need advice on farming

Chaos Creator



I need advice on building a character just to farm inf. I know i know I am a bad person but I need Inf for IO's on my other toons. Would a blaster be better than a controller at farming? if so what kind of blaster/controller is going to be best to take out large numbers of mobs?... thank you in advance.

P.s. I have a plant/kin who seems like he could take out tons of targets giving a few more lvls.



no blasters arent best for farming..

fire/kins are.

build one fire.kin with a buncha recharge and youll have more money then you can shake a stick at

plant is..ok but for the best farmer its a fire/kin for trollers

fire/fire tanks can still farm too..and i would know :P



no blasters arent best for farming..

fire/kins are.

build one fire.kin with a buncha recharge and youll have more money then you can shake a stick at

plant is..ok but for the best farmer its a fire/kin for trollers

fire/fire tanks can still farm too..and i would know :P

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I have a fire/storm troller but its super hard to lvl. she is lvl 18 right now but having a really hard time. I know when they get 36 then it gets good but damn thats a long way away.



no blasters arent best for farming..

fire/kins are.

build one fire.kin with a buncha recharge and youll have more money then you can shake a stick at

plant is..ok but for the best farmer its a fire/kin for trollers

fire/fire tanks can still farm too..and i would know :P

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I have a fire/storm troller but its super hard to lvl. she is lvl 18 right now but having a really hard time. I know when they get 36 then it gets good but damn thats a long way away.

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It isn't the fire/ that makes you a god of farming.. its the /kin mostly.



dang that sucks I guess I could reroll her



My Fire/Rad does pretty well. More survivable that /kin, and there's so many /kins running around anyway I almost never want for FS or SB.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



/kin>>>>>/rad for farming purposes

Ignoring everything else....transference is the difference maker when it comes to speed and being able to move from mob to mob. The endless supply of endurance can't be beat by AM or anything else (consume, conserve power, ect) that you'll need from the epic pools.



I've been using an Ice/SS/Fire tank. They have an endless supply of endurance also, and with MA, you can make a custom enemy that is suited towards your build, or just use winter horde.



MA? mission architech, martial arts?



MA? mission architech, martial arts?

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wait a min are you saying you can just create your own missions in AE and just keep running them for INF and XP??????
I didnt think you could play your own missions that seems well like an exploit almost. I don't think salvage drops in mishes but you can use those tickets for them. Hummmmm.

so you could go from lvl 1 to 50 just doing AEs?????



What would be the point of making your own missions if you can't even play them yourself?



Yes, you can make your own missions and play them. However, if I understand correctly, AE was not created so that people can research how to design and build a mission that would greatly increase their rewards while decreasing the effort/risk their characters have to endure to finish a mission and get the rewards. This behavior, again if I understand things correctly, is an exploit according to Paragon Studios/NCSoft NC.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I need advice on building a character just to farm inf. I know i know I am a bad person but I need Inf for IO's on my other toons. Would a blaster be better than a controller at farming? if so what kind of blaster/controller is going to be best to take out large numbers of mobs?... thank you in advance.

P.s. I have a plant/kin who seems like he could take out tons of targets giving a few more lvls.

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Some of us see right through this post mate.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I need advice on building a character just to farm inf. I know i know I am a bad person but I need Inf for IO's on my other toons. Would a blaster be better than a controller at farming? if so what kind of blaster/controller is going to be best to take out large numbers of mobs?... thank you in advance.

P.s. I have a plant/kin who seems like he could take out tons of targets giving a few more lvls.

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Some of us see right through this post mate.

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Not sure if your accuseing me of something or not. I just haven't played in about 3 or 4 years so I am trying to catch up on new items in game. My highest lvl character was 28 a fire/ice tanker on gaurdian named Awsome0. look it up i am not lieing. I just don't have the resources to get IO's and I need a money farmer.

as for the AE mishes if I build a mission with like 20 groups of 4 mobs designed for me to get xp and inf, and I play that mission a few times would that be considered an exploit? I don't want to get banned for doing something stupid.



[ QUOTE ] for the AE mishes if I build a mission with like 20 groups of 4 mobs designed for me to get xp and inf, and I play that mission a few times would that be considered an exploit? I don't want to get banned for doing something stupid.

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See, there's a slight problem with this line of thought (making missions to specifically enhance your rewards, or using one character to help the growth of another) and it depends a lot on not only your actions, but also on how the Devs perceive your story-arc and the missions in it.

Since this is a subscription based MMO, at its core, the general assumption is that whatever the Devs release into the game-world, be it content or tools, the idea is to enhance the games' appeal to the customer in order to keep you in the game for as long as possible.

Lets assume that you find a way to design a mission that would let you grow a character from Lv1 to Lv50 and then buy all the purple-sets and other IO's you want, so essentially that character would be, for all intents and purposes, finished. Now what? PvP in essence isn't what it used to be, and what would be the point of doing anything in the game if you're already at your peak?

Many people would just roll another character and be fine with that, but lets assume that eventually, you covered the full matrix of AT/power-set combinations available to both Red/Blue side. If all you care about is making efficient characters in the most efficient ways you can find, then essentially, you've "finished" the game. Your characters will eventually bore you and you inevitably will leave the game, at least until something new comes along like a CoX expansion. From the Devs' point of view, this isn't a good thing if when you leave you also cancel your subscription!!

The Devs of course are aware that some people enjoy the game only when their characters evolve in an accelerated rate, and acknowledge this by make changes to the game, but the core premise of keeping players in the game by making sure each characters levels up and grows according to a certain predetermined rate that the Devs first and foremost and most players are comfortable with, still remains.

So, in summation, from time to time the GMs may revise AE missions and remove those missions that they find offensive to the overall goal of keeping our characters from growing too fast as dictated by the Devs game-design. If any of your missions are removed, you may be able to appeal to a GM and defend your case and perhaps either return the mission (with or without modifications) to the AE, or at the very least return the lost AE publication slot that you may have lost when the mission was locked.

I think Positron has gone on record and explained AE concepts and policies about these issues, and searching the Forum about this would be quite useful. Just remember, with Great Power, comes great responsibility, and with unchallenged and undisciplined growth, comes great boredom, contempt and disregard!

In other words, what's wrong with growing your characters the normal way and having them work to get the funds they require? And if you're going to say that you simply want to get there as soon as possible, and you don't want to pay too much money for this if there's a better way, or that you're simply impatient, I understand... it's just that when players take these measures to grow their characters in excess to what the Devs see as the healthy rate, GM's will take counter-measures.

We have been warned.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



blah blah blah, farmin is stupid and against what the devs want, blah blah blah.

You need inf, just go to atlas, go into the AE building and broadcast you are lft. Nine times out of ten you will get invited to a farm, just run with the group til it burns out, wash rinse repeat. If its a decent boss farm, you will get inf hand over fist rather quick.

And to mr "whats wrong with gaining it the way the devs intended." I have been hearing that crap since issue two. seriously, painfully leveling every single toon may be fun to some people. most just find it tedious and annoying after the first time or two. Farming is going to happen, people will find the most efficient way to get to where they want to be. Every time the devs "kill" farming, a week later there are all new farms.

Now, some of the old farms were a bit ridiculous, like the old BP farms. Seriously, I understand killing that. But I seriously miss the old Shadowhunter farms. Those were mad fun, being able to pull half the map, or the whole map for invulns, and killing them all off was EPIC. There were a lot of things about this game that were epic, that were killed because someone else decided they need to be the moral compass of the entire player base. It seems like every time one of these people complains, the game gets a bit more life sucked out of it.

The AE farms are harmless, seriously. At least in those the whole group has to work together to be efficient. Pugging those is kinda interesting when you are tired of the endless painful grind that comes with leveling a toon "as intended."

Do I think that some people are spoiled and lazy, yep, I do. But some people need to get off their damned crosses and realize that the casual gamer is the bread and butter that keeps this game alive, and a lot of those casual gamers farm/PL for various reasons. You piss too many of them off, there wont be a game left for anyone.

Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.



Yeah but if they're "casual" players, they won't be sticking around long anyway. Taking 2 months to get to 50 instead of one month is an extra 15 bucks for Paragon Studios. Multiply that by a few thousand, and, well, that's a lot of coin you're missing when a bunch of people get bored and quit.

The AE is supposed to provide alternate story content to help gain levels, not just an EZPass lane to 50, so at least this way you can keep enjoying the ride.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I think I might have misspoke about somethings, one them is I really don't want to go from lvl 1-50 in AE's I was just asking if it was possbile. Second this character is to farm inf for like 20 of my other characters becuase I want to do all the normal game content with them but I don't want to have to struggle for inf and io's with every one of them. I want to just play the mishes and the tf mishes (wich no one seems to do anymore thanks to AE). I will be around for a while (till champions comes out maybe). I just want to ease the burden on all my other toons.



Just make a fire/kin like the rest of the world.

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Uh, because 90% of the thought behind creating the MA was that players would be creating missions for other players to play?



MA? mission architech, martial arts?

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I think I might have misspoke about somethings, one them is I really don't want to go from lvl 1-50 in AE's I was just asking if it was possbile. Second this character is to farm inf for like 20 of my other characters becuase I want to do all the normal game content with them but I don't want to have to struggle for inf and io's with every one of them. I want to just play the mishes and the tf mishes (wich no one seems to do anymore thanks to AE). I will be around for a while (till champions comes out maybe). I just want to ease the burden on all my other toons.

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ITF is good for about 9 million influence before selling.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



I need advice on building a character just to farm inf. I know i know I am a bad person but I need Inf for IO's on my other toons. Would a blaster be better than a controller at farming? if so what kind of blaster/controller is going to be best to take out large numbers of mobs?... thank you in advance.

P.s. I have a plant/kin who seems like he could take out tons of targets giving a few more lvls.

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Some of us see right through this post mate.

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Not sure if your accuseing me of something or not. I just haven't played in about 3 or 4 years so I am trying to catch up on new items in game. My highest lvl character was 28 a fire/ice tanker on gaurdian named Awsome0. look it up i am not lieing. I just don't have the resources to get IO's and I need a money farmer.

as for the AE mishes if I build a mission with like 20 groups of 4 mobs designed for me to get xp and inf, and I play that mission a few times would that be considered an exploit? I don't want to get banned for doing something stupid.

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Let me give you an example of an acceptable AE mission. I have an Ice/SS tank, so he's good against ice (90% resist). I made a mission which involves the a ship heading to RWZ full of supplies. The ship was attacked, and taken by the Winter Horde. The hero (or villian) needs to get onto the ship, get the supplies back before they are destroyed (defendable objects) destroy a machine which is keeping the temperature low on the ship, and defeat all the winter horde.

It's alot of fun solo, and on a team, it is very tactical. People need to be able to pick up ambushes since 2 or 3 ambushes attack at a time. I've been on teams who breezed through it, and I've been on teams where everyone but me wiped (since I'm an Ice tank and the do nothing to me).

Yes, you can make an AE mission that favors your toon, but take time, and iron out a story. Don't put "Great Lootz tis a farm!"




Lets assume that you find a way to design a mission that would let you grow a character from Lv1 to Lv50 and then buy all the purple-sets and other IO's you want, so essentially that character would be, for all intents and purposes, finished. Now what? PvP in essence isn't what it used to be, and what would be the point of doing anything in the game if you're already at your peak?

Many people would just roll another character and be fine with that, but lets assume that eventually, you covered the full matrix of AT/power-set combinations available to both Red/Blue side. If all you care about is making efficient characters in the most efficient ways you can find, then essentially, you've "finished" the game. Your characters will eventually bore you and you inevitably will leave the game, at least until something new comes along like a CoX expansion. From the Devs' point of view, this isn't a good thing if when you leave you also cancel your subscription!!

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That is a what if scenario, and one that will never happen. Show me anyone that has played every AT combination, and purpled them all out.

With power proliferation, it will never happen either. They'll run out of slots before they play every combination.