Statesman Task Force




I am curious to know if anyone else has had issues with completing the Statesman Task Force?

A full team of us pretty much breezed through most of the Task Force, until we came upon Lord Recluse himself, with the pylons and Arachnos Fliers (which keep spawning). Our team was pretty balanced between a tank, scrappers, blasters, controllers and defenders. This TF was impossible to complete

I realize that taking down Lord Recluse is not an easy task, however, a few months back (prior to Issue 14), I did run this task force and successfully completed it. Has something changed with this particular Task Force?

Stormy Weathermaker - lvl 50 Illus/Storm
Egyptian Kitten - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Fiery Weathermaker - lvl 50 Fire/Storm Corrupter
Fiery Diamond - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Fire Nightengale - lvl 50 Fire/Empath Controller



AFAIK, nothing has changed.

Yes, the Arachnos Flyer does respawn every 20 minutes (starting from when the mission is first loaded). You can get 2 merits for killing it each time.

The Towers (Red, Blue, Orange, Green) do not respawn, but an Arachnos Repairman can heal it. After you start taking them down, be careful of knockback while you are working on the other towers so you don't knock them back into a downed tower. They CAN rebuild a downed tower.

Click here for more info



Thanks for the link :-)

We knew that the towers didn't respawn and that repairmen were summoned to heal the towers. However, what we didn't realize is that the flyers could spawn every 20 minutes. We thought, that the flyers only spawned twice. Below is another link for STF and mentions a ledge that apparently no longer exists?

Just trying to figure out why we could complete the Task Force a few months back, but couldn't complete a week or two ago..especially since the team make up was exactly the same

Additional Info

Stormy Weathermaker - lvl 50 Illus/Storm
Egyptian Kitten - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Fiery Weathermaker - lvl 50 Fire/Storm Corrupter
Fiery Diamond - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Fire Nightengale - lvl 50 Fire/Empath Controller



Thanks for the link :-)

We knew that the towers didn't respawn and that repairmen were summoned to heal the towers.

[/ QUOTE ]
While they don't respawn on their own, repairmen from one tower can rebuild a previously destroyed tower.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Well, what was holding you back?

Did the tank keep dying? Were the towers just not going down? Was the flier interrupting you every time you -almost- had a tower down?

If it was problem the first, the tank needs more support. If it was problem the second, you need to use more AoEs to make sure the repairmen get taken down as they spawn. If it's problem the third, your support crew needs to use their damage buffs on the team so the towers go down faster instead of just ghetto blasting.

Also, as for the ledge, it's still there, BUT, the "war wall" was moved up a few feet so you can no longer access it.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I mourn the loss of my beloved ledge.



oh yeah, it can be a crumby TF sometimes. I hate it. took nearly 2 years to successfully complete one on my old server.

Switched to Justice, a bunch of us basically PuGGed it.. was the weirdest thing i've seen too.. we veng baited.. with pets, and rushed all 4 AV's at once.. took them all down too O.o!

Sometimes, what seems like the perfect team for it, isnt. I cant explain it.

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Ahhh...okay so I wasn't imagining things...that ledge DID exist at one the map was tweaked just a bit then.

I'm with you Warp...I very much miss that ledge also :-(

It was the only way to separate LR from the bane spiders.

Emperor, not sure what was holding us back. I guess, at some point, we'll run it again and see what happens.

The tank had the support, would take LR away from the LOS of the towers, however, LR would then self-teleport back to the center only to get taunted a way again...meanwhile, the rest of the team would be working on the red tower and then have the repairmen to deal with...after awhile it more or less became a "round robin" and we kind of sat there trying to figure out why it was we cruised through the entire task force ...completed 3/4 of the last mission....but just could not take Lord Recluse or the towers. In case anyone is wondering what the diffulty setting was set was set to "Heroic".

Stormy Weathermaker - lvl 50 Illus/Storm
Egyptian Kitten - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Fiery Weathermaker - lvl 50 Fire/Storm Corrupter
Fiery Diamond - lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Fire Nightengale - lvl 50 Fire/Empath Controller



Ahhh...okay so I wasn't imagining things...that ledge DID exist at one the map was tweaked just a bit then.

I'm with you Warp...I very much miss that ledge also :-(

It was the only way to separate LR from the bane spiders.

Emperor, not sure what was holding us back. I guess, at some point, we'll run it again and see what happens.

The tank had the support, would take LR away from the LOS of the towers, however, LR would then self-teleport back to the center only to get taunted a way again...meanwhile, the rest of the team would be working on the red tower and then have the repairmen to deal with...after awhile it more or less became a "round robin" and we kind of sat there trying to figure out why it was we cruised through the entire task force ...completed 3/4 of the last mission....but just could not take Lord Recluse or the towers. In case anyone is wondering what the diffulty setting was set was set to "Heroic".

[/ QUOTE ] LR only "self-teleports" back to the middle when he's pulled beyond that big statue of himself. If you find somewhere closer to pull him to, you wouldn't have a problem. Most people just use the Doorway and it works just fine. Then you dont' have to worry about Flier agro when it respawns either.



Emperor, not sure what was holding us back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Team makeup is huge for that last battle. You briefly listed some ATs, but what was the composition how many did you have of what, and what specifically were the defenders and controlers?



Never had a problem with this TF.

Basic team is a tank+ emp, then focus on b00fs and deboofs with enough damage thrown in. Against LR this meant tank on LR, Emp on tank, other 6 on towers- red first and get all repairmen.

The classic lineup was tank, emp, kin, blaster, 4 rads/darks. Now with colds things change.

Of course this doesn't mean that's the only way to run it. With enough debuffers (I'd say 2 minimum), good damage and a decent tank this should be doable. Then there are the of the wall lineups. On Infinity for example @Walt Jabsco runs a weekly all defender STF, the strategy being deb00f the heck out of LR and take down his towers.

Moreso on the ITF I've seen some PUGly teams struggle with not enough damage, not run into it on the STF, but maybe that was the issue. Also lack of teamwork/coordination can ruin almost anything that's not otherwise soloable.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Ahhh...okay so I wasn't imagining things...that ledge DID exist at one the map was tweaked just a bit then.

I'm with you Warp...I very much miss that ledge also :-(

It was the only way to separate LR from the bane spiders.

Emperor, not sure what was holding us back. I guess, at some point, we'll run it again and see what happens.

The tank had the support, would take LR away from the LOS of the towers, however, LR would then self-teleport back to the center only to get taunted a way again

[/ QUOTE ]

I've bolded the problematic section. You don't need to move LR away from the banes, you just have to stop him from spawning them in the first place.

That means holding still and doing no damage to him. Just taunt. He'll still spawn a few, but any tank worth their salt and with good support should be able to brush them off easy. They auto-die after a few minutes, so it's not like the tank will get overwhelmed. Also, have the tank use a jetpack for some altitude to reduce the number of attacks LR can use against him


...meanwhile, the rest of the team would be working on the red tower and then have the repairmen to deal with...after awhile it more or less became a "round robin" and we kind of sat there trying to figure out why it was we cruised through the entire task force ...completed 3/4 of the last mission....but just could not take Lord Recluse or the towers. In case anyone is wondering what the diffulty setting was set was set to "Heroic".

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, this is a function of people not paying attention. Actually make sure people are LOOKING at the tower and watch for the repairmen spawn, then hit your AoEs. They're only level 40 so they'll all die in a hit or two. It takes them about five seconds to spawn and heal. That's PLENTY of time to finish your attack and use an AoE. Do NOT waste time targeting the repairmen or typing out a warning, just have everyone use their multi-target attacks and hope for the best. If you have 5 or 6 people doing this, the repairmen are a complete non-factor.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Yeah, when I tanked STF, while my team takes out the towers, I have my damage aura off. I'm just taunting and minding my defense and resist levels, as well as healing when needed (he hits hard enough sometimes that my Fire/Fire did that when a heal from my support teammate was still recharging). Doing that, I had no banes spawn. Once the towers were done, I move Recluse to a back corner where we dropped him pretty easily.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



There is a problem with this TF. See after defeating the towers, they respawn. Now there is no way we can hold recluse, kill towers and prevent the other towers from going up. We had a good team but couldn't do it yesterday



Apparently i15 broke some code with the repairmen such that they can heal the towers a lot faster than they could before.

If you have a problem with not being able to take the towers down, you need to have a fast acting DoT aura big enough to defeat the repairmen or a push aura to keep them away from the tower.

Just be aware that the push type auras need to be managed carefully so repairmen don't get pushed onto a previously defeated tower.

Hurricane and Hotfeet have been used successfully against repairmen post i15.

Apparently someone told me that LR can still be stuck but I didn't ask where since it's never been that big of a deal for us to tank and defeat LR.

If you bring an emp you can buff the tank easily against LR's attacks. If you have a kin either have the tank summon a single bane to keep the transfusion going, or have your tank get close to the towers that the team is working on and share in the tower buffage. Just be sure to keep LR facing away or far enough from the rest of the team so he doesn't kill anyone.



The last STF I did, had the repairmen replace a defeated tower in a different location than where the original tower stood. They rebuilt it closer to where the flier patrols.

Not only that, but in our attempt, we took out the flier 4 times in 10 minutes, it continually respawned within seconds of us taking it out. I am positive the 20 minute cycle was broken in that attempt.

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The last STF I did, had the repairmen replace a defeated tower in a different location than where the original tower stood. They rebuilt it closer to where the flier patrols.

Not only that, but in our attempt, we took out the flier 4 times in 10 minutes, it continually respawned within seconds of us taking it out. I am positive the 20 minute cycle was broken in that attempt.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice! someone would love to farm these flyers



The last STF I did, had the repairmen replace a defeated tower in a different location than where the original tower stood. They rebuilt it closer to where the flier patrols.

Not only that, but in our attempt, we took out the flier 4 times in 10 minutes, it continually respawned within seconds of us taking it out. I am positive the 20 minute cycle was broken in that attempt.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice! someone would love to farm these flyers

[/ QUOTE ] It's not a 20 minute timer after defeat. It's a 20 minute timer from when the mission was loaded.

This means, if you defeated the AVs and the flier in 19 minutes.. the flier would re-appear again only one minute later... then 20 minutes after that again.

The night i15 was released when I originally reported this new STF problem.. the timer seemed to be working correctly for us.



There is a problem with this TF. See after defeating the towers, they respawn. Now there is no way we can hold recluse, kill towers and prevent the other towers from going up. We had a good team but couldn't do it yesterday

[/ QUOTE ] The problem you are describing is an issue since i15 was released.
This thread was created before i15 was released.



There is a problem with this TF. See after defeating the towers, they respawn. Now there is no way we can hold recluse, kill towers and prevent the other towers from going up. We had a good team but couldn't do it yesterday

[/ QUOTE ] The problem you are describing is an issue since i15 was released.
This thread was created before i15 was released.

[/ QUOTE ]

True but I thought better to keep the same thread then make a new one. We were unable to do it because the towers were being respawned again AFTER bringing it down. It made the TF nigh impossible.