898 -
I really don't know. The 3-hour fun-fests every Monday and Thursday for the past few years, where I've gotten together with the same core group of friends (some of whom I only met because of the game, others of whom I only keep regular contact with because of it), don't translate to other game environments. We tried to migrate over to another game (rhymes with "Sarah Schmonline") earlier this year for some variety, but no sidekicking system meant static teams, which meant we had to get the whole group together any time we wanted to play, and it's surprising how easy it was for people to miss sessions in CoH and still have everything WORK. And a lot of their systems weren't as player-friendly as what I'm used to. And their travel system stunk. And then their stupid summer event revealed something unpleasant about my elven priestess - when she put on a bikini, I learned that she had a tramp stamp.
Giving my dignified elven priestess a freaking sorority-girl tattoo was enough to get me to cancel my billing.
I get a lot of hours back when the CoH servers go dark that I'm really not sure what I'll do with, because there aren't other games out there that really appeal to me. I guess I'll look at The Secret World, since it keeps coming up, but I have a hard time believing any other game will match the experience I've had over the past 7 years.
These shared-world games are all about collaborative storytelling. The players and developers of CoH got that. I'm amazed at how rare that particular insight seems to be in the gaming industry. -
Quote:I'm pretty positive rarity is not guaranteed with the 2-converter conversion. You get the same level and type (here, Healing set), but that's it. I've spent plenty of converters turning level 41+ Red Fortunes into Luck of the Gamblers at 2 converters a pop; I don't bother with level 40 or below, because then I could also get (and have also gotten...) Serendipity or Gift of the Ancients.After that I tried something else -- bought a level 30 Regenerative Tissue (orange recipe) and did a 2 converter conversion to another heal set. If I understand this right, it will always be a rare heal IO, non-PvP, so I should get a Numina, Miracle, or a different Regen Tissue -- yes?
In your situation, I think you also could have gotten a Harmonized Healing or a Doctored Wounds. The RNG liked you, though. =)
In terms of the OP's question, Adeon nailed the answer and I have nothing further to add. -
I have a rad/sonic and a kin/sonic. They're both fun, but the kin/sonic holds a special place in my heart. Lots of +dam plus lots of -res makes for some crazy teaming.
I skipped Aim on the kin/sonic, because I spend so much time damage-capped in teams anyway, and IOs + leadership gives me all the to-hit and accuracy I ever need. I actually took the sleep, but mainly as a purple mule. Had I been building her more for +def, I'd probably have reversed that choice, since it's not like kin hurts for recharge. -
Dammit. Now this thread is making me want to go home and inventory my characters/bases...
Quote:Pretty much this.Literally any other type of existing bonus.
A great many types of non-existing bonus.
I haven't cared about debt since somewhere around Issue 10. Debt protection matters as much to me in-game as "Protection from Pies" would. Probably less, since having "Ultimate Pie Protection" in my set bonus list would be kind of awesome. -
Although it's a useful analysis, I seem to recall that the chi-square test is pretty substantially affected by sample size (as in, more likely to return significant results when you have a large sample, even if the practical difference isn't very large). All this one tested was whether the entire distribution of drops was a consistent 1/6 per item. The weirdness of the a/d/e numbers makes that kind of a foregone conclusion, but if you look at the rest they do kind of cluster around the target value.
I think what people are likely to be more interested in is whether there were significantly fewer procs dropped than we'd expect. So 151/1004 vs. 1/6, rather than the entire distribution vs. 1/6. What would that be, a binomial test of 15% vs. an expected of 16.67%?
I'm sure there are some math majors around who'd be happy to help out with that. -
Quote:All of this is correct.That is true of Incarnate Shards and probably Threads. IIRC, that aspect of the Shard system was explicitly touted as new and different.
Salvage, recipes, inspirations -- all of those drop more frequently for soloists. The design intent is (I think) that teams kill faster, and that therefore teams should give you more-or-less the same amount of drops over time, but in practice that's not usually how it works out. Not even close.
OP topic: I've never actually bothered with Windfalls after a little preliminary testing. What tends to happen is that I fill up on common salvage and recipes/temp powers, and waste time deleting junk rather than killing moar mobs. The commons have the highest base drop rate, so presumably are what's going to be increased the most by a power that boosts drop rates across the board. I don't need more Regenerating Flesh and St. Louis Slammers. Kinda at my quota, there. -
Quote:Agreed. Although I recognize that the ease of teaming I found was due to being on a high-pop server, it was awesome to be able to log in to a character, enter the queue, and within a few minutes (at most) start a bite-sized bit of interesting content with reasonable rewards (both xp and otherwise) with random folks. I don't PUG often, and this had me PUGging almost the entire time it was live, with great success.Sorry to see the Summer Event go, I think it was a lot of fun even after repeating it a lot of times. It was really well designed for quick and fun teaming and I'd love to see future events along similar lines.
I like the winter event too, but I'll be honest and say that I mainly end up farming aspects of that solo. Small-team events are a nice change, and this one was (to me) more fun and more repeatable than some of the other small-team events that have been offered.
Kudos, to all those responsible. -
Interesting... I was on a run where we got Johnny but not Ted, but never the reverse.
Quote:What you're describing is the way Energy Cloak and Entropic Aura have functioned together since the changes to /EA went live a few issues back. I've got an /EA brute that I've been playing since 2005, and having to adapt to a universe in which I have to choose between having the level of stealth I was used to (I also keep a +stealth IO in Sprint to get to functional invis, and was very used to getting right up next to mobs and having them be oblivious) or keeping my mez protection toggled on was something I railed about quite a bit when the changes were in beta. I think I irritated Synapse, actually, since I wasn't always very diplomatic about the logic behind putting mez protection + aggro aura in a single toggle for a set with a +stealth power.My Claws/Energy Aura scrapper has a stealth IO proc and Energy Cloak which gives 65 feet of real numbers displayed stealth.
If I have Entropic Aura on, mobs aggro from melee range.
If I turn Entropic Aura off, I can tap dance on their heads without them caring.
I mainly got over it.
Entropic Aura on brutes has never suppressed when EC was on. I don't see why it would for Scrappers. -
Quote:I'm not sure why anyone would argue otherwise, and am therefore uncertain as to the point of this thread.Ultimately, my point is if the Dark Matter Aura is put up for sale so should the Wisp Aura to be fair.
Edited to add: Oh yeah. This argument. Teach me to respond to post 5 or 6 without reading through to be reminded how it would inevitably devolve. I forget how good you are at inciting this kind of stuff. -
Quote:If you're going to solo the trials, I agree.For +4 incarnate trials you need a higher soft cap, so actual I am under and need help from the hybrid.
If you're likely to be on leagues with other people stacking leadership/hybrid/destiny/other random buffs, I wouldn't worry about it.
And I don't worry about it, with my own /EA.With Agility from Alpha, I'm over 50% to all types except Psi before adding whatever little bonuses I get from Energy Drain. I don't have trouble on trials.
Quote:The picture that keeps coming up isn't a mug shot, it's a picture provided by the university - probably from his student ID. As someone who sees several hundred student ID photos a year, he looks no more or less disturbed in it than anyone else I've ever had in class.Looking at his mug shot, he has a smirk and if you really look at his eyes they look as though he may have some sort of psychological issue.
Actually, I take that back. He looks a LOT less disturbed than some of the people I've had in class, all of whom ended up being pretty standard, in terms of psychological functioning.
OP, anyone else around Aurora - I'm so sorry for what happened, and I'm glad you're okay. I'll be keeping your community in my thoughts. -
What I'm finding interesting/mildly disturbing is that for me, at least, this is having the exact opposite effect of what I suspect is intended.
Pulling me out of the game, off the forums, into other social media outlets where I may or may not already have a presence, encouraging me to either link my activities on those outlets to something I tend to keep to myself (I teach, I don't like my students knowing what video games I play in my spare time...) or create dummy-accounts just to get loot...
All of that makes me feel less connected to this game's community. Not more. And so I'm not participating in it.
If Marketing wants raw numbers of people showing up as being linked to CoX in social media, that's nice. It's not a metric of the game's actual community, though, which is awesome and helpful and way more prone to cooperation than competition, and it really doesn't seem to be doing that community any favors with non-game PvP-style activities for in-game rewards. -
Mustard Master
Cherry Vinaigrette
Wasabi Witch
BBQ Bandit
Tabasco Tingle
Commander Ketchup
Yeah, not all the textures are perfect, but still - the Condiment Commandos are officially beginning their 50-plus-level faceroll on Virtue!
Up next: Drowning in (a lot of things that don't look much like) Blood. Poor Freaks and Shivans... -
Quote:Your sample size of one is noted. Dood. I like how you ignored me having no problem with Time, Kin, or Rad. Dood.I just tested it with time.
I buffed the team to the gills, and I debuffed the av into the floor, it took off like a bat out of hell.
It's not just traps dood.
I take you way more seriously when you're talking about stalkers. -
Thanks, all. I'm glad it's not just me. I'll do a respec to give a little more love to Web Grenade, at least for while I'm leveling.
This is simply not true.
I've run this event with my rad characters multiple times (I'm quite free with my the toggle debuffs!) and never once gotten this kind of stupid fleeing behavior. I've also run it on kin, time, and a variety of other characters with a plethroa of debuffs and debuffing effects. Only on my trapper did the entire team spend every AV fight groaning (I should know, we were on skype...) and running around after the purple-named morons. Having every AV go total head-pants when I put down an Acid Mortar took a fun event and made it really un-fun for everybody.
It may be a small request, but it really does have a potentially large impact on the quality of play experience and I hope it will get looked into. -
I had the most frustrating experience in the summer blockbuster event tonight. Playing my traps/dp fender, every time I laid more than one debuffing trap, the AVs started running around like idiots. Sylvia painted every bit of the warehouse floor. Ted did the same. Gotterdammerung ran to the opposite end of the arena and back again. And almost every time, the running started as I knelt to put down an Acid Mortar.
Is this just part of playing a trapper? Do hard targets really run all over creation? I've played this character to level 37, but a lot of that has been in bigger teams/on TFs where, if there were runners, they weren't runners who regenerated 5% of their health every 10 seconds (freakin' Sylvia...) and made life miserable for the entire team, and it certainly didn't feel like I was actively making things harder for everybody around me. And that's what it felt like tonight. I was swearing by the time we were done that I would just delete the character, but I don't want to act in haste.
Is there any hope, or am I just going to see more of the same? Was *I* doing something wrong? I've played through this even dozens of times, on plenty of other characters with debuffs (rad, kin, time, etc.), and have never seen this kind of moronic AI behavior that seemed to trigger directly from something I did.
Any input would be much appreciated. -