Mission: Imposible - Ghost Protocall




Nobody's mentioned this yet.

I thought it was a pretty good action flick. Reminded me of classic Bond flicks of old. Lots of actual location action sequences. Simon Peg is funny as always. Jeremy Renner should have is only action movie franchise besides playing Hawkeye.

Movie is directed by Brad Bird of The Iron Giant and The Incredibles.

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It could be the greatest movie in the history of motion picture and I wouldn't go to see it.

Let's just say that I find no reason to renumerate Tom Cruise for any of his whack-job antics of the past decade or so. The only way I'll see him in a film again is accidentally.

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My boss said he didn't like the movie at all (or at least not as much as he thought he would have).

He's a big action guy (loves Fast & the Furious type of movies which I don't care for) and he said that this newest MI does not have a lot of action in it.

He said there was 1 or 2 fights with the "good girl" against another enemy, then there was the stunt of Tom Cruise on that tall building but that was it he said.

Oh and he said Tom had one fight scene (maybe 2) himself.

Truth or is that about it?

Not that I was going to see MI:GP but wouldn't mind seeing it from netflix/etc....

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Tom has a fight in the beginning, a chase scenes, stunt scenes, and a fight seen at the end, and a minor little fight scene with one of his agents (real quick).

The humor in it is great imo.

The only bad part of the movie, is the main villain didn't get enough screen time.

I wouldn't let Tom Cruise's off screen antics stop you from watching the movie. It's a good movie, and his antics aren't really worse than any other star's antics, and Tom Cruise at least seems to take his acting seriously.

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And really, since when has Mission: Impossible been about fight scenes?

Haven't seen Ghost Protocal yet. Now that the holiday crowd is dying down a bit, I'll probably catch a matinee.

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I've seen the Burj Khalifa (the building Cruise climbs on in the movie) in real life a few months before it officially opened.
Weirdly enough that's as close to wanting to see this movie as I've gotten to at this point.
I'll probably just catch this movie on cable or an airplane flight sometime. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Oh, come on!
My bad, hadn't been to bed yet when I posted.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Jeremy Renner should have is only action movie franchise besides playing Hawkeye.
He's also starring in the new Bourne movie that's coming out.

Movie is directed by Brad Bird of The Iron Robot
Iron Giant

As for Ghost Proctical, it was a good movie and I quite enjoyed it.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It could be the greatest movie in the history of motion picture and I wouldn't go to see it.

Let's just say that I find no reason to renumerate Tom Cruise for any of his whack-job antics of the past decade or so. The only way I'll see him in a film again is accidentally.
True, Tommy Cruise is following some wacky religious stuff...but its not much more far fetched than what most believe in already. Weird as it is...its not R Kelly weird. As long as Tom is still doing a good job acting and not peeing on minors, Ill go check his movies out.

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Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
True, Tommy Cruise is following some wacky religious stuff...but its not much more far fetched than what most believe in already. Weird as it is...its not R Kelly weird. As long as Tom is still doing a good job acting and not peeing on minors, Ill go check his movies out.
I honestly could care less about what Tom chooses to worship. It's none of my business, and he could be praying to dung beetles for all I care.

It's his abrasive nature, whackoid evangelism, and general public conduct that push me to not reward him with my entertainment dollar.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I honestly could care less about what Tom chooses to worship. It's none of my business, and he could be praying to dung beetles for all I care.

It's his abrasive nature, whackoid evangelism, and general public conduct that push me to not reward him with my entertainment dollar.
The whackoid evangelism is what I was talking about. I didnt know Cruise's public conduct was anymore crazier than most other Hollywood types.

I know he had a motorcyle accident, but have you utubed any of Gary Busey's insane in the membraneness?

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Let's just say that I find no reason to renumerate Tom Cruise for any of his whack-job antics of the past decade or so. The only way I'll see him in a film again is accidentally.
But Les Grossman was made of pure win.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It could be the greatest movie in the history of motion picture and I wouldn't go to see it.

Let's just say that I find no reason to renumerate Tom Cruise for any of his whack-job antics of the past decade or so. The only way I'll see him in a film again is accidentally.

Oh, surprise, surprise, Tom Cruise is a whack job. He's an actor....kinda goes with the territory. The vast majority of actors and actresses are total whackos...which is why they are actors. If you have the standards of not seeing movies with whack-job actors then you might as well never watch a movie at all. They are all mostly the same.

If Tom Cruise runs for politics..then I will be worried...but....as long as he stays on screen "acting" then his whacko antics and personality do not matter really. Let the beautiful people be stupid as long as they entertain us; it is the natural order of things. Trying to find an actor who is not crazy in some way is like trying to find a genius who does not have a touch of madness. Its impossible.

Collateral was an awesome movie btw. Havent seen Ghost Protocol yet.



Cruise hasn't had a decent hit in years and after his whackjoberee I had no interest in anything he did, even his attempt at self deprecation with layers of latex as Les Grossman couldn't erase the memory of him on Oprah, but his ridiculous Burj Khalifa stunt, the high reviews, Simon Pegg & Jeremy Renner got me and my wife to see it along with my 13yr old niece and it was very good.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
couldn't erase the memory of him on Oprah
Thankfully I don't watch Oprah, so nothing to forget.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Thankfully I don't watch Oprah, so nothing to forget.
Here ya go!

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It was only a small part back in '08, but Cruise portrayed the **** out of that loud mouthed, crazy Les Grossman character in Tropic Thunder (thanks for reminding me ebon3). Crazy or not...he can still do his thing.

I dont think every actor in Hollywood is a lunatic, but I would think that its probably not easy to stay grounded and be able to relate to 'normal', salt of the earth folks if youve been a famous celebrity for 30+ years and have multiple bank accounts overflowing with money.

Other than that Oprah incident (still dont understand that nonsense lol), most of the negative attention Cruise has brought upon himself is linked with his strong views of his religion (comments made about postpartum depression and psychiatry etc). Im not the religious type...none of its my cup of tea but whether you believe in alien saviors, the flying Spaghetti Monster or a Jewish carpenter, I say more power to you. Just try not to go over the top with the preaching and dont hurt anyone in the process of expressing your beliefs.

To our friend Tom, keep cranking out those Les Grossman characters...you cant go wrong with that formula (and Im going to see GP this week).

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



The one thing I really love about Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocall, NO FRIGGING MASKS! HALELUYAH FINALLY! Its about time.



There was one mask in the movie.

And what's wrong with masks, that was one of the staples of the original TV series.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
There was one mask in the movie.

And what's wrong with masks, that was one of the staples of the original TV series.
Nothing if it wasn't so overused in the Mission Impossible movies (especially the second one). It became the basis for all their missions. I don't remember a mask being used in this new one, I know they were gonna use them but the mask making machine couldn't finish in time. I was happy to see them do a mission without them.



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