Foul Language / Topics?




Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
While I'm new on this particular game, I've seen other games where the mods end up banning both people, or even just the one submitting the report in the first place, and letting the "offender" go back to his game with an apology.
This really only happens if the one submitting the report was being vulgar and/or harassing as well.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Uh, smeg(head) did not originate in that series, and that's definitely not where i first heard the term, but it's actually an abbreviated form of smegma. So it actually should be seen as "dirtier" than many filtered terms.

Smeghead being based on smegma is more urban legend than fact, or at least the red dwarf writers claim they didnt intend that meaning and got it from a kitchen appliance.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
You can definitely report that, and any other violation of the TOS, such as generally being abusive, harrassing, stalking and being rude. It's perfect fine to submit a report even if there's no words in it that are on some list as being "offensive". The TOS as far as I can see covers "intent to verbally harm", not just "using bad words".


To those that chose to send such reports, I'd advice a bit of caution. It wouldn't be unheard of so see the one who submitted the report ending up banned, for the reaction he had to the event in the first place, and possibly composing a very aggressive and foul-mouthed report to the mods. It's wise to keep in mind that submitting a report will inevitably end up with both sides being examined.

While I'm new on this particular game, I've seen other games where the mods end up banning both people, or even just the one submitting the report in the first place, and letting the "offender" go back to his game with an apology.

Generally... if someone says something that offends you - start by making sure it's actually intended to offend you. If it wasn't, you are probably over reacting, unless he's literally spouting profanities in Broadcast (and in that case he's probably 12yo and in desperate need of parenting). However if it is aimed at you: DON'T reply in the same way, or even close to it. You won't have to go far back in the thread here to see a language purist call players "lame idiots", not for cursing at them, or even for cursing in general, but for having an -opinion- about cursing. I don't even want to know what would happen if I actually called one of them a ******* ****.

If you couldn't resist, and answered by dishing it out as good as you got... avoid the report. Even if you didn't use profanity to do so, think carefully. It's not ok to ridicule, insult or belittle, even if you use clean language. Is this a report you are comfortable sending? The mods will see the logs and hey - mods believe in fighting fire with mods, not fighting fire with fire and then calling the mods to get rid of ONE arsonist. Y'know?

That sounds like a passive/aggressive way of threatening people against reporting whatthey think are voliations of ToS. All those ifs, maybes, and perhaps about even if you didnt use swear words yourself the mods will still ban you etc.
It also shows a lot of ignorance on how the GMs work in this game in my experience.

I do doubt anyone would get banned for a few misplaced swearwords. Or for submiting whatthey think is a terms of service breach.

Repeated offenses/reports about your language, or directed personal/racial/sexist attacks would be different - RP or not. Like you've not allowed many names that are downright offensive (and no i dont mean the farter ) even if your concept of a villian is that they would use racial/sexist name x.

And as said, its really only going to be a problem in broadcast or global channels, so may want to double check which channel your are sending to if you are swearing up a sentence.



Ok..I read most of this thread..and I tried to resist commenting, but just can't. I'm not saying anyone on this thread is wrong..or right. Everyone has made rather decent points in some way or fashion. My question is this. What exactly is it about the F-bomb, or the "S word",...etc. etc. that people find so offensive? Again.. I'm not trying to start a arguement, nor am I talking down to those who happen to find cussing offensive. I'm simply throwing out a thought.. or question.

WHY do people find cussing offensive? Is it because of religious beliefs? If where in any text does any form of lord/god..whatever you wanna call it/him/her..state that the "F-bomb" is a swear/curse word. That was something detemined by society..meaning humans. If its because of the way a person is raised..again..its based on someone's opinions and views being imposed on someone else as they grow up. Once more...I'm not downing anyone beliefs or views, I'm simply asking a question.

What terms does a word have to meet in order to be classified as a curse/swear word? Cause I might wanna make up some new ones. No I have no point in all this. Again, just tossing out a thought. As far as the "children play the game" movement. I get that, but hey.. guess oldest son wants to play CoH...but.. I won't let them. Why? Because I know there are alot of people just like me in the cursing sense that play the game. I curse in front of my kids..not alot.. but it happens.. now heres the important part..I don't let them do it. If I hear my kids cursing..they get in trouble. "How can you punish them for something you do yourself?" Easy.. I'm 31 and daddy, he's 8 and my son. house, my rules. My point here is.. letting your child play CoH is the same as letting them watch a movie alone.. a movie that you know NOTHING about. You have no clue what they might see and/or hear, so maybe you should think twice before letting junior hang out in Pocket D.



Seeing something like "Mother $@%!#&" in any chat, any normal person's mind know exactly what word goes in there. People are either being way too over-sensitive, holier than thou or just plain ignorant if they say otherwise. Sure, it's up to both the players and NC to keep it clean (when possible), but instantly petitioning someone for it is just knee-jerk and overly sensitive. Just because you may not speak that way, doesn't mean other people don't - and that works both ways, but you have to be aware of both sides of the argument.

The rating on the game is based on the content created by the developers, which is then submitted to the ESRB for rating. If the developers put in sex, blood and swears, the game would be rated M. So, using the argument that "This is a T rated game, so no swearing" is not valid. However, NC's discretion is a valid one, since it's their game and they get final say.

From the ESRB site:

Do ESRB ratings address player chat, or player-generated content or downloadable music in online-enabled games?
ESRB ratings only address content created by the publisher, and cannot consider content that is created or introduced by individual players or other third parties when playing the game online. ESRB-rated games that can be played online with other players and which enable exposure to user-generated content are required to display an Online Rating Notice on the game's packaging (if it exists), as well as in the opening screen. The Online Rating Notice states: "Online Interactions Not Rated By The ESRB." This notice is intended to warn about possible exposure to chat (text, audio, video) or other types of user-generated content (e.g., maps, skins) that have not been considered in the ESRB rating assignment.

tl;dr version - stop being overly sensitive and see things from other points of view, stop using the game's rating as an argument crutch and enjoy the #*@! game.



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Ok..I read most of this thread..and I tried to resist commenting, but just can't. I'm not saying anyone on this thread is wrong..or right. Everyone has made rather decent points in some way or fashion. My question is this. What exactly is it about the F-bomb, or the "S word",...etc. etc. that people find so offensive? Again.. I'm not trying to start a arguement, nor am I talking down to those who happen to find cussing offensive. I'm simply throwing out a thought.. or question.

WHY do people find cussing offensive? Is it because of religious beliefs? If where in any text does any form of lord/god..whatever you wanna call it/him/her..state that the "F-bomb" is a swear/curse word. That was something detemined by society..meaning humans. If its because of the way a person is raised..again..its based on someone's opinions and views being imposed on someone else as they grow up. Once more...I'm not downing anyone beliefs or views, I'm simply asking a question.

What terms does a word have to meet in order to be classified as a curse/swear word? Cause I might wanna make up some new ones. No I have no point in all this. Again, just tossing out a thought. As far as the "children play the game" movement. I get that, but hey.. guess oldest son wants to play CoH...but.. I won't let them. Why? Because I know there are alot of people just like me in the cursing sense that play the game. I curse in front of my kids..not alot.. but it happens.. now heres the important part..I don't let them do it. If I hear my kids cursing..they get in trouble. "How can you punish them for something you do yourself?" Easy.. I'm 31 and daddy, he's 8 and my son. house, my rules. My point here is.. letting your child play CoH is the same as letting them watch a movie alone.. a movie that you know NOTHING about. You have no clue what they might see and/or hear, so maybe you should think twice before letting junior hang out in Pocket D.
Why is an interesting question, but in the long run it doesn't matter. What matters is that some people are offended, and will always be offended, by swearing.

You can do whatever you want with this information. You can swear anyway and not care that they are offended, or you can modify your behavior because you don't want to offend, but you are going to have to make this decision without ever knowing the why, I think.



Oh, there is an answer to the why...
But the very nature of that answer precludes any benefit from naming it.

Humans are insane.

Also, it's interesting to me that OmniSurge (Hello, OmniSurge!) asks these questions and points out his thoughts that it is rather odd, but also follows through on teaching his children that swearing is wrong for them to do.
Don't get me wrong, it is best to let children know that other people take issue with certain things and it is in their best interest to avoid doing those things in most situations, for the time being... But I just found it an interesting aspect of it all.

I suppose tradition is basically when they why is left out of the practices people follow.

Unlike when the Y is left out of pygmy.

Alas, insanity is just a natural part of the human condition.

"Sanity is a lie. Insanity is their strawman."
- Malfaz

EDIT: Oh, and good post, Mr. Heatstroke!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Ok..I read most of this thread..and I tried to resist commenting, but just can't. I'm not saying anyone on this thread is wrong..or right. Everyone has made rather decent points in some way or fashion. My question is this. What exactly is it about the F-bomb, or the "S word",...etc. etc. that people find so offensive?
Our culture has dictated it to be so, thus, it is. You don't have to like it, but it's not going to change just because you don't like it. And people use the words to offend. So, in short, it's cultural standards and intent of use.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Elec. Knight.. I pretty much go by the old saying "Do as I say, not as I do." :P



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
That sounds like a passive/aggressive way of threatening people against reporting whatthey think are voliations of ToS. All those ifs, maybes, and perhaps about even if you didnt use swear words yourself the mods will still ban you etc.
It also shows a lot of ignorance on how the GMs work in this game in my experience.
Well it wasn't intended in any way to threaten anyone. I was merely spewing out some frustrations over some earlier posts such as that by Neko Neko. A lot of people who like to think they are "on the good side" can become highly offensive and aggressive. If that's the reply I get for daring to have an opinion, I'd hate to think what a complaint from Neko would look like if I had actually said **** **** **** *****. Just figured I'd make a point: if something upsets you, resorting to revenge and vigilanteism is probably not a good idea if you plan on making the mods pay attention to what's been happening. If you behave worse than the person who originally said **** - you are not immune from sanction.

Hope that clears up that.



What exactly is it about the F-bomb, or the "S word",...etc. etc. that people find so offensive
I have often wondered myself what is so bad about certain words, mostly because I myself don't feel that most of the words are in any way bad. Honestly, I don't have a clue. I guess it's just some kind of society standard, and it varies extremely with location. The only Americans I have actually met in the flesh were UCSB exchange students at my college. We had droves of them, as we had some kind of private exchange deal between our colleges. None of them seemed to have any issues at all with profanity. These were all intelligent young adults, in the process of getting their higher educations, and most of them would curse on a regular basis. Maybe this is normal for California, but not for everywhere else?

If someone uses foul language around me I really don't care. If someone uses profanities directly aimed at me... then I just perma-ignore the account. I rarely bother with a petition. It's probably just another 12yo kid anyway; let his parents deal with it.

On the other hand, if someone reasonably intelligent and controlled with a decent grasp of the language carefully and deliberately takes aim and fires insults, racism, sexism, or otherwise goes out of their way to hurt me... THAT I will petition, regardless of whether the language itself contained anything prohibited by the TOS or not.

I guess one is a consequence of the other. Words don't bother me much. Intentions do. Lots of people will resort to calling you a **** in a heated moment, and even feel bad about it afterward. It very rarely means anything. Anyone that's controlled enough to avoid all those dangerous words, think it over, and reformulate his response into a politically acceptable insult... now that shows patience and deliberate intent to hurt. That's far worse in my book.




As far as in game goes, I personally feel alot of the complaining that people do reguarding something a person said is either them just being overly sensitive or chances are, the person they're complaining about just happens to be someone they don't like. Which actually tends to be the case /most/ of the time. Whether people will openly admit it or not, I've seen it happen quite alot in game. Person A will use profanity, so will person B. Person C hears them both and reports or complains about person A only, because person B is a friend.

I think the CoH community would be much better off if people stopped being so damn sensitive about every little thing like cursing. One.. kids do play this game..but not mine, its not my responsibilty to raise/help raise your kids, nor will I even partake in setting a good example. If you personally feel your children should not be exposed to such things.. stop letting them play MMOs. someone clearly stated in a earlier post..if you don't like "hearing" profanity..use the filter or..stop playing. Because I guarantee you, you could send in 30 petitions a day for cursing...its not gonna stop it. Besides...ALOT of people have more than one account, so if you think someone getting banned for cursing is keeping them from anything..your wrong. Anyway..buh bye.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
Well it wasn't intended in any way to threaten anyone. I was merely spewing out some frustrations over some earlier posts such as that by Neko Neko. A lot of people who like to think they are "on the good side" can become highly offensive and aggressive. If that's the reply I get for daring to have an opinion, I'd hate to think what a complaint from Neko would look like if I had actually said **** **** **** *****. Just figured I'd make a point: if something upsets you, resorting to revenge and vigilanteism is probably not a good idea if you plan on making the mods pay attention to what's been happening. If you behave worse than the person who originally said **** - you are not immune from sanction.

Hope that clears up that.
Talk about a point ZOOMing right over your head. Perhaps now you get some idea of how *I* feel when someone with no concept of stemming the sewer spewing from their mouth thinks it's cool to swear because "hey, I'm eeeeevil!!"

Your opinion is that you should be able to violate the ToS. Great. Do it when I'm not around. It still won't save you from the banhammer because there are plenty of people out there who don't appreciate it, for any reason, least of all because you think you're role-playing.

By the way, I know how to petition, I've been playing MMO's a long time. Just because you have no governor on your actions doesn't mean I don't. If you HAD said "**** **** **** *****", my complaint would be delivered via GM. Hope that clears up that.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Talk about a point ZOOMing right over your head. Perhaps now you get some idea of how *I* feel when someone with no concept of stemming the sewer spewing from their mouth thinks it's cool to swear because "hey, I'm eeeeevil!!"

Your opinion is that you should be able to violate the ToS. Great. Do it when I'm not around. It still won't save you from the banhammer because there are plenty of people out there who don't appreciate it, for any reason, least of all because you think you're role-playing.

By the way, I know how to petition, I've been playing MMO's a long time. Just because you have no governor on your actions doesn't mean I don't. If you HAD said "**** **** **** *****", my complaint would be delivered via GM. Hope that clears up that.
The OP is also assuming that the people that file petitions are stupid enough to return fire with their own volley of obscenities when just the opposite is true. What usually happens is they notify the GM's of the filth being spewed at them by the potty mouth and then politely bait them into digging their own graves while asking the GM, "are you seeing what this guy is saying to me?"

Want an example of this? Go check out the Rude Tells thread in this same section. (For some reason my ability to insert link isn't working) There's a post made by GreatRock, Post #4822, where she petitioned a jerk making derogatory comments and obscenities about women and she actually got to watch him get banned by the GM's.



Been reading, figured I'd throw my two cents in...

Profanity? No problem with it. Some conversations I've had with friends would cause some people's ears to bleed. Insults? Meh. Doing it in public, around people you don't know, whether it be online or in real life? It should be common sense to reign yourself in. If you go into say, a grocery store, and start spouting profanities, whether it be in front of younger people or not, what does the manager do? Either call the cops or kick you out. Chances are, the manager would be notified by another shopper there. Same deal, pretty much...except, ya know, the grocery store doesn't make you agree to a TOS every time you go through the sliding glass doors. It's not about what rights you (general you) think you have, it's what the Devs are allowing/not allowing in their controlled environment. And if someone gets offended and petitions someone, that just makes the Devs' jobs easier to execute.

"If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door." --Paul Beatty

Altaholic since '05, 0 months sober



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
It's probably just another 12yo kid anyway; let his parents deal with it.
The problem with "let the parents deal with it" is that has the potential to lead to them "dealing with it" by sicking some parental "watchdog" group on the game...

Virtue Server
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Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Talk about a point ZOOMing right over your head. Perhaps now you get some idea of how *I* feel when someone with no concept of stemming the sewer spewing from their mouth thinks it's cool to swear because "hey, I'm eeeeevil!!"

Your opinion is that you should be able to violate the ToS. Great. Do it when I'm not around. It still won't save you from the banhammer because there are plenty of people out there who don't appreciate it, for any reason, least of all because you think you're role-playing.

By the way, I know how to petition, I've been playing MMO's a long time. Just because you have no governor on your actions doesn't mean I don't. If you HAD said "**** **** **** *****", my complaint would be delivered via GM. Hope that clears up that.
No, Neko, that doesn't clear up that.

Clearly my posts should have indicated that you have in fact succeeded in hurting my feelings with your first post. Congratulations. Do you want a brownie for doing it again?

I avoid cursing in character to the greatest extent. The very reason I asked here on the forums, is because I didn't want to run off and break rules and hurt people needlessly, even if my opinion is different and I'd like to be able to curse on some of my characters. Instead of giving me a benefit of a doubt, you immediately assume I'm cursing non-stop, don't know anything about role playing, and I'm only asking so I won't be banned. Your unfounded assumptions about me are insulting and offensive, and you either don't understand that, or simply don't care. What's wrong with you? How did you end up that cynical and mean?

I can see you have been playing MMOs for a long time, because every post you make is just borderlining on what will end up petitioned. You know just how far to push, without being sanctioned. Serves me right I guess, for trying to talk about something; guess I was just asking to be insulted. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of the assumptions, I'm sick of this thread. Mostly I'm sick of you, Neko; you are a mean, narrow minded little person.

I will not continue to follow this thread.



Originally Posted by MacOberon View Post
No, Neko, that doesn't clear up that.

Clearly my posts should have indicated that you have in fact succeeded in hurting my feelings with your first post. Congratulations. Do you want a brownie for doing it again?

I avoid cursing in character to the greatest extent. The very reason I asked here on the forums, is because I didn't want to run off and break rules and hurt people needlessly, even if my opinion is different and I'd like to be able to curse on some of my characters. Instead of giving me a benefit of a doubt, you immediately assume I'm cursing non-stop, don't know anything about role playing, and I'm only asking so I won't be banned.
Quit reading what you THINK you see between the lines, then.

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