So... level 40 Warshade, with no vet badges, told me I was wrong...




Story goes:

I complete the Faultline Flashback that awards the Temp Arachnos Costume (Wolf Spider, Bane Spider, Night Widow). I still have the costume after completing the arc (it didn't go away) so I headed to Atlas to train my level 49 up to 50 (since the O-portal drops you close to the trainer in Atlas; also because I've always trained 50 in Atlas... one of those OCD things of mine.)

As soon as I get there, a level 40+ Warshade comes up to me and says, "U aint speshul cauze u went to a Con. I urned my Warshade costoom!"

I was taken aback. I look at his info... no vet rewards, no kill badges, only AE badges and a couple exploration badges.

I say, "Excuse me? This isn't from a Con, it's a Mission Item. If you actually learned to play the game instead of standing in the AE to get exploited to 50, you'd know."

His reply, "F*** YOU! You r skum! I play betta eva than U! You a noob! U suX! I play how I wan! U goin on ignore." If he even bothered to look at my info, he'd see 5 years of badges.

Once again, I was shocked. Then a few others with no badges, and on Peacebringers and Warshades, started bombing me, in local, with attacks because I'm not cool for going to a Con or because I have a 50. Profanity is tossed on me, in local, in broadcast, and in PM's. All by these players that never stepped one foot out of Atlas.

When I stopped and actually activated all my "Con" temp costumes, to show that the Arachnos costume was a temp power from the game, they were like "Whoah! 4 real? U can get costumes from playin?"

It's so sad... they didn't even know you can have more than one costume slot, or didn't even know how to claim them!

When I explained that you can earn costume pieces, merits, etc. from playing, just to earn other unlockables, one of them actually logged out to make a new character, just to play the normal way... just to earn all the temp powers and extras.

Three hours later, the newbie that made the new alt was in Atlas, broadcasting "lv2 scrap, lf aefarm."

*shakes head*

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



I don't like your story. It seemed to be building up to the obvious climax, then you deflected that with what looked like an obvious chance of redemption, then you shatter the reader's hopes and dreams with the last sentence. Excellent work, you magnificent [censored]!

But in all seriousness... It was a hilarious (+sad) story... double sad since AE farms are so i15 Oh well, they can't always have a happy ending!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



hmmm a bit iffy on both sides if you ask me. He was initially in the wrong for the way he initiated the conversation, however your first response wasnt exactly friendly either.
Telling somebody to learn to play the game can only result in a bad ending.

Im on the fence about this case, a different reply could have resulted in a completely different outcome of the situation. But then again i suppose you could look at it that why should you have to tiptoe around such situations? This is what flashback is good for! Finding out the what ifs!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
hmmm a bit iffy on both sides if you ask me. He was initially in the wrong for the way he initiated the conversation, however your first response wasnt exactly friendly either.
Telling somebody to learn to play the game can only result in a bad ending.
Actually, I condensed my reply into one sentence for the story. The actual exchange, on my part, was actually more cordial. I tried to explain the costume and was met with, "Whateva. Don't kare. Its Con costoom."

That's when he told all of his little buddies, in local, "Ignore him. Dont feed trollz. He tinks he speshul cauz he got costoom. He dint urn costoom like us."

Then his little buddies, obviously needing to vent on anything/anyone since their AE farms were dead and had nothing to do since they didn't know there were other zones, went off on me.

That's when I actually made the comment about learing to actually play.

I condensed it just so the story wasn't too long :P

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Regardless, him/her/it/spacemonkey and his/her/its/spacemonkey's friends are clearly a different kind of special. Ralph Wiggum special, judging by that spelling. You should have just slapped them on ignore first, to be honest.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Actually, I condensed my reply into one sentence for the story. The actual exchange, on my part, was actually more cordial. I tried to explain the costume and was met with, "Whateva. Don't kare. Its Con costoom."

That's when he told all of his little buddies, in local, "Ignore him. Dont feed trollz. He tinks he speshul cauz he got costoom. He dint urn costoom like us."

Then his little buddies, obviously needing to vent on anything/anyone since their AE farms were dead and had nothing to do since they didn't know there were other zones, went off on me.

That's when I actually made the comment about learing to actually play.

I condensed it just so the story wasn't too long :P

Oh see! Now your fully in the right Should have sent me a message and i would have done a cross atlantic bust!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
I say, "Excuse me? This isn't from a Con, it's a Mission Item. If you actually learned to play the game instead of standing in the AE to get exploited to 50, you'd know."
Why is it newsworthy that you insulted someone and they reacted badly?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Whilst I can't say I'm surprised, I certainly can say that the fact that this sort of thing is actually occuring within a game that prides itself on its close-knit community saddens me.

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Read to the end.
I did.
I found his backtracking unconvincing.

In any case, the original wording spells out the intent of the OP in neon letters- "MA babiez suk, lol I kno more than them vets r k00l ma babiez drool!"

I realize bashing MA newbies is a spectator sport among a certain class of player, but that doesn't justify the behavior.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Personally, I find the story unconvincing. The terrible spelling is overdone and the ending sounds like a variation on the theme of "... and then I saw them coming out of the hospital after I had left the team."



a simple hahaha after reading that.



We need a smiley for shaking your head in disapointment.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
[...]Three hours later, the newbie that made the new alt was in Atlas, broadcasting "lv2 scrap, lf aefarm."
Joke's on them; AE is deader than Jacob Marley on servers that are not Freedom. I haven't checked in on Atlas on Freedom, but pretty much everywheres else, its downright funereal.

As for the rest of this, the instant I saw peeps insultin m3 in AtLa2 wit such tr4sh-t4alkin I would have laughed to myself and instantly slapped 'em on Ignore without saying a thing. Life is too short to educate the ungrateful ignorant; such behavior all but guarantees that they will be going back to That Other Big MMO real, real quick anyways.

Do I care if some moron thinks the Faultline Arachnos temp costume is a con-item? Will I spend one instant trying to educate them otherwise? How about HELL NO? Instead I would probably all but fall out of my chair laughing as I sped off into the distance. I have better things to do.

Allow me to differentiate such fools from the Grateful Ignorant, whom I will stop and try to help if I hear they are having a problem. Act like an adult and be treated like one; this goes for all age-groups btw.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I did.
I found his backtracking unconvincing.

In any case, the original wording spells out the intent of the OP in neon letters- "MA babiez suk, lol I kno more than them vets r k00l ma babiez drool!"

I realize bashing MA newbies is a spectator sport among a certain class of player, but that doesn't justify the behavior.
Backtracking wasn't done. I simply shortened a half hour story into two minutes. I'm not bashing anyone. I simply tried to explain to this person that a Mission Awarded temp power was not a Convention costume. He didn't want to hear it because he was correct... in his mind. Then, he proceeded to get others that were not aware to attack me because he knew better... in his mind.

I even left the zone and was still flamed by the unknowing players, calling me a "noob."

What I'm trying to point out is a few people, not a group as a whole. If that's what you took from it, it's your perspective, not mine.

Don't forget this:

I was the one that was walked up to, by a level 40 Warshade, and told I was an idiot for wearing a costume from a convention. I pointed out that this costume was awarded for game play. A few people thought it was cool to earn; a few people thought I was lying and that it was a code from Comic Con.

When I cycled through my 5 costume slots (which I referred to as "activated all my "Con" temp costumes"), some people were shocked. Still, there were "newbies" or as you like to call "AE newbies" that proceeded to tell the people around him that I was lying... that the only costumes in game were the one you create when you first make a character, and the Warshade "Dwarf" power.

There were vet players there, confirming what I said, but still... the newbie got his little crew of disgruntled friends to flame me and try to show their knowledge of the entire game to other newbies.

I'm not saying "vets r k00l"... I'm saying that there are people like this player, with only 5-6 badges, playing as Kheldians, trying to teach "the game as a whole" to other newbies. Heck, AE isn't the problem. It's the problem of the people that let things like this happen. I've seen Kheldians in PI, before the MA, with no badges except for Influence and Freakshow Boss defeat badges, saying the same things.

Oh well, you're damned if you do; damned if you don't.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



This is a great story thread.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
When I stopped and actually activated all my "Con" temp costumes, to show that the Arachnos costume was a temp power from the game, they were like "Whoah! 4 real? U can get costumes from playin?"

It's so sad... they didn't even know you can have more than one costume slot, or didn't even know how to claim them!

When I explained that you can earn costume pieces, merits, etc. from playing, just to earn other unlockables, one of them actually logged out to make a new character, just to play the normal way... just to earn all the temp powers and extras.
Well, at least you got one.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Well, at least you got one.
Re-read the end.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I did.
I found his backtracking unconvincing.

In any case, the original wording spells out the intent of the OP in neon letters- "MA babiez suk, lol I kno more than them vets r k00l ma babiez drool!"

I realize bashing MA newbies is a spectator sport among a certain class of player, but that doesn't justify the behavior.
It justifies it just as much as hitting every thread you can find with anything negative being said about all the massive powerleveling that went on in the AE and railing against it like someone insulted your mother.

Accomplishes about as much as well.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Backtracking wasn't done. I simply shortened a half hour story into two minutes. I'm not bashing anyone.
Calling someone an "exploiter" is bashing them.
The entire tone of your OP is "look at these morons who are new and don't know all the ins and outs".

If you aren't willing to stand behind your insults you should speak more carefully.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Calling someone an "exploiter" is bashing them.
The entire tone of your OP is "look at these morons who are new and don't know all the ins and outs".

If you aren't willing to stand behind your insults you should speak more carefully.
So, you can tell the tone (which is heard, btw) of text? Well, looking back it seems like a light-hearted romp to me.

And, you mean to tell me that many people, that have level 50's and no knowledge of the game, that have also played less than 3 months, haven't exploited known.. well, exploits in the MA?

Find a new cause to stand up for.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
So, you can tell the tone (which is heard, btw) of text? Well, looking back it seems like a light-hearted romp to me.
Exploiter is an insult. Applied to a stranger in the context of an MA Baby whine the meaning isn't hard to grasp.

If you meant it in a happy funtime casual friends jokey way, that part got lost somewhere between your brain and the keyboard.

And, you mean to tell me that many people, that have level 50's and no knowledge of the game, that have also played less than 3 months, haven't exploited known.. well, exploits in the MA?
You aren't a mindreader, sorry. You don't know how that guy got his kheldian.
It isn't like level 50 is some tremendous grind any more. "regular" PL'ers can do it in short order with no 'exploits' required.

It is funny how you claim you didn't insult anyone, then in the next paragraph heatedly defend your insult.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone