A small /Traps request for i24 and it's bevy of power alterations

Adeon Hawkwood



Acid Mortar has a completely undocumented (AFAIK) effect that causes enemies, be they simple minions or mighty AVs, to flee like the Japanese from Godzilla.

I forgot about this effect until I teamed with a Trapper during the Blockbuster event, which I have run about 20 times. Note that this has simply reminded me of this issue, but the issue itself has existed and annoyed myself and other players for years.

Normally the AVs will stand their ground during a normal run regardless of what type of players I was playing with. However, when this trapper put down his Acid Mortar the dogs that the Western AV guy summons ran around the area aimlessly at about 100mph (because apparently these dogs took Super Speed). The Minotaur, which will usually stand and fight whoever he aggros was running around the arena like a maniac, as were all of the other AVs.

During the Heist portion, Sylvia Rexton, whom I have never seen move from melee range on any other run, immediately super jumped up into the ceiling rafters and all over the top of those really tall storage racks the second she got hit with the mortar.

I don't think this is a morale breaking event as I have teamed with 2 /Rad controllers who both stacked RI, EF and LR on the AVs and they didn't try to run. If this is a morale breaking event then I'm guessing someone misplaced a decimal point somewhere and the mortar is doing like -10bajillion morale on everything it hits.

Devs, can you please take a look at Acid Mortar, find out why this is happening, and possibly correct it?



Yup, its incredibly annoying. Though Trappers should be able to lock down the harder targets with their Immob Grenade if they bothered slotting/taking/using it.

My trapper spends more time picking off the various LT's that run off after her initial AoE barrage than she does with the rest of the spawn.. It's ludicrous at times as they run FAR, and take forever to come back, sometimes when I'm onto the next spawn or two ><



Yep I've seen this behavior before.

My Crab Spider with his Venom Grenade.
My DP/Traps with Caltrops and PGT and Acid mortar.
My Merk/Traps with Caltrops and PGT and Acid mortar.
My AR/Dev with Caltrops and Ignite.
My BS/SD scraper with Caltrops.

TBH tho I like the effect on everything but AV's.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Interesting. Two of the characters I've run the event on are Trappers, and I've run it on both of them several times. I've only seen the behavior you describe happening one time, and commented on how odd it was because I hadn't seen it happen before.

I don't know for sure, but at the time we thought it might have been a reaction to an excessive amount of -speed effects.



Slow continuous dots make enemies flee - why should acid mortar be any different?

...now, having said that, if that behavior vanished from acid mortar, I would cry foul, because I would want to have that happen to Scrapper Burn too. I have motive and I admit it.

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How about just having all teh run effects removed from hard targets? And av or eb should NEVER run. Same as we dont run from blue cons. Likewise with a GM..seeing them run from one dot is just stupid.



Nothing says fun like a ToV boss going to the other end of the map at warp nine when they get tagged by the acid mortar.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Slow continuous dots make enemies flee - why should acid mortar be any different?

...now, having said that, if that behavior vanished from acid mortar, I would cry foul, because I would want to have that happen to Scrapper Burn too. I have motive and I admit it.
Acid Mortar is different from what you're describing. It breaks something and sends enemies into a constant fleeing state. I've read posts of people standing around for 20+ minutes while the enemies flee and never stop fleeing. Go use Scrapper Burn on an AV and nothing will happen. Use Acid Mortar and there's a good chance the AV will be swinging from the ceiling fans before you know it.



I find any debuff does it.

Put a debuff toggle on a target you get the same effect.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I think it is a combination of the defence and resistance debuffs paired with the slow dot... It is a perfect flee situation. I try to drop pgt first and it manages to hold the spawn long enough for me to kill most of them. The few that run... Well, I'm on a ranged toon...

Not arguing against it, but if they fix this, can they give the same treatment to quills?



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Put a debuff toggle on a target you get the same effect.
This is simply not true.

I've run this event with my rad characters multiple times (I'm quite free with my the toggle debuffs!) and never once gotten this kind of stupid fleeing behavior. I've also run it on kin, time, and a variety of other characters with a plethroa of debuffs and debuffing effects. Only on my trapper did the entire team spend every AV fight groaning (I should know, we were on skype...) and running around after the purple-named morons. Having every AV go total head-pants when I put down an Acid Mortar took a fun event and made it really un-fun for everybody.

It may be a small request, but it really does have a potentially large impact on the quality of play experience and I hope it will get looked into.

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Well funny story when running my defender trapper. During a synapse when you have the option of fighting Babage. He ran like he was on fire. He super jumped all over Skyway. I mean ALL OVER. Up those crazy 500 ft walls. Giant robot catwalking across 1000ft high telephone wires, balancing beaming his way as fast as he can on the tram line.

Took forever and web grenade won't immobilize or slow him, and the tank did not have taunt (which overrides the run like a headless cheetah behavior). Good times!



I have definitely also experienced Acid Mortar causing abnormal fleeing.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I've run this event with my rad characters multiple times (I'm quite free with my the toggle debuffs!) and never once gotten this kind of stupid fleeing behavior. I've also run it on kin, time, and a variety of other characters with a plethroa of debuffs and debuffing effects. Only on my trapper did the entire team spend every AV fight groaning (I should know, we were on skype...) and running around after the purple-named morons. Having every AV go total head-pants when I put down an Acid Mortar took a fun event and made it really un-fun for everybody..
The AVs seem to run a lot if a Cold Dominator or Storm Summoner uses their debuff toggle on them as well.



Of the many times I've run the Blockbuster Event, the only time I've seen the AVs run and jump around was on a team of 2 Brutes, 1 Scrapper, and me as an Ice/Rad Corruptor. None of us had any Immob powers.

Of course when I play my Traps characters, I'm always spamming Web Grenade for the -recharge anyway, so I haven't noticed any problems with Acid Mortar.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I think I had them run from my Radiation Blaster, on a Blaster/Blaster/Brute team. I don't remember what sets the other players were using though so it may have been them. Luckily I had an immobilize in the Fire set to stop them.



Tex, I think I've said this before but...it needs saying again. I still love the names you come up with for your toons. LOL! So far I think my better names along the same lines as some of yours are Rocky Martin (had the idea of Rocky Balboulder spring to mind...but someone beat me to it...at least on that particular server) and (if i ever get around to making him...and assuming that the name isn't taken already) The Atomic Bum (or Nuclear Bum). Also just made a water/ice blaster named Tsunami Ami Yumi (identical twins? Or a case of multiple personalities?)...but not sure that really counts.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
This is simply not true.

I've run this event with my rad characters multiple times (I'm quite free with my the toggle debuffs!) and never once gotten this kind of stupid fleeing behavior. I've also run it on kin, time, and a variety of other characters with a plethroa of debuffs and debuffing effects. Only on my trapper did the entire team spend every AV fight groaning (I should know, we were on skype...) and running around after the purple-named morons. Having every AV go total head-pants when I put down an Acid Mortar took a fun event and made it really un-fun for everybody.

It may be a small request, but it really does have a potentially large impact on the quality of play experience and I hope it will get looked into.
I just tested it with time.
I buffed the team to the gills, and I debuffed the av into the floor, it took off like a bat out of hell.

It's not just traps dood.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Yeah, webnade is great for this fast recharge so you can stack it quickly on Bosses/EBs/AVs/Heroes. Just set it on auto and watch your endurance! It Even works on Babbage. I used it quite often in the Blockbuster event when my mortar made the "God Champion" sprint around the arena! Caltrops help a lot in mitigating the flight by slowing them down or blocking the path

EDIT: Unless you are using a weapon then the redraw might drive you insane!

I have had paragon protectors run ALL the way back to the entrance of the mission when i wasn't paying attention, Oddly i do not notice the behavior as much fighting minions.

If it wasn't for the fact some things like to try to leave the building it would be a super power for damage mitigation. Does burn make them flee to that extent?



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I just tested it with time.
I buffed the team to the gills, and I debuffed the av into the floor, it took off like a bat out of hell.

It's not just traps dood.
Your sample size of one is noted. Dood. I like how you ignored me having no problem with Time, Kin, or Rad. Dood.

I take you way more seriously when you're talking about stalkers.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
Your sample size of one is noted. Dood. I like how you ignored me having no problem with Time, Kin, or Rad. Dood.

I take you way more seriously when you're talking about stalkers.
But dood, there are others in this very thread saying it happens with more than just traps, dood!

Your the only one saying it only happens with traps dood. You have a sample of one too dood!

DOOD! Don't ever take me seriously either... Dood, it's just not healthy dood!

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
This is simply not true.

I've run this event with my rad characters multiple times (I'm quite free with my the toggle debuffs!) and never once gotten this kind of stupid fleeing behavior.
I've run it several times with my /Rad Corr, and most of the time nothing happens. If there's any melee on the team, they won't run. If you hit them with LR, the running is so slow as to be unnoticeable.

Try forming a range-only team, hit the first AV (Sandra something?) with EF and RI, but not LR. Ask the team to avoid Slows,Immobilizes and -Jump.

You will see her run. Once ended up hovering while she ran through the rafters of the hideout.



Dood, if you are wanting a change to Traps, let's look at Time Bomb instead of this silliness.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Dood, if you are wanting a change to Traps, let's look at Time Bomb instead of this silliness.
Pretty sure Arbiter Hawk said it was on the radar.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Dood, if you are wanting a change to Traps, let's look at Time Bomb instead of this silliness.
Make it just like the Mastermind version, where you cast it on a teammate to give them a bomb to hand deliver to the enemy. Nothing can possibly go wrong with this plan!