The 50/50 Split.




After hearing an idea in a recent topic, I thought it could have some merit. I've been looking for some kind of proposal that can help the people, and myself at the same time. So, Here's the deal:

We'll arena farm. One on one. Your level fifty squishy versus my level fifty. You'll stay in one spot, while I find you, and pwn your [censored] off. And we'll rinse, lather, and repeat until there are multiple recipes in my hands.

I will then proceed to global friend you, and put the crafted IO's on the market. When it sells (can be minutes, hours, days) I will send you a global tell and alert you to pickup your 50% of the sale. With the recent prices, each of us might be able to earn up to 250 mil per sale.
The PvP IOs are very much in demand, and hence they sell for a nice profit. Quite honestly, I know most of you are going to doubt that I can be trusted to fulfill the 50% split, but I assure you that I will 100% give you your share of the profits. And if I don't?

Well then you can rat moi out on the forums, and call me a backstabbing piece of crap.

Now if any of you would like to go through with this, please send a global tell to @Stanupa. I am available on Freedom, and Guardian. I am soon to be available on other servers, once I start to branch off on them.

EDITED! I have fixed the conditions.




You need to be within 3 levels to get the drops, and they drop at the defeated player's level. Those level 1 Gladiator's Armor would look neat though...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



*sigh* Well, I've heard wrong then.. i'mma go edit that first post now..



Been there done that and the drop rate is extreeeemeeeely low. Not even worth the time.




I prefer the 100/100 split. Two accounts ftw.



Hmm...Interesting. I am more than sure that people are risk free farming with dual boxing and friend killing like you propose. Because of that I am relatively sure you will get some takers.

Keep in mind that people present one position here the forums being anti-farm, yet you can run across these very same people in game running their own farm missions I have in the recent past so ignore anyone that presents that position.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Hmm...Interesting. I am more than sure that people are risk free farming with dual boxing and friend killing like you propose. Because of that I am relatively sure you will get some takers.

Keep in mind that people present one position here the forums being anti-farm, yet you can run across these very same people in game running their own farm missions I have in the recent past so ignore anyone that presents that position.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just in case you thought that I've ever been anti-farm, I'm not. I am pro choice. Do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't negatively affect me

I know that wasn't directed at me but I prefer to make it crystal clear



I prefer the 100/100 split. Two accounts ftw

[/ QUOTE ]

I was pretty clear about your position at this point.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I prefer the 100/100 split. Two accounts ftw

[/ QUOTE ]

I was pretty clear about your position at this point.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's Good

Edit: added another word so I don't get hit for 1 word posting >.>



I would love to be able to trust people enough to do this. But since i don't, i'll just arena with my 3 accounts.



I would love to be able to trust people enough to do this. But since i don't, i'll just arena with my 3 accounts.

[/ QUOTE ]

HAX! >=O

Anyway, sounds like a good plan, OP, hope it works out for ya!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I prefer the 100/100 split. Two accounts ftw

[/ QUOTE ]

I was pretty clear about your position at this point.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's Good

Edit: added another word so I don't get hit for 1 word posting >.>

[/ QUOTE ]

Do we get in trouble for one word posting?

Enjoy your day please.



Another butt hurt forumite cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



That seems to think people don't know that hitting Quote on ignored posters just shows you what they post...



Once you get on Pinnacle, I'd be more than willing to give this a try.



Stanupa, what is your usual play time? I'm on Freedom and I'm not opposed to doing this, at all.

Just so I'm clear, you're talking about you defeating me over and over right? So all I'm really doing is basically lending you a second account? I just have to stand there and do nothing?



QR: Stan, I'm game, too. S'worth a try.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Stanupa, what is your usual play time? I'm on Freedom and I'm not opposed to doing this, at all.

Just so I'm clear, you're talking about you defeating me over and over right? So all I'm really doing is basically lending you a second account? I just have to stand there and do nothing?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, you are correct. You are essentially just a "dummy", and I kill you over and over until there is a recipe in my hands. My usual play times on Freedom are:
In the morning on weekdays from 7:40-8:50,
In the afternoon on weekdays from around 4:20 to 7:00, or 6:30. I am flexible though, I can go on basically at any time after 4:00, and any time before 8:45. And on weekends, anytime of day is good.



Yes, he farms you for recipes.




We'll arena farm. One on one. Your level fifty squishy versus my level fifty. You'll stay in one spot, while I find you, and pwn your [censored] off. And we'll rinse, lather, and repeat until there are multiple recipes in my hands.

[/ QUOTE ]

Use the cage map then he'll always respawn in the same spot and you can just stand there.



Hmm never thought of that. That sounds good.

Munki and Dumple send me a global tell so we can set things up.




We'll arena farm. One on one. Your level fifty squishy versus my level fifty. You'll stay in one spot, while I find you, and pwn your [censored] off. And we'll rinse, lather, and repeat until there are multiple recipes in my hands.

[/ QUOTE ]

Use the cage map then he'll always respawn in the same spot and you can just stand there.

[/ QUOTE ]

As far as I could tell in my own foray in this area, all maps have fixed spawn points now. From the i14 patch notes on arena: "In addition to this all teams have a static spawn location. This means that each time a team member is defeated they will respawn at the same location. "

My attempts last night were 156 kills for one level 50 Shield Wall End/Def. Took me just over an hour and a half to get them. The forced downtime of waiting to respawn + the phase shift upon respawning slowed things down a lot.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.