PvP Ideas:




Just some thoughts:

1. Make it easy to get involved:

PvP isn't that easy to find. It isn't uncommon to have very little arena activity (crowded out by the computer generated tournaments) and few people in the zones. Therefore, an easier way to set up matches and facilitate PvP should be found.

I think the best solution would be to use the Team-Up teleporter technology to facilitate PvP matches. This would make PvP as easy to set up as a trial or TF, and would help give it a better avenue to bring in new players. I'd probably use the system outlined in my second idea. I'd set up the following options:

1 on 1
2 on 2
5 on 5
8 on 8
16 on 16

When players zone in, they would be in a blank environment. The PvP map would be chosen by clicking on glowies with an image of the map overhead, and the map with the most votes would be selected. In this same zone will be a store selling inspirations.

Obviously, something would also need to be done about level disparities. Which leads in my next section:

2. Redefine PvP by separating it from PvE entirely

Basically, we now have the technology to remove access to a characters powers and grant new powers. In PvE, this has been used to change characters into NPCs or as a way to allow certain types of travel powers. In PvP, I think it brings balance.

When a player enters new-PvP (obviously, allow options for traditional PvP), give them access to a variety of toggles, for different playstyles. When no toggle is on, the player is intangible and cannot attack. When the game begins, a player will be randomly swapped into a load-out if they have not selected one yet.

When a player activates the "blaster" toggle, they gain access to T1, T2, T3 level attacks, BU/Aim, and any other necessary blaster attack. Other options I'd consider would be controller, mm, support, tank, and stalker. Once a toggle is clicked, the character would become corporeal, but wouldn't be able to switch while the character is alive. When the character respawns, they will have 5 seconds to chose a new load-out.

This would have to be done right, of course. I'd create a NPC that would change the visual effects of the powers (ie, make the Blaster toggle shoot ice instead of fire), but there would be no inherent advantage to using one type of visual over another. All characters would get access to SJ, SS, and Fly, regardless of load-out.

In addition, I'd give some points for continued success at one particular "AT." Those points could be used to improve a blast set by increasing damage slightly, or reducing recharge, or adding a proc. Same for all the other styles of play. This would help give some progression and keep people coming back to play.

Now, the abilities of the various AT toggles still need to be set, but if done right it could allow for a sort of balanced Team Fortress style of combat. It could even be used for more intricate PvP events, like an infiltration event or bank heist.

Here's what I want from such a system:
1. Balance
Virtually impossible in the present system, fairly easy in the proposed system.
2. Speed
With the above balance, the there should be no need for speed suppression. This would make PvP more fun in my my opinion.
3. Intuitiveness
By reducing the number of available powers, we can make them simple and intuitive. The Blaster toggles deals damage at range, the control toggles does CC, the tank is survivable and can force aggro on himself, etc. We wouldn't need to have things like Flurry doing ridiculous damage, or diminishing returns.
4. Progression separate from PvE
A PvP player should not be forced to grind in PvE to be good at PvP, and a PvE player should not be forced to PvP to get enhancements for PvE.
5. Eventually, things like Capture the Flag or other more intricate PvP games
Think a mission where 4 villains are trying to rob a bank and 4 heroes are trying to stop them. If done right, this could be REALLY cool.

3. Remove intrusions to the PvE game

PvP doesn't need to annoy PvE players to survive. It should be its own entity, and attempts to attract PvEers might actually turn them off from the system. Therefore, remove any missions that send players to the PvP zones, and find a solution that doesn't force badgers into the zones, especially for accolades.

I'm not sure what should be done about PvP IOs, given the new system above. It is possible that they could just be bought on the same points system that allows PvPers to adjust their loadout abilities.

So, any thoughts about these ideas, specifically 1 and 2?

TW/Elec Optimization



Hmmm. Admitting I've skimmed a bit:

1. Make it easy to find.

It *is* easy to find - there are four zones and an arena. However, the arena UI, at least last I saw of it, was... fairly nonintuitive and a bit of a bear to get around. So that needs to be tweaked, first and foremost.

I wouldn't argue with using the Team Up Teleporter... somehow. Say, options of "Watch for arena events and notify," "Watch for PVP zone events" (but not just "someone has entered" - maybe have an imbalance trigger the user can set, or a temporary "PVP zone alert" power that comes up.)

For 2 - and tied in with 3 - er... I just don't see that working.

In the first place, they can (and do) have separate PVE and PVP effects on powers. So there's no "annoyance" there.

Second... I mean, looking at #3... there are exactly zero missions that send players to the PVP zones. WAY back when they were introduced, you had to go into the zone for the PVP warzone liason. Those were finally moved *out* of the zone so if you didn't want to, you didn't have to enter them, period.

As far as badgers in the zones - the only thing I agree shouldn't be required are things tied to accolades (barring having PVP-active-only accolades, which don't exist now.) Other than that, the only thing "forcing" badgers into the zones are... the badgers. Even then, the zones are so *dead* that there's pretty much zero risk, and zero reason for them to complain.

Now for the biggie... the wholesale power replacement.

I get the idea behind it. (Actually suggested something similar in a dedicated zone for it years ago.) But here's the thing - these are *our characters.* A Defender isn't a 'healer,' for instance (just to take a possible replacement) and forcing my Trick Arrow defender to suddenly have Empathy powers and some generic buff and debuff means I'm *not going into that zone.* Forcing my fairly controller-y Dark Armor tank to suddenly just "be tough and hard to hit" guts the purpose I built that tank for (in PVE, admittedly) - so I'm no longer playing *that* character.

Part of the fun OF PVP pre-I13 (and, IMHO, pre-IOs) was that you couldn't just see "Oh, an <insert AT here>" and instantly know their capabilities. (in fact, if you'll notice IN PVP zones, the powers tab if you pull up info is missing.) You'd watch what they were doing and try to pick it up from there. (Part of the reason the "Suppress power effects" tailor option has no effect in PVP zone.) Plus there's the finding unusual combinations - yes, some people just build FOTMs, but if that's all they fight, something off the wall can really throw them.

As far as balance? The stance on it for a long time was quite simply "It isn't. It's balanced around being part of a team," and I find that 100% acceptable, since we don't have "Tank, Healer, DPS" - we've got a ton of different power combinations which, in a PVP zone, make every encounter unique.

Frankly, I think the worst thing (and that which will be the biggest problem for reclaiming PVP) is the introduction of IOs. On SOs - or even commons? There's a low entry point. You may have DOs slotted, you may not have as MUCH slotted as that level 50 - but it's a matter of leveling and getting to know your character. Now? Soft-cap this, proc that, recharge out the wazoo... there's a decided *price* to enter serious PVP, and a decided gap between the "casual" and "hardcore." (I say that as someone who still goes in on common IOs and fights if there's someone around - but the people I tend to fight seem to end up being either new or also highly casual, so this is more of an arena or high end issue. Not that I've found anyone in the zones in *months,* mind you.)

Of course the other issue is just that, IOs and everything else aside, there's a big barrier just from powers working differently in PVP than they do in PVE *anyway.* And that can be discouraging for someone to walk into.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Hmmm. Admitting I've skimmed a bit:

1. Make it easy to find.

It *is* easy to find - there are four zones and an arena. However, the arena UI, at least last I saw of it, was... fairly nonintuitive and a bit of a bear to get around. So that needs to be tweaked, first and foremost.

I wouldn't argue with using the Team Up Teleporter... somehow. Say, options of "Watch for arena events and notify," "Watch for PVP zone events" (but not just "someone has entered" - maybe have an imbalance trigger the user can set, or a temporary "PVP zone alert" power that comes up.)
The places to PvP are easy to find. But people? Unless you only play on Freedom, it is considerably difficult to find people to PvP with. The zones are make it mostly difficult to find people (siren's call is better than most about that), and the arena makes it hard through UI. Arguably you could make it easier just by revamping the arenas, but using the Team-Up Teleporter is both something the devs have been trying to do for almost all new content, and a way to make the access easier.

For 2 - and tied in with 3 - er... I just don't see that working.

In the first place, they can (and do) have separate PVE and PVP effects on powers. So there's no "annoyance" there.
Don't you think that having yours powers do one thing in PvE and one thing in PvP is annoying? The entire system is completely different PvE, whereas this system would allow players to basically enjoy the same system (ie, no diminishing returns or travel suppression, though maybe controls should work as they do now).

Second... I mean, looking at #3... there are exactly zero missions that send players to the PVP zones. WAY back when they were introduced, you had to go into the zone for the PVP warzone liason. Those were finally moved *out* of the zone so if you didn't want to, you didn't have to enter them, period.
Forgot about that, but the point remains. I don't think players need to get a mission forcing them to "Go to the Bloody Bay Liason." Do they need a mission to tell them to do sewer trials?

Now for the biggie... the wholesale power replacement.

I get the idea behind it. (Actually suggested something similar in a dedicated zone for it years ago.) But here's the thing - these are *our characters.* A Defender isn't a 'healer,' for instance (just to take a possible replacement) and forcing my Trick Arrow defender to suddenly have Empathy powers and some generic buff and debuff means I'm *not going into that zone.* Forcing my fairly controller-y Dark Armor tank to suddenly just "be tough and hard to hit" guts the purpose I built that tank for (in PVE, admittedly) - so I'm no longer playing *that* character.
The problem is that what you describe is the current system. When your dark tank enters PvP, his controls instantly become less valuable, his resistances go up to non-standard damage, and he plays differently. Which means this system is least equal to the current system in that regard.

Secondly, I never said anything about forcing this system on the rest of PvP. I13 tried that, and failed miserably. Instead, this would be an option for arena fights and the standard for the new TUT PvP events.

As far as balance? The stance on it for a long time was quite simply "It isn't. It's balanced around being part of a team," and I find that 100% acceptable, since we don't have "Tank, Healer, DPS" - we've got a ton of different power combinations which, in a PVP zone, make every encounter unique.
But that doesn't match the reality. The best PvPers always migrate to whatever works best. That could be a Energy/x Stalker back in the day or Psy/Energy Blaster, but they will go to whatever set wins the most. And the current system downright penalizes players for going against the flow. Your trick arrow character, for instance, is penalized for not being empathy, for not having the necessary "stuff".

And the reason the current system is unbalanced is because it is impossible. Heck, PvE isn't balanced at all, so how can we expect PvP to be balanced against literally tens of thousands of possible combinations, even before we get to teams and IOs? But with this system, no characters would be penalized for their AT, powerset combination, level, or investment (DOs v SOs v IOs). Hopefully the various modes would have enough unique powers to promote different playstyles in a more effective way than the current incarnation.

Frankly, I think the worst thing (and that which will be the biggest problem for reclaiming PVP) is the introduction of IOs. On SOs - or even commons? There's a low entry point. You may have DOs slotted, you may not have as MUCH slotted as that level 50 - but it's a matter of leveling and getting to know your character. Now? Soft-cap this, proc that, recharge out the wazoo... there's a decided *price* to enter serious PVP, and a decided gap between the "casual" and "hardcore." (I say that as someone who still goes in on common IOs and fights if there's someone around - but the people I tend to fight seem to end up being either new or also highly casual, so this is more of an arena or high end issue. Not that I've found anyone in the zones in *months,* mind you.)

Of course the other issue is just that, IOs and everything else aside, there's a big barrier just from powers working differently in PVP than they do in PVE *anyway.* And that can be discouraging for someone to walk into.
It sounds like you see one of the big advantages to this system. It doesn't matter whether you are a level 50 purpled/incarnated perfect combination or a level 5 Ice/TA controller without even TOs, you can compete. If done right, it would be something that a player that just started playing could immediately enter and be marginally competitive at, but will still reward people for repeat plays. And if nothing else, old-style PvP would still exist in zones and in arena play.

TW/Elec Optimization



You do know there are global channels as well as Arena Chat... right? These are tools which are already in game to help you find fellow pvp players.

As far as your idea... meh... it would not get me to go back to pvp. And I pvpd quite a lot for around 4 years.

You are asking for a lot of investment (code wise) for something that will not bring in any return financially.

Instead of going on and on about "fixes" to the mechanics; maybe what is left of the pvp community should band together and adapt (I mean hello it has been 3.5 years since Issue 13)...and learn to make the best use of the tools which are already in place. If you think the devs (rather ncsoft) are going to greenlight something which requires hundred of hours of coding and then testing... for absolutely no financial gain...you are mistaken. Pvp has proven time and time again in this game that it is not a financially lucrative aspect of CoH.

This isn't me being "mean" or anything like that...it is simply me being a realist. There is not enough pvpers to warrant the financial cost...nor produce any financial benefit for time spent on major upheavals.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
You do know there are global channels as well as Arena Chat... right? These are tools which are already in game to help you find fellow pvp players.

As far as your idea... meh... it would not get me to go back to pvp. And I pvpd quite a lot for around 4 years.

You are asking for a lot of investment (code wise) for something that will not bring in any return financially.

Instead of going on and on about "fixes" to the mechanics; maybe what is left of the pvp community should band together and adapt (I mean hello it has been 3.5 years since Issue 13)...and learn to make the best use of the tools which are already in place. If you think the devs (rather ncsoft) are going to greenlight something which requires hundred of hours of coding and then testing... for absolutely no financial gain...you are mistaken. Pvp has proven time and time again in this game that it is not a financially lucrative aspect of CoH.

This isn't me being "mean" or anything like that...it is simply me being a realist. There is not enough pvpers to warrant the financial cost...nor produce any financial benefit for time spent on major upheavals.
I would agree with you, if the coding for everything I mention wasn't mostly in place.

The team up teleporter? Have that. Even does multiple teams.

Tech to nullify existing powers? Anyone that has a rocket board can tell you that we have that.

Contact to change the powers? Null the Gull.

This doesn't change the mechanics. Ideally, this system wouldn't need the complex rules added to PvP in I13, but even if it did have them it would merely be a new option, not a change to all PvP. Standard code rant applies, but none of the individual components would be new to the game.

And for your point about Arena Chat/Global Channels: They exist, but still don't speed up the process enough. And the work in an exclusionary fashion, making it harder for new entrees to have people (they would have to know the right globals or even know that the arena chat exists). And the existence of global channels didn't mean that the TuT wasn't faster in a lot of cases (and once the improvements come in, in virtually every case).

And while CoH will never have a hardcore PvP crowd like many other games, they might have some success with a very casual friendly system like the one above. The Team Fortress style PvP is probably the best fit for a super-casual game like CoH.

TW/Elec Optimization



memphis bill is right in the fact IOs did set a baseline to pvp, in hardcore pvp if you dont have a good IO build then you will pretty much never win

the things i personally dont like about pvp are: travel suppression and heal decay and the general lack of rewards for pvping (i know that wont change though way too easy to afk pvp farm)



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
memphis bill is right in the fact IOs did set a baseline to pvp, in hardcore pvp if you dont have a good IO build then you will pretty much never win

the things i personally dont like about pvp are: travel suppression and heal decay and the general lack of rewards for pvping (i know that wont change though way too easy to afk pvp farm)
I agree with him. That's why I think a PvP that didn't rely on AT, powerset combination, and investment would superior.

TW/Elec Optimization



i agree with him in the fact that i dont care for your changes either, an even easier way to just even the playing field would be to just disable all enhancements in a pvp zone and just leave it as options for arena to allow enhancements



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
I would agree with you, if the coding for everything I mention wasn't mostly in place.

The team up teleporter? Have that. Even does multiple teams.

Tech to nullify existing powers? Anyone that has a rocket board can tell you that we have that.

Contact to change the powers? Null the Gull.

This doesn't change the mechanics. Ideally, this system wouldn't need the complex rules added to PvP in I13, but even if it did have them it would merely be a new option, not a change to all PvP. Standard code rant applies, but none of the individual components would be new to the game.

And for your point about Arena Chat/Global Channels: They exist, but still don't speed up the process enough. And the work in an exclusionary fashion, making it harder for new entrees to have people (they would have to know the right globals or even know that the arena chat exists). And the existence of global channels didn't mean that the TuT wasn't faster in a lot of cases (and once the improvements come in, in virtually every case).

And while CoH will never have a hardcore PvP crowd like many other games, they might have some success with a very casual friendly system like the one above. The Team Fortress style PvP is probably the best fit for a super-casual game like CoH.

Again... Paragon is a BUSINESS.. they have to make money to stay viable... and while you may think your idea easy to implement...I can guarantee it would take HUNDREDS of man hours ...and reap no financial gain.

There are already multiple hints at pvp for new players:
The zones themselves (AP has a link to RV itself)
The Arenas in most zones
Arena Chat
The forums
The enhancement screen (you know how it says "Show results in pvp")
And you know...the players.

If Newbie A comes to CoH and is even remotely thinking about pvp...I would hope they would ask someone (even in broadcast or help) "How do you pvp in this game?"

There are many things that need fixed in pvp before it could even think about attracting new "casual" pvpers; least of which are the mechanics of pvp. I have brought numerous friends into CoH from RL...and shown each of them pvp, AE, etc etc.... None of them pvp...and it has nothing to do with the mechanics or cost of the uber builds.

I think it is great that you are so interested in pvp...but I also think you need to take a step back and look at the true reality of pvp in CoH in regards to cost v. benefits. CoH is not some huge mmo that can ill afford to spend time/resources on something that will not prove financially fruitful...which unfortunately means...no major revamps for pvp (and yes your idea is a major revamp...you do not grasp the amount of time/manpower needed to implement such a drastic change).

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i agree with him in the fact that i dont care for your changes either, an even easier way to just even the playing field would be to just disable all enhancements in a pvp zone and just leave it as options for arena to allow enhancements
While I agree that would solve part of the problem, it still leaves the problems of intra and inter-AT balance, level disparities, etc.

Now, making sometimes a system that forces divisions can be bonus. It is almost a necessity in a game with millions of players (10,000, waiting to join your level 15-19 instance...).

But when you have a fairly small community and a much smaller PvP crowd in that community you have to make the system easy for anyone interested to join. When the system is harder for low levels, harder for certain entire ATs, harder non-FotM combinations, and finally harder for anyone without significant investment, you basically have completely eroded your potential PvP playerbase.

The advantages of this system are simple:
1. Easy to join
2. Allows any character to be competitive, increasing the # of potential users
3. Better PvP specific progression than PvP IOs
4. Allows characters to switch roles without respecing, changing ATs, or levelling/slotting entirely new characters.
5. 10000x easier to balance

In addition, the load-out method could be used for some extremely cool new instances, both PvP and PvE based. For instance, imagine the following scenarios:

1. 1v7: Supervillain Invades
Player is set as "supervillain" - gains access to high amounts of life, minion spawns, super attacks, etc. Everyone else has access to standard abilities and is tasked with defeating they reach an objective (ex: destroy city hall)

2. 4v4: Prison Break
4 players spawn in jail cells, and try to escape their confinements before they are defeated by the other team.

3. 4v4v4v4: Gang Violence
Players spawn as one of four gangs (Hellions, Skulls, Trolls, Outcasts maybe), and try to fight other teams for territory. This one could use costume change tech.

etc. These things wouldn't easily be done by the current system, but might be possible with the proposed. While many wouldn't play PvP normally, these types of things might be the spark of life needed to bring casual players in.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Again... Paragon is a BUSINESS.. they have to make money to stay viable... and while you may think your idea easy to implement...I can guarantee it would take HUNDREDS of man hours ...and reap no financial gain.

There are already multiple hints at pvp for new players:
The zones themselves (AP has a link to RV itself)
The Arenas in most zones
Arena Chat
The forums
The enhancement screen (you know how it says "Show results in pvp")
And you know...the players.

If Newbie A comes to CoH and is even remotely thinking about pvp...I would hope they would ask someone (even in broadcast or help) "How do you pvp in this game?"

There are many things that need fixed in pvp before it could even think about attracting new "casual" pvpers; least of which are the mechanics of pvp. I have brought numerous friends into CoH from RL...and shown each of them pvp, AE, etc etc.... None of them pvp...and it has nothing to do with the mechanics or cost of the uber builds.

I think it is great that you are so interested in pvp...but I also think you need to take a step back and look at the true reality of pvp in CoH in regards to cost v. benefits. CoH is not some huge mmo that can ill afford to spend time/resources on something that will not prove financially fruitful...which unfortunately means...no major revamps for pvp (and yes your idea is a major revamp...you do not grasp the amount of time/manpower needed to implement such a drastic change).
Again, I would agree an issue or two ago.

But everything I have suggested could be done with things currently in game. Therefore, it wouldn't take nearly the amount of effort you are proscribing. And though I would like to have everything contained in this suggestion, the basics could be done easily.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
While I agree that would solve part of the problem, it still leaves the problems of intra and inter-AT balance, level disparities, etc.

Now, making sometimes a system that forces divisions can be bonus. It is almost a necessity in a game with millions of players (10,000, waiting to join your level 15-19 instance...).

But when you have a fairly small community and a much smaller PvP crowd in that community you have to make the system easy for anyone interested to join. When the system is harder for low levels, harder for certain entire ATs, harder non-FotM combinations, and finally harder for anyone without significant investment, you basically have completely eroded your potential PvP playerbase.

The advantages of this system are simple:
1. Easy to join
2. Allows any character to be competitive, increasing the # of potential users
3. Better PvP specific progression than PvP IOs
4. Allows characters to switch roles without respecing, changing ATs, or levelling/slotting entirely new characters.
5. 10000x easier to balance

In addition, the load-out method could be used for some extremely cool new instances, both PvP and PvE based. For instance, imagine the following scenarios:

1. 1v7: Supervillain Invades
Player is set as "supervillain" - gains access to high amounts of life, minion spawns, super attacks, etc. Everyone else has access to standard abilities and is tasked with defeating they reach an objective (ex: destroy city hall)

2. 4v4: Prison Break
4 players spawn in jail cells, and try to escape their confinements before they are defeated by the other team.

3. 4v4v4v4: Gang Violence
Players spawn as one of four gangs (Hellions, Skulls, Trolls, Outcasts maybe), and try to fight other teams for territory. This one could use costume change tech.

etc. These things wouldn't easily be done by the current system, but might be possible with the proposed. While many wouldn't play PvP normally, these types of things might be the spark of life needed to bring casual players in.
for 1, that would be impossible because of AT hp caps

for 2, that doesnt make sense, unless you mean they have to reach an exit within x amount of time instead of just out of a jail cell

for 3, that would be quite boring honestly, low lvl mobs like that have 2 attacks, brawl and a pistol shot, and with everyone being exactly the same aside from costume would again be extremely boring

also your other reasoning for removing the AT disaprities is also bad because it again would make pvp dreadfully boring, things being TOO balanced is a bad thing in pvp

as a hypothetical allusion to what you want to do it would be like removing ALL classes from tf2 except for the demoman, imagine every server every player always playing as a demoman, that would get very boring very quickly

adding arena matches to the queue system is a good idea, trying to do a lot of what you want to do is too much work for the low return as pvp is not high popularity outside of the freedom server (aside from the small pvp leagues that run on other servers which only do arena based pvp)

about the only thing the devs can really do at this point to even out pvp in the experienced/hardcore pvper vs newbie/non-hardcore pvper debate is to disable all enhancements while in the zones/matches (arena could have option to allow enhances to spice up the matches more), and even then i honestly think that would make pvp even more unpopular than it is now



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
for 1, that would be impossible because of AT hp caps

for 2, that doesnt make sense, unless you mean they have to reach an exit within x amount of time instead of just out of a jail cell

for 3, that would be quite boring honestly, low lvl mobs like that have 2 attacks, brawl and a pistol shot, and with everyone being exactly the same aside from costume would again be extremely boring

also your other reasoning for removing the AT disaprities is also bad because it again would make pvp dreadfully boring, things being TOO balanced is a bad thing in pvp

as a hypothetical allusion to what you want to do it would be like removing ALL classes from tf2 except for the demoman, imagine every server every player always playing as a demoman, that would get very boring very quickly

adding arena matches to the queue system is a good idea, trying to do a lot of what you want to do is too much work for the low return as pvp is not high popularity outside of the freedom server (aside from the small pvp leagues that run on other servers which only do arena based pvp)

about the only thing the devs can really do at this point to even out pvp in the experienced/hardcore pvper vs newbie/non-hardcore pvper debate is to disable all enhancements while in the zones/matches (arena could have option to allow enhances to spice up the matches more), and even then i honestly think that would make pvp even more unpopular than it is now
Funny you mention TF2. This would be almost EXACTLY like TF2. You chose between a variety of options, can switch after deaths, and the system would remove unbalancing factors. But in this case, the balance of pre-created sets would allow a more diverse amount of workable playstyles, instead of forcing everyone to FotM builds and powerset combinations. Because of the progressive system mentioned above, this could actually lead to MORE diversity, not less.

As for AT MaxHp caps, that is a fairly easy thing to change. Players would probably be limited to a base MaxHP of around that of a MM, and would get more for choosing options like a 'tank' option, which would increase max hp. It wouldn't be hard to adjust the strength of the powers given so that corresponding well to the lower +MaxHp, and this sort of thing would allow these types of 1v7 matches to occur. Same thing with the gang idea, but the powers would vary by gang (players would spawn as boss level critters, so would have access to either fire, dark, elemental, or super strength type powers).

Besides, it is just silly to argue over the specifics of the future of a possible plan. The point is that this system can offer more dynamic PvP options, which could attract some people that would never otherwise play it.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
is it just me, or does it sound like the OP is suggesting we turn PvP into DCUO?
Not just you...

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
Again, I would agree an issue or two ago.

But everything I have suggested could be done with things currently in game. Therefore, it wouldn't take nearly the amount of effort you are proscribing. And though I would like to have everything contained in this suggestion, the basics could be done easily.
Just because the "core" of the code is there does not inherently mean it's as simple as 4 lines of code and boom your pvp idea is a reality. It would require a lot of coding, internal testing, beta testing, tweaking, etc etc.. otherwise you just end up with another half-a$$ed system that no one would play. In it's current suggested state...I doubt many people would play it who already like to pvp; let alone draw in any new pvpers.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
is it just me, or does it sound like the OP is suggesting we turn PvP into DCUO?
Never played it, have no idea how it works.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Again... Paragon is a BUSINESS.. they have to make money to stay viable... and while you may think your idea easy to implement...I can guarantee it would take HUNDREDS of man hours ...and reap no financial gain.
That pretty much sums up the devs position. They have flat out admitted that even at it's height of popularity no more than 10% of the player base has ever bothered to set foot in a PvP zone or the Arena, and sadly for the minority of players that enjoy PvP those numbers put that feature at the bottom of the priority list.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
in fact, if you'll notice IN PVP zones, the powers tab if you pull up info is missing.
They've changed this actually, you can see everyone's powers, although your point stands true. AT is not enough to know what they are, which is one thing I love.

The real reason I'm posting is because of Memphis Bill's first response to the OP. I've never seen a Non-PvPer hit the nail on the head so perfectly. I had to comment on it's great accuracy.

If anyone had skipped over the first response to the OP, you should go reread. It sums up my opinions, as well as a lot of PvPers I've spoke to over the years. Good job on it.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
The places to PvP are easy to find. But people? Unless you only play on Freedom, it is considerably difficult to find people to PvP with.
That's because PvP in this game has never been especially popular.

Changing all of the things you're suggesting will.......still leave you with no one to PvP against.

That's not because it's too hard to find, or unbalanced. It's simply because the vast majority of the players in this game just plain aren't interested in PvP in any form.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've found anyone willing to fight me at all lately. And they were all new-ish or inexperienced PvPers. I haven't lost a fight since November, and the reason for that has more to do with the fact that the experienced players don't care about PvP than it does any skill I have (I'm a slightly above average PvPer at best).

Freedom is the unofficial PvP server for a reason. The overwhelming majority of the people who are interested in PvPing with any regularity voluntarily moved there to consolidate the PvP population.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.