[Question]Tier 9 VIP Costume Sets




It was going to be 3 months, but that was when they were planning to award all reward tokens upfront, which they can't currently do, so it's now "undetermined".

And you have to be Tier 9 to claim any of the Tier 9 and Tier 9 VIP rewards.

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There's also talk of the current tier 9 VIP rewards somehow becoming available again after they cycle out. Whether this means cycling them back to the tier 9 VIP reward or making them available in the shop is uncertain.



Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
On the reward screen it says that the tier 9 is available only for a limited time.
Until when?
I'm VIP,I can acquire it at any time I want or only when I get to tier 9?

Hi Pedro!

Tier 9 still need to be reached to get those pesky costumes...

The others already told you that the plan is for the game to rotate the tier, placing new juicy things there.

The Celestial set is just tasty!

Cant wait for the next special set... just hope its not something bulky.

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Also, you don't need to claim any of the consumables in Tier 9, you can jump straight to Tier 9 VIP.

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I didn't need to take the Tier 9?! Gorram, I could have had them last month. Grrrr.

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Originally Posted by Leiter View Post
I didn't need to take the Tier 9?! Gorram, I could have had them last month. Grrrr.
No you don't. When it went live I had 4 tokens for tier 9 and took the signature power and the 3 costume items. And yes they are just cool. And I would have gone for the costumes first if I hadn't had 4 tokens.

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Originally Posted by Leiter View Post
I didn't need to take the Tier 9?! Gorram, I could have had them last month. Grrrr.
Well the tier 9 are infinitely repeatable, it's not like you can ever fill them up. So if they didn't let you skip you'd never be able to get at the VIP powers anyway.

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Originally Posted by Leiter View Post
I didn't need to take the Tier 9?! Gorram, I could have had them last month. Grrrr.
Yeah, I didn't realize this either.

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