Been away a awhile...IOs really worth it?




Hey folks, been away a while, since issue 12, and even then I barely played around with Inventions having just returned to the game then as well. My question is, as a Fire/Fire Tank, are Inventions really worth having? How much of a boost would they add to my tanking mitigation and what not? I'm talking set bonuses, etc. From what I've seen they only seem to add minor bonuses and aren't Archetype makers or breakers. Am I wrong? Thanks ahead for any feedback.



They are much better than the pre-existing enhances.
The won't "make or break you" but they will make you more powerful than someone without them - in general.

That beings said, sets "set" you up with certain bonuses. Using non-set IO's allow you to set up each power more freely.

IO's never expire, so I think they are always a good bet.



yes..with e.d. they killed and hurt tanks the most

you can add soooooooo much to fill the holes the devs created

you dont NEED i.o's but their certainly awesome to have.



Sure, for instance, you say you have a fire tank, right?

Well, with IOs, you can:

Get KB resist

Get Psi resist

Get additional S/L Defense

Increase your global recharge and damage rates

ALL while enhancing your individual powers PAST the ED cap.

Worth it? Up to you, however, I will say this: My Invuln tank is now almost completely unstoppable and my Mind Controller is darn close to being a tank-mage thanks to these shiney baubles. If you're into power-gaming at all, then IOs are definitely worth looking at.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Any single set bonus is pretty minor, but several of the same starts to get huge. You can make a stone tank reasonably mobile, or an invuln tank indestructible vs. most damage, for example.

Or ignoring set bonuses, they're still worth having. My invul/ice has 5 slots in Ice Blast. In those 5 slots, he gets 69% accuracy, ED capped damage, 61% end reduction and 61% recharge. As a complete bonus, he gets some +recovery, some global +accuracy, and some energy/neg defense.



making me want to try this IO craze



Hey folks, been away a while, since issue 12, and even then I barely played around with Inventions having just returned to the game then as well. My question is, as a Fire/Fire Tank, are Inventions really worth having? How much of a boost would they add to my tanking mitigation and what not? I'm talking set bonuses, etc. From what I've seen they only seem to add minor bonuses and aren't Archetype makers or breakers. Am I wrong? Thanks ahead for any feedback.

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I can get up to around 30%+ defense (melee) pretty easily on Fire/Fire with set bonuses.



WoW! Thanks for all the feedback folks! I guess I will have to try and outfit my old fire/fire tank with these inventions. Any suggestions as to the best sets for a fire/fire tank? Or is there a thread already on this somewhere in the forums?

Thanks again!!



NVM! I found some great threads on IOs for fire/fire tanks. Thanks again folks!



Don't get fixated on just the set bonuses -- IOs offer more than that.

There are few set bonuses that add resistance. Defense is easier to find, but because a Fire Tanker starts without any defense to build on (thus making it difficult to soft-cap without giving up too much other stuff) you may want to settle for "some" defense instead of going whole-hog.

But one thing you should definitely look into is "frankenslotting" -- using a mix of multi-aspect IOs from different sets (Acc/dmg/rech from 3 sets, for example). You forgo the set bonuses (mostly) but you can really get a lot of enhancement value in your powers, equivalent to more than 6, 7, or even 8 SOs worth of conventional slotting.

This lets you do things you'd never have considered before, like get tons of end reduction in your attacks without having to lose accuracy, damage, or recharge.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



For Fire/Fire Tankers the following are decent sets to look into that provide defense:

Touch of Death (melee)
Obliteration (PBAOE recharge oriented) ... good for Consume
Multi-Strike (PBAEO end/acc oriented) ... good for Blazing Aura
Thunderstrike (ranged)
Positron's Blast (Targeted AOE) - good for overall stats (not a lot of defense for Targeted AOEs unless you're concerned with AOE defense).
Doctered Wounds (healing) good for Healing Flames for overall stats on a budget
Performance Shifter: Chance for Endurance (endMod) put an extra slot in Stamina and throw this in there to help take the bit out of end woes.
Steadfast Protection (resist) KB protection (don't need acrobatics anymore) and 3% global defense ... good set to stick in Plasma Shield or Temp Prot if you took it.

That should give you a good starting point for adding more defense to your Fire Tanker.

Good luck.



Probably going to get Coldemeded for this but here goes.

DISCLAMER FOR THE EPEEN MAN!! This is for someone returning to the game who has limited money to start with

6 slot all your AOE’s with Multi Strikes ( Blazing, Consume, Combustion, FSC, Fireball )
6 Slot all your single with Makos ( Scorch if slotted, Incinerate , GFS )
6 slot all your shields with Titanium ( Fire Shield , Tough )
4 slot 1 shield with Reactive ( plasma Shield ) and 2 slot Steadfast ( res/def IO and KB prot )
6 Slot all your Def shields with Red Fortunes ( Weave)

Add Karma KB Prot to CJ

All of this will run you under 20 to 40 mil for the sets and 20 to 30 mill for both KB and Steadfast Res/Def IO. This should also give you around 71% resist and 25% to 30% melee defense and 20% to 25% range defense. This is almost the same as a SO’d Granite Stone tank which should enable you to tank everything in the game ( TF’s and Large groups )

After you start making money start replacing Multi’s with Obliterations and adding specials like Numina’s if needed



Don't get fixated on just the set bonuses -- IOs offer more than that.

There are few set bonuses that add resistance. Defense is easier to find, but because a Fire Tanker starts without any defense to build on (thus making it difficult to soft-cap without giving up too much other stuff) you may want to settle for "some" defense instead of going whole-hog.

But one thing you should definitely look into is "frankenslotting" -- using a mix of multi-aspect IOs from different sets (Acc/dmg/rech from 3 sets, for example). You forgo the set bonuses (mostly) but you can really get a lot of enhancement value in your powers, equivalent to more than 6, 7, or even 8 SOs worth of conventional slotting.

This lets you do things you'd never have considered before, like get tons of end reduction in your attacks without having to lose accuracy, damage, or recharge.

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quoting sailboat. especially for a new person, this is great advice. Its easy to choose bad sets and have IO set regret.

If your starting IO's, frankenslotting is an easy/effective way to start.

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



I love cheap effective examples, nice job Brakner.

I'm a huge fan of multistrikes myself

50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace

50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl



One thing to keep in mind is that the Steadfast +def recipe and the kb recipes from resist and defense sets are all pretty cheap, meritwise. Be sure to run your own story arcs and you can get it by the time you have room for it. My Shield Tanker picked it up in the 20s due to a TF or two and running his own arcs. My Stalker villainside hasn't run any SFs, and he's almost to 125 merits at level 31, which isn't too bad.

Anyway, that's one way to save cash. My WP/DB Tanker picked up a Steadfast early on his career and just sold a LoTG +recharge for some easy cash. Both were earned via merits as he worked on normal story arcs and his Task Force Commander Accolade.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Don't get fixated on just the set bonuses -- IOs offer more than that.

There are few set bonuses that add resistance. Defense is easier to find, but because a Fire Tanker starts without any defense to build on (thus making it difficult to soft-cap without giving up too much other stuff) you may want to settle for "some" defense instead of going whole-hog.

But one thing you should definitely look into is "frankenslotting" -- using a mix of multi-aspect IOs from different sets (Acc/dmg/rech from 3 sets, for example). You forgo the set bonuses (mostly) but you can really get a lot of enhancement value in your powers, equivalent to more than 6, 7, or even 8 SOs worth of conventional slotting.

This lets you do things you'd never have considered before, like get tons of end reduction in your attacks without having to lose accuracy, damage, or recharge.

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quoting sailboat. especially for a new person, this is great advice. Its easy to choose bad sets and have IO set regret.

If your starting IO's, frankenslotting is an easy/effective way to start.

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IO set regret ... that's awesome.