Legacy Outbreak




Hello all.
I logged in a toon who has not been logged in for at lest 560 days..don't recall the exact number, but when I logged in I was in the old tutorial.

Ohhhhhh..the memories it brought up. My very first day in the game I was terrified. I had never played a Video game before, much less an MMO.

I recall spending all day in Outbreak.

Anyway, I wandered around Outbreak, reliving the memories, and wishing it was still our tutorial zone...I am not at all fond of the new one, and have stopped doing it.

I wish we could have a choice of which tutorial to start with...Legacy or New.

I think I would even spend points in the Paragon Market to unlock such a choice.

Ah well, I bet it is much too complicated and convoluted to put into place.

I raise my glass of ice cold milk in toast to the old Outbreak.

RIP my old friend.

Lisa/em Praetorian Salute

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



the first 10 or so times doing the breakout tutorial was fun, but after that it just became long, it was made better when we were able to drop mishs, i would always drop the instanced mish since it didnt give xp

i do like the new tutorial in the fact that it is much faster and easy way to get to lvl 2 AND that i can send both hero and villain ATs to redside from the tutorial



If you liked the old tutorial, you can still do an altered version of it in Ouroboros, as part of what's-her-name's arc (the one that hates you).

Personally? I didn't bother to do Outbreak or Breakout in years. Outbreak was pretty horrible, but Breakout wasn't much better. And running them time and again? Yeah, not worth the time of day.

The only problem with the new tutorial is it doesn't fit with the rest of the game (primarily the voice overs, but also the targets on the ground and the "gimmicks" aren't reused).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
If you liked the old tutorial, you can still do an altered version of it in Ouroboros, as part of what's-her-name's arc (the one that hates you).
Minor point of order: the arc is actually Pilgrim's, the Ouro intro contact, but the mission is "given" by Mender Tessaract.

The only problem with the new tutorial is it doesn't fit with the rest of the game (primarily the voice overs, but also the targets on the ground and the "gimmicks" aren't reused).
Sutter's TF actually uses the marks on the ground during the final battle with the Durays.

Anyway, yeah I'd like to see them return, personally I liked both of them, especially Breakout just for thematic reasons (breaking out of prison is much more exciting than just taking some dude's powers). Yeah, Outbreak was kind of dull, but it has nostalgia value, and honestly the new tutorial is just crummy all-around. I'd rather rescue Flower Knight from Contaminated than plink away at a Giant Shivan all by myself, it was certainly faster.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
honestly the new tutorial is just crummy all-around. I'd rather rescue Flower Knight from Contaminated than plink away at a Giant Shivan all by myself, it was certainly faster.
/This 150%

Uhm you actually bother shooting the giant Shivan? I kill of the little guys because they are the ones you need credit for to advance to the next map, and then read a book while the giant Shivans dies like it is programmed to.



Don't you hate it entering just late enough that the giant shivan spawns and you know this one isn't going to count for letting you go and you'll have to sit through it twice?

*raises glass*

To Outbreak/Breakout.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
I do like the new tutorial in the fact that it is much faster and easy way to get to lvl 2 AND that i can send both hero and villain ATs to redside from the tutorial
It's faster and easier to skip it and street-hunt to level 2 and you can send all ATs to all sides when you skip it. "Speed" is no a benefit of the Galaxy City tutorial, especially if you catch the Giant Shivan off-phase.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
/This 150%

Uhm you actually bother shooting the giant Shivan? I kill of the little guys because they are the ones you need credit for to advance to the next map, and then read a book while the giant Shivans dies like it is programmed to.
When I heard the tutorial was being revamped I thought "Finally! Something with far more depth, new mechanics and stuff that will actually be fun to run over and over!"

Now I realise how good I had it with Outbreak and the Zig....I miss them. And Jenkins, you lovable doofus T_T

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the first 10 or so times doing the breakout tutorial was fun, but after that it just became long, it was made better when we were able to drop mishs, i would always drop the instanced mish since it didnt give xp
Just as a nitpick - nothing in the old tutorial really "gave XP." (Nothing in the new tutorial does, either.) You get it for clicking like a good labrat on the cheese (er, contact) you're sent to. Predetermined doses at predetermined points.

And the new tutorial, frankly... ugh. I skip it all of the time now. The old one? At least for Outbreak, you could actually have fun *teaming* with people - tell them there's a badge for 100 of the Infected, "Ooh, I'd like that!" "Me too, invite please!" and go to town.

Absolutely nothing encourages that in the new one. (Or did in breakout either, really.)

And yes, frankly, unless you're using brawl on +5 mobs, it's faster to street sweep to level 2 by *far.* You'll probably learn more, too.



Had a thought about this yesterday...

They could provide access to the original tutorials via a Pack option.

Once unlocked it would on character creation ask where you were when Galaxy City was Destroyed.

Galaxy (The Current Tutorial)
Assisting with an Outbreak (Classic Outbreak - Highlighted Blue)
In Jail (Classic Breakout - Highlighted Red)

The final contact of the classic tutorials would need tweaking to send you to the correct new contacts/locations in Atlas Park and Mercy Island.

Additionally the first new contacts would need a tweak to accept that players tagged with either of the classic tutorials didn't start in Galaxy, maybe with a:
"Did you hear what happened to Galaxy City..." for heroes.
"Longbow are looking for you and are here because of what happened, Both your Jailbreak and the Galaxy City Situation..." for villains.

These would then carry over into the new starter missions as your character would now be aware of the Galaxy City situation.

This way the Classique tutorials could be restored to CoH:Freedom and still follow the current CoH:Freedom Lore.

Side note for DEVS:
If most of the classic tutorial NPC characters need a makeover, just let us the game players and forumites do what we do best, Costume Comps and such to replace the cardboard NPC's like both The Hollows and Outbreak's Paragon PD.

Nuff Said...
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AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.