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  1. Well, it depends on all the other characters' slotting. Make sure you're not grabbing 7 guys who took like no secondary powers cuz they're a "meatshield only" toon. On the flipside, if they didn't take ENOUGH of their primary powers, they may lack the survivability to contribute in any meaningful way.

    I have no doubt you can SURVIVE at +4/x8, but damage -might- be an issue. With 8 tanks, you'll have to play to the strengths that party provides: divide and conquer, then gang up on harder targets (Bosses, EBs, etc)

    Flipped off more than you could chew?
  3. Because people sorely underestimate Mind. I prefer to keep it that way, makes my Mind/Kin feel special knowing that i'm only one of like, 3 on the entire server.

    The reason people play mind DOMS and not mind TROLLERS is because Mind is an attack set, wheras many people have a vision of controllers as characters that don't do much besides stand back, buff/debuff, and let their pets/teammates do everything.

    If you're willing to treat your Mind controller like a Blaster-with-mez, it becomes a very good character. It DOES have its weak spots... I hate Immob as a mez in general, but i have to concede that getting unbreakable AoE containment that's up every fight (that many AVs also have very little resistance against) is a strength that Mind lacks. Sleep breaks, TD isn't up every fight (unless you have a ton of recharge!), and Mass Confusion doesn't give containment. Looking at it that way, the only reason to roll a Mind character would be for concept.

    Which is what I did.... and yet, I'm also the one who tanked a psi-clockwork AV when the Tank face-planted, held off Reichsman single-handed by spamming Mesmerize, and oh yeah, since Mind Control's attacks are UN-TYPED, I can hurt anything that relies solely on positional defense (Like hami mitos and anything using SR).

    I've never seen a Plant or Fire controller do those things. Just sayin'.
  4. Yay birthday gift!

    ...BOO to being broke ATM =( Gonna hafta wait till after payday. I think only a few of my characters are gonna have any use for any of these, but more options always = bettar!

    ...Though i will reiterate that i'm a touch displeased with how skimpy these last two packs have been. Hopefully the next booster is a super-type =)
  5. EmperorSteele

    Getting Fired

    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    You watched "Fight Club" too many times.
    RULES 1 AND 2!!!! *Elbows ur fase*
  6. Well, in regards to slots, anything you chose may be a "wasted pick" because you won't have any additional slots to use. In other words, unless you plan on reassigning slots from other powers, any new powers you pick will only have one slot to be enhanced with. And in -most- cases, you're not going to get a whole lot of mileage out of a power, at least not enough to worry about whether or not picking it is a "waste"

    If you need extra recharge, pic up some stealth powers, slot LoTG +Recharge into them and just don't use the powers. In gamer terms, just use the powers as "Mules".

    For something a bit more useful, maybe pick up Recall Friend for your teaming needs. Maybe SuperSpeed for faster land travel? Some Leadership powers to increase you and your team's damage output?

    Here's an odd idea: Presence pool- Challenge (don't use) and Intimidate to stack fear on bosses along with Spectral Terror. You may need to pull a slot or two from other powers, and yeah with your pets blasting everything, the fear effect might not last too long anyway, but just throwing ideas out there!
  7. Naw, NPC endurance works different than ours. No matter how little endurance they have, they can still use at least one attack. Even .01% will let them use their default melee or ranged attack, so they really don't have the need for quicker recovery. If they have absolutely 0 points, then they're stuck, but any more than that and it's a non-issue. Extra regeneration would be a touch odd and wouldn't add any meaningful challenge, but for anything less than a boss, it'd be a non-issue because they regen so slowly to begin with anyway.
  8. EmperorSteele

    Getting Fired

    Go into your bosses office, punch yourself a lot, break some furnature and claim HE did it. You won't get FIRED, you'll get "Shut up" money and be set for a long time!

    Bonus points if you remind yourself of a fight you once had with your imaginary friend.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PureAmerican View Post
    I was playing another MMO yesterday and saw that the game had what I called "jiggle physics" , they move !! not accurately, they seem way too firm, but I said " now that is some quality work right there."
    Actually, if you turn on Ninja Run and put the camera at about a 3/4ths angle, it sorta looks like the boobs are moving around while the rest of the character holds still. It's kinda hypnotic.
  10. A while ago, before GR and the market merge and A-Merits, Positron had stated that the Dev team had no plans to merge the markets due to the economic forecast not looking so good if such a thing happened. I don't recall if he specified what their concerns were (over-supply? over-demand? Ability of people to manipulate the markets easier?), but, I'm wondering how off-track they were with their predictions.

    Of course, we'd need to know what those predictions WERE. A good number of things have seen their prices go down a bit with increased supply (and a few things have outright CRASHED), and it's fairly painless to get anything besides purples, PvPIos and a few other scattered items, but it's hardly doom-worthy.

    So what do you guys think? Is the market healthy, going downhill, or is it too soon to tell what GR's overall impact is at this time?
  11. EmperorSteele

    Haunted House

    Excellent work! I think that if someone had showed me those screens outside of anything CoH related, I wouldn't have figured out that it was a SG base! Again, VERY creative and well-done!
  12. Does your friend also complain that there's no mullet option for females, or no option to make them chubby, or no option to give them an "Average" face (all the options are either suppsoed to be good looking or are exageratingly ugly), or...

    ...No? She's just commenting on the boob size?

    I say start bringing the slider all the way to the right and use tops that show cleavage (Tank top, Witch Corset), just to cheese her off =)
  13. The math works out as so:

    If a bad guys does 50% damage to another bad guy, and you do the rest, you still get 80% of the XP. And if they do like 80% damage, you get close to half the XP.

    You defeat more foes, faster, and safer, than you would without confuse. Over time, it usually results in a net GAIN of XP, unless of course you're barely damaging your foes at all.
  14. I've got an arc i'm cooking up that might fit the bill. Not "halloween" themed so much as it has you fighting cybernetic ninja zombies. If that sounds legit, lemme know so i remember to post the arc number here when it's finished!
  15. Clocks are also weak against psi... though obviously if you want a melee toon, that's kinda moot...
  16. here's the tl:dr version:

    Flashback missions (go back and do ANY* mission and get ANY* badge) *: there are a small handfull of notable exceptions

    Mission Architect (make your own missions)

    Invention Enhancements (Which contain "set" bonuses for slotting more than one of a particular kind within a power, allowing you to have more accuracy, recharge, etc on ALL your powers)

    Auction House/Black market (Ability to buy from/sell to other players)

    PvP revamp (a bit more balanced, butkinda sucks now)

    New TFs

    New Story arcs (which are REALLY good if you actually bother reading the dialog)

    New/proliferated powersets for all ATs, and a 5th power in all APP/PPPs (Scrappers got fire melee, defenders got Cold Domination, masterminds got Demon Summoning, the WillPower and Dual Blades sets for melee classes, etc etc etc)

    Graphic update (Character shadows, reflective surfaces, modern water effects, ragdoll physics which were introduced a few years ago...)

    Booster Packs (5-15 dollar online extras you can buy, which give extra costumes, emotes, powers, etc)

    Villain Epic ATs (Widows, banes, etc), plus the level restriction for accessing an Epic AT has been reduced to level 20

    That's off the top of my head. Have fun!

    [edit] Noxi beat me to it, and was much more thorough. How could I forget power customization and merits?!
  17. Well actually so far the thread is pretty civil, with people giving fair, even-headed responses. We might not need the popcorn. We can't have that! *ahem*





    But no, seriously, the sets are about even. The only complaint i've ever seen about WP is that it's hard to keep agro just by standing in a group of guys like Invuln can. Taunting and using "punch-voke" is a bit more of a requirement when using WP if you plan on actually TANKING and keeping foes off your teammates. But other than that, you can't go wrong picking one over the other.
  18. I think a better way to phrase it would be, they're the only ones we can give commands to =)

    Why's this question in the Tanker forum, though?
  19. Well, MOST of the people on the forums were vehemetly against the party pack. It's not horribly illogical to assume that only a small portion of the playerbase bought it... I've seen a handfulll on virtue who have it, but that's about it.

    I dunno if that classifies as a "failure" though. If the Devs set the earmark for only a hundred or so purchases, then i'd still think it's safe to assume they met that goal. However, if they assumed over half the playerbase would buy it, then i'd be hard pressed to beleive that they succeded (without seeing their numbers, anyway).

    Conversely, this pack has received a slightly warmer welcome so far. Still a good number of peoplel who say they won't get it, but those who say they WILL get it seem a bit more enthusiastic. So i think this pack will do just fine =)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    I'm not made. I know a lot of friends who have elemental/nature themed toons, and capes and auras do seem to go underlying themes of natural origin. (Superman is technically science since it's a reaction to the yellow sun, and Starfire doesn't have a cape.)
    Actually, Superman is Natural origin. ANY Kryptonian exposed to ANY yellow sunlight gains super-powers. No chemicals or experiments needed!
  21. hey, November 3rd is MY birthday! Thanks, Devs!

    I might get this one =)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    ouroboros initiation, 2nd mish is the jailbreak and you should be able to get jail bird from that (thats how i got isolator on my mm by flashbacking the ouroboros initiation as a full hero)

    the arc should be listed in the 46-50 section i believe
    You know, i looked, and it wasn't there =( Maybe my badge hunting skills are not up to par...?

    or do i have to do the flash back version of the initiation?

    [EDIT] nevermind, went back and found it! Disregard my earlier post, then!
  23. So far, the only badge that seems to be Vill only is Jail Bird (exploration badge in BreakOut... unless it's in an ouro arc, but I cannot find it there) and the three respec badges if you've already claimed all your respecs as mentioned above.

    Also note that a lot of your badges have their name/despcrition changed when you switch sides. So in a sense, "Positron's betrayer" is a "villain only" badge because you have to be a villain to have that badge title. However, you would have had to have earned "Positron's ally" on blue-side first. It's a bit wierd, but if basically if you're gonna be switching sides a lot, don't get too attatched to your abdge titles =)
  24. If you want a "healer that attacks", roll a defender. THIS is a "Controller that buffs". You have a LOT of AoE mezzing potential: AoE sleep, AoE hold, AoE confuse, and cone Fear. TK also holds 5 guys (though often pushes 3 or 4 of them away). And your Single-target Sleep can one-shot mez most AVs. If played right, between your Mezzes, Fortitude, and Regen aura, you really won't be healing your allies all that often in late levels.

    Where a Mind/Emp really shines in Hamidon raids. Not only are your buffing abilities in high demand, BUT, Mind Control is the ONLY set in the ENTIRE game capable of effectively hurting ALL THREE types of mitos. You obviously have holds for greens, but since your first three attacks don't have a "type" denoting melee/range/aoe, you can hurt yellows and blues, which have high defense against ranged/melee attacks, respectively. As a bonus, they don't seem too resistant to psi attacks, either.

    You'll be a support powerhouse. Soloing will be slow and... well, slow. So, team a lot =)
  25. Well, funny thing is that there's badges for debt taken, and for time held/slept/immob'd. There's also badges for healing others. These are not exactly a melee class's strengths. ANY AT can take down 200 bosses that are -15 levels below you.

    "Damage taken" looks like it -should- be easier (cuz you have more HP), BUT, i'm going to warn you now that IO HP bonuses, and bonuses from accolades, get in the way of the damage that counts for that badge. Because the badge only counts HP subtracted from your BASE value, not your TOTAL. So i'd go damage farming before going after accolades, just a head's up.