Do you ever edit other people's VirtueVerse pages?
I only have one VirtueVerse page, and haven't visited it in over six months. I hope someone's edited mine if need be.
QR: If you can't tell the difference between helping someone improve their VV page or not, then you probably shouldn't do it. Folks have edited my pages, but always to improve them and I am grateful for it.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I've done so a handful of times, and I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I've only done it for people I know in-game. I only touch minor things like grammar or adding in the few VV editing tricks I've picked up.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Thread title says it all. Getting rid of obscene content is one thing, but what about spelling errors? Or information about one of your own characters that's inaccurate? Where do you folks draw the line when it comes to editing other people's work?
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Personally, I avoid editing the content of pages unless it's to correct common formatting errors or categorize a page or some such, or if the author is using Template:Help Me to request assistance.
As far as the second question goes, it's one thing to correct a factual inaccuracy such as a misspelled name, but if it's merely one character's unflattering opinion of another character, there shouldn't be an issue -- if you object to someone's description or reference to your character, talk to them about it in-game or leave a note on their User_talk or the article talk page, politely requesting the reference be corrected or removed.
The following's more of a related PSA than in response to your question: If it's an extension of in-game drama, don't bring it to the wiki; report it as harassment on the UHVU forums and stand clear. Sysops get grumpy when asked to mediate and don't care who started it.
Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators
I periodically help people with the problem of the image box. I used to offer services as an editor, but after a fairly renowned player took my assistance then just went back to writing terribly, I gave up. Otherwise I limit myself to mucking with friends' pages, people who can contact me privately.
Thread title says it all. Getting rid of obscene content is one thing, but what about spelling errors? Or information about one of your own characters that's inaccurate? Where do you folks draw the line when it comes to editing other people's work?
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Getting rid of obscene content? There is no obscene content on the Wiki. That's merely in your head. Which is to say, unless it's a breaking any laws or rules, content per se is not a reason to edit an entry. Editing another person's entry merely because it offends your sensibilities is however reason to get yelled at.
Editing spelling errors is certainly fine, though be mindful when it comes to that. If someone went through and Americanised my British spelling or edited some pseudo-witty play on words, I'd be rather cross with them to say the least.
Information on other character is iffy, to say the least. I'd generally always suggest to run anything given as factual information on another character or an event involving another character be run past that character's player first. I once sincerely congratulated a player on how well they portray a mentally handicapped character without making it seem like they're begging for pity or being silly. The player pretty much exploded in my face as they had no intention of portraying a mentally handicapped character and went on to tell me how smart and lovely their character was.
Of course, my opinion of said player kind of took a nosedive afterwards, but the point I'm trying to make is clear.
That said, just plain editing over information about your characters or other characters doesn't always work either. When in doubt, just leave the player a message or bring it up in the Discussion section of the page in question. Ideally both.
Winston Churchill
It's tempting to change around The Cape's (radio station) page. Since they make almost zero mention of it's existence, founder, or beginning DJ's before Templar.
It's a great form of disrespect, but nobody seems to care or remember, so I've been fairly quiet about it. :/
Maybe one day I'll do it anyway.

What AlwaysAPrice said, with this added:
If you edit someone's page for spelling or grammar, please say so in the Editing Comment.
If you are contemplating more drastic changes, PLEASE (please please please) discuss them with the page creator beforehand.
If someone complains to the sysops that their page was 'hacked up' or vandalized without their consent, we'll simply revert it to the last known good version. Then a not-so-nice cease and desist note gets posted to the page of the person who did the changes.
It goes downhill from there. Pages get locked, people get banned... not a good scene at all.
So regardless of whatever drama you may have going on with your fellow players, respect what's posted on the VV. It's often better to simply not mention any characters of players you disagree with.
Now... if you have an IC rivalry, but OOC you're on good terms? By all means, have fun. Just don't take it OOC, or go after a page that the owner doesn't agree with your changes.
Thank you.
P.S. The moderators WILL edit pages that are in violation of the Virtueverse Terms of Use and Basic Guidelines.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
It's tempting to change around The Cape's (radio station) page. Since they make almost zero mention of it's existence, founder, or beginning DJ's before Templar.
It's a great form of disrespect, but nobody seems to care or remember, so I've been fairly quiet about it. :/
Maybe one day I'll do it anyway.
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I think you're putting more emotion into this than actually exists.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I once sincerely congratulated a player on how well they portray a mentally handicapped characterwithout making it seem like they're begging for pity or being silly. The player pretty much exploded in my face as they had no intention of portraying a mentally handicapped character and went on to tell me how smart and lovely their character was.
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Virtue in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen, home to Mary Sue and all her estranged relatives! XD

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
A friend asked me to proofread their page once. Other than that, I don't mess with stuff.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Ya, I don't edit other people's pages nor do I plan to, I was just wondering how everyone else approached it. The only time it ever crossed my mind was when someone had information on a character of mine on their page was incorrect, but even then I just waited for them to figure it out and fix it themselves.
Also I rarely hear of Vandalism.
Also didn't the original maker of The Cape (thanks for making it, dude) abandon it, then pitch a fit when he returned months later only to have his demands for full control back denied? Haha, maybe if I'm wrong it only proves we need a page to clear it up after all.
I remembered most keenly an incident where one person's page was subject to vandalism and nobody I knew who would normally revert it could be bothered to fix it, leaving it to a sysop to take care of it. That did amuse me.
Pfffft, I haven't finished my virtueverse in 2 years already.
I've requested that folks who mentioned/used my character without my expressed permission change their entries but I haven't edited other people pages.
I barely edit my own pages, much less have the time or inclination to edit others--though sometimes, when browsing, the grammar can make me cringe. (Thankfully, this has been a rarity.)
You're not super until you put on The Cape!
It's tricky. Is it proper to remove comments you've made on someone's talk page? Things such as your "character rocks"? Then, later you decide you'd rather not have that comment on the page. Is it okay to then remove it? It's your comment but it's their talk page.
When things go south OOCly with a partner it is very difficult. Especially, when you can't even discuss how to delicately disengage the characters to everyone's mutual satisfaction.
So, how do you treat that? In the face of heavily retconning characters and making changes through normal game play the characters the former partner is referring to and the one's being played are often completely different. My solution? Pretend that there was another hero/villain with the same name and similar look. That way they have their way of dealing with the OOC split and I have my way and drama is avoided.
When real life slaps you in the face (in my case, my brother passed away recently) you realize that this stuff isn't all that important.
Edit away my spelling errors. Just be polite and treat others as you'd like to be treated. It's as simple as that.
If I had time I might poke around friends stuff and offer help, but I don't have time for my own stuff :7
ive had spelling errors corrected people use to pm me all the time now they just go ahead and do it i dont mind
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Oddly the only thing I do to mine is ask people to edit spelling and grammer errors. I presume others have circles of friends who do that for them, so if I don't know them, I don't feel its my place
Just my 2 cents.
I need to figure out how to make a VirtueVerse page for a character first.
Then I need to spend a week or three getting all of my important characters up there.
THEN I'll get to worry about if I edit other people's pages or not.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
The first entry for one of my characters was written entirely by a friend, so I guess you could say it was a massive edit.
If I saw something I thought needed changing on someone's page, I'd contact them about it. If they said change it, then ok. Other than that I'd pretty much not touch another person's VV page.
When things go south OOCly with a partner it is very difficult. Especially, when you can't even discuss how to delicately disengage the characters to everyone's mutual satisfaction.
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Don't think I've been in this particular situation, but my characters tend to get attached to people who leave. When someone asks where they went, my main's usual reply is to state that he ate them. That usually shuts people up for one reason or another.
Winston Churchill
Thread title says it all. Getting rid of obscene content is one thing, but what about spelling errors? Or information about one of your own characters that's inaccurate? Where do you folks draw the line when it comes to editing other people's work?