Powersets you want, but realize are unlikely!




So I was thinking - two things at once actually (double dangerous!)

1) - Self - there are an awful lot of powers I'd like to see in this game, but many of them are simply variations on current sets... I doubt the devs will actually do that.

2) - We really need a new thread topic on the forums; lets post about Penguins!

*slaps self* No you fool, penguins will not appease them! Powers however...

And an idea was formed! (Woe betide you forumites, for squirrely thoughts were not for mortal minds >.> particularly squirrels.)


Ok in seriousness -

I think we all realize there are some powersets that, although very cool, aren't likely to make it into the game anytime soon, most of them because they're just variations on an existent set, and thus would require a fair bit of work for lesser payoff (at least in the eyes of most people).

Most of these are weapon sets, as I personally prefer weapons - that said, don't let that hold you back; it's just my personal wants. List whatever you can think of that you really want, but know that for one reason or other probably won't happen anytime soon (if ever).

Here's what I'd love to see, but find unlikely:

Laser Rifle - Probably would be much more single-target focused than AR. Lots of Energy and Fire damage.

Unfortunately, even though it might function a bit differently, I strongly suspect that "another rifle set" is highly unlikely.

In the same vein...

Marksman Rifle - An AR-like set focused, again, on single targets with one, two, or at most 3 shots. Primarily designed for characters with WWII and prior equipment levels. (While not historically accurate, it might make for a neat musket wielding character for example. Hey, we have semiautomatic flintlocks already...)

Martial Arts II (No, no Electric Bugaloo for you!) - A set with a focus on fast, powerful punches, but maintaining a few kicks. I differentiate this from Street Fighting because I strongly suspect Street Fighting will look more like boxing or back alley movie fighting (ie, a few big punches, a classic "one-two", a 'big boot' kick maybe, etc...

Again likely too similar to a set that's liable to be done eventually/an existing set. Nevertheless I really want it >.<

Dual Axes/Clubs/Non-pointy-tipped melee weapons -

A set that could be a catch-all for melee weapons with which you do not typically thrust. Maces, axes, police batons, baseball bats, carp... etc... Would focus a bit more on strength than speed in it's animations, so it would be a bit slower and probably have a couple Stun or Knockback powers.

Unlikely since it really is just a variation on Dual Blades.

Nunchaku Melee - Very quick, and interesting in that one end of the weapon would behave in a flexible fashion. Likely a great deal of stun and many multi-hit moves.

Unfortunately animating it would probably be a serious pain, and the payoff is relatively small (It'd please people like me of course; but if I'm being realistic... not likely anytime soon)

Western Polearm melee - A Bo-Staff set could theoretically cover most Eastern polearms (at least in an ahistorical "Wow that looks cool!" way) - But trying to whip a billhook or poleaxe around in the same fashion probably just wouldn't look right. Also western polearms tend not to be as popular (to a point with good reason - they're rather long and heavy; I've yet to see a "collapsable halberd" for example)

I would personally have a ball with it though; it'd give the animators excuses to make big, heavy, slow two-handed attacks that you could really say "Ouch... that must have hurt".

You could also probably fudge a Greataxe model into such a set, for players who aren't fond of 1handed axes.

Obviously unlikely though - targetting a relatively small chunk of the playerbase. I suspect it would get more use in Architect for enemy mobs.

Fencing - We have rapiers in Dual Blades, but the fighting style is far removed from even heroic fantasy type fencing. Lunges, thrusts, a couple quick slashes - would very much love to see it.

But again, small number of players likely interested, especially with Rapiers in Dual Blades. (Alas, I can dream!)

For non-weapon sets...

Animal Mastermind - I admit, we're largely in cities; but there's just something awesome in my head about siccing a huge tiger or a bear on someone >.>

Imagine having your pet gorilla smash a vault while your lemurs take the cash! <.< Yes it's silly, but I like it.

Of course they'd have to build an entirely new skeleton for each mob, making this incredibly time consuming to create. Barring a huge outcry of "ZOMG WANT"... not likely.

Also the lack of a "Shark with Laser" option for a Patron pool sucks some of the fun out of it.

Knights/Fantasy Mastermind - Hey, it's not a weapon set per-se... <.< Besides maybe it'd net the Mastermind a crossbow!

In seriousness though, this is just one of my personal wish list items - having a few archers backed up by heavy knights and maybe a wizard or cleric <o_@> Yes please.

Pirates - Hey, we have ninja... why not?

Really, it's another "Doesn't quite make sense but would be cool imo" set. We have neat pirate costumes after all; why not command scurvy buccaneers? >.>

The only downside is that you might accidentally summon Software Pirates, which probably wouldn't do you a lot of good. (Though the jolly roger sticker on that guy's laptop is pretty sweet. >.&gt

That's all I got for now >.> Your turn - what kinda powersets do you want that you know aren't likely?

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Only problem I have with any of your ideas is the fact that 90% of them would do S/L damage.



And to actually be productive and add to the thread, some sort of multi-weapon (i.e. morphing) negative energy set. It would be a sort of epic powerset that branches like the SoA's, and would take forever to make, but it would be pretty cool IMO.

One branch would be sword, one axe, one maybe a polearm, and one quite possibly would be a bow/arrow branch.

Just because it would look cool and use recycled animations.



Catgirl MM set...



In a preemptive strike:
Carp Melee! (Carp Blast already exists in Leviathan Mastery)

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



okay here is what i would like to see :P
storm/illusion stalkers
a mixed damage AT
more shape shifting stuff, like squids
hamidon epic AT, you must defeat hamidon to unlock it
shadow shards player set, no idea how it would work but i like it
a magic epic AT
some kind of weapon wielding AT that does damage other then smash/leathal



One of my favourite suggestions, Light Blast, using beams of light and lasers do to Energy/Fire damage. Like Peacebringers or Legacy Chain.


A Disguise secondary for Stalkers, that allows them to shapeshift to look like enemies.

The ability to copy enemy powers, for that matter.



Ooh, that last one has a ton of potential ><;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Ooh, that last one has a ton of potential ><;

[/ QUOTE ]
...for abuse. I can't imagine what'd happen if players got their hands on things like portal summoning powers, or crazily overpowered AV attacks. Sure it'd be hilarious, til balance disappeared.



Sets I'd love to see but likely won't ever happen without an entirely new game engine:

Growth and shrinking as a melee defensive set.

Cloning or multiplication as a melee offensive or mastermind set.

Amorphic powers like stretching or being made of sand, insects or water and then sending a wave of yourself at your enemies. With a few costume options and creative aura use and dom or controller powers you can sort of get there on this one with a little "let's pretend..." style RP going on... but it's not quite the same as really being an amorphic character of substance.

EDIT to add, with much regret:

Thrown Weapons for corruptors and blasters (and defenders) with customizable items from playing cards to dice to hand fans to tomahawks to shuriken to cosmic cubes to bowling pins to bowler hats to skulls. Using a combo system similar to dual blades.

Signature Weapons for doms and blasters. The support version of Thrown Weapons above. Using a combo system to add a variety of damage types upon successful combo hits. The animations, melee ones in particular, would give the archetypes an aesthetic option for a whirling dervish type character.

Neither of those sets could ever be possible without full power customization because of how projectile appearances are currently coded.



Grappling hook power pools for a travel power (Can't happen)

Acrobatics Travel: a mix of super speed/super jumping, along with the ability to jump off of any surface, doing flips in the process. Unfortunately, this is also not doable.



Grappling hook power pools for a travel power (Can't happen)

Acrobatics Travel: a mix of super speed/super jumping, along with the ability to jump off of any surface, doing flips in the process. Unfortunately, this is also not doable.

[/ QUOTE ]

someone is in a beta test of another game



Scythe (could happen)

And maybe instead of mimicing who you fight (as suggested earlier), mimic a teammate? don't ask me how you would solo.



Squirrel Attack powers.

Imagine a power like Gang War but unleashing a hoard of rabid leaping squirrels in numbers to make your graphics card groan under the strain.

Unlikely I guess.



Elasticity would be awesome, but animation would probably be a nightmare for the Devs.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Cloning or multiplication as a melee offensive or mastermind set.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seconded, but I was thinking of this as a tanker set.



Squirrel Attack powers.

Imagine a power like Gang War but unleashing a hoard of rabid leaping squirrels in numbers to make your graphics card groan under the strain.

Unlikely I guess.

[/ QUOTE ]

But also awesome.

I am not at all biased. <'x'>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Shrinking and shapeshifting.

Just shortly before I had the game, and knew that my friends were going to be getting it for me, I actually had a weird little dream about MAKING a character in the game and playing her. She was able to change into a bird, but was also able to sizeshift... Her strength remained the same even as a bird... Her name was Bullfinch.

Of course, I tried to see what was going on in the mad scientist's lab in the swamp (perez?) nearby, and I needed to fly over there. My friend said, "why don't you change into an eagle and use their vision?" And I was like, "I haven't got that power yet..."

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!






I'd like a water blast and water control set.

a punch set for scrappers, any style.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Cheese in a can! and or silly string......would be a controller set.

Wammo! Scrapper! flinging frisbee's, Superballs, Silly Puddy etc at bad guys....hey it could be fun.

MotorHead dude....(no not Lenny) that carries a huge torque bar and throws things like piston rods, cranks, and heads (cylinder....not dead).....

or maybe not.......



- Growth/shrinking - this is such a classic comic book power. I know it would be difficult but it just seems so essential in a comic book game.
- Elasticity - this is another classic superhero power. I would imagine that this would be the hardest to get into the game from a programming perspective. If I had to choose, I would go with Growth/Shrinking over this.
- Power Absorption/Mimicry - this was always a personal favorite of mine in comics. I would think that this would be the easiest to code from an animation standpoint. Everything is already in game.
- Superspeed - as a powerset, not just a travel power. The Flash is so much more than a guy who runs really fast. It would be great to capture some of the cool usages of his powers over the years as a powerset.
- Something to do with water or underwater powers. I think this could be accomplished more by taking existing powersets, tweaking them and making them work better underwater. Superspeed swimming and superstrength underwater for example.
Pistols - there's a flood of Cowboy heroes waiting for this I am sure.
- Street Fighting - seems like a great way to get a punching set for melee other than Super Strength.
- Staff (Bo Staff) - this seems to be the only basic weapon type not represented. We have just about everything else.
- New Mastermind powersets, that AT just seems limitless (Beastmaster being an obvious choice)



I'd like a water blast and water control set.

[/ QUOTE ]

Likewise. And Sea Monster MM with Watery Blasts, if only so I could finally use the name H2Overlord.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



I'm just gonna say it, and hope nobody thinks I'm interested in debating it yet again: Martial Arts with Dual Pistol Melee. Hand strikes, a kick or two, a couple of ranged attacks, and a pistol-whip or two. I'm cool with Dual Pistols just for Blasters and Corruptors, ecstatic even, but this is a daydream list.

Some sort of Aikido-style or Parrying secondary for all melee types. Essentially SR with a twist. Tough to animate in a way that'd be at all satisfying.

Staff Melee

Energy Blade. Lethal and Energy, with a few pure-Energy ranged blasts. Ever played FFVII? Remember Cloud's Blade Beam Limit Break? I want that here.

Teleport Melee. Very much want. We get a couple of these now, which I applaud, but I want a whole set of it. Some sort of Speed Melee set would be a good place, actually, could have some teleport strikes in there with regular hits and kicks.

Clown MMs, dangit! Or go Circus MM with Jesters and such. I want my very own Carnies!