Confusion About Toggles and Enhancements
Although I can't say how profitable it might be, I was pleased with myself recently in using converters to solve a problem. I like Willpower as a defense set, and I tend to always slot it the same general way -- 3 pieces Numina in several powers, for the +hp bonuses. And I like using level 30-33 IOs, and I created two new WP characters over DXP weekend that are now 35 and 39, and... I had very few level 30-33 Numina IOs in base supply.
My solution was to buy up a bunch of the level 30-33 Numina end/rech and do in-set conversions. I can us anything I get in return -- for passive powers I like to slot heal, heal/end, and heal/rech for maximum heal, and for toggles I like heal, heal/end and heal/end/rech for extra endurance. And if I get the unique, well, I can always use one of those. ^_^ On four conversions I got one of them, and filled several slots on my new scrapper. I also placed more long-range bids on the same IO and spent 2 days confirming hero status so I could more easily collect hero merits on said scrapper -- gonna stock up on various Numina IOs, hopefully.
After that I tried something else -- bought a level 30 Regenerative Tissue (orange recipe) and did a 2 converter conversion to another heal set. If I understand this right, it will always be a rare heal IO, non-PvP, so I should get a Numina, Miracle, or a different Regen Tissue -- yes? Anyway I got lucky and hit another Numi +regen/+recovery, so my little experiment was a success. But what I like about this option is that there are a lot more level 30 Regen Tissue IOs floating around since that's their max level, so for people like me who like slotting level 30 IOs, that's a nice way to get them.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I'll answer what I've seen with my characters.
1) Luck of the gambler +recharge will apply even if the power is not currently 'on'.
3) Steadfast Protection Knockback also works for you even when the slotted power is not 'on'.
I still play for fun
From Liberty to Freedom
Any team level
After that I tried something else -- bought a level 30 Regenerative Tissue (orange recipe) and did a 2 converter conversion to another heal set. If I understand this right, it will always be a rare heal IO, non-PvP, so I should get a Numina, Miracle, or a different Regen Tissue -- yes?
In your situation, I think you also could have gotten a Harmonized Healing or a Doctored Wounds. The RNG liked you, though. =)
In terms of the OP's question, Adeon nailed the answer and I have nothing further to add.
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I completely posted in the wrong thread. >.< That's what I get for trying to post in the few minutes I get for my break at work.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
These are all globals which means that they will work even if the power is off. They will also work if the power is unavailable due to exemplaring. BUT they will stop working if you exemplar more than 3 levels below the level of the IO (except for the Gladiator's Armor IO which is a PvPIO and as such ignores the normal exemplaring restrictions).
If you want to know how to tell the difference:
Globals always just state the bonus they provide. They work just like set bonuses.
Procs always either list a percentage chance to trigger or state that they give a certain benefit (usually for 120s) when the power they are slotted in is used. When slotted in a toggle, these require the power to be active for them to do anything.
Procs are pretty much the opposite of Globals for availability when exemplaring - They will function while you are exemplared to any level, regardless of the level of the Proc. However, they cannot be used (obviously) if you exemplar low enough to lose access to the power they are slotted in.
Thank you so much for the detailed response. So, just to clarify, if I put a Celerity in Sprint, it makes no difference at all what level the enhancement is, because it's in a toggle?
Wrath smash good.
It makes no different what level the IO is, because of the nature of that category of IO's. It has nothing to do with being in a toggle. The Teleport stealth IO, for example, goes in Teleport powers which are 'click powers'.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The reason that it makes no difference is because Sprint is an inherent power at level 1. You cannot exemplar low enough for it to be unavailable.
(except for the Gladiator's Armor IO which is a PvPIO and as such ignores the normal exemplaring restrictions).
So I started running tips like a madman with the intention of accumulating 35 Alignment Merits and making my OWN level 10 global. But I wearied of that, and finally broke down and obtained a level 50 -- with the specific intent of finishing my build NOW, but always intending to go back later, use an unslotter to pry loose the level 50, and stick the level 10 in its place, whenever I eventually got one.
But after reading this, I tried exemplaring down (using one of the level 1-15 Oro arcs) and definitely confirmed that the level 50 PvPIO global does give its +3% defense bonus when exemplared, even when it's many more than 3 levels below. Happy me!
This raises the question of why people are willing to pay so much for the level 10 versions. The only thing I can think of is that they can be slotted before leveling your character up to 50, i.e., when you're actually 10 (well, 7). But can that really be it? I have some trouble imagining there are people willing to pay 1 to 1.5 billion to buy one of the top-end enhancements in the game, but unwilling to power-level their character.
Put another way, I can easily grasp there might be purists who enjoy the low-level game for its own sake, but it seems weird to me that they might feel it's not warping that very same low-level game to slap in a billion-plus enhancement.
Anyway, thanks for saving me a cool billion.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
It's exactly as you say. It can be nice to have low level ones so you can actually use them as you level up. I have a lot of the big 3 PvP procs at level 15, so I can use them on chars as I level up. I got them by AFK PvP IO farming and converting, so I didn't need to pay billions for them. When I hit 50 and respec into a final build, I replace them with level 50 versions. And I don't PL my chars from 1 to 50 because I don't want to, though I certainly have enough Inf to do so. I like seeing how each character plays as it levels up, and adding some PvP IOs isn't going to completely change that. I like earning Accolades. TF Commander requires running 6 TFs. Atlas Medallion requires Slayer and Silver Bullet which I get mainly from the Moonfire TF. I think you earn XP from exploration badges these days, and I usually get most of them along with the history badges. I like opening my costume slots, so why not earn some XP while I'm at it at low levels? If I want to earn Hero Merits, I can do it on non-50s and earn XP in about the same time as I could on a 50 for 0 XP.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
Stupid question...How do you do a two converter conversion? I was under the impression you could only 1 converter (rarity) or three converter (set). Being able to change sets in a specific TYPE would be wonderful!
Cryosteel 46 ice/ice Blaster
Bonfire Blaze 25 Fire/Fire Blaster
Dream of Shadows 25 Staff/Willpower Scrapper
+ 17 alts
This raises the question of why people are willing to pay so much for the level 10 versions.
The reason lvl 10 glad armor procs are so much more happens to be the same reason glad armor recipes are so much, people just aren't educated enough.
That being said, I'd forgotten that PvP Procs work at all levels anyway. I'm not surprised most people don't know. It's sort of an odd case.
I've got a couple friends saving up for low levels ones I need to go tell about this.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I'm wondering which toggles need to be running for which enhancements.
Basically, I want to use some toggles as mules without actually running the toggles. So, I'm wondering, do I need to run the toggles to use the following?:
1) Luck of the Gambler: Recharge Speed
2) Steadfast Protection: +3 Defense/Resist
3) Steadfast Protection: Knockback Protection
4) Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection/+3 Defense
The reason I ask is that I know I need to run my toggles for my stealth enhancement and my Numina Recovery one, so I was wondering if I needed it for these, too.
Wrath smash good.