CoL costume pieces live in the market and guess what...




Not a single piece was added for males. Not even the sash.
And the bundle cost is 400 pp. What da...?
And still cheaper than buy pieces separately. WOW.
Well, I think is safe to say the feedback threads are useless.
Devs are rushing when it comes to costume pieces, I hope there is a high quality and complete costume set coming (not unisex, you know... but with same costume piece adapted for both male and female, with the same main design).
The last costume sets had awesome additions but, I think it could be much better if they take their time to:
Listen player feedback
Offer same pieces for male and female if possible
Take time to offer a complete costume set with a minimun of 20 pieces or so.

Selling a bundle with 10 pieces only for female+3 weapon skins only for one powersets, for 400 pp seems like an awful idea.



They've already explained that this pack was made long before the whole discussion about gender parity took place. Cut them some slack.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Why are you surprised that there are no male pieces, when the devs said there weren't going to be any.

And I'm not sure why you're saying the bundle costs more than the pieces. If you add the pieces it's 520 points. The bundle is 400. Are you not counting the three weapons?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
They've already explained that this pack was made long before the whole discussion about gender parity took place. Cut them some slack.
Still. The CoL actually does have plenty of male members. Releasing a female-only CoL pack is just plain weird even without the gender parity discussion.

I could understand a female-only Carnival of Shadows pack. But this? This is like releasing a female-only Hellion set.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by vorpal View Post
Why are you surprised that there are no male pieces, when the devs said there weren't going to be any.

And I'm not sure why you're saying the bundle costs more than the pieces. If you add the pieces it's 520 points. The bundle is 400. Are you not counting the three weapons?
I said the bundle is expensive, but at same time cheaper than buying separately.
I know this is a death horse, but 400 pp is the same as magic or barbarian pack, full of awesome. Something is wrong with CoL price.



Carnival pieces, particularly the female/masks elements, are something that players have asked for years to see. We get it now, and along with some of the most striking elements of the CoL's additional pieces. I am not prepared to look that gift horse in the mouth and whine.

I agree, firmly, that the Devs should perhaps slow down a tad and think more about the players' costume desires for broad cross model applicability (pre-tinting, gender/size). I do believe they are doing that now, and I accept that this set was in the pipeline prior to recent methodology changes. I will not ding them for that timing issue either.

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Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Still. The CoL actually does have plenty of male members. Releasing a female-only CoL pack is just plain weird even without the gender parity discussion.

I could understand a female-only Carnival of Shadows pack. But this? This is like releasing a female-only Hellion set.
Which they've said the male costume can already easily be made using exsisting pieces.

Truthfully, after all has been said in the previous threads before now, I'm wondering if people aren't listening, or just trying to come up with reasons to complain.

As for not having any male pieces. Well if all you play is male characters, don't look at it as "What?! No costume pieces for my character that truthfully, I never would of likely used all but one piece anyways?!" and think of it as "I guess I save 5 bucks this week!"

Not to mention there was talk before that people were willing to have packs based purely on gender made, and when it's done...complaints.

This is of course, why I hope the devs don't listen to the forums when it comes to how to make the costume bundles and listen to the market and go "you know what, this might sell when we see this market trend!"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
This is of course, why I hope the devs don't listen to the forums when it comes to how to make the costume bundles and listen to the market and go "you know what, this might sell when we see this market trend!"
I'm pretty sure that the market trends will show "Wow, people like buying more costume options!... Unless it's a fireman hat."



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
I'm pretty sure that the market trends will show "Wow, people like buying more costume options!... Unless it's a fireman hat."
I really have no idea. I know they've said the Magic pack was the most popular. I have no idea on the popularity of the other packs.

Though I get the feeling some, such as the Cyborg Pack and Beast Pack are either less popular or just not used as often.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Im ok with it...
I will buy just some of the female pieces, so I will spend like 200 pp...
I just think is awesome that we got a sash, lot of times demanded but males dont. A bit unfair, specially for PBs and WSs.
Then in next month they will put an awesome high-res with broader options sash, but only for males, then we will complain again lol
Same they did with barbarian bracers and loin cloth. Awesome pieces, for only for male.
Thats why they need to put female and male versions of most pieces if possible.
Lets see...



Originally Posted by vorpal View Post
Why are you surprised that there are no male pieces, when the devs said there weren't going to be any.

This^^^. It was never going to have anything in it for male characters, ever.

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haven't ran through First Ward in a any of the CoL males have unique costume pieces that can't be recreated?



Hmm.. I don't really care that it's all female pieces, while I would've liked getting the Legacy Chain pieces that some of the male CoL npcs have, it's not a huge deal.

The pricing is what mostly concerns me. All of the previous costume bundles were 400 as well, yes, but they were also (mostly) a complete set. Couldn't this at least have been like 300 since it's somewhat incomplete and only has options for female characters (barring the weapons), unlike the other sets which covered both male and female, and huge characters?

I'm just kinda confused at the lack of consistency here.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Not a single piece was added for males. Not even the sash.
Welcome to 3 weeks ago.

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Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
haven't ran through First Ward in a any of the CoL males have unique costume pieces that can't be recreated?
The male CoL members use a fair amount of Legacy Chain bits in their costumes.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



For those who didn't follow the debate when the CoL pieces were in Beta:

1. These pieces were made for the CoL NPCs with the specific intention to be able to use them on PCs, as is the policy stated about 2 years ago.

2. The only new pieces were the masks and sashes for females and the weapons (which are for male or female). The men in the CoL got re-colored Legacy Chain pieces and other bits already available in the costume creator.

3. So why so female-centric when the Devs said they'd make things more equitable? Because these pieces were in the pipeline before that decision was made (they were made for First Ward). New costume pieces take months to make, and the schedule of the artists is tight (making stuff for Issue release, e.g.). New sets coming up: Fire & Ice, Elemental Order, Imperial China will have that gender equity.

4. So why can't the male CoL be ported over to PCs? Because they physically can't. These are pieces originally made for NPCs and there is no way to 'port' them over. NPC pieces have different geometries and different nodal hooks. So, they would have to be re-created from scratch, which takes several months time.

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Thats why they need to put female and male versions of most pieces if possible
Believe it or not, since that massive thread about this issue, they have been doing that. They have stated that this pack was made after the thread and so was not going to get pushed back.

All the future packs they've stated already, they have already said that large majority of pieces will be made for both genders [while having a few uniques both sides].

Well, I think is safe to say the feedback threads are useless.
Clearly they are not since your OP alone has missed quite a lot of all the feedback that these threads have had in beta. They have made multiple changes to packs from those feedbacks alone in the last few weeks.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
4. So why can't the male CoL be ported over to PCs? Because they physically can't. These are pieces originally made for NPCs and there is no way to 'port' them over. NPC pieces have different geometries and different nodal hooks. So, they would have to be re-created from scratch, which takes several months time.
For really old NPCs that would be the case, however many NPCs since City of Villains and pretty much all of them since Going Rogue use the player model. Most contacts have always used player models, with a few exceptions of course.

You can demo edit or costume file edit your way into the legacy chain harness just fine, though of course you can't actually apply it to your real costume. IIRC that one attaches to the shoulder node, which makes sense for it (unlike some other NPC pieces that do attach in really odd places).

As for why players don't get it? Maybe too many clipping issues for them to be happy with. Or maybe just because They Said So(TM).

P.S. I really want the sky raider porter backpack. It's even tintable!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Clearly they are not since your OP alone has missed quite a lot of all the feedback that these threads have had in beta. They have made multiple changes to packs from those feedbacks alone in the last few weeks.
But they didn't introduce the specific changes HE wanted! Hence they're useless! That's how it works, right...?

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Welcome to 3 weeks ago.
I meant based of the feedback and disagree of players on the beta thread.
Im ok, I just bought the female pieces I wanted.

Is that I dont understand 2 things:

Why feedback threads, if they are not adding pieces based on players request and they keep pre-tinting and limiting choices after Steampunk pack feedback?

Why the price so high for a bundle with not even a single costume pack, but some pieces alone?

That is my concern. I love the pieces and bought it alone already.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Clearly they are not since your OP alone has missed quite a lot of all the feedback that these threads have had in beta. They have made multiple changes to packs from those feedbacks alone in the last few weeks.
So you telling me they added or changed costume pieces from previous costume packs in the last few weeks based on feedback?
Would you mind telling me which ones? I must have missed it...



My one disappointment with the set as stands:

The 8 face details are not unlocked for use with hats. Yes, they would clip horribly with some of the hats but they also would work wonderfully with some other hats such as the new Fire and Ice hats.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
But they didn't introduce the specific changes HE wanted! Hence they're useless! That's how it works, right...?
Stop it dude, seriously... Keep your sarcams because Im just making my point here, dont need all your hate or bad mood on me, thank you.

I have missed any change made to the previous packs, would like to know about them, for real.
I always read "that boat has sailed" and see not changes to previous packs, not in costume creator or patch notes so...



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
For really old NPCs that would be the case, however many NPCs since City of Villains and pretty much all of them since Going Rogue use the player model. Most contacts have always used player models, with a few exceptions of course.
If you've paid attention to what we can and can't have, the one thing that consistently ticks the "can't have nice things" list is what Champions Online described as "integrated shoulders. That is to say, what we can't have are costume pieces which integrate a chest piece, a shoulder piece and a collar piece all in one item. The PPD Hard Suits had that and we couldn't have it. Enforcer was the closest we could get. The IDF have that and we can't have it. The Legacy Chain have the same integrated shoulders piece, and we can't have that, either.

I'm not sure why that is, but this has been consistent throughout the game's development and consistent between a number of artists. Maybe it has to do with clipping, maybe it has to do with animations, maybe it has to do with model parity, I don't know. However, if you look through the game's history, that's the one thing we've never been allowed to have. And, incidentally, that's really the only one thing that the Legacy Chain have which is unique to them, aside from at most a couple of hats.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mephistroth View Post
Hmm.. I don't really care that it's all female pieces, while I would've liked getting the Legacy Chain pieces that some of the male CoL npcs have, it's not a huge deal.

The pricing is what mostly concerns me. All of the previous costume bundles were 400 as well, yes, but they were also (mostly) a complete set. Couldn't this at least have been like 300 since it's somewhat incomplete and only has options for female characters (barring the weapons), unlike the other sets which covered both male and female, and huge characters?

I'm just kinda confused at the lack of consistency here.
All costume packs are seeming to be priced at 400 PPs, regardless of whether they have 40 costume parts or 10.

This is one of the much more expensive packs per costume part.

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