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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Metallic_Death View Post

    If it was so difficult then why not just add it bit by bit, rather than calling it an Issue that doesn’t affect a sizable portion to the player base. It just seems to me that many powersets got nothing in the way of power customization.


    Only MM pets, HEATs, and VEATs are left out of power customization. How is that leaving out "a sizable portion of the player base"? Especially when most people play lots of ATs/powersets. My BS/shield scrapper gets no color changes, but my shield/fire tank gets a wicked cool greater fire sword. My thugs/pain MM can't do anything with his pets, but I do think recoloring pain black looks nice and unobtrusive.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    "If I see farther, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants."

    I believe it was Archimedes who said that.

    I thought Newton.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vincent Morse View Post
    If it counts for anything (and it probably doesn't)...

    I literally just started playing two days ago, and even I know that you can get multiple costume slots. o_O

    I realize there are a multitude of possible factors involved, and that I am in no position to judge this person...

    But I will say that what the person did (as in, flame someone for having a "special convention costume") is fairly ignorant, regardless of how they got to their level. Whether or not they're an "AE Baby" is a moot point. Even not knowing you can have multiple costume slots can be forgiven. The real stupidity (and the main point of this story) lies in the fact that the player in question chose to flame someone over a costume. o_o
    Whooo! Welcome to the game!
  4. Deadedge

    Pain vs. Empathy

    Sorry Jibi, PB doesn't affect damage or resistance buffs.
  5. As Heulengeist says, DM does a ton of dps. It doesn't have the big booms of ET, but in the time it takes to animate those attacks I think Dm easily pulls ahead (this is also helped by siphon life being a real attack now).
  6. Hey Sam.

    Something to consider in the future, should you play another dominator, is 6 slotting your single target hold ASAP and neglecting most of your primary until the mid-late twenties (this assumes you solo a lot though, where the aoe control is less useful).
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    I remember standing shoulder to shoulder with Ohms_ in the blaster forum taking on the likes of AnarchicGorrilla as he attempted to prove with numbers that blasters were over-powered.

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    Good times.

    *sniff* *tearwipe* =)

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  8. Deadedge

    A Pondering

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    If everything is a Nemesis plot...

    ...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

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    If everything is a nemesis plot, then Praetorian Earth (and by extension Praetorian Nemesis) are also nemesis plots.

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    Thank Hequat nothing is a Nemesis plot then.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Because if you can't think of a magical way to travel, you must be a really inept magician?

    More seriously, I think Naturals tend to get a pass in this area because there's so many "super" abilities that their origin ostensibly locks them out of. If they didn't steal Science/Magic/Technology tricks every now and again, they'd be crippled in comparison. Meanwhile, how many things are considered impossible when you can do magic? The surprise when a Magic character reaches outside their origin is probably "Why would you need to?" without considering that the character may just *want* to. Or that their "non-magical" features may in fact be deceptively camouflaged magic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My friend's magic ice/nrg blaster has the gun specifically because she wanted to shoot magic rockets at things.
  10. Deadedge

    Reichsman in MA

    Is the Reichsman in MA?

    If so where? I didn't see him under 5th column, or Axis Amerika, or as an unlockable for that matter.
  11. With the 2 rads, it was likely the -res that got him. That's more effective in general than -regen anyhow.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Now that Im more relaxed, cuz I was mad as a hornet last night.

    Still borked, period. Hour & Half fight to never see him drop below half & watching him phase & go to full again. This fun how?

    Why does redside become forced to have very specialized teams, while blueside can bring whatever, have a costume contest in middle of the fight, while half team is dancing, still win this? Makes no sense(yes bit over top, but folks are calling this the new Katie, gotta be a reason for it)

    If this all broken, why was it even released? If folks pointed this out to Devs, bemoaned about it in the Beta, still pile of poo, then why was it released again?

    Fact there is a requirement to have specific A.T.'s to make this work, again screws people over, imagine if your on a lower pop server for some reason you can't find a Stalker or a Mastermind or whatever, then how can they have fun doing this?

    Why are we forced to have Shivans, Vanguard Robots, "insert random temp power here", to even do this Strikeforce, when said powers are suppose to be optional in this game, then all sudden becomes mandatory? (Sounds like LRSF doesnt it?, which is whole another angry)

    At what point does this become a Fun SF? As I stated I enjoyed the first 2-3 mishes(when he woke up, kicked our but in the cut scene) I thought ok that was neat, then it went downhill from there.

    All these are valid questions.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    My guess is the TF is borked. My team didn't have the problems you did. Once we started fighting Reichs it took 10 or 15 minutes to kill him. I'm not sure why....
  13. I enjoyed the redside SF. We got wiped by the ambushes at first. But once we cleared them, it became the usual tank and spank.
  14. Just to toss my experience in. On my Mac Pro I tend to use /reloadgfx after every third or so zone (I just made it a keybind >.&gt. I have been able to play fine with no crashes as long as I do that. My MacBook Pro (I always want to call it a powerbook still...) tends to need it a bit more often. I may try the unloadgfx command on it.
  15. Once my team killed Rommie as he was out of the nictus LOS....he didn't rez and we had to kill each nictus to finish the TF. Very funny.
  16. Deadedge


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    some reds are blues, are some reds blues?

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    Wouldn't have been nearly as funny if you'd quoted yhe whole paragraph, huh? Standard IQ test logic question. Seems appropriate when it comes down to a logical debate, no?

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    I think you meant are some greens blue.
  17. My db/sr stalker is 50 and was a fun ride all the way. As others have said, the aoe-age of BU + thousand cuts is crazy all on its own, but the ST damage ain't bad either. AV is spammable very early on. Plus you can stick the -res proc in ablating strike for nice short range aoe debuffing.
  18. You know you already have Mapserver Control
  19. I can't answer your first question. But their are two easy ways around it.

    1) Make the boss it's own group.
    2) Make the boss an EB.
  20. Deadedge

    Custom Sniper?

    SR gets it (as does /nin, but it' know...busted). I WP gets it with heightened senses. An AR/SR or WP could work as a stealth spotter without the annoyances of /devices.

    And I know that custom critters will use snipe if they get it. Not sure if AR Lts get it on hard or extreme though.
  21. I had the same thing happen with and AR/dev boss I made. He webnaded me while held.
  22. Deadedge

    Walk Button.

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    I won't post angry comments about any walk button we get "some day", but I can see prioritizing other stuff above a 'scamper on all fours' run animation...

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    Oh, of course, I've never seen this as an especially high priority. Other things being more important is a good reason. I'm just worried increasingly simple things have been getting the "not everyone will like it" treatment, to the point where I'm starting to worry if it really is priorities deciding or if it's that reluctance to not please everybody.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's a difference between 'not everyone will like it, but it'll only take a couple of hours' and 'not everyone will like it, and it'll take more time to do than pretty much anything else'

    Really, the 'not everyone will like it part' is a very, very minor concern.

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    So you will make use a flaming broadsword? *hopeful*
  23. Deadedge

    15 People

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    Dude, Ilr, he's gone. Let it go.

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    It wouldn't be a grudge if he let it go.
  24. <QR>

    None of my villains care. The ones that are high enough to have done Khur'rekt and RWZ see it as good business, but then lucky for me most of my villains really are mercenaries out to make a buck (oh and blow stuff up, they all tend to like explosions).