Minions have AT inherant powers? (defiance)
I had the same thing happen with and AR/dev boss I made. He webnaded me while held.
@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo
Yea, repeatedly hit this running others arcs. Don't think I'll be running my controllers through much MA content.
So....was it this was in test and nobody noticed/cared? Is it only with certain powersets like the damage bonus in /ninjitsu? Is it going to be fixed or are ranged power sets going to always trump holds?
I looked under the power selection screen and saw that under Blaster AND Corrupter AR was checked off so I can't even select a version of that power set that wouldn't have that pls!
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Interesting. From what you say here, if you were playing against a Corrupter minion, they would scourge rather than have defiance.
This could be fun.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I hadn't heard any reports of this in beta. Weird, you'd think someone would have noticed that. Maybe it's specific to AR?
I have an Ice/ lieutenant in one of my factions, and my mission author is a Dom, so you'd think I would notice if it was still throwing Ice attacks at me after I'd held it during testing.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
I saw it mentioned once in the test forums.
You'd only see Scourge if there's some Corruptor set that Blaster's don't get, like how you only see Hide in Ninjitsu.
Sorting the powersets into what they really are (Ranged, Melee, Control) instead of duplicating them under each AT name they came from would be great too, others have suggested this.
I hope they pull out this kind of stuff (Overpower, too), and optionally give us a selector for if we want to give our mobs a player-like inherent -- for the ones that can be made to work, anyhow (domination might need to just be a "use at 1/3 health" click, f/e).
As it stands, I think if you give someone both a control set and a blast set, they'd be able to use both defiance and overpower (not sure if containment damage boost is in there too).
"I think you're confused. This is /b, not /b/."
Those attributes are part of the powers, not an inherent the AT gets. Since the custom critters use the exact same powers, there you go.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Those attributes are part of the powers, not an inherent the AT gets. Since the custom critters use the exact same powers, there you go.
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So I did a bit of testing, went into my custom critters screen and switched all AR using minions to Fire Blast and made sure I did the selecting under Corruptor.......they still attack when held.
Ran a paper mish that had AR wielding council just to see if I had been missing something for the last three years....nope, they can't attack when held.
Really that is just horrid......I can't make normal minions? All ranged minions/lts/bosses/EBosses/AVs can attack through holds? Really?!?! Like I said before, I can understand Elite Bosses and AV's having this power, but MINIONS? So my level 5 troller decides to run MA arcs......I have to be careful not to pick an arc with custom ranged minions because my hold is basicly null and void? Am I the only person with issues with this?
So I did a bit of testing, went into my custom critters screen and switched all AR using minions to Fire Blast and made sure I did the selecting under Corruptor.......they still attack when held.
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Because it's still the same powerset, all the Categories do is help you find powers. You'll notice if you select All Powers you get the entire list.
For example, Fire Aura for MA Critters is using the Tanker version. Even if you choose it from the Brutes category it is still the Tanker version (Brutes get Plasma Shield at level 16, not 20 like a Tanker does).
Just like how you cannot choose Dark Miasma first from the Defender category, it's the blast sets first just like from Corruptors.
Well SG was askin about the lowbie mishes I promised, so I just changed all minions to melee to allow the lower level trollers a chance to play too.... Really defiance isn't that bad I guess for the higher up levels, most die quick anyway. I still think it was a bad idea to include it with minion level mobs, may have been a better add on in MA version 2.0, like something that you choose to add to a critter instead of it being forced on you if you want a ranged set.
Overall I am still loving the MA
I had lots of trouble today on my mind/psi dom with this. It made the fights very challenging, even though he was on villainous (he is only level 15). There are still things you can do, it just gets much harder. I found that confuse was my best friend, since if they were confused they would still shoot their friends instead of me. Also, they can't shoot while being knocked down/up, so lift worked well. Obviously these are solutions specific to mind, but there are still control options available to most primaries if they need them.
I still do wish they didn't have the ability to do this, but I kind of understand why it ended up this way, what with the ability being baked into the power and all.
I have a Mind Control / Fiery Assault mob and he definitely was tossing out *overpowered* on me through my missions (popped up over my head quite a bit). I didn't get a lot of time to test the mob on Test, so I can't say if it was there or not.
I was hoping for Criticals and even Fury generating for the mobs, but I've not noticed either.
I've already forgotten about most of you

So I can't give my custom critters guns without allowing them to shoot through mez. That sucks. I pretty much only play Dominators, so it's a real killer.
I just fought one of my own custom bosses, he's a Sky Raider, AR/FF fits thematically really well. But in order to win I had to keep him perma confused (so he wouldn't shoot me) and perma held (so he wouldn't use Aid Self). What a hassle!
So I can't give my custom critters guns without allowing them to shoot through mez. That sucks.
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Actually you can't give them ANY set that appears as a blaster set without them attacking through mez. To put it more can't give them any ranged set except for Dark Blast and Rad Blast without them attacking through hold. Of course if you give them a Def set with Mez protection then yeah......control losses out big time in MA.
So I can't give my custom critters guns without allowing them to shoot through mez. That sucks.
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Actually you can't give them ANY set that appears as a blaster set without them attacking through mez. To put it more can't give them any ranged set except for Dark Blast and Rad Blast without them attacking through hold. Of course if you give them a Def set with Mez protection then yeah......control losses out big time in MA.
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Blah . Well perhaps for the ones with overlap at least, you can use the Assault powersets for damage? Not optimal admittantly, but it's another source of ranged damage that's not Blasters.
Let's Dance!
It's a bit rough playing a dom with AE content, I'd imagine the same thing goes for controllers.
As well as the already listed blaster defiance being ported over to mobs, scrapper/tanker/brute type mobs also have improved mez resistance - it requires 2-3 domination mode holds stacked to hold one of these type of mobs at minion or LT level, I gave up on trying to hold these types as bosses [not enough duration in my dom's hold I suppose, even in domination] and just immob them, still takes 2 immobs to break their protection.
Strangely enough blaster primaries combined with armour secondaries do not get the additional mez protection. Having not created any AE content, I suppose the AT type is determined by the primary powerset chosen?
There is no "AT type" in the MA. You just choose powers from a list. They do have them GROUPED by AT, but that's only so you can find the powers you want. There's no difference in the power depending on what AT group you pick it from. Pick Inv from the Brute section, it still gives Tank Inv.
Dec out.
So I was playing around with the custom critters in the MA trying to piece together a well balanced group to represent our SG. I made some mobs, tested them on my Brute and while they weren't perfect (like my Medic DB/Pain set to ranged, running in to melee and hardly ever using /Pain), they were shaping up nicely. Got tired and went to bed....
Logged in my Dom the next day and tested them again just to remember where I was at. Held a minion with AR powerset....and he kept shooting me. My Dom is Plant/ so I could easily tell that the minion was held. Now I can understand giving an Elite Boss or AV these powers, even Bosses....but a minion? How are we to make custom mobs that are fair to all levels and ATs when they can completely overrule something as basic as a hold? I looked under the power selection screen and saw that under Blaster AND Corrupter AR was checked off so I can't even select a version of that power set that wouldn't have that pls!