a point: if something upsets you, resorting to revenge and vigilanteism is probably not a good idea if you plan on making the mods pay attention to what's been happening. If you behave worse than the person who originally said **** - you are not immune from sanction.

    Hope that clears up that.
  23. I just bought the game a month or two ago, so I too know all too well how the game is designed. With no sugar daddy, the game is truly brutal to anyone playing "as intended". My first SO set was like 900,000 inf. Let's just say that a first time character doesn't have that kind of cash around level 22...

    I was about to make an acidic post on this matter, when I realised that you could buy enhancements for AE tickets - and then I sort of figured "bah screw it." I was a bit upset though, that I'd be "forced" to ae-grind in order to play the game outside of ae...

    I was about to make an acidic post about that too, when I suddenly realised I could buy rare salvage for tickets too, toss it on the market and earn 20+ million from the tickets I get from levelling 1-20 in ae. Still annoying, but well, at least it means less time in ae right...?

    Of course, as soon as I started placing goods on the market, it was just a matter of time before I figured it would be much easier to just buy the goods on the market instead of bothering to grind ae. Perhaps it resulted in a cut in my daily profits, but it's a steady income, and I can play the game as much as I want - and I don't need ae at all.

    As much as I'd like an ebil marketeer badge, I don't see one any time soon in my future. While I'm probably up to around 100 million in total earnings, I sort of spent a lot of it, pimping my level 30-40 chars. Every mediocre witch needs IO sets, right? Yesss..!

    One day though. One day. I'm sure I'll get there. I'm mostly dealing in small time goods, for small time profit, but once I find some lucrative niches I'm sure the money will roll in. There's more way to earn money than flipping rocket boot recepies with a 1000% markup.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    I had no idea we could report people for foul language.
    You can definitely report that, and any other violation of the TOS, such as generally being abusive, harrassing, stalking and being rude. It's perfect fine to submit a report even if there's no words in it that are on some list as being "offensive". The TOS as far as I can see covers "intent to verbally harm", not just "using bad words".


    To those that chose to send such reports, I'd advice a bit of caution. It wouldn't be unheard of so see the one who submitted the report ending up banned, for the reaction he had to the event in the first place, and possibly composing a very aggressive and foul-mouthed report to the mods. It's wise to keep in mind that submitting a report will inevitably end up with both sides being examined.

    While I'm new on this particular game, I've seen other games where the mods end up banning both people, or even just the one submitting the report in the first place, and letting the "offender" go back to his game with an apology.

    Generally... if someone says something that offends you - start by making sure it's actually intended to offend you. If it wasn't, you are probably over reacting, unless he's literally spouting profanities in Broadcast (and in that case he's probably 12yo and in desperate need of parenting). However if it is aimed at you: DON'T reply in the same way, or even close to it. You won't have to go far back in the thread here to see a language purist call players "lame idiots", not for cursing at them, or even for cursing in general, but for having an -opinion- about cursing. I don't even want to know what would happen if I actually called one of them a ******* ****.

    If you couldn't resist, and answered by dishing it out as good as you got... avoid the report. Even if you didn't use profanity to do so, think carefully. It's not ok to ridicule, insult or belittle, even if you use clean language. Is this a report you are comfortable sending? The mods will see the logs and hey - mods believe in fighting fire with mods, not fighting fire with fire and then calling the mods to get rid of ONE arsonist. Y'know?
