510 -
Also, all we've really seen so far is the one shot of him looking like he's about to fire while falling backwards out of a window. Sometimes you just gotta shoot from the hip.
I particularly liked the early scene where the rest of the team is watching Wally spectacularly fail at flirting with Miss Martian until Artemis decides to finally put him out of his misery and break the news about her and Superboy.
Robin: He is pretty much the only one who hasn't figured it out yet...
Heh. -
Awwwwwwesssssommme...! O_O
Oh, yes, I will be there to see it opening day/night.
I actually read some speculation elsewhere that the big mechanical serpent-looking thing at the end might be Fin Fang Foom. Who knew the Marvel giant monsters were Decepticons?!? -
Quote:Hmm... dark elves, maybe?Watched the trailer in slo-mo on my laptop just now and I'm still unsure who the "army" is. I thought at first when you see the invaders swooping in on the camera it'd be a hint since the one in the lead is wearing a cape but I'm pretty sure it's just Loki.
Then when you see the invaders jumping out of a craft I paused it and still couldn't tell.
And then it looks like Loki's going to be bringing his army to Earth using Bifrost/Cosmic Cube tech.
I haven't read the story myself, but I the way I heard it is that during the recent "Fear Itself" event, Colossus recieved the powers of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. Juggernaut presumably got the same sort of godlike power boost that a number of other villains recieved around the same time.
Why bother basing a series on Green Arrow if you're just going to title it "Arrow"? You might as well call it "Generic Archer-Guy." At least with "Smallville" the title was related to both the source material and the concept of the show.
Bah. We'll see how it looks once things get rolling.
I have vague memories of the old Beauty and the Beast, and yes, Pearlman's make-up did indeed look fantastic. If we're lucky it'll be good enough to wash the taste of Twilight out of audiences' collective mouths. -
Can't post a link here due to language, but Linkara, Nash and Film Brain recently gave the unaired pilot that spawned this costume a collective ripping. Those that know who I'm talking about should be able to find the video.
"Pants to be darkened!!" -
Quote:Or at the very least, a recipe for future disappointment.Uncanny Vaaaaaaalley!
I wonder how many of his responses were programmed and such. The whole 'God' think could either be a tongue-in-cheek thing or rather worrying.
I mean, humanity as gods? That spells BAD in big letters to me... -
And really, since when has Mission: Impossible been about fight scenes?
Haven't seen Ghost Protocal yet. Now that the holiday crowd is dying down a bit, I'll probably catch a matinee. -
Guys, do I have to invoke the MST3k mantra, here?
I should point out that in real life we shouldn't be able to hear the explosions from that spaceship, either, since there's no air in space for sound to travel through.
In short, just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -
"I'm called the Doctor... or Caretaker, or Get Off Our Planet. Though I don't suppose that last one counts as a name..."
I lol'd. -
Two superhero animated series from the same guy responsible for Gargoyles are Spectacular Spider-Man and the relatively new Young Justice on Cartoon Network. Both come highly recommended.
Wolverine and the X-Men is also pretty good, and Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is well worth checking out. -
Gut reaction? Yes, he probably could, but I doubt it would actually provide any sort of nutritional benefit. I'm not even sure how it would taste...
Quote:Actually, I thought the condensing of the first season's overall plot arc into movie length was one of the few things done fairly well. Where it really fails is in points where characters tell or explain things for the audience, rather than showing us and letting it unfold naturally. Also, poor usage of the action and CGI for a goodly portion of the film (the Blue Spirit fight sequence being one of the exceptions, for example).Well. To be fair, he pretty much HAD to compress the first season into a single film. This hurt the film immensely, but didn't leave all sorts of dangling plots that would have hurt just as much.
Not saying I "liked" the movie. I just understand the reasons he did what he did.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Looking forward to seeing what lies in store with this new series! -
I'm sure it feels that way to Lion-O. Though really, compared to the genuine shenanigans Tygra's pulled on him thus far in the series, I somehow suspect he'll get over this one eventually.
Thundercats - Ooooooh, looks like things between Lion-O and Tygra are finally coming to a head. And a betrayal on the horizon? Something tells me it's not going to be exactly what we might expect.
(Also, preteen Cheetara and Tygra were awkward and cute.)
Quote:Well, I will say that issue 2 managed to avoid the "Starfire as mindless sex doll" subject. (Though the flight attendant hitting on Jason... yeah.) It's still pretty bad so far.I really want someone to explain this one to me. This book was the worst thing ever in its first issue. Then Durakken rated issue 2 as a D, and now it's up to C. Can someone tell me how it's pulling away from the awfulness it started out being?
But I've learned to accept that Durakken has different opinions than I on many things and to take his ratings with a grain of salt. -
Justice League International #3
The team splits up into pairs to investigate the alien/robot giants that have mysteriously appeared, and we get a few character bits as they get to know each other a little better. Their handlers/managers, meanwhile, are freaking out over how recent events will impact the team's image and their career more than anything else, and Guy heads into orbit to investigate what appears to be the mastermind behind all of this.
Action Comics #3
Clark gets a few memory dream glimpses of Krypton that suggest what Brainiac has in store, and deals with the fallout of a smear campaign against Superman. Also, he seems to have a mysterious anonymous source/benefactor? Hmm...
Animal Man #3
This comic continues to straddle the line between mainstream DC superheroing and old school Vertigo trippiness. And me likey.There may also be hints of a potential crossover with Swamp Thing as there's talk of the Red and the Green (the forces of animal and plant life, respectively) needing to war against some sort of corrupting influence.
Shade #1 (of 12)
Missed this the first time it came out, so I picked up the second printing. I was a big fan of Robinson's Starman series, and this looks to continue following the lives of that title's supporting characters and setting. We all know the Shade is an awesome character. Also, (SPOILERS!!!) Deathstroke shows up at the end. Not entirely sold on his bulky new look still (with his nigh-Final Fantasy-esque sword), but at least they didn't spend his appearance telling the reader how badass he is. Like in his own book. -