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  1. I'd like to see more attuned sets like the one from the Summer Blockbuster Event.
  2. /em rasiehand.

    I like invasions. It makes it feel like there is actual a country-sized army of a threat when I normally only see Nemesis/Rikti chatting in zones or running about in missions.
  3. This would work perfectly for all sorts of characters, especially if there were multiple animation sets:
    Best for:
    Natural/Science: Various Equations and Theorems float in midair.

    Mutant/Natural: Various parts of the target's body glow Psych-style.

    Magic: Instant Runes

    Technology: a HUD appears over the user, Some effects on the target.

    I'd totally reroll one of my mains with this.
  4. You know, I don't know if anyone can even come up with anything more. We seem to have covered all the bases.
  5. Avez-vous des problèmes avec l'anglais?

    Je blague. Je vais y aller.

    I'll bring my best costume!
  6. I'd simply like to be able to flag arcs as "Incarnate Level". Perhaps these might give out special ticket rewards, or simply be more challenge for more tickets. /twocents.

    But I'd have to agree with IBTT's reward scheme. much less possible reward than DA, but enough to make it worth some time.
  7. Not to be rude, but did you try using a macro/keybind?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    I'd like to see not one more Praetoria story in the game, so no.
    I want to see many more Praetoria stories in the game, so yes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The condition fo the Rogue Isles suggests that being clean isn't big on their list of priorities.
    Let me clarify, the villains themselves are clean, but they never bother to pick up their house.
  10. Kirsten


    Speak up on the help or global channels, and somebody will probably invite you.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They're still dirty villains
    Actually, they are quite hygienic: They have to keep up an image, you know...
  12. The smile remains as he begins to speak, "So. How's Penny's trainig going?"

    "Well..." Numina's smile lessens a bit, "...the training room is upside down, BOTLER is speaking Klingon, and we're not sure how, but we're pretty certain Manticore has turned into a Cornish game hen."
  13. Basically, The first poster (me) starts off with a setting or a few opening lines, and later posters add on to it, eventually creating a full movie script. This is probably going to degenerate quickly, but the ride down should be fun!

    (Each person is limited to one post of a person eating popcorn. All other posts should at least somewhat contribute to whatever is passing as the narrative. Have fun!)

    Positron is working on his armor suit in the FP Base's machine shop, when Numina floats in. The stress of recent events weighs heavy on her translucent brow...
  14. Kirsten

    Legacy Outbreak

    I could actually see it being instituted as a new mid-level zone...
  15. Blasters FTW. I like to stay out of the way and eradicate enmies before I even get within sight. Brutes can be fun, but just aren't my style.
  16. I've seen it advertised on Kongregate...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Summer Blockbuster event could always be expanded in the future to include a "movie" version of Brass Monday.
    So Much Yes. We could have movies of all the important events!

    +Omega Strike!
    Watch as the Omega Team braves the deadly Rikti Homeworld to end the war! In 3D!

    +Brass Monday!
    See Statesman and the Phalanx defeat Nemesis and save the USA! In 3D!

    +Inner Will, Outer Struggle:
    Get an inside look at the long and tangled relationship between Marcus Cole and Stephan Richter! IN 3D!

    +The Knife of Jocas:
    See the Midnight Squad defeat Rularuu, trapping him in the Shadow Shard! IN 659264D!
  18. Ah! I missed it! Any screenies?
  19. Kirsten

    How badly...

    Originally Posted by LeoninProtector View Post
    I completely understand this too. All of my characters have back-stories and adventures outside of the preset lore and story arcs of the game; however, when my characters are involved in certain storylines (i.e. the Incarnate storyline), I don't get irritated because certain things weren't done the way I want them done. For example, it makes perfect sense to me that my Lore pets have the Reflections aura surrounding them because they are reflections--manifestations of people/things I have interacted with before.

    It's the same thing with certain other arcs throughout the game. The "Origin of Power" arc doesn't offend me like it does some other, more vocal, players. It isn't absolute truth, it is the contacts' observations of their own origins--which is naturally biased and subject to human predispositions. Perhaps I am just justifying it for myself, but a lot of the arguments brought up when discussing lore and how it "steps on toes", just seem childish and entitled. YMMV.
  20. Kirsten

    How badly...

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Kheldian forms aren't mandatory.
    Indeed. There are actually many successful Unishape built characters.
  21. Kirsten

    PvP Ideas:

    is it just me, or does it sound like the OP is suggesting we turn PvP into DCUO?
  22. Kirsten

    Epic Power Sets

    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    But that's exactly what I like about it, you have to do something to EARN access to Patron Power Pools.

    That's pretty damned cool! Not everyone can have it, unless they are willing to EARN it.

    Of course I feel there should be Heroic equivalents too.
    Yes. Yes there should be.
  23. Kirsten

    How badly...

    I dunno about you guys, but I'd love new ATs. As many as possible...
