3209 -
I think sep and oct should be in, and Nov depending on your monthly billing cycle.
You should try contacting customer support. -
Quote:My take on it was posted twice in the 21 beta forums:There is no freaking way Stalker is 10/10 melee rating. lol You can't deceive new players with that rating because that will only let them down later when they hit lvl 30ish and notice that other ATs are doing comparable or better damage and have better survival.
If other ATs are doing "comparable" damage, then every other AT should be 10/10, isn't it.
Stalker needs teammates to do great damage but unlike Kheldians, they are not rated at their highest potential. Stalker's 10/10 only comes from the first 10s when AS hits.
The devs have said that Stalkers are as strong as they want us to be. This means lower damage than brutes, less survivability than scrappers and less aoe than any other AT.
I don't believe they mean us to be gimps, therefore I believe they just don't know what to do, and are ignoring the problem hoping it goes away. -
Quote:I think I understand what you are saying and if I do, I think I agree completely so I hope the idea gets the traction you don't think it will.I'd be inclined to say that Broad Sword should be ahead for the first 15-20 seconds of the fight. I think of Burst as a 10 second duration, equivalent to Build Up. If we have a super build up, we're going to be ahead for the first 10 seconds, and I'd like it to be enough ahead to be interesting. Katana's going to have some ground to make up to catch up in 5-10 seconds in that case. That's why one of my suggestions was actually nerfing DPA a little - it would allow for a stronger Super Build up while still allowing Katana to catch up reasonably quickly after it expires. I don't expect that to get any traction, though.
A more reasonable alternative might be to shorten my conception of burst to maybe five seconds. So maybe the super buff lasts only five seconds, then you're at a regular build up for five more seconds. That lets Katana start getting traction after the first five seconds or so. I'd still say 15-20 seconds for them to be even. That might be a bit too long for most people's tastes, though. I like to fight uplevel and lots of enemies, so my fights last longer than that, much longer with a mostly single-target set, so to me, Katana is still ahead if it pulls ahead after 20 seconds. But for a large portion of the game, Broad Sword would be a clear leader. I'm not sure we want it to be that clear. -
First, yes the sleep and confuse are two of the affordable purple sets. In fact the basilisk gaze will be more expensive than those. Try to run the Signature Story arc and some tips for Alignment merits or run iTrials for astrals to buy those and you can cut a huge chunk of the price out of your build.
Personally, I'd put the stealth in sprint not fly.
If you can spare a slot (haste maybe) putting the achilees heel proc in sleet is always nice.
For stealth, if you can put in the other two from Gambler rather than from serendipity, to get a much better bonus. They really aren't that expensive if you buy the recipe and craft it yourself.
I'd pull one from health and put it in tesla cage and drop in a dam/mez hammio. they are dirt cheap on the market and the cage actually has very good damage. Enough that it's worth augmenting and using as a single-target attack.
If you can, drop a damage proc in jolting chain, it does test on each jump like an AoE so definitely worthwhile. Another option given the set you chose is the chance to hold.
for Frozen armor, I'd want some end reduction. Consider at least the gambler def/end or a def/end hammi. But the hami is expensive. -
Quote:I agree completely. Johnny Sonata's arc is really a very unique and well written take on a familiar story. Probably my favorite version of that particular tale.Redside has some really great ones in the mid-to-late levels. Vincent Ross (20-29) and Darrin Wade (20-30) are both pretty good. Later on you get to do Johnny Sonata's arc which I thought was awesome (35-ish, if I remember rightly). After that there's a goldmine of content when you're wearing red.
Blueside you're going to want to do Field Agent Keith Nance (and Jenni Adair) and then Roy Cooling while you're in your 20s still. After that... well, I've done pretty much every blueside arc and they just don't compare to redside IMO. They aren't necessarily bad, but villains just seem to get better story arcs IMO.
I do recommend doing all of the St Martial stories, I enjoy that zone greatly. In particular do a coupe of Johnny's underlings before you do him. Gives an interesting introduction.
As you are 20 the new first ward stories are top notch. Especially the first 3 are very creepy. Very worth reading through all the description.
In Cap, Echo Down the Aeons is pretty fun, and it gets you the O-Portal. In Nerva Crimson Revenant gives you a pair of EBs to hunt the story vs Mynx is more fun than BABs in my opinion. And Naylor's arc is the villain-side portal exploration.
Sharkhead you really do NOT want to miss the arcs from Doc Buzzsaw. Her dialog is so awesome and the story is fun.
Hero side I always enjoyed croatoa and striga. -
Quote:Same. You can hit them but they are pretty fragile. Also really wimpy. Scorpion's Surprise is a total waste of prestige, don't bother. I probably should have blown them up to seee if you get exp for it since I know I'll be swapping them out.LOL they are targetable I shot mine last night and did damage but stopped short of destroying it .. then I'd have to BUY a new one
I have to admit it was strange sending out a memo of the day to members... Avoid the vault room. the chain guns WILL attack you!
On the other hand, the turret-mounted flamethrowers are nasty. Were hitting my /dark for 179 through about 48% resist fire and rarely missed.
Anyone actually get hurt by their defenses? Have any recommendations for guns that do their job should base PvP ever be possible? -
someone reported their base's defenses are active and attacking anyone who enters.
I'm really hoping my base is hit with this one. -
none of hte -regen, -hp or -res procs do as much as the straight damage from dots from any of the test reports I've seen.
I thought that domination only affects powers that have been coded to let it affect them? In other words, I was under the impression that it does nothing at all for any pool powers.
I'm not really interested in maximum variety. I'd play my favorite 7 existing characters and that would be a pack of stalkers, scrappers and dominators with 1 brute and 1 tank.
Quote:Most of my characters have reactive and diamagnetic interface, and i'll probably pick up another for each of them given the new options. Reactive for solo and diamagnetic for teaming because everyone else already has reactive to it becomes worthless most of the time.You can have as many as you want but only one can be slotted at any given time. (One for each Incarnate slot, of course.)
Once of my characters has 3 of the Destiny powers. I couldn't decided which I wanted without 'test driving' each for a while.
Several of my characters have barrier and either rebirth or clarion just to have options.
and one of mine has two lores.
Of course I only have 1 with any T4s, because I don't see those as particularly worthwhile and T3s are so friggin easy to get that it's no big deal. -
this is awesome. I have a few deathtraps I need to see if I can survive.
I really hope it's not fixed before I can log in on Saturday. -
I never heard about this, which doors are these?
Quote:some people are trying to prove that their epeen is bigger than any of ours by triggering marty when we can't. It has nothing to do with logic or panic or whatnot. It's an ego trip. Just nod your head, smile, and let them try.All together now: MARTy is to catch and stop game-breaking exploits without having to down the servers immediately to patch them, it is *not* to stop Power Leveling, Farming, RPing or spamming /Help with "LF DFB LOL" unless you're doing so by use of teh sploitz.
That is all. -
the cool thing about using Oro is that they are numbered so you can be sure to do the story in sequence. the first three are a bit creepy, I like them.
Be sure to either do them solo or with a slow team so you can read the story. It is very much worth it.
there are a few bits of the story that are not available via Oro. Specifically the intro arc lets you talk to Jester as you arrive and he has some cool things to say. Plus the explanation of the shadow paths. So you might want to run a level 20-30 character through the introduction before you bring a character to flashback all of the stories. -
I so have to try to get there this weekend.
Hmm, need to find one of my retired characters I don't care about who I can leave in there forever. -
Quote:the game officially considers psionic powers among humans as natural. See the Origins of Power story arc for some interesting points of discussion on that. But not all psions are natural some are magic, some mutant, some science or tech etc. It's just that natural psions are no biggie for humans in the game.That begs the question of VEATs. None of them are Natural. The Crab backpack is clearly Tech. The Fort psi-powers are either Tech or Science. The Bane relies on weapons and the mace, which are Tech. The Widow has Mindlink and Foresight.
Also, officially there were no mutants before the 1930s. I forget the official date but it is stated in the arc. -
Quote:Only if you can stack enough of it. But you can hold her when the triangles are up, then confuse again after they pass if you can't use brute force to keep her confused. Or in a desperate bid, you can sleep. But that's not ideal.Interesting, Confuse works through Purple Triangles? I know Sleep does...
Here's a thread with screenshots and tactics for mind/fire soloing the LRSF and pulling a MO badge in the process. -
Quote:that would have been awesome. I wonder can you assemble the team or team teleport friends inside once you get there?i dont remember needing to use /stuck when you log in, if you log in a half buried door should put you under the map then if you fly to the matrix room then use /stuck
and i also had a really interesting thing to do there---because of all the doors should totally have had a halloween party lol
ToT in the blue room. Dang, maybe next year hehe. -
Quote:I'm guessing tohit bonuses rather than just accuracy.My main has 5x full Crushing Impact sets, a full Multi-Strike set, a full Detonation set, and Combat Readiness three-slotted with Adjusted Targeting, and I still have trouble hitting those Drones when they're bubbled. What's your secret?
Do you have the kismet unique? That's a 7% tohit bonus right there. Worth as much as tactics at no end cost. -
Quote:Negate's advice is what I usually tell people. For a first dom try plant/fire. you pretty much can't go wrong.How does mind solo LRSF? Does it need a certain secondary?
How much damage do creepers do? What about with procs?
How do pets hold out in incarnate trials? Dead fast?
Finally, I see you are saying Psionic is good damage now, I have 2 psionics and they still seem low. Also when comparing the attacks to the other secondaries they are low. Am I missing something? Yes I took the melee...
Thanks sent from my IPHONE.
To solo the LRSF you need to be permadom (more recharge is a bit better for some of the specific powers and to give a buffer vs lag). You sleep all of the AVs, you confuse Numina and have her help you kill them one by one. then you kill just her. Fire or Psi are the best secondaries for this. Fire for the damage, psi for the -regen in drain psyche.
Creepers do a lot of damage, IF you slot them right. They are a pet and they have 4 powers. Using sets is a really really really bad idea. The set will only enhance those powers that accept similar sets. So their melee won't benefit from posi's blast for example, not the accuracy, not the damage, and it won't test for the proc either. Claims are that the ideal is 2 recharge, 2 nucleus, and 2 procs (slow is most important and immobilize or targetted aoe). Some like less recharge, only 1 nucleus, more procs, etc. But they are more than just damage. They draw aggro but are invincible. They knockdown (not back). They slow. Creepers and seeds of confusion are a big part of why plant is so awesome.
Pets die alot in the incarnate trials, but you just resummon them and no worries. Dom's have lots of recharge. -
To clarify, all pets - including pseudopets - are immune to recharge. So that is why proccing on the pet is totally worthless as Necrotech mentions.