Exemplaring and Set Bonuses

Adeon Hawkwood



Just looking for a clarification around set bonuses and the new setup for Exemplaring.

I know that if you are more than 3 levels below the IO level then it doesn't work for granting set bonuses.

With the new way that Exemplaring works where you are say level 40 for Numina's TF but you have the powers of level 45. Your IO's would still have to be level 43 or lower for you to gain set bonuses from them correct?

Thanks for any clarification.

Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership



Originally Posted by Garrott View Post
With the new way that Exemplaring works where you are say level 40 for Numina's TF but you have the powers of level 45. Your IO's would still have to be level 43 or lower for you to gain set bonuses from them correct?
That is correct.



Yup. Because even though you have access to your lvl 45 powers, you're still exemplared to 40.

If you've forgotten, or want to test what powers/sets you'll have at any given exemplared level, start up an ouro arc at the right level, and you'll be able to see what sets are in effect, and what aren't.