Do you ever edit other people's VirtueVerse pages?




Nah I'm no where to being a gramm[u]e[u]r pro so I feel no need. The only time I've ever edited a wiki was yesterday (albeit, SW:TOR's wiki site) when someone's format was messed up causing everything to be bolded, bloated, etc.

Otherwise I try to stay out of editing other peoples work because I would like the same courteously.



When things go south OOCly with a partner it is very difficult. Especially, when you can't even discuss how to delicately disengage the characters to everyone's mutual satisfaction.

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Don't think I've been in this particular situation, but my characters tend to get attached to people who leave. When someone asks where they went, my main's usual reply is to state that he ate them. That usually shuts people up for one reason or another.

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I prefer the system a GM I used to play under used. If you disappear, your character gets the most humiliating and un-glorious death he can muster. "And as you go around the corner, Bob's door flies open and he falls out. And then the car behind you runs over his head. And his body rolls into a gutter. ... and a dog pees on it."

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.




The group I play with didn't have problems with people leaving permanently but we used to have an ingenious way to deal with temporary absences from the game. Whenever a player couldn't make it to a session, his character was hit on the head by a falling toolbox and knocked out for the duration of the session.

In games of Vampire it was a magical toolbox. In Werewolf, the toolbox was made of silver. Etc.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



I once sincerely congratulated a player on how well they portray a mentally handicapped characterwithout making it seem like they're begging for pity or being silly. The player pretty much exploded in my face as they had no intention of portraying a mentally handicapped character and went on to tell me how smart and lovely their character was.

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Virtue in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen, home to Mary Sue and all her estranged relatives! XD

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This is fantastic

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



I edit others VV pages all the time.

I usually add the line "enjoys shaving goats then dressing them in thongs..."



since I don't know what VirtueVerse is I'll have to say no



Hell, I'm late editing my own pages!



Hell, I'm late editing my own pages!

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This, times oh, like four. (cause that's all the characters I have VV pages for I think)



I edit others VV pages all the time.

I usually add the line "enjoys shaving goats then dressing them in thongs..."

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*ctrl-c and makes a beeline for Ozell One's VV page*



Dangit. I knew I forgot something. Never had the time to even start a VV page.

<jots down "tie string on finger to remind self to make a VV page" on an obscurely placed to do list> That oughta do it!

At least by December. Ordered some artwork from Graver and I'm pretty excited about finding a place to display it. He's been my favorite for years and I've never commissioned work from anyone before.



It's tempting to change around The Cape's (radio station) page. Since they make almost zero mention of it's existence, founder, or beginning DJ's before Templar.

It's a great form of disrespect, but nobody seems to care or remember, so I've been fairly quiet about it. :/

Maybe one day I'll do it anyway.

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He still plays the game you know.



Only if they pay me. I usually charge between $2-3 a page.



Dangit. I knew I forgot something. Never had the time to even start a VV page.

<jots down "tie string on finger to remind self to make a VV page" on an obscurely placed to do list> That oughta do it!

At least by December. Ordered some artwork from Graver and I'm pretty excited about finding a place to display it. He's been my favorite for years and I've never commissioned work from anyone before.

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Graver artwork is a VERY good place to start.

Of course I'm also partial to Poison and Russ Platt...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."





He still plays the game you know.

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He needs to send me shots of the old crew. Including DJ Forrest, Omega, Insomniac, Shinjuku, D, Septa and anyone else I've forgotten.

I had a great group shot of five of them, including Tenchi and Septa together standing in the PDP - but it (and about 2000 screenshots from 2004 - 2006) was lost in a roomate induced hard-drive wipe.
