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Forget all those others one give me Ruladak the Strong, Faathim the Kind, Lanaru the Mad, and Rularuu the Ravager, of course you will have to make them small because they are extremely too tall to fit in a building, but give me that and I am EXTREMELY HAPPY.
As the titles says this would be nice to have temps that gives a random ability from of the more veteran power sets, like super strength, mental, Martial Arts, invulnerability, dark Armor etc.. I think it should be a random power may with 10 uses you can buy or a duration of game play. I would love for my Mental Dominator to have super strength or a temporary Invulnerability.
Not really Marcus Cole is also Tyrant in the alternate world of primal earth and he is bad as it gets, so it shouldn't have a hero equivalent his powers is incarnate he get's it from the well of furies, they give there powers to good and evil.
I have a brute and I didn't pick up a travel power, and wanted to get something that would benefit me more in defense and healing. Now I wish I had one and don't want to suffer my aidself, and Epic powers. How about Incarnate Travel powers/power pools; they would be like your normal travel powers/power pools, but ten times better. Since we are incarnates they should be godlike! You would think, Right. Like the ordinary incarnate powers they shouldn’t be a permanent way to get round. They should also slot different then incarnate powers still having the same tiers 1-4, each tier should have a different ability allowing you to only slot 1 ability at a time.
Superluminal -You've been gifted with the speed of the gods that transcend your average super hero because of your blessing from the well of Furies. this would be the incarnate version of speed but with twist.
Tier 1 - Inhuman Alacrity - You are blessed with superhuman speed given by the well of furies. You move so fast that you leave afterimages of yourself making you extremely hard to hit in combat and very elusive against all types of attacks. +Speed, +Defense (All), +Resistance (All)
Tier 2 - Celerity Vacuum Dash- while moving at the speed of light the force of your velocity is so furious that you can carry the wind in your path creating a gale force winds when you stop slamming into your enemies knocking them back. This power act as a teleport when a foe is selected or a location you can travel long distances and a high chance of knock back because your momentum. +teleport (location, or Enemy), +Knock back.
Tier 3 - Intangible Vibration - You can vibrate your molecules so fast that you can past through your enemies, and untouchable for a short limited time. You can weaken their defense, and healing ability by vibrating their molecules. +Self Intangible, Foe -DEF(All), -Res(All), -Regen, -Heal
Tier 4 - Quantum Hasting - You are faster than the human mind can process a thought, your lightning fast thinking allows you to always be head of your enemies as, if you can travel through time and see the next step. this power allows you to reduce the recharge time of all incarnate powers for 3 minutes, and instantly recharge all of them. Self + Recharge to all incarnate powers, and Instant Recharge to all Incarnate powers
Titanic Momentum - You have been bestowed with unstoppable moving force by the well of furies anything in your way is coming crashing down.
Tier 1 - Bowling - the more you run the more of your enemies go flying this travel power allows you to move with certainty that you will not be stop as long as your momentum isn't stopped. Foe: knock back, Repel
Tier 2 -Titan Ascendance – You can jump extremely high reaching the heavens, your superior leaping ability increases your Defense to all attacks, and adds resistance to Immobilization, also avoiding Knockback effects and resistant to Hold effects providing you with nine points of Knockback protection. Self long Jump, + Defense (All), Resistance (Immobilization), +Resistance (Knockback, Hold)
Tier 3 - Seismic Leap - You can leap great heights, but when you come down the earth quakes beneath your feet causing a localized earthquake immediately around you. Superior Damage (Smashing), Point Blank Area of Effect Foe Knockdown, Teleport ,
Tier 4 - Unresistable Force - you are empowered with unstoppable momentum once you start to move you can’t be stopped. You pummel all enemies as you run, unlike bowling your strong kinetic force allows you to weaken your enemies defense, resistance, damage, and To Hit chance. Foe -Defense(All), -Resistance(All), -Damage, -To-Hit
Transvection - You have been granted with the power to fly by the well of furies reaching speeds greater than the speed of sound with this travel power, with your superior flying abilities you can dominate the skies.
Tier 1- Enthoegen Levitation - you have powerful psychic energy that allows you to lift your body from off the ground and soar through the sky like an eagle. You have great aerial combat abilities given you defense against all attacks, and allowing you to travel longs distance. Self Fly, +DEF(All)
Tier 2 - Ethereal Domination - You are the king of the air and all enemies found in your airspace comes crashing down as you leap in the air and come down with a double-fist attack slamming them down to the ground causing superior damage, Foe Disorient, Knock down, -Fly
Tier 3 - Sonic Haste - you can reach speeds at Mach 5 instantly traveling long distance creating a sonic boom as you move at supersonic speed. Ranged (Location), Self Teleport
Tier 4 - Aeronautical Vacuum - ????????? (Still working on an Idea for the for tier)
But this is only a rough draft, and I don’t aspect these powers to actually get into the game I would like the Devs to add there input if Incarnate travel/ power pools could be added into the game, so if we don’t take a normal power pool we could craft our on like incarnate abilities. If anyone have anything to add to them please fill free to edit for me I think it would be neat to have incarnate travel powers since we have team teleport with incandescence.
I added another Idea to the top post would love to see more Rularuu
I Could see Tsoo and his gang for the Ninjas I love that Hanaya mask one of the ninjas wear.
Quote:Awww, I wish I saw your post before a posted my SS judgment theme Thread, oh I also posted a thread about letting Stalkers have ss for powerset I would love to have an Assassin Punch (FIST STRAIGHT INTO THE CHEST) LOLa) Give Scrappers (and maybe Stalkers) SS
b) allow us to hurl things other than a chunk of rock a la Propel
c) give us a super strength themed Judgment...some suggestions I've seen in the past have included throwing busses and repeat smashing the ground a la a hyper-footstomp -
You have this really awesome super strength build, but you really like assassin strike, but don't have the patients to be a stalker. Because you like to serve a purpose as a tank or you Love been a stalker but you don't want to be a tanker. It would be awesome if we could import attacks from powersets into the incarnate system. We have Lores for pet summons, which is awesome, but I'm sure there are a few Melee abilities that a mastermind, corruptors, stalker, or blaster would love to have that belong to Brutes, and tankers. Likewise I'm sure that their is a brute/tanker that would love to do assassin strike.
Juggernaut - Extremely powerful ground AoE Punch or Cone attack (Suggested by ThePill) that Generates a powerful, localized Earthquake. Most foes that pass through the location will fall down. The violent shaking also reduces their Accuracy and Defense.(Inspiration for this power was Foot stomp from super strength and earthquake from Earth Control)
Essence of Death - a black shadowy PBAoE barrier that covers your Team with the aura of darkness a buff that increases their chance of a Critical Hit, team stealth, and small chance Placating enemies after using damaging incarnate ability. (Inspiration for this power Scrappers inherent, concealment power pool, and Stalkers Placate)
Rularuu ravager - you be nice to unlock him on tier 3, and 4
Ruladark the Strong - I can see him ulock on tier 2
Lanaru the Mad- I would like to see him in a tier 1
it would be nice if the Omega slots would allow you to have super strength, and stalker like abilities, but who knows, instead I decide to come with some ideas to that would be cool if we can incorporate more powerset ideas into the current incarnate system like the Lores have the concept of masterminds. It is so fun playing with my Nin/Ninja blade, and able to summon a pet. I would like to see what would my tank/brute damage would be, if it had a temporary buff that would give him critical hit buff. feel free to post your ideas here of what would be a really cool power to import to the incarnate system. because I couldn't think of anything else -
I want partial customization I would love to choose how big to make my left and right arm, so badly, I wish they would allow a female huge not really Huge, more like she-hulk build I would like to have weapon mounts on our bodies be really awesome I would like to put a katana on my back like Tsoo ninjas.
Quote:I would so Read this if this was a comic that was AWESOMEA Nacht Fist enters a room after hearing a commotion. He looks around to see the broken bodies of his comrades. Some are groaning or whimpering. Others don't make a sound. There's no sign of anyone else. He looks around, trying to find telltale signs of who the attacker was and where they went.
Pain, so intense that it could almost be white hot fire, surges through his body. Trying to turn, he soon realises his body isn't responding. Realization dawns in his agony-addled mind just as the light leaves his eyes.
Looking down at the ground, Column Breaker smiles. More approach, their footsteps echoing down the warren of tunnels and bunkers. Wrapping the shadows around himself he fades from sight, readying himself to break whoever approaches.
I'm Zortel, and I approve of Super Strength for Stalkers. -
Quote:I love your Idea, would be awesome if they did version that fit each powerset, I could see brutes with Ninjitsu, but without Hide since ninjitsu is not all about stealth its a fighting art as well.I suggested making the theme sets unique when proliferating before proliferation started (that is, each AT would have a unique version of Fire Melee, etc) but it didn't happen. Now it's too late. To bother struggling for theme now, you might as well be struggling to unproliferate sets which is *NOT* going to happen.
Yeah, I know right, but look at it this way if you have superhuman strength and you sneak up behind someone hitting a normal human you would knock their heads clean off or you can thrust your fist right through their chest (If this was a comic of course). Or break every bone in their body, So I believe it could work. It would be nice to see a stalker version of how it would work for them.
I would love to have a super strength /ninjistu build anyone know the pro's and cons of why stalker shouldn't have ss as a primary power, if we could have super strength as power. what way could the DEV's tweak it so it doesn't seem to overpowering for a stalker to have. I seen many ninja movies, novels, manga, comics, and anime where a ninja had superhuman strength and I was wondering would it every happen here I just wondering how could this be incorporated without having it seem to overpowered.
I love this Idea I hope they implement it, because I WOULD LOVE TO SEE!!! Martial arts with some new flashy moves.
I would love to see a ninja theme secondary power for mastermind, so I took a lot of other secondary powers and gave them a ninja base theme.
Powers that I combined that Inspired me:
Pain Domination: Soothing Aura + Ninjitsu: Kuji-In Sha
Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist + devices: Smoke Grenade
Pain Domination: Enforce Moral + Ninjitsu: Kuji-In Rin
Posion: Paralytic Poison
Traps: Web Grenade + Ninjitsu: Caltrops
Traps: Trip Mind + Ninjitsu: Blinding Powder
Ninjitsu Tactics
Kuji-In Sha Aura - invokes the power of Sha, or healing. Focusing your inner power, you can heal your allies body of its wounds and leave yourself resistant to the effects of toxic damage for a while.
(Pain Domination: Soothing Aura + Ninjitsu: Kuji-In Sha)
Poison Mist - You drink a gourd filled with deadly toxicants and spewing a area spread of poisons on your foes that significantly Weakens their strength. The affected target's chance to hit and Damage output is severely reduced. Additionally, the affected target's secondary power effects are all weakened. The target's power effects like Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Disorients, Holds, Immobilizes, Knockbacks and more, are all weakened.
Kuji-In Rin Wave - Kuji-In Rin is the strength of mind and body. By focusing your power on this exercise, you expel a wave of chi in all direction protecting your ally from disorient, hold, sleep, immobilization, confusion, and fear, as well as resistance to psionic damage for a few minutes.
(Pain Domination: Enforce Moral + Ninjitsu: Kuji-In Rin)
Smoke Bomb Flash - Your mastery of Concealment protecting your allies by throwing a powerful smoke bomb Flash that hide yourself and all nearby allies within the smoke bomb Mist. Smoke Bomb Flash makes you and your allies extremely hard to see within the smoke mist and decreases your enemies chance to hit, and perception greater than any other debuff. (Storm Summoning: Steamy Mist + Traps: Smoke Grenade)
Blow Dart - You are a master of concealment weapons, and can incapacitate your enemies with a paralyzing dart by firing from a bamboo reed that can leave an affected target completely Held and defenseless. (Posion: Paralytic Poison)
Binding Caltrop Spikes - You throw large wide spread spikes on the ground pierces the enemies feet immobilizing. (Traps: Web Grenade + Ninjitsu: Caltrops)
Blinding Mind - You can place a Blinding Mind on the ground. Any foe that pass near the Blinding Mine will cause it to explode, severely blinding them with pepper powder and sand most foes will be blinded, and unable to see. Some affected targets may be overcome by the powder that they may start attacking their own allies. If you attack the blinded foes, they will be alerted to your presence, but will continue to suffer a penalty to chance to hit. The Sleep, Perception and To Hit debuffs are applied to any target the power hits on the initial to-hit roll. On a successful hit, there is a subsequent 50% chance of the Confusion effect being applied. the effected area. Blinding Mine is almost impossible to detect, but it is fragile and may be set off by an enemy's explosion. Even if destroyed, the Blinding Mind will detonate. Setting a mine is delicate work, and if you are interrupted, you will fail. (Traps: Trip Mind + Ninjitsu: Blinding Powder)
Kunai assault - You throw a barrage of sharp ninja kunai that sever muscles and nerves within its path that causes slow movement, and moderate damage.
Ninja Kawarimi - You have fallen in battle, so it seems to your enemies, as you have depleted your health. You vanish into a puff of smoke leaving a small piece of cut wood restoring half of your health and causing a smoke field area that chokes all nearby enemies that makes you extremely hard to hit and see. (There is no debt protection with this Reviving technique, because of the smoke mist that decrease your enemies to hit chance, and perception while in the mist -
Quote:I realize this engine will never be upgraded no matter hold long this game has been running. that's why I say make a power that traps the enemy and then slams them into the ground. It just doesn't feel superheroic if I can't throw thugs around like in the comics.But that's not -grappling-. That's wrapping them in a ball of energy and flinging them, which would be a neat powerset all it's own. Kind of a control/damage set... Hmm...
But yeah... Straight grappling just doesn't really work. And an engine "Upgrade" at this point would require rewriting huge tracts of data... Really not worthwhile when the better idea is to plan ahead for CoH2 to have "Pull" and "Grapple" style abilities.
-Rachel- -
Quote:yes, I understand that the fade is military haircut its very old I don't think its really an african american hairstyle, there are several charts in black barber shops with these different styles. There is a difference, granted this is 2010 and we have in-cooperated alot of things that where worn by other ethnic races and give them the title urban, so everyone can share that culture and not just one type of race, but before that they where labeled such, as african american, chinese, european etc.... So, when he put african american hairstyles I saw all the several different styles that have been worn by blackmen and women for the past 20 decaded thats all. like there are several Oriental hairstyles that are not commonly worn by other ethnic groups they are labeled as such.If white kids can get a fade and a curl, is it still African American?
Yeah. Think about it.....
(I think thats high top fade that is military, not the fade) -
Quote:I don't won't to sound like I'm making this a issue I don't think you was educated on this subject, but there are african america hairstyles, there are several hundred books on this subject, and if you go to certain barber schools they label them as such. Just an FyiThere are no "African American" haircuts. A haircut is a haircut, no matter the race. Hair is hair. Just an fyi. Didn't mean to offend.
That's why I say lets put another power behind it, call it Kinetic grappling, Where the foe is lifted up like telekinesis, or singularity, then place them inside a energy bubble then slam them into the ground. I think it is possible, if we in-cooperate other power elements I think I'll right a lore for Kinetic Grappling where you wrap your enemies in a ball of energy and then slam them into the ground I think that would fix the problem with Rikti, monkeys, and Zeus from Malta.
I'm amazed how long this game has been running, and yet there is no type throwing or grappling take down power set, its just odd to be playing a superhero mmo and no one can maybe the engine can't handle it; (Not surprised this engine can't handle nothing shessh!!!) I was wondering if the dev's can come up with a grappling power set that is possible by making use of what we have already.
Animation that could help create grappling or throwing power set
1. Immobilization
2. knock back
3 knock downs
4 singularitytelekinesis
5 Energy Melee
6 knock ups
7 hurl
How can this be applied with the engine we have?
1. Well, I say before the throwing animation commences there should be a unique quick Immobilization animation then the take down. How about using the freeze animation caused by ice powers. Where the enemy looks stiff as a rock this animation is also used in the poison power set immobilization animation as well. Lets just say a power slam for instances, how could we in-cooperate with this engine (OMG this engine needs a upgrade)? We could us the Energy Melee move where the player jumps in the air and comes down with both fist, if we could causes the character to grab the opponent and immobilized them, then leap with that same generic animation to cause the enemy to slam into the ground.
2 A grappling power that involves throwing, I was thinking a simple spinning around technique that involves a knock back, we have whirlwind so spinning around isn't that hard. I believe that should be a very easy task to do, simply cause the immobilization animation to happen and then have the character spin his foe around. it would be cool to in-cooperate a tornado effect like whirlwind when you throw them.
3 knock Down I was wondering how would mounting power would work in this game, so far my only issue is the avatars of all builds would it all it to happen (damn engineso many ideas, but it just won't let you do it), well the only thing I could think of is have the player leap at his opponent causing them to fall on there back/knockdown immobilizing them (don't know how that would work though), then pound them with there fist several times while on top. Now, my only hag up is how would this power work on big avatars in the game like Zeus from Malta, so far I never seen him knock backed or down. Unless two different animation for scrappers, and Tanks/Brutes, like the scrapper jumping on the shoulders and pound them from above, but the only problem is how would a huge avatar look on top of a female, or average size male avatar, but still it would be cool if you could mount Zeus and pound him.
4. How would a choke slam look in this game lets use the basic about singularity or telekinesis to lift them off the ground of course using immobilization when you have them around the neck with your hand, then apply the knock down animation as you slam them into the ground. All the throwing and grappling powers should work like mind probe, where you have to be up close (of course this is grappling). Like I said the Immobilization animation should apply or make it a where the foe looks lifeless; you know when you cause a NPC foe to hang in-between something after killing them. I think causing them to lift off the ground shouldn't be that hard. My only hangup with this idea is how would this look with a avatar that is 4ft tall; One solution is have the player avatar leap up come down with a open hand, and slam them down causing a knock down, or call the this power Kinetic Grappling where the player uses a quick version of singularity with his hand gesture in a choking posture motion and then slams down his enemy.
5. Knock ups could be used for some of the slamming animation, as well, by having the character toss the enemy in the air or knocking them into airborne status, then colliding them into the ground.
6 I noticed large items can be summoned, and hurled at your enemy with certain powers. How about a Super hurl that throws your enemy across the room. I say apply a simple immobilization animation, then cause the player to toss his opponent across the room while in that immoblilization state it would be cool if it was a toggle like teleport where you can select where you want to throw him.
I think some how there's got to be away to have grappling/throwing in this game it's weird to have a brute/tank that can't toss people around.
Do you think we will every get a throwing or grappling power set like in the comics like most brutes can do? -
Quote:This is my only hangup with COH its been out since 2004 and the engine seems to still be lacking the power to do new things, that would give this game more of a superhero experience. I see so many new ideas get turned down, because the engine is not strong enough. Its so sad it takes to much work to do. I believe city of heroes/villains should have had a engine upgrade instead of a graphical upgrade. It's nice to get better looking game and I love going Rogue an all, but you don't paint over a wrecked car until you get The dents out.Huge female would require too much work.
A female muscle slider to get something similar to the female Paragon protector or the Icon Tailor female muscled mannequin would work great.
Female avatars are too plain, we need some muscles and abs.
And better rounded chest, like Mother Mayhem have
I would love to see the engine get upgrade and if it has been upgraded, then how is COH/COV going to compete with thE *WHISPERING The other Superhero MMO (which I think They are total ripping off from City of Heroes and I won't say there name) that's coming out soon*WHISPERING I was watching a lot of the interviews and I believe they been on this forum listening to what we have to say and requested for this game its so funny they are adding it in there's game. So many powers in the comic world that could be inputed in this game, but that pesky old engine just can't handle it or a lawsuit want let us hhalol.
go on youtube and listen to the features and powers they are adding into their game I swear I HEARD it mention on here first before I saw that E3 interview I think if the gaming engine had a major boost this game would run so much smoother. -