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  1. Actually, iirc, there WAS a bug way back in the day where if you made a topless male, and AFK'd out, and went back and made a female, she'd have a naked male chest; nipples, muscles, and all.

    But that bug's been long since squashed, from what I know.
  2. Sure, for instance, you say you have a fire tank, right?

    Well, with IOs, you can:

    Get KB resist

    Get Psi resist

    Get additional S/L Defense

    Increase your global recharge and damage rates

    ALL while enhancing your individual powers PAST the ED cap.

    Worth it? Up to you, however, I will say this: My Invuln tank is now almost completely unstoppable and my Mind Controller is darn close to being a tank-mage thanks to these shiney baubles. If you're into power-gaming at all, then IOs are definitely worth looking at.
  3. What can you do to survive Richie?

    Bring Psi damage. Blasters, controllers... and let them kill while you taunt.

  4. The only real problem i see with this build is that, unless you have a jetpack or other temp travel power, your ability to get from place to place if you exemp down is going to be non existent. Also, exemping below 26 will be painful since you skipped out on stamina before then.

    Also, Superspeed... well, two travel powers is fine if you have room for it, but this build looks tight enough as it is. I'd recommend dropping it for your APP's AoE so that you have more than one AoE damage tool... try to pull a slot or two from somewhere to build it up (i'd say the contagious confusion proc's slot, as well as the malaise chance for damage. That'll give you two slots to add to make your AoE more effective)

    That said, i see you tried very hard to buff your damage. Pretty good! Though I'd advocate getting more recharge. The closest thing Mind has to "reliable" containment is Mass Hypnosis, which, of course, drops the second enemies are hit. I'd see about adding more recharge just so you can use total dom as a more reliable containment setter. I mean, more recharge = more damage, but just as well, total dom being up more often = more containment, which = a LOT more damage!

    Other than that, i don't have a lot of experience with rad, so maybe someone can chime in there with a few ideas!
  5. Heh, not many of my characters would HAVE Praetorian counterparts, given that the flow of time would have caused them to not exist there at all. Ah well ^_^
  6. Arc Name: Heroes No More?
    ArcID: 36861
    Keywords: Challenging, Solo-friendly, Custom Characters
    Length: 4 missions
    Morality: Heroic
    Difficulty: moderate/level 45-50
    Enemy groups: Custom, Arachnos, Ritki.
    Description: The PPD has you investigating a small group of heroes who seem to be operating on the other side of the law. It's up to you to set things right.

    Change Log: Many Customs have had their powers changed to take away the more annoying powers while still allowing them to be a threat. One character brought down from AV to Boss, but given a mez shield. - Disgruntled Ex now stands alone in the last room and shouldn't pre-agro any enemies (though they can still attack her if they see her. Previously, one of her minions gave her a +perception buff and allowed her to Leeroy a mob before you even got to the room, and sometimes the mission would auto-complete). Changed text to reflect this. Gave arc a level range of 45-50 (except last mission which autos at 46). - changed some text in mission 2, removed destructible object - tweaked the story a bit, and will continue to do so - added a souvenir.
  7. With Recluse, you'll need large orange and purple inspirations, and maybe a few large blues. Stand next to a tower and taunt him, popping one of each purple/orange per minute until the red tower is down. After that, he probably won't be able to one-shot you, which will allow the team healer to prop you back up, along with your self-heal.

    I mean, my invuln gets BORED tanking Recluse. One time, he and his banes couldn't even HIT me for a good 3 minutes... but by the same token, he's also chainguned me twice in a row and flattened me before i could blink, so you do have to be cautious.
  8. EmperorSteele

    The best DPS?

    Well i guess I'm not the only ignorant one...



    http://www.wowwiki.com/Damage_per_second (first paragraph, though it goes into layman's terms later)

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dps (second definition)

    Though nice find on "Charged Brawl" =) Hey OP, slot a purple set and some procs into your melee attack and you'll be all set!
  9. EmperorSteele

    The best DPS?

    I'm just going to argue semantics: the S in "DPS" stands for "second" as far as i'm aware.

    Show me an attack, or a whole CHAIN of attacks, which can be COMPLETED WITHIN A SECOND (that does over 300 damage, to boot), and I'll shush up about it =)

    In the meantime, make up another term to adequately describe what's being talked about.
  10. EmperorSteele

    The best DPS?

    Something tells me Player99 is using terminology he doesn't completely understand.


    DPS = Damage per SECOND.

    Most attacks take well OVER a second to cast and animate. Therefore, if you wanted a power that did 300 damage per second, you'd have to have a power that does like 600 damage. And I don't think there's any attacks that'll do that against an even-conning mob. Maybe a Nuke, but those take several seconds to activate.

    I take it you want a measure of damage per MINUTE?

    I realize you were using "dps" as a generic term to insinuate damage in general, but it can lead to some confusion doing that, so, just don't =)
  11. Yeah, GREAT run. We took the towers down QUICK, except for we were harassed by the lone nictus cyst we left alone when it randomly spawned like 2 dozen enemies! so we had to take a minute to pound the thing but other than that (and a series of heart attacks i gave my teammates when i decided to tank with my blaster XD), it was about as smooth a run as one could hope for.
  12. FYI: the destructible objects aren't "friendly", it's actually a known bug: you have to agro them before you can attack them.

    Other than that, wow, this arc sounds terrible XD
  13. i'll try to make it, too! =D
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Ahhh...okay so I wasn't imagining things...that ledge DID exist at one point...so the map was tweaked just a bit then.

    I'm with you Warp...I very much miss that ledge also :-(

    It was the only way to separate LR from the bane spiders.

    Emperor, not sure what was holding us back. I guess, at some point, we'll run it again and see what happens.

    The tank had the support, would take LR away from the LOS of the towers, however, LR would then self-teleport back to the center only to get taunted a way again

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've bolded the problematic section. You don't need to move LR away from the banes, you just have to stop him from spawning them in the first place.

    That means holding still and doing no damage to him. Just taunt. He'll still spawn a few, but any tank worth their salt and with good support should be able to brush them off easy. They auto-die after a few minutes, so it's not like the tank will get overwhelmed. Also, have the tank use a jetpack for some altitude to reduce the number of attacks LR can use against him

    [ QUOTE ]

    ...meanwhile, the rest of the team would be working on the red tower and then have the repairmen to deal with...after awhile it more or less became a "round robin" and we kind of sat there trying to figure out why it was we cruised through the entire task force ...completed 3/4 of the last mission....but just could not take Lord Recluse or the towers. In case anyone is wondering what the diffulty setting was set at...it was set to "Heroic".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, this is a function of people not paying attention. Actually make sure people are LOOKING at the tower and watch for the repairmen spawn, then hit your AoEs. They're only level 40 so they'll all die in a hit or two. It takes them about five seconds to spawn and heal. That's PLENTY of time to finish your attack and use an AoE. Do NOT waste time targeting the repairmen or typing out a warning, just have everyone use their multi-target attacks and hope for the best. If you have 5 or 6 people doing this, the repairmen are a complete non-factor.
  15. Some things I've noticed.

    1) NONE of your character settings are preserved between genders. I can imagine you don't want some male parts going to females or vice-versa, however, having to -completely- retool the character from scratch? Would it be too much effort to try to carry over any "legal" costume pieces?

    2) When changing heights, the tailor kept giving me a pair of sunglasses that i didn't want (unless i already had a head piece). Okay, so it's two clicks of a button to get rid of, but it would seem that a costume piece identifier got mixed up with "none". This may be a symptom of a larger issue, so perhaps it's worth looking into.

    3) we can now use the costume change emotes when flying...! BUT, your legs just dangle like you're on a hook while doing so with the DRINK SERUM and SALUTE emotes (that, and the potion crashes well before it hits the ground). The pose you're in afterwards (standing but with feet pointing down) is COOL, don't change it, but see if you can do something during the animations so the legs don't look funny.
    -3b) the sound effect for the SPIN costume change emote is missing.
  16. EmperorSteele

    The 50/50 Split.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would love to be able to trust people enough to do this. But since i don't, i'll just arena with my 3 accounts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    HAX! >=O

    Anyway, sounds like a good plan, OP, hope it works out for ya!
  17. I solo'd him wit my Mind/Kin.

    ...and an army of temp pets, shush.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm getting confused ><

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sigh* Look Cap, i like you. But you're reeeaally gullible sometimes. So here:

    The Nerf is the cake.

    And you know what the cake is.

    Do we REALLY need to spell this out for you?
  19. Well, what was holding you back?

    Did the tank keep dying? Were the towers just not going down? Was the flier interrupting you every time you -almost- had a tower down?

    If it was problem the first, the tank needs more support. If it was problem the second, you need to use more AoEs to make sure the repairmen get taken down as they spawn. If it's problem the third, your support crew needs to use their damage buffs on the team so the towers go down faster instead of just ghetto blasting.

    Also, as for the ledge, it's still there, BUT, the "war wall" was moved up a few feet so you can no longer access it.
  20. This goes on for a bit, TLR version: Shrink images, work on grammar.


    The first picture is kinda really BIG (standard size is 300x300, its kind of bad design to stray too far outside that limit). Also, an action shot might be more interesting than a shot from within the costume creator.

    Also, the "title image" is too big, and forces the entire article underneath the HeroBox, making for a LOT of white space to the side, making the page look sloppy. I dunno what your resolution is, but it must be a lot bigger than mine if this isn't a problem on your system. Try scaling the image down a bit, either in photoshop OR by specifying the dimensions within your VV page itself. Incidentally, VirtueVerse has a 250K memorandum on image sizes last I heard, so you really might wanna shrink it down in an image program.

    The character seems somewhat confusing. You go on about him being empathic, yet his powersets are... Archery and Cold Domination? You sounded like he was going to be a Empathy/Psi blast defender, but maybe that's just me.

    Also, too many unnecessary capital letters in sentences. Yes, I get that they're all CoH terms (cute, btw), but it kinda makes My head hurt When every Few words Start with a capital Letter.

    Some sentences seem more like fragments than actual sentences, for example: "An Open Mind, perhaps that is why he could sense Aura." Uhm... How is babay formed? Do you mean auras? Lots of minor grammatical mistakes like that, along with problems where you switch past/present tenses in sentences. This, along with the capital letters thing, makes the entry hard to read. The actual content is interesting enough, but just presented poorly.

    And finally, one thing that bugs me though it's not actually important: Both drawn pictures have him doing this "sad dude looking off to the side" thing going on. They're actually drawn pretty good, but it's essentially the same picture twice, and it's grating. Try to vary it up a bit: have him showing off some of his powers or something.
  21. Yeah but if they're "casual" players, they won't be sticking around long anyway. Taking 2 months to get to 50 instead of one month is an extra 15 bucks for Paragon Studios. Multiply that by a few thousand, and, well, that's a lot of coin you're missing when a bunch of people get bored and quit.

    The AE is supposed to provide alternate story content to help gain levels, not just an EZPass lane to 50, so at least this way you can keep enjoying the ride.
  22. AA, you neglected to mention that GC has the respec specialist!

    However, i doubt many people on their way to or from respecing feels like RPing anyway, so mweh =(
  23. Sphere, you're just being silly. Even The Sphere's chances wouldn't be THAT high.

    It'd be more like 98.2%. Sheesh.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I once sincerely congratulated a player on how well they portray a mentally handicapped characterwithout making it seem like they're begging for pity or being silly. The player pretty much exploded in my face as they had no intention of portraying a mentally handicapped character and went on to tell me how smart and lovely their character was.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Virtue in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen, home to Mary Sue and all her estranged relatives! XD