Contest of costume organized by the players (June 9, 2012 )
WOW! I've been invited to a Paris fashion show? Count me in!
Thank you! Er, I mean, merci!
Avez-vous des problèmes avec l'anglais?
Je blague. Je vais y aller.
I'll bring my best costume!
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
Maintenant, quel costumes dois-je choisir? Pourrait avoir à conivince un ami à utiliser l'un de mes costumes et entrez. Diviser les gains avec lui. >.>
Peu importe, je serai là!
J'ai utilisé traducteur de Google pour votre conveinience, si erreurs.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

I think your English translation is a bit off. Here, let me try to clean it up a little. Feel free to steal it and edit the original post if you want. Hope it helps, and I'll try to make it!
Hello all,
This contest is being held on Vigilance, but we welcome all--American, English, German. It is organized by the players on Vigilance, and you are all cordially invited as our guests.
The hours noted on the invitation is CET (9:30pm). That is 8:30pm British time, 3:30pm Eastern and 12:30pm Pacific.
Dear Heroes and Villains,
We are holding a costume contest on June 9 and would be honored by your presence at 9:30pm Paris time. The contest will start at 10:00pm and will last about 90 minutes.
We have been fighting for eight years to save our way of life, but now, darkness is at the gates of our city.
Before this next fight, let us have fun in the Studio B room of Architect Entertainment in the Rikti War Zone.
There is no set theme. You will display your outfit to one of five judges: Oxia Redemption, Marco Clapano, Miss Eternity, Strangebird, and Ancolie-Love.
The judge will give you a score between one and five based on originality, style, colors, and presentation (gestures, macros, etc.). In case of a tie, we will call to the public to decide.
There will be no losers at this contest, all participants will leave at least one million influence richer! The top prizes depend on the number of participants. If we have more than 20 attend, the top prize will be one billion influence, the second prize will be 500 million influence, and the third prize will be 250 million influence. If less than 20 attend, the top prize will be 500 million influence, the second prize will be 250 million influence, and the third prize will be 125 million influence.
Please tell your friends, enemies, family, and teammates to come and participate in this contest organized by the Vigilance server.
The event organizer team of the forum
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
I really wish you gents and ladies on Vigilance luck in hosting this contest. I don't have any global slots to spare and I'm trying to save my points for the upcoming content... so I probably won't be able to make it.
I'll make sure im there!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Nice Idea. Bonne idée.
LOL IF <20 turn up LOL.
Don't worry about people turning up. i think the server will be full then :P
I'll be making sure im there
whats the time difference for vig to UK ?

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
LOL IF <20 turn up LOL.
Don't worry about people turning up. i think the server will be full then :P I'll be making sure im there ![]() whats the time difference for vig to UK ? |

for jet lag: UK +0, FR(vigi) +1
Sure, GoldenGirl, but English is not an easy language for everyone: p
ahha its +1 hehe i keep forgetting if its - or + 1 >.<

Hello all,

This contest is being held on Vigilance, but we welcome all--American, English, German. It is organized by the players on Vigilance, and you are all cordially invited as our guests.
The hours noted on the invitation is CET (9:30pm). That is 8:30pm British time, 3:30pm Eastern and 12:30pm Pacific.
Dear Heroes and Villains,
We are holding a costume contest on June 9 and would be honored by your presence at 9:30pm Paris time. The contest will start at 10:00pm and will last about 90 minutes.
We have been fighting for eight years to save our way of life, but now, darkness is at the gates of our city.
Before this next fight, let us have fun in the Studio B room of Architect Entertainment in the Rikti War Zone.
There is no set theme. You will display your outfit to one of five judges: Oxia Redemption, Marco Clapano, Miss Eternity, Strangebird, and Ancolie-Love.
The judge will give you a score between one and five based on originality, style, colors, and presentation (gestures, macros, etc.). In case of a tie, we will call to the public to decide.
There will be no losers at this contest, all participants will leave at least one million influence richer! The top prizes depend on the number of participants. If we have more than 20 attend, the top prize will be one billion influence, the second prize will be 500 million influence, and the third prize will be 250 million influence. If less than 20 attend, the top prize will be 500 million influence, the second prize will be 250 million influence, and the third prize will be 125 million influence.
Please tell your friends, enemies, family, and teammates to come and participate in this contest organized by the Vigilance server.
The event organizer team of the (forum)