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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    1. Shrug, what other statistic would/could you use? Time to completion is a good measure of how quickly you can meet the objectives of each mission.
    I wouldn't. I personally(And you're allowed to disagree) think that a "Top 10" for TF runs is just a bad idea.

    2. Ok, by this logic, we should ask for no changes. Now would be a perfect time to bring CoH up to modern MMORPG standards.
    Did I say that? No. That wasn't a blanket statement for all suggestions, but an opinion for this particular suggestion. Also, just because (Insert name of popular new game here) has (Insert various feature) doesn't mean we need that same feature.

    3. I gave scenarios how to get around the problems. The user is zoned out until he/she views the cutscene. Hence no issue with being ganked while viewing the cinematic. As to whether the devs could actually code it this way, who knows?
    Zoned out? As in, no longer in the mission? Or do you mean that they are phased out? What would then stop the mobs you're fighting from getting close to the phased/zoned out person and ganging them the moment the cut scene ends? When it started no mobs were around him/her, and when it ends they could be surrounded, and easily overwhelmed.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    The trouble is there are some powers that have no analogue.

    So adding flame / ice effects to certain powers would be alot of work.

    But yes, I would like to see this level of total customisation if it were ever possible for them to add, but it would be alot of work I imagine.
    Granted this couldn't work for every power set, and I addressed power sets that are similar for not exactly the same. It would take a lot of work on the devs part(I assume) so it's not something I think would be coming any time soon(Issue 28 maybe? If we're lucky.) But it's just a thought that I had.
  3. I agree with DarkGob. Give us numbers for the sliders, even if only a 1-10 scale, so that they can be more easily set. Right now I just either have them all the way left, all the way right, or slap dab in the middle.

    But yeah, make the corrections on one costume, save, switch slots, load costume, and the proportions will change. Just edit the costume as needed without dealing with sliders.
  4. Ok, first off, please learn the difference between these two words.

    Secondly, people have been asking for more enhancement slots for some time now. Especially since the Fitness pool became inherent. The devs said then that just because they gave us the opportunity to select three/four new powers in our builds, didn't mean that they thought we should get more slots.

    While you aren't basing this request on Inherent Fitness, the responce is still the same. It's not needed. And DEFINITELY not for only veterans.
  5. 1: No. Just because you can speed though a TF doesn't mean it's the best run, and doesn't mean it should be glorified.

    2: Maybe 5 years ago... but now? It seems too little too late.

    3: What Wendy said. It would cause too many problems.
  6. I just recently upgraded my comp and can now handle Ultra mode with almost everything at 100%. But just yesterday I started to run two instances of CoH as I have 2 accounts, on my one computer. Suffice it to say, running 2 ultra-modes is harder than running 1, even with the /maxinactivefps command.

    So I'm all for this. Would make lowering and raising those settings so much easier for when switch from running one account, to both accounts, and then back to one.
  7. So, we've all seen the posts about power set respecs/full respecs/etc etc. basically people wanting to change their archtypes and/or their primary/secondary power sets.

    I myself would make good use of this feature, if it were ever added, but we all know that the devs have said no, and can read the multitude of threads where these were suggested, and summarily shot down by the players for technical resaons, and dev given reasons. So I'm not expecting it to happen... ever.

    But I had this thought reading through one of the aforementioned full respec threads... for some people, the want for the change is thematic. "I picked fire instead of ice" or "I made this character but then they came out with a new powerset that fit it better'.

    Well we recently got new power animations with our handy dandy power customization, right? So what if we were able to change the animations of our power sets to those of like style.

    For example: Blaster secondaries Ice Manipulation, and Fire Manipulation.

    Chilblain and Ring of Fire are very similar in they they are both ranged immobilizers. Chilblain also has the -recharge, and -speed. So if I had taken /ice manip, but wanted my powers to be more firey after playing the character for so long, I could change the animation so that when I cast Chilblain, the animation for Ring of Fire plays. The power still works the same, with the -rech and -speed, it just LOOKS different.

    Now when you look at those two sets they aren't exactly the same of course. Tier 9 for ice is a PBAoE sleep, while Tier 9 on Fire is a damage and debuff toggle. So depending on how the idea is implemented, it could go either way. Where you just don't get to have the alternate animation for a power that doesn't have a similar styled counter-part, or the devs get paid overtime for making the new animations so an entire powerset could look different.

    Now, I have no expectations of this going through, and for many it's not even a reasonable compromise for wanting to do a 'full respec' and that it would no doubt take up ALOT of dev time and effort if they ever go for it. But I think it could be viewed as a stepping stone, and I'd like to read your thoughts on it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LIGHTNING HAWKZ View Post
    Once more i will attempt to shed light opon my readers
    I didn't realize I was sitting in the dark...
    listen thiers games comeing out every year that captures the
    minds of us gamers, city must move in a direction where this game
    can truly evolve and thats takeing in serious consideration of the graphics....powers....supergroup involement.......along with a new game engine.... for this growth to happend.
    I get what you're saying... back when I heard about that other superhero MMO(No, not that one, the one Sony has it's hand in) I thought for sure I'd be playing it. I really enjoy it's source material, and thought it would be a blast. But I haven't touched it. Honestly, I didn't even care when it was released. The new shiny looks very new, and very shiny, but I'm still happy right here. Granted I probably don't make up the majority of MMO gamers, but still. If you like something, you stick to it.

    Could all those things make me like CoH more? Sure. But that doesn't mean I'm going to concider leaving because I can't get them all right now.

    Now u say this guy is crazy
    I never said that.

    thiers not much more the devs can put on this engine thier running the game on
    You have some physical proof to back up this statement I assume? I don't think you're crazy, but unless you are one of the devs for THIS game, and intimately know everything they have put and are going to put into the engine, you really shouldn't make a statement like that.

    its time for upgrade wich in turn will produce growth then that produces evolvement....just my opion "i think thiers a way for them to make a new engine and transfer all of are active game data to that new engine...... example man going to the moon thier were those who did not believe and said it couldn't happend what im saying is anything is possible if u put the time and money and energy behind it....
    Like others have said so far, that would put a stop to all game updates. That is unless NC Soft threw a ton of money at Paragon Studios, told them to hire as many people as necessary to create a new game(Not just the engine, but it would need to be almost an entirely new game) AND have it be able to adapt to all the game updates that our current roster of devs will be adding to this game in the meanwhile.

    Also, they JUST started to produce some real endgame content, and I've not seen the servers this busy in such a sustained length of time. New issues pop, the server loads go up for a bit and then drop. Same with 2xp weekends, and reactivation weekends. But from MY point of view, the servers since GR dropped have had, and sustained a higher load than before. So they have produced more growth, and evolution in the game with Going Rogue.

    Thier must come a change to this game in order to insure its life span u must contiue to capture the mind of ur players and with that said its all based of imagination people with small minds think small people with big minds think big and thats the difference between walking on the moon or sitting in ur room getting fat smiles
    Hey, you can do both. You can go to the moon, come back home, and sit on your couch getting fat, just riding on the fact that you walked on the moon once.

    City of Heroes/City of Villains/Going Rogue has been around for almost seven years, and as long as I've got any say in it, it'll be around for another seven... granted my say only goes as far as my subscription fees, and my buying of booster packs, but it's still a say I say! And honestly, I'll keep paying and playing for another seven years on this same engine, with these same graphics.

    You asked for graphics update... just last year we got Ultra-mode.

    You asked for more powers... Going Rogue brought us four new sets.

    You ask for more super group involvement... I'm guessing this means base love? Absolutely. Sign me up for this.

    You ask for a new engine... that we've already discussed.

    It's obvious you care about this game, but you talk about it like it's on it's deathbed and they're already writing up up the toe tag.
  9. Yup. Because even though you have access to your lvl 45 powers, you're still exemplared to 40.

    If you've forgotten, or want to test what powers/sets you'll have at any given exemplared level, start up an ouro arc at the right level, and you'll be able to see what sets are in effect, and what aren't.
  10. Do shards still drop from mobs that don't grant xp? Meaning of course that you've unlocked your alpha and can get shard drops, mobs like the Romulus Phalanx in the ITF, or the Consripts from Rikti Comm officers?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Malice_A4Thought View Post
    Did anyone else do a double take at this thread's title before reading it to discover WTF ain't what one is used to thinking of ?

    /end thread jack

    It's done intentionally. Maybe not by this OP, but in game lots of folks say WTF(Weekly Task Force) instead of WST(Weekly Strike Target) because WTF also stands for "What the ... you know".
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmmaGrace View Post
    Run around, battle, earn badges, etc. There would obviously be many restrictions to these characters however, because they would be representing NCsoft. And they would still have to participate in the TFs they are associated with. And whenever these players are logged off, they character would stand around as they usually would.
    My emphasis added to show the exact reason this would never happen. To have someone represent your game/studio you would have to go into a rather intense interviewing process to make sure that you will actually represent them the way they want to be, and not some 13 year old who as soon as he gets ahold of Back Alley Brawler, doesn't go into Pocket D and start ERPing with him. Sure, it'll get taken away as quickly as the devs/GMs find out, but still...

    And at that point you're then an employee of NCSoft, or Paragon Studios, and thus defeating the point of having players who are not staff member playing the signature characters.

    Also like was already said, it's the characters YOU make that are important. The canon characters are just there to fill in when you're busy.
  13. Gemesis

    City of Prudes

    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post

    A Touch grainy, and definately not Lady Death. I was inspired, but I would not take rip off a toon
    I approve!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OutaControl View Post
    It's a a game and nobody that isn't a Lawyer would be able to understand or take the time to read it.

    So what have change that is so DAMN important that I have to say I accept it twice now to play the game? ( AS IF THAT WOULD MAKE ME READ IT ).
    You wanna know why? Because god saw what you did with your Star Wars bedsheets, and is punishing everyone else for it!
  15. OK, if you have the Musculature Boost then you do have something to equip into your alpha slot. Musculature Boost is a tier 1 Alpha slot enhancement. You can equip that, and are alpha slotted.

    Then you craft the tier 2 The Musculature Core Boost(Or Musculature Radial Boost, but based on your saying you want the MPCR, that's on the other side of the enhancement tree). When you craft the Musculature Core Boost, that will eat up the Musculature Boost(Tier 1) and then allow you to equip the Tier 2.

    Then you craft the Tier 3, in your case the Musculature Partial Core Revamp, which will eat the Tier 2.

    To get the tier 4 you will have to start from the bottom up, and craft a new tier 1, turn that into a new tier 2, and then turn that into a new tier 3 that is NOT the same tier 3 you already have. But it have to be one of the Musculature enhancements. You could not use the Nerve, Spiritual, or Cardiac. You then craft the tier 4, which will eat up both of the tier 3s you've crafted.

    Does that make sense? I understand it might be a bit confusing, but you'll get the hang of it easily enough.

    Secondly... In the Convert-> Breakdown... don't use that! ..not yet anyways. The breakdown does exactly what it sounds like. It takes something you already have, and turns it into shards. Basically like taking a car apart to use the parts for something else.

    So if you had a Notice of the Well, and broke it down, then you'd just have more shards and couldn't use the Notice of the Well to craft your Tier 3 and 4 enhancements.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    I know it used to be in the launcher. That's why I said we didn't have to click it in the game. I wish they'd put it back in the launcher. It was less intrusive there.
    The problem with that is the new launcher is for all of NCSoft's games, not just CoH, and different games have different EULA's/terms/rules/whatever you call it.

    If you haven't switched to the NCSoft Launcher, then when you do, you only have to click the agree button once.
  17. Huh, guess I've just been lucky(Or unlucky) to have chosen the blue eyed faces.. weird.

    But yeah, a new face pattern would be ideal... but then Roderick does pose the point of each face being different... I mean, I'd love to use the lip color, and make-up options for my female characters, but they never fit the faces I select, mainly in the lips.

    And to Roderick's comment about the trains, yes I know it's a minor delay, and I'm not trying to say travel in this game is pointlessly too long. It's really not. The only time when I groan over travel, is when I have to travel out to the far north islands in Talos. Oddly enough traveling across IP, or the Shards don't bother me, but that does.

    The difference between traveling across zones,,using tunnels, or ferries in CoV and using the trains is I'm doing something in the former. I'm in motion, and being engaged in the game, and the travel aspect. As un-heroic as it might seem to some people to take a train to get to the warehouse where the evil Dr Evilton is concocting his evilness, it feels even less so to arrive before the doors close, wait for the train to leave, and another to arrive.
  18. Just a couple of QoL changes I'd like to suggest.

    1: Allow us to actually change the eye color of our characters. As of right now, eye color is automatically blue. It's a small thing, and this'll most likely be an RPers wishlist item, but there are different colors for eyes. Currently the only way to actually change eye color is to toss on an aura, but just because I want green eyes, doesn't mean I want green glowing eyes.

    2: The trains. Since the merger of the green and yellow lines, I've found them to be so much more useful. Before, if I was in Talos, and wanted to get to Kings Row, I'd Ouro, hit Atlas, then go to KR. Now I can get there in one shot. I LOVE it. But...

    Can we get rid of the train pulling up to and leaving the station? Just inside the station itself I mean. Having the train running the tracks is fine, but more times than not, I run into the station, the train is there, I click on it, and nothing happens, because it's just about to leave, and then the doors close, it moves off, and then I'm stuck waiting for the next one to arrive. Yes, this takes about five to ten seconds to complete, but it's still a minor annoyance.

    If I could just run in, and jump on the train at any time, without having to wait, it would just make things feel smoother. Not to mention the piles up that we've faced from the Kahn and Sis Psy TFs being WST.

    Not big things, or things that I expect any time soon, but just like something someone could work on when they have a moment.
  19. Gemesis

    Power request

    If you go to the Suggestions and Idea's forum you can make suggestions for new power sets, yes. From the main forums page, look under "For Fun", then "Suggestions and Ideas".

    Also, it's best to do a search first, to see if someone else has made the same/similar suggestion previously.
  20. Gemesis

    Animal Pun Toons

    Originally Posted by MonsoonMike View Post
    I don't have the character anymore, but a while back I had made a Dark/Storm Corruptor named Tsooby Doo. Also, while he hasn't yet been recreated in CoH, I had a Tauren Druid named Sydabeef.
    You could try Weredabeef. Then it could be a weretuar.
  21. Nope. 36 slots is the max. If you buy more slots then you can only use them on other servers.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    The thing is, though, that there is always something making the market behave 'weirdly'. Since you started playing, there have been:

    - reactivation and double XP weekends.
    - a selection of AE exploits, some of them long-running, which had the usual effects (crash in the price of rare salvage and level 50 pool A recipes, hike in the price of common IOs, common and uncommon salvage and purple recipes.)
    - the Halloween event.
    - the release of Going Rogue, causing a heavy swing towards low-level content.
    - the release of the Incarnate system, causing a heavy swing towards high-level content.
    - the merge of the red and blueside markets that involved wiping the entire transaction history.
    - the introduction of e-mailing of inf and items.
    - Tips and side-switching.
    - Alignment merits.

    *All* of those had an effect on the market, some more dramatic than others, some more transitory than others. You can't pick May 2010 as a benchmark -- or rather, you can choose to, but it doesn't make any more sense than to pick Feb 2011. There is no 'normal' state of the market, which sets the prices that things 'should' be. There is only the current state of play, as defined by current conditions.
    Don't forget about the free transfers. People transferring older alts from other servers for free, and breathing new life and new IOs into them.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
    What about the people in instances 2 and + (not including Freedom and Virtue) that never got even a hello! Like Pinnacle!
    Did you actually read what you quoted? Zwill said that, because of those instances of Pocket D that didn't get a hello. Saying "In the future, we're going to try and not let that happen again".