A Pondering




If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?



If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

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No, it means that Nemesis is himself a Praetorian Nemesis plot.

Remember: Praetorian variants are not opposites. They're the same powers only bent to tyrannical means. They got power hungry and became the public masters whereas our own heroes remained public servants.



If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

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No, it means that Nemesis is himself a Praetorian Nemesis plot.

Remember: Praetorian variants are not opposites. They're the same powers only bent to tyrannical means. They got power hungry and became the public masters whereas our own heroes remained public servants.

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Or in some cases the oposite is true. Praetorian Earth, for instnac,e features The Carnival of Light - an organization of freedom fighters started by a heroic Vanessa DeVore. They still dress like skanks though.

Logically it is possible that the Praetorian Nemesis turned his genius towards some more savory end than world conquest. That could make him a rare example of a heroic Chessmaster architype, subtly manipulating events to ensure Tyrant's reign never becomes fully complete... or it could mean that got married, raised a familly, and died a hundred years ago in Prussia.



If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

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If everything is a nemesis plot, then Praetorian Earth (and by extension Praetorian Nemesis) are also nemesis plots.



Logically it is possible that the Praetorian Nemesis turned his genius towards some more savory end than world conquest. That could make him a rare example of a heroic Chessmaster architype, subtly manipulating events to ensure Tyrant's reign never becomes fully complete...

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That would be awesome, though I doubt it will actually happen in GoRo. The history of Praetorian Earth seems to be identical in all ways to Primal Earth up until Marcus Cole becomes Statesman, at which point he still becomes a "hero", he just takes over the planet as a logical extension of taking over defeating super powered "villains". I expect that Nemesis never got much accomplished after Tyrant took over, especially if there was a Praetorian Earth variant of Brass Monday. If there was, I expect that the Praetorian Nemesis doesn't actually exist any more...



Must.... resist.... making.... list... doctor.... said... bad... for... heart....

Ah heck with it...

If everything is a Nemesis plot...

... then the furthest time travel in history was to the Garden of Eden.. though how he fit in the snake costume is beyond me.

... every detective and investigator in the world is out of a job.

... it's going to make all the crime shows on TV reeeeeeally predictable.

... "Nemesis made me do it" will soon replace "the devil made me do it" as a kid's excuse for bad behavior.

... then I now know who to blame for my last 3 ex-girlfriends.

... and that one night in Lexington, Kentucky.

... then we now understand why all the Fake Nemesis robots; he's just delegating authority.

... then Kim Jong-Il is DEFINITELY a failed one.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

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If everything is a nemesis plot, then Praetorian Earth (and by extension Praetorian Nemesis) are also nemesis plots.

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Thank Hequat nothing is a Nemesis plot then.

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo



Must.... resist.... making.... list... doctor.... said... bad... for... heart....

Ah heck with it...

If everything is a Nemesis plot...

... then the furthest time travel in history was to the Garden of Eden.. though how he fit in the snake costume is beyond me.

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It was a Snake Automaton.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Must.... resist.... making.... list... doctor.... said... bad... for... heart....

Ah heck with it...

If everything is a Nemesis plot...

... then the furthest time travel in history was to the Garden of Eden.. though how he fit in the snake costume is beyond me.

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It was a Snake Automaton.

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....................with pie!

and the pie was really tempting. (does she eat the apple, or the pie?)



Must.... resist.... making.... list... doctor.... said... bad... for... heart....

Ah heck with it...

If everything is a Nemesis plot...

... then the furthest time travel in history was to the Garden of Eden.. though how he fit in the snake costume is beyond me.

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It was a Snake Automaton.

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....................with pie!

and the pie was really tempting. (does she eat the apple, or the pie?)

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Which begs the philosophical question... Which came first; the apple or the pie?

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I am about to hurt you, PK..... From the sheer awesome and sheer stupid combined..... I am Captain Pinky!

*rushes off to try and get that name for a concept character!*




Strange, I've been told MANY times that I'm awesomely stupid.



Strange, I've been told MANY times that I'm awesomely stupid.

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I'd say you're stupidly awesome



If Praetorian Nemesis is good, then is everything in Praetoria part of a Nemesis five-step plan to bring about world peace?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



If everything is a Nemesis plot...

...Then does that mean nothing is a Praetorian Nemesis plot?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it means that Nemesis is himself a Praetorian Nemesis plot.

Remember: Praetorian variants are not opposites. They're the same powers only bent to tyrannical means. They got power hungry and became the public masters whereas our own heroes remained public servants.

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Or in some cases the oposite is true. Praetorian Earth, for instnac,e features The Carnival of Light - an organization of freedom fighters started by a heroic Vanessa DeVore. They still dress like skanks though.

Logically it is possible that the Praetorian Nemesis turned his genius towards some more savory end than world conquest. That could make him a rare example of a heroic Chessmaster architype, subtly manipulating events to ensure Tyrant's reign never becomes fully complete... or it could mean that got married, raised a familly, and died a hundred years ago in Prussia.

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Sounds like Mordenkainen

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------