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  1. I just wanted to say, this is a thread filled with really good, helpful information. It reminds me of the things I like so much about this community.
  2. My favorite defender of all time is my Kin/Sonic. I've often wondered why they aren't more common.
    Originally Posted by Beauregard View Post
    4. Kinetics/Sonics sounds a lot better than it is for buffing/debuffing. The problem is that the two sets are totally at odds with one another.

    Kinetics is only truly great for buffing +damage against groups of enemies. Sonic is only worthwhile for debuffing resistance against single enemies. Kinetics requires you take a lot of time using Kinetics powers. Sonic requires you chain-cast Sonic attacks to build up resistance debuffs.
    I'm trying to figure out how you can take so many facts that are individually (more or less) correct and still say something so wrong. I suspect it's your tendency to talk in absolutes (e.g., "totally at odds," "only worthwhile"), but there are also some factual issues present.

    First, it takes virtually no time to use the Kinetic buffs, since SB and ID were made AoE. FS only involves finding a target that isn't going to die before the power goes off.

    Second, sonic has an excellent cone -res power in Howl, so, no - it's not all single-target. That being said, I have more time for blasting on my kin/sonic than I do on almost any other defender. Spawns go like this:

    1. Run in with (or before - SS+celerity...) melee characters. Fulcrum Shift.
    2. Jump back. Howl.
    3. Use single-target blasts/SP and Trans. powers as needed while spawn melts.
    4. Rinse, repeat.

    The synergy of these sets (+dam plus -res!) is nothing short of amazing. I have to assume anyone who says differently has never played them together.

    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    I highly recommend Defender nukes with Kinetics for a number of reasons:
    - You can boost your own damage making it much more worthwhile.
    - You can recover a full bar of endurance immediately afterwards with one blue and Transference.
    - You dont have any toggles that are keeping your team alive, like say Force Field or Sonic, where you risk stunning/holding allies by dropping your Dispersion.

    If the nuke has a stun attached, like Dreadful Wail, all the more reason to take it. If any Defender should take their nuke, this is it.
    100% agreed. And it's one of the things that makes this combination so stupidly fun to play for people who love running in (I'm a melee player at heart...). Run in, FS, nuke, Catch a Breath, TF, Siphon Speed the nearest un-stunned threat and back off while the team finishes the spawn.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    last i saw and tried on test as of 3 or 4 days ago ATIO's are not marketable but tradeable in account.
    And has been stated a number of times, this is currently bugged. ATO's that have not been catalyzed are supposed to be able to be sold on the market.
  4. I'm amazed this thread is approaching 24 hours without its inevitable Venture meme-rant.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shining_Nova View Post
    i dont care how bad a company is, it doesnt take nearly an hour and a half to find an answer to any question.
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    If it is a subject that hasn't come up before and that there is no answer for, it's very possible that it may take longer.

    At that point they would have to contact a supervisor who would likely have to contact someone else higher up. Since it involves something that would affect both NCSoft and Paragon Studios it may be that their may be discussions between Austin and California on what the policy is going to be.

    It's possible that the person replying to you has received an answer yet and may not until tomorrow (Austin is Central Time and it's now almost 5 PM) or later, depending on who all has to be involved in the decision making.
    And it's possible that the person with whom the correspondence was being held works a flex schedule with a shift that ends at a non-standard time, had to go pick up a kid, got sick, or otherwise became unavailable, and the communication did not automatically go to someone else.

    Things happen. When I communicate with tech support electronically - for anyone, not just CoH - I don't expect any response other than whatever automated stuff the system sends out in anywhere near an hour and a half. The folks who work in support typically are juggling a lot of issues at once.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    As with my previous use of the term "so far," my words were chosen deliberately. In this case I'll point to the word "main," which in this case refers to "primary" or "most numerous," and has never meant, nor been used by me to mean, "only" or "exclusive."
    Oh goody. A pedantic wall of text. I can do those too, being (I presume, based on your most-precise punctuation) similarly over-educated. It's kinda like the "upset" thing, though. Not much ROI.

    When you refer to two positions as "main" you (explicitly or implicitly) diminish in importance all other opinions on the matter. I object to any classification system that does this. There are legitimate options other than "upset" to this decision. The people who will be loudest will be those who are upset, but that's just reality. The people who are satisfied with and support decisions don't tend to say so unless someone basically calls them out.

    You called, I support. Feel free to add me to the, "The strategy makes sense to me" tally.
  7. Coming up on this week's episode of "False Dichotomies":
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Realistically, I think you're going to see two main camps on this: The people upset that the weapons weren't included when everything else was, and the people upset that any of it was made available for purchase at all. This approach ensures that neither group is happy. More lose/lose than win/win.
    I'm not upset the weapons weren't included. I'm not upset that things I can (and have, and will continue to) earn in game are being made available for puchase. I prefer to reserve being upset for things that are actually worth the emotional investment.

    /em wanders off, muttering about why he ever became a homeowner...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    For some, it's the ability to still have the IO set bonuses at a lower level.

    However, when you getting random rolls from the hero merit vendor, you're getting what is vaguely called Pool C drops. (I say vague, because I've never seen any documentation as to why a specific recipe qualifies for one category or another) In this category are usually a lot of procs. Chance of this, chance of that, global recharge, recovery/regen, etc.

    Because these procs work the same at level 20 as they would at 50 (if the set ranges that low) the lower the level, the higher the value.
    One clarification, related to the LotG: 7.5% is that it does not follow the same rules as the "chance of" procs. It functions as a set bonus, so if you go more than 3 levels below the level of the IO, you no longer get the 7.5% global recharge bonus. So a level 33 LotG: 7.5% would only keep working down to level 30, whereas a level 25 would work down to 22 for exemplar purposes. As you correctly noted, though, something like the Mako's Bite proc does exactly the same thing in its level 50 incarnation as in its level 30 incarnation, but the level 30 version can be slotted 20 levels earlier (and is in much lower supply, for a variety of reasons).

    The "Pool A/B/C" distinction comes from how the sets were originally implemented, and there is not a perfect equation to understand why a given IO is Pool A (random mob drops) vs. Pool B (end of mission drops) vs. Pool C (TF/trial drops). Most of the procs are in Pool C (the combined TF/trial pool), but some (e.g., the Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance) are Pool A. Similarly, most of the rare triple-enhancers are Pool C (with several having been in Pool D, back in the day when the trial and TF pools were separate), but the Mako's Bite and Devastation quads have always been Pool A.

    p.s. Sorry for the threadjack, Fulmens!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
    To my knowledge every movement power stops movement animations to play a power animation,
    Are you talking about rooting? Because most toggles don't. I can toggle on while running, jumping, and flying just fine, so long as the toggle in question isn't one that affects an enemy.
    though I can see that weapons would require a myriad (though the running animation doesn't chaNge it'S animation) of new animations, what I'm getting at is the why not? Why limit the players to ONLY non combat? You're repeating the same thing many have said: "it fluff" "Only for RP" "not necessary" " you want this done yesterday". I only want this worked on piece by piece but on the back burner. Though you are wrong it's not asking for the world, just a bit of diversity. I mean I can settle with walk (as it isn't a bought "fluff power) being the only one to no suppress powers, and I know there would be a wave of "well if walk doesn't why can't X" when you can respond to that with "Well X is one the back-burner" I'm glad I actually got an informed non snarky response, and honored a red name even bothered to post here. Simple request I would like a revamp of walk have that announced to be on the back burner, than you can move on to the others. Alot of players would be happy with this slow change, and it would allow more diversity amongst them.
    As to the bolded text...

    For bolded sections 1 and 2, where in the WORLD do you get that out of what CW01 said? I didn't see repetition of "it fluff" (?) or "not necessary" or anything else your quotes would intimate CW said. I saw a statement that it would require revisiting and revising every animation in the game. You also insert your own verbiage in the second bolded question; CW didn't say you're asking for the world. What you ARE asking for is a non-trivial amount of development time be spent on something that is unlikely to ultimately justify the person-hour cost. I mean, [Walk] is free (ROI = $0), and how long would it take, realistically, to get all the animations fixed to allow just all the toggle powers in the game to work with the new travel power models? If your answer is, "Long enough that anybody who wanted the things probably bought them anyway when they went on sale and just decided to cope," you're probably right. If it's anything else, you're probably wrong.

    The third bolded section... honestly, I don't know how you can read "every animation currently existing in the game" and then have the gall to call anything you're proposing a "simple request."
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
    Enh converters are only going to be purchaseable with paragon points, right? Not a mob drop. They might have a minor effect on prices, but it's not going to be huge.
    Mob drops, reward merits, alignment merits, Empyrean merits, and Astral merits.

    I think that covers how you can get them.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vorpal View Post
    Just auto complete it. You just need to wait out the auto complete cooldown and you can do every step while staying in place.
    Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    They aren't talking about using the once-every-3-days auto-complete option. They are talking about using the "Complete same mission" option, where if 2 people have the same mission, and they both run it, they both get completion as if they were the mission holder.
    As you can see, at least one person was talking about the every-3-days version.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Ok, I see where you're coming from - and obviously, with marketing savvy, you're not likely to run out of inf any time soon, regardless.

    So, essentially - the devs have a strange thing to deal with - there's about 10% of the population with 90% of the inf. They can't price conversions (inf burners) too high, or the 90% of the population won't be able to afford, or would be unwilling to pay the price.

    Probably the best solution is to limit every toon's ability to earn inf - and once a toon reaches that amount - it stops earning it.
    Your idea of a "best solution" strikes me as... odd.

    I don't expect such a "solution" would be received particularly well.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I find it humorous that someone would complain about having to do the same content over again when their goal is to be able to do the ITF over again.
    Might have something to do with the ITF being... oh, wait, what's that word?

    I remember!


    This change affects me virtually not at all (I only ever tried to tag along to get the badge without doing the arc once; generally I just find a time when there's nothing else to do and slog through it), but the arc is simply not entertaining. Having the option removed is an annoyance.

    It's also worth pointing out to all the folks saying, "Oh, quit whining and auto-complete your way through" that the very first mission can't be auto-completed. Just logged in and got it on a character to verify my aging brain wasn't mis-remembering, and I have the option to abandon it, but not complete it.

    If you could use abandon to chain-complete everybody level 10 or higher on your server into the badge and access, I agree that's a problem. This just seems like a rather ham-handed way to deal with the issue.
  14. Main account: B
    Secondary account: C
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nalrok_athzim View Post
    dillo? :d
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    Like many who will say this "going to save up and wait til they are on sale".
    Pretty much. Or, never, for travel powers that de-toggle me. Guess I'm too addicted to melee.

    I'm still boggling that the price point on the Carnival bundle (13 pieces) and the Barbarian bundle (36 pieces?) is the same.
  17. First, welcome to the game. =) I'll answer some of what you're asking, but I'm guessing by the time I finish others will have chimed in as well. If not, it won't be long; this forum tends to be pretty gung-ho about providing answers to new players.

    Before I get going, though, one of the things that may help is if you let us know what server you're on, and especially if you're looking at enhancing your teaming opportunities, post a "Hello!" message on your server's forums.

    Originally Posted by Solar Mongoose View Post
    I've just been playing for a few weeks now. All I've done so far is played one hero and one villain up to ~level 20, and a praetorian-villain-rogue that's level 27. I've been spending my time figuring junk out, going through story arcs, and doing Death-From-Below sewer-thing-trial a bunch... in that order. (Well, more or less. I'm still figuring junk out, obviously.) Now I don't know what to do. What I want to know, I guess, is what... what should I... do?...
    The short answer is, whatever you find most fun. The longer answer depends somewhat on your server, since lower-pop servers may make some recommendations (join some global channels, since you've got at least a month of VIP available to you) more or less useful.

    However, "whatever you find most fun" is not helpful.

    So (question 1) does the majority of the content boil down to random-minor-story-arc/newspaper/radio missions? That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I just feel like I'm missing out on things.
    Each level band (~5-10 levels) has its own set of story arcs and contacts. As with anything, the story arcs offered by those contacts are of varying quality and length. You've probably seen that you can get introduced to contacts by doing either 3 (lower level) or 5 (higher level) newspaper missions, then doing a Mayhem or Safeguard mission, at the end of which you'll be introduced to a contact who usually has 1-2 story arcs and possibly some one-off missions. Your contact will often also introduce you to at least one other contact in that level band, provided you don't level up too much and find yourself at too high a level to "meet" anybody new.

    A lot of the in-game story is contained in those story arcs, but not all of it. There are also task forces and strike forces, in addition to the trials (such as DFB, but currently not implemented in the same way), which require a larger team to start and have a different reward structure for completing them.

    While I'm still on the subject: to be honest, I don't really know what to look for in such missions. Most recently, I had just grabbed all the missions I could find on Sharkhead Isle and buckled down to just do some of them. Then, luckily, while browsing the Paragon Wiki, I read about the Ouroboros. I found out that doing one in particular will get me the power to go to the Ouroboros.
    You can also get to Ouroboros by using someone else's Ouroboros portal. Once you're there, you want to go up to the top of the sundial (it doesn't look like one from where you enter the zone, but it is!) and find the badge marker. Once you have the badge, you'll get your own Ouroboros portal. The portal will automatically be granted by the completion of story arcs that deal with time travel, or a few other mechanisms within the game, but I typically "hitch-hike" my way in as soon as I can, because the portal is both a great way to explore content, and a useful travel power.
    (2) Are there lots of story arcs that give you important things like the Ouroboros Portal? I just happened to stumble upon this bit.
    Different story arcs give different rewards; the O-portal is probably one of the most game-changing rewards, though, and that's why it's not strictly limited to story arc completion. Other arcs might give things like temp powers, but for the most part you're not going to hose yourself by missing any particular arc. Plus...
    How do I know what things are important; how do I know what I should do before I accidentally outlevel something?
    Part 1 of this question is mainly going to be answered with a resource you already know about - Paragonwiki. Or the forums. Always feel free to ask questions.
    Part 2 is nice, because once you have an O-portal, you never have to worry about out-leveling anything. You can always "flash back" and experience older content that you missed in the process of leveling up, and get the rewards (badges/temp powers/etc.) that you might have missed. I took my level 50 brute last night and ran a couple of level 24-ish badge missions with my wife, so we could get the badges and so forth that go with them. Ouroboros is in my top 5 favorite additions to the game since I started.

    Not that I'm leveling fast, really. In fact, solo, I seem to do things especially slowly. I (well, my "main", the rogue) amis a Dual Pistols/Traps corruptor. I kinda thought my primary would be more important to me for soloing, and the secondary for, but it almost seems like the opposite. I've been focusing on my primary powers, but I seem to kill things extraordinarily slowly regardless. So my traps have been the only things keeping me alive while I chip away at an enemy's health. When I do stay alive, that is. Conversely, in a team, there have usually been power sets with far better crowd control than I have, and things go down so quickly anyway that the only help I could give is if I helped us plow through things even quicker. But aside from maybe when lowering enemies' resistance, I don't really seem to contribute much in increasing damage output either.(3) Is going solo just a grueling crawl for everyone? For every corruptor? Or am I doing something wrong?
    I've never played that combo as a corruptor, but I have played its reverse (traps/dp) as a defender, and that character is currently sitting at something like level 36. I've not tried to solo her much; I think I could do so in relative safety (the debuffs in traps are extremely good), but doesn't fit with my solo play style, where I tend to prefer melee. I'll let others talk about the best way to manage this combo, though.

    (4)For my primary powers, I'm throwing in lots of (three max) damage enhancements, recharge reduction, some range on the shorter range powers, and occasionally an accuracy. Is that... "right", or "wrong" for any reason? And I'm not worrying about getting "sets" any time soon. Would anything like this be handicapping me?
    You don't want to skimp on accuracy. At least one accuracy SO is strongly recommended. In the absence of IO sets, I tend to default to dam/dam/dam/acc/end/rech, or sometimes damx3/accx2/end. Endurance reduction in your attacks is surprisingly important.

    I can find teams just doing regular missions usually, and it's pretty hard not to find teams doing DFB. But that's pretty much it.
    This is where the VIP ability to access global channels is helpful. I'm a member of ... I dunno, 5 or 6 on Virtue, so that I can see what all's forming up that I might want to try to get in on.
    (5)Aren't there a bunch of things you can do with a team that you can't do solo? Where... and what are these task/strike forces I hear about?Is DFB the only "trial"? Or the only team activity you can readily find people wanting to repeatedly do?
    I described TF/SFs a little above, and they are the main "team-mandatory" content in the game. I think pretty much every zone above level 10 has at least one TF/SF contact in it. There are multiple trials (respec trials on both sides, the Eden and Abandoned Sewer trials hero-side, plus the incarnate trials), but currently the only trial accessible through the LFG queue for non-50s is DFB. Look for that to change in the near future, though.

    There's also a Weekly Strike Target on each side that gives extra rewards, which tends to get run more often for that week as a result. There's a sticky I think in the Announcements section listing what the current and upcoming WSTs are. If they're ones you're level-eligible to run, often just hanging out in the right zone during prime time and watching Broadcast for teams forming is all it takes - though again, this depends on the server.

    (6)And if not, more than anything, how does one find people doing these things? I mean, I guess I can just go with the tried and true, throwing a "lfg" or "lft" or "lfw"hatever other variations there are onto the help channel. But, like with DFB you can go to the beginner zone and find people around the square wanting to do it, is there any easy way to find a lot of people wanting to do anything else?

    And about the Signature Story Arc. I have VIP for a month for now, and would like to try this thing out while can. I at least want to start it.
    (7)Am I likely to find anyone wanting to do the Signature Story Arc? Well, ok, probably yes, but anyone who also can do it? If not, is it something that can be reasonably soloed? Also, is it worth it to start if I can only do the first one or two episodes or chapters or whatever right now? (Right? 'Cause I'm only level 27)
    Broken record time: Global channels. Check your server's forums. Most of them have a list of popular global channels for teaming. And that's actually the answer to both 6 and 7. People do like running the SSA's, because the rewards tend to be pretty good for the time investment, and each one has at least one fairly unique map.

    They are soloable, but with the caveat that each one also has at least one elite boss, which can be something of a challenge for squishier or lower-damage characters. In those cases, it may take a lot of inspirations to get you through on a squishy.

    That's a lot of words. Bluh whatever, sorry. I'm just at a bit of a loss for some reason, and I don't know what... just... what should I do? There just seems like there's so much content that I just don't know about.
    There really is a ton of content out there - which there should be, for a game the age of CoH. Part of the fun is exploring and finding the different contacts (some are unlockable based on things you do or earn in-game), but you shouldn't feel like you have to see everything the first time through. The reason CoH has held up so well (IMO) is its re-play value. If you miss something with your corruptor, you can make a point to try to catch it with your next character. It's very difficult to see all of the content in the game on a single character; I think that it's still technically impossible to do as the mission holder, because of how the patron arcs on villains are structured.

    At the same time, though, it really can be overwhelming, which is why the community here is so important. There are a lot of players who've put a lot of time into this game, and who continue to be excited to see new players coming on board.

    Feel free to ask for any other clarifications or whatnot. We've all been where you are. =)
  18. I don't understand why you started a whole new thread on this.

    Regardless, my comments from the other thread stand. And having been the person in that thread who first pointed out splitting 3/3 (though I was sticking with a single power so only using 3 catalysts for 7.5%), I still don't see it as game-breaking.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    I also hate to suggest this but the Brute ATO set bonuses might need to be swapped in reverse order. Right now it gives: (this is with the catalyst)

    2) 3% Health
    3) 5% S/L 2.5% Melee
    4) 4% DMG
    5) 10% Recharge
    6) 2.52% S/L Resistance

    What does this mean? In my opinion, you would see a better benefit slotting two powers with 3 catalyst Brute IO's for 6% health, 10% Smashing/Lethal Defense then doing the above. (These bonuses would work all the way exemplared down too)

    Thoughts on this?
    So, reversed - 10% recharge for 3 slots, or 20% recharge for 3 slots each in two powers?

    Not gonna happen.

    I guess I may not be clear on what you specifically envision when you say "swapped in reverse order," and think that any discussion of a modification like this probably needs to be in the beta feedback forums rather than the general AT forums regardless.

    (I also don't think S/L defense is hard enough to come by as it is for brutes to make this something I'd worry much about.)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mephistroth View Post
    The pricing is what mostly concerns me.
    It doesn't "concern" me, but it did make me shrug and decide to wait for a sale. There's nothing I can make today that I can't wait 4-6 weeks to make.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Devlin_Quaid View Post
    something other than just walking onto an obvious trap and getting fried.
    And now we know the real reason that [Walk] was put into the game.

    To detoggle and kill Statesman.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
    Only broken things can be fixed. I'm guessing this is WAI.

    People are always assuming things are broken if they don't like how they work.
    The same logic applies to people assuming things are WAI if they don't care how they work. Your guess happens to be supported by how the mechanics currently work, but absent a redname statement about combined Hami's, it's still just a guess about intent.

    Not that I care one way or another about the change; the only time I ever combined HOs was when I planned on keeping them on that character permanently anyway, even back when they could be gifted.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    This is referring to boosted Enhancements.
    It's referring, I suspect, to combined Hami-O's, which got caught by the same non-trade restriction as boosted enhancements but that I don't believe are subject to improvement by enhancement boosters.

    So, yes and no.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    hardcore brony
    These two words should never, ever, appear beside one another.

  25. EarthWyrm

    Energy Armor

    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Is it worth it now? I read all the numbers (some of which mean nothing to me!-ha), but I am wondering what the experience is like for those that play it now. Would you building another? I am mostly thinking brute, but want to hear it all.
    Not to be redundant with all the other praise, but /EA is excellent. I still think a single toggle for taunt aura and mez protection is ridiculous in a set with built-in stealth, but it's workable.

    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    It was on a recent ITF. Not just Romulus' obnoxious rez Stun (which my WP tank had no problem with), but the Mintotaurs and Cyclopes as well.
    I have never gotten stunned on my /EA brute by anything short of Rommie's uber-stun or an AE-created group of Tsoo ink men all firing stun powers at me repeatedly with no toggles running other than Entropic Aura. Entropic Aura is really good mez protection.