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Quote:I really hope this was a typo... If not I want pictures of his rig!
- I bought a 20,000k Custom HP 8740w Mobile Workstation(QuadCore Extreme) with 32GB of Ram and 2GB of Video. -
Quote:Although I have a rig at home that runs CO* fairly well, the laptop supplied to me by my company for travel is pushing 6 years old. Since I spend a lot of time using this old laptop to play CO* in hotels and motels I am very acquainted with the very low settings options.
Originally Posted by Roderick
Are you going to buy a new computer for me, and for everyone else who doesn't have a computer that's good enough for Ultra Mode? Because the barrier to water powers is that they'd up the minimum system requirements for the whole game to the Ultra Mode minimums. If they did that, I'd quit on the spot - not because I'd want to, but because I can't afford to upgrade my computer. And I'm willing to bet that there's other players in the same boat. Since they're adopting a Free to Play model to entice people to come back, how much sense does it make to say "Hey! Come back and see how awesome we are! And we won't charge you anything for it! But you have to buy a BRAND NEW COMPUTER first!"
I don't have the option to go to my boss and ask for a new laptop since this one still works fine. I know this is a tad different then just upgrading a desktop but I'm still limited to the hardware I'm using until this laptop dies.
Although I have some issues in Praetoria and large teams. Overall I can solo pretty well on most maps. The scaling ability for CO* to be played on a huge assortment of CPU's is pretty phenomenal. That's a good thing since not everyone has the ability to get the most cutting edge equipment every 6 months. -
Quote:This is not quite accurate... Level 50's can do the instances in the open zones like the protest and the syndicate breakup one in Praetoria. When I have done them solo on my various 50's they have scaled to my level. The names escape me at the moment but I believe they are timed to start and to do. They are not missions per say but it can be level 50 content.No. Praetorians who haven't travelled to Primal can go as far as Pocket D, but can't leave out either door.
No. There are no missions for level 50s in the Praetorian zones. The level 50 can only exemp down to lowbies on their lowbie missions and earn inf that way.
They have a special star on the map I believe and a pop up window comes up when you are in the correct area for these. FWIW. -
They will all be F2P servers... Except for the VIP only one.
So with this supposedly happening today will there be downtime for maintenance or will this happen with a flip of a switch?
All the servers are up and running so didn't know if they would take the servers down to award everyone their goodies. -
And as a rule if your standing toe to toe with your foes your going to be face down a lot...
Speed kills... standing still kills you. -
I'm sure dual and triple boxeers would love this option...
Otherwise I put my /jranger on this. -
Quote:Dejavue... Cross posting is against the forum rules. Should have asked to have this post from Technical bugs moved to here instead of posting twice.I find the animal pack as current base to be a good start. But you cannot rightfully call it an "animal pack" without including more than 3 types of animals (cat, wolf, bird). I honestly feel cheated and ripped off here. And only about 4 patterns for each animal is just sad. An idea for improovement here would be to add more patterns, like house cat patterns. Or add a dog costume, maybe a frog or lizard, or turtle (not ninja turtle). I think an Assassin Gerbal would be highly entertaining. Or a heroin addicted rabbit with fleas lol....
As for the beast run, the run itself is fundamentally good, would be nice to maybe be able to choose two legged or four legged idle stances. But the primary fault im finding here is the actual jump animation. Its from beast to man beast, and is really only decently designed for those of us who feel a little werewolfie. Other than that, that particular jumping animation just does NOT "mesh" with a real animal in any regard. I just cant make a jungle cat who jumps like a man. I wanna see it jump and pounce like a cat playing with a string. Would love to see a butt wiggle before a pounce maybe.
overall, ill give the animal pack a 7 of 10 based on effort and decent starting foundation. Now lets see if they even attempt at improoving it, or if this is just another idea thats blown off.
(Also, i vote we get a new base item that allows us to use the market to buy, sell, or store items. Wouldn't be all that difficult really because the same activation engine runs the vaults in the bases. Just need a specific item thats new programed to interact EXACTLY the same way the interaction programiing works on the market employees in the game. Its the same codec. This would creat two positive things for the player base:
1.) Create an easier and less time consuming job of storing and crafting and selling items in or out of base. ie isntead of constantly waiting for zoning times through muiltple zones to accomplish only 1 goal.
2.) Deminish the world map lag due to an over flow of players in one space at one time. they can each handle their market working in the peace and quiet of their own base. Because the garbage that is AE (which has destroyed any symblance of what the game used to be) is already causing enough bulk and overflow of players in main zones such as atlas or cap au diable. )
And the Incarnet system is absolutely doomed to completely break every character in this game that has ever existed. UNLESS, the devs completely eliminate the deminishing returns system. What they are doing currently is providing people the means to make all their years of toiling into their favorite toons obsolete in every way. Because anyone who has had this game long enough to really matter at this point all has toons with "builds" of various different cost levels. The new stats introduced by incarnet only resist at max 1/3 of deminished returns. that means specificly that your toon, thats already built and is awsome for what you want it to do, has 2/3 of 33% whatever pushing them over into deminishing returns the moment the thing is slotted. So, if your actually smart about it, youll leave ALL the higher level incarnets alone, take only the lower level ones (at most), and be 100% better than the guy with a 4 billion dollar build and all the teir4 incarnets.
Basically, the devs need to decide whether to keep their new babies, or keep the old mess they keep breaking because there isnt anyone left that was an original programmer for this game. And there wasnt very good notes left by the originals anyway (so i've heard)
Incedentally, I think your still wrong. -
Once again this dead horse is dragged out of it's hole into the sunshine.
I am not for or against pvp as I do not participate in it at all. I don't step into pvp zones to get the goodies there either. I pretty much just pretend it does not exist.
The reason I do this is because in the launch of the game it was one of the things that made it unique in that it was not based on pvp. Indeed, he who may not be named caved to the masses and duck-taped the pvp monstrosity to the game.
As I see it, you can't blame the current devs for failing to turn a donkey into a unicorn. They have tried to do the best they could with something that was never fully thought out and tested to begin with. You want to throw acusations and blame at someone, make sure it's the one thats responsible for the problem. -
If you still have access to your old CPU you could copy the files you need over to your new CPU where your fresh install of COH is. You would basically overwrite the new files with the ones from your old harddrive. I have done this and it works. Cuts way down on the patching needed too.
Someone has a guide to this but I can't remember who it is... -
I did not finish this arc due to problems within the structure of the arc itself. I ran this with my new tank. He is a level 28 fire/fire tank running at -1/4 with bosses and no AV's.
The map was kind of interesting at first with the huge variety of mobs thrown together in groups. A big mix of standard enemies along with custom ones in fairly large groups standing around along with groups patrolling the area. I also saw several mob vs. mob fights but it was hard to tell what was going on in some instances because the map is the extremely huge broken city/half under water one. So you would see NPC chatter about the fight before you really ever got to it.
The other problem is that some bosses did not give XP, after a pretty long fight. The doppelganger demon bosses seemed to be especially resistant to me but that was probably due to me being a fire tank. I didn't notice this until fighting my third or fourth one about the missing XP though. Other custom critters seemed to be on the low side for XP also...
Maybe if the XP is fixed for the bosses and the map could be tweaked to be a tad smaller this might be more enjoyable... -
Quote:It's all about me... me... me... The other guys listen to me but you hate me because you wont stop what your doing and listen to me! (I highly doubt this is the case as I am sure more than one person can come up with the same idea.)Bad pack again, even if it is free... but bad again like the other emote one and the origins one too. I have listed a bunch of very good ideas before.. actually posted them on another mmo comic book site too (newer one not the old one) and they put a lot of the stuff in back in beta, that made it to the actual release of the game. Yet in here - no.
At least this back should have included a choice of which existing costume pieces we could get. The vanguard stuff is ugly and easy to get. Would have been better if it was the Roman stuff, since some of us 3 am people who have no one to group with will never get our hands on it. Or like I said a choice per account , example: Roman, Vanguard, whatever else junk, i forget now. Would have been better.
And to clarify the bolded type in your quote. You think the Vanguard cossie bits are ugly and you want to be able to pick what booster you want instead.
Booster packs have a cost associated to them. Thats what makes them optional. If you want it you will purchase it. Whereas this freebie we are getting has not had any monetary value associated to it. (At least not yet.)
This is the Vanguard Pack tied to the seventh anniversary. Not the I should get for free what other people have paid for entitlement Booster pack special. I also find it funny that you list the very thing you disdain within your choices for costume picks.
Sheesh... -
I have not read the entire thread but have skimmed some of the more heated arguments. My play experience has not really changed with the inclusion of the incarnate system for one reason, I play to have fun. I am still playing my lowbies which are many (Damn altitis!), I still solo tip missions for fun and A-Merits, I still run the occasional TF when real life allows and I still team up when I feel like it.
All this and I still have not experienced either the Apex or Tin Mage task forces. Am I suffering for it? certainly not. Am I benefiting from the incarnate System? Yes I am because the one or two 50's I have that have slotted the alpha boost have noticeable increases in performance which therefore increases my enjoyment.
Of course the definition of fun varies greatly from person to person but I do count myself as one of the many who still just plays the entire game as I like. I don't see any one aspect of the game as what defines what and how I spend my time in Paragon City, Pratoria or the Rogue Isles. -
<------ My first creation in I1 and was my first 50. He is also my global channel namesake.
Spoke to Father Time with a brand new tanker last night and the only mission he would give me was the baby new year one. I was level eight at the time so it may be tied to the level. My more established characters get a choice between the baby and Lady Winter.
I'll have to agree with Soulwind here about the text in game. There are a tremendous amount of spelling,grammar errors and out of date information in a lot of mundane areas.
A good example would be the tips that pop up in the loading screens. A lot of them have the above problems. "You can open up a Epic archetype by reaching level 50 on a hero or villain."
/e facepalm -
This is indeed a laptop. The only brand that I am aware of that offered video upgrade ability was alienware before the buyout from dell. Not sure if they even offer that anymore.
The only option is to slowly increase the demand on your video card by playing with the sliders a little bit at a time to see what you can get out of it before you take a huge frame rate hit. -
My apologies if it has already been addressed... My searchfu is weak at the moment and didn't see the thread.
Appreciate the info though. -
I saw this posted somewhere else and have had the same thought...
originally posted by Eden's Fall
Quote:I didn't see anything about the removal of displaying set bonuses in the patch notes so is this broke or WAI?The loss of seeing set bonuses on the character info screen. Seriously? Why was that done? If there is a reason the development team has for doing so, that's fine. But, for the love of Pete, tell us these things. I don't mind changes so much when it is communicated to us that it IS going to change and WHY. Removing the set bonuses from the info just seems pointless. As a personal grumble on it, for the first time since starting CoX I have a fully IO'd toon. But, I did that AFTER i19 launched. So, now, after waiting so long to finally have a toon with set bonuses I could be proud of, I can't even see them for myself. (Yes, that portion of the grumble is just a personal snark...the first part is more general). -
Quote:My question is just how long have you been away from the game? If you need "a sneak peek" more inclusive than the free trial, my guess is a pretty long time.If I played any mmo then I wont be paying some limited free to play version so if there is still free 30 says gold membership wont be a waste.
What do you mean by trial keys? Is it as limited as the free trial?
And while those powers are interesting it is still steep plenty of expansions I have paid for that price had loads more content, and I am no really interested in those power sets anyways, and yes the poster above pointed out on cyber monday but like I said that is a while from now.
CO is to CO* is to what oranges are to hand grenades. They are much different animals. The Going Rogue expansion is loaded with new things to do for low level and High level characters. Many posters above had given many examples of GR content that you say doesn't interest you. What exactly is it that you are interested in?
I suggest you head over to Paragonwiki.com and look at not only the free issues history but read over the GR content as well. -
From a hard startup keep hitting F8 till you get a dos menu. Should see option at the top of the list to start in safemode.
All I can say is... WOW! Some great work and inventiveness went into these. Kudos to you.
The only thing I would change is the placement of the logo's for Paragon studios, NC Soft, etc.
Since the Nutritional box is empty that could be a good place for them to call home...
Otherwise /em Applause... -
Don't feel bad. all my lower characters have been getting the snot kicked out of them also... Vampire Lords on a level 4 controller equals a quick trip to the hospital.