WTF comment/question

Adeon Hawkwood



Sister Psyche was the first WTF for people still interested in xp (and it was great for that). Huntsman's not so good for anyone. Will Time's Arrow be the first WTF that's good for everyone? Am I correct that all toons can participate in it?



You have to be level 35 to do the ITF, so no, not all characters can participate.

It'll be good for characters 35 and above, anyway.

Forgot to mention that you also have to have the Midnight Club opened on the character doing the TF, so I'm sure they'll be some angst about that.

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Originally Posted by TankShock View Post
Sister Psyche was the first WTF for people still interested in xp (and it was great for that). Huntsman's not so good for anyone. Will Time's Arrow be the first WTF that's good for everyone? Am I correct that all toons can participate in it?
So far Apex has been the only one not viable for gaining XP on, since you have to be level 50 to run it.

STF/LRSF, Cuda/Kahn and LGTF are all 45+, so anyone from level 45 to level 49 would still gain XP while running it.

ITF requires you to both be level 35 or higher and have run the story arc that gets you into Cimerora.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I think the ITF will be huge when it's the WST since it is already very popular and run quite often. I think this is because:
1) A wide level range can join (35-50).
2) Incarnates can get shards.
3) Anyone can get purple recipes.
4) It's one of the better-written TF's.

I expect that the first sub-50 TF *AFTER* Issue 20 will also be huge, since we will be able to earn shards while exemped.

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Originally Posted by TankShock View Post
Huntsman's not so good for anyone.
Other than the general complaint that it's not particularly enjoyable I don't think this is really true. Any character who is level 35-49 can run Numina/Mistral and get XPees.
In fact in many ways those are the non-incarnate characters who benefit the most from the WST simply because those levels are when XP starts to slow down.

Sister Psyche/Silver Mantis was fun and nice since almost all characters could participate but the static 5 bars of experience is less useful to a character in the 20s than one in the late 30s or 40s.



Static 5 bars? Is that the wtf bonus? Numina is just tedious with all the hunts, and they result in a poor xp return. Sister probably gave twice the xp per time invested. Which is definitely not all the game is about. But hunting greys isn't too high on anyone's fun list.

But the ITF will definitely be a winner, IMO.



Did anyone else do a double take at this thread's title before reading it to discover WTF ain't what one is used to thinking of ?

/end thread jack

Call me,,, Mal



Originally Posted by TankShock View Post
Static 5 bars? Is that the wtf bonus?
Well according to the original info page on it it's variable depending on TF length but Sister Psyche, LGTF and Ice Mistral all gave 5 bars. I haven't had a chance to do Numina yet.



Originally Posted by Malice_A4Thought View Post
Did anyone else do a double take at this thread's title before reading it to discover WTF ain't what one is used to thinking of ?

/end thread jack

It's done intentionally. Maybe not by this OP, but in game lots of folks say WTF(Weekly Task Force) instead of WST(Weekly Strike Target) because WTF also stands for "What the ... you know".



Yeah, I say it so much I forgot it's not the real name. Sorry.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
It was the original name of the WTFs. Then the Devs realized what they did, and changed it to WSTs. But we already saw WTFs, and we're teh intertubez, so despite the Official Name of WST, it's WTF.
Like buttcapes... Not sure if they were ever officially called such, but I refuse to change.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



ITF is one of my favorite TFs so I cannot wait

I am sure I will get the Assistant on all of my Incarnates that week



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Well according to the original info page on it it's variable depending on TF length but Sister Psyche, LGTF and Ice Mistral all gave 5 bars. I haven't had a chance to do Numina yet.
This had been my experience, too. Having done the Sister Psyche TF, Silver Mantis SF and Ice Mistral SF so far, they all gave me about five bars of XP regardless of my character's level. It may be slightly more or less depending on level and TF, but so far it heavily gravitates around five bars.