Epic Power Sets




Well, I think EAT are looking a bit distant at the moment. So why not give us power sets that link into the lore. There are lots of people and NPCs with specific powers or skills, and it would be quite cool to see powersets based on them.

As a couple of ideas:

Inner Will:
A Statesman themed powerset, acts a bit like a fusion of Super Strength and Staff, but focusing on raising res not def. For brutes and tankers.

Punch: A minor damage attack.
Hammer Blow: A moderate damaging attack.
Olympian Smash: A high damaging attack that grants a small amount of res.
Taunt: A taunt
Titan's Fist: An PBAoE that raises res and does some damage to all enemies nearby.
Justice Strike: A smashing and energy attack for high damage that also holds
Zeus's Rage: Grants damage, to hit and res, but when it comes down it debuffs res and damage for 10 seconds
Lightning Bolt: An energy damage attack with a chance for hold
Hammer of Justice: A high damage PBAoE and knockback.

Super Devouring Earth: As Grandville's best loved mad scientist has shown, Devouring Earth can be tamed and controlled. Even improved! Now every two bit hero and villian can have one.

A kind of unique pet set.

Seeds of Hamidon: Ranged, minor damage toxic and smashing.
Super Devouring Earth: Grants 1 super devouring earth pet.
Thorn's of Hamidon: Melee, moderate lethal and toxic damage.
Crystal Titan: A form for the SDE pet. Grants a fair bit of res and defence, acts like a toggle. Changes all attacks to lethal, with a chance to summon a fragment of crystal (a small pet that does lethal damage and a small PBAoE when it dies). This is the AoE form.
Electrostatis Blast: Ranged, high damage, 75% energy damage, 25% unresistable hami damage. (Probably will have to change it to all energy damage in PvP)
Stropharia: Another toggle form, mutually exclusive with titan. Adds debuffs to every attack and buffs to everyone in AoE. This is the "corrupter" form.
Thorn: Toggle. Mutually exclusive with other forms. Adds a damage shield and lots of high powered attacks. This is the "stalker" form.
Quary: Mutually exclusive with other forms. Adds a lot of res and a taunt to every attack. This is the tank form.
Hamidon: Over rides all other forms and lasts for 30 seconds. Bakes hamidon damage DoT's into every attack, gains lots of regen, recovery, bit of res, and PBAoE heals for allies, stuns for enemies.

Just 2 random ideas for epic power sets.

What do you think?



It would be awesome if they were story Arc Locked like the Patron Power Pools.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
It would be awesome if they were story Arc Locked like the Patron Power Pools.
No, no it really wouldn't. Especially when you have to side-swap if you want Patron powers on Hero, despite their being no good reason that any character couldn't have that stuff. Mu lightning is not unique to Scirocco, anyone with talent can use Netherworld energy, there are tons of tech Heroes that could easily confiscate Arachnos maces and make them work and the Leviathan's powers are not unique to Mako.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I can do it with HEATs having access to all pools ( Warshade flying in human form, for example) and having access to ancillary powers pools.
Just to be on track with VEATs, those can have patron epics and all power pools even leadership twice.
But we never going to see that happens...



sounds interesting, would prolly need a little bit of work to balance out



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, no it really wouldn't. Especially when you have to side-swap if you want Patron powers on Hero, despite their being no good reason that any character couldn't have that stuff. Mu lightning is not unique to Scirocco, anyone with talent can use Netherworld energy, there are tons of tech Heroes that could easily confiscate Arachnos maces and make them work and the Leviathan's powers are not unique to Mako.

But that's exactly what I like about it, you have to do something to EARN access to Patron Power Pools.

That's pretty damned cool! Not everyone can have it, unless they are willing to EARN it.

Of course I feel there should be Heroic equivalents too.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
But that's exactly what I like about it, you have to do something to EARN access to Patron Power Pools.

That's pretty damned cool! Not everyone can have it, unless they are willing to EARN it.

Of course I feel there should be Heroic equivalents too.
Yes. Yes there should be.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



I was thinking of these more as actual power pools for new characters.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
But that's exactly what I like about it, you have to do something to EARN access to Patron Power Pools.

That's pretty damned cool! Not everyone can have it, unless they are willing to EARN it.

Of course I feel there should be Heroic equivalents too.
Not really Marcus Cole is also Tyrant in the alternate world of primal earth and he is bad as it gets, so it shouldn't have a hero equivalent his powers is incarnate he get's it from the well of furies, they give there powers to good and evil.