VirtueVerse - First attempt, feedback?




nice picture of your avatar

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



This goes on for a bit, TLR version: Shrink images, work on grammar.


The first picture is kinda really BIG (standard size is 300x300, its kind of bad design to stray too far outside that limit). Also, an action shot might be more interesting than a shot from within the costume creator.

Also, the "title image" is too big, and forces the entire article underneath the HeroBox, making for a LOT of white space to the side, making the page look sloppy. I dunno what your resolution is, but it must be a lot bigger than mine if this isn't a problem on your system. Try scaling the image down a bit, either in photoshop OR by specifying the dimensions within your VV page itself. Incidentally, VirtueVerse has a 250K memorandum on image sizes last I heard, so you really might wanna shrink it down in an image program.

The character seems somewhat confusing. You go on about him being empathic, yet his powersets are... Archery and Cold Domination? You sounded like he was going to be a Empathy/Psi blast defender, but maybe that's just me.

Also, too many unnecessary capital letters in sentences. Yes, I get that they're all CoH terms (cute, btw), but it kinda makes My head hurt When every Few words Start with a capital Letter.

Some sentences seem more like fragments than actual sentences, for example: "An Open Mind, perhaps that is why he could sense Aura." Uhm... How is babay formed? Do you mean auras? Lots of minor grammatical mistakes like that, along with problems where you switch past/present tenses in sentences. This, along with the capital letters thing, makes the entry hard to read. The actual content is interesting enough, but just presented poorly.

And finally, one thing that bugs me though it's not actually important: Both drawn pictures have him doing this "sad dude looking off to the side" thing going on. They're actually drawn pretty good, but it's essentially the same picture twice, and it's grating. Try to vary it up a bit: have him showing off some of his powers or something.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)