Dual Blades gimp?
With 2 of it's combos attached to build up and the fact that it even has build up seems to put it at a serious disadvantage compared to other dual blade wielders at least in pve.
And do MM pets or pets in general count in crit calculation?
And did the snipe powers get a boost in damage?
[/ QUOTE ]I dont know about the last 2 but DB isnt gimped by far. Stalkers are the only ones who wont be a slave to the suck [censored] combo system the set has. You dont play DB for stalkers for the combos, you play it for build up 1,000 cuts from hide. As other players before me have said thats like the equivalent of group assasins strike for minions in the spawn when it crits. It used to do some nasty things on the ITF before they nerfed the spawns to run away after the ambushes. Basically if you can get a brute to herd up some groups you can take them out before he can.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Seconded. Also, once you get to SO levels of enhancement, Build Up will be available frequently. I have a L38 DB/Nin stalker, and I appreciate the utility DB brings as well as its damage. Between the Sweep and Attack Vitals combos and One Thousand Cuts, I can keep enemies on their backsides while doing damage along the way.
Throw caltrops on 'em when they're down for extra bonus fun >
1. i've been growing a db/wp stalker, mostly solo, who is at lvl 19 now. i've been having a lot of fun, and felt very effective, particularly after finally getting vengeful strike at 18, which gives me the attack vitals combo.
i've no placate yet, so my combos are sweep (build up, AS, ablating), and AV (power, nimble, vengeful). most of the time, i've ignored the combos, and done great. on more challenging fights, i can knock down everything after an AS with sweep (which is still an AOE despite ablating being ST), and fit in an AV in buildup's duration.
i am planning on getting all the DB attacks, though debating on dropping ablating eventually, which would deny me the sweep combo, but would open up another power slot.
The other thing, from a pre-stam perspective, is that the set is really easy on the blue bar. every attack i have so far is between 4 and 7 end, and keeping up in dmg to the other sets.
2. i don't know about a dmg boost for snipe in pve...it would for-sure benefit from pvp dmg mods for it's activation time, though.
Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
Currently building:
Any one of half a dozen alts!
Stalker DB>Tanker, Scrapper, Brute DB
Build Up is not a debuff.
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My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

With 2 of it's combos attached to build up and the fact that it even has build up seems to put it at a serious disadvantage compared to other dual blade wielders at least in pve.
And do MM pets or pets in general count in crit calculation?
And did the snipe powers get a boost in damage?
[/ QUOTE ]
Stalker's DB is actually quite good. You just don't need to rely on combos much. Attack Vital combo is a great ST dps combo. Yes, Sweep Combo sucks so I didn't even take one of the attack powers that ties to Sweep. I only use Power Up combo against bosses but after I got 1K Cuts, I tend to start the battle with Build Up + 1K Cuts on 3 targets. That's a lot of aoe damage.
2. Not sure about pets giving stalker +critical chance but I feel it does.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I've been very appreciative of the Sweep combo while leveling...that aoe knockdown has helped me survive while my secondary, even at 24, is still underdeveloped. I can see how it could be less useful when one doesn't really fear an incoming alpha.
I've been noticing that it wouldn't take all that much recharge to make an attack chain out of power/ablating/vengeful/sweeping. In terms of single-target dps, i wonder if dropping nimble slash (and attack vitals - i cringe as i say it), would be better dps at higher recharges?
i'm also pretty sure i've seen discussion concluding that only players, not pets, add to crit chance. having a bunch of pets around would send the +crit way too high, balancewise, IMO.
Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
Currently building:
Any one of half a dozen alts!
The Sweep combo is very game-changing at low levels. It can really save you. I've also found a new appreciation for the Empower combo. Basically position yourself near a boss with his minions behind him. Then BU+Assassin Blades+Placate Boss (Empower) then 1K Cuts immediately. It's fast enough that 1K Cuts is boosted by Buildup AND Empower.. pure nastiness!!!
My DB is a DB/WP lvl 33 and loving him. My only problem is i need more slots!!!!!!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
I currently have a DB/WP Stalker at 50. VERY scrapper-ish.
BU+Empower+1KCuts = AoE Death On A Stick
Leveling was relatively easy and I'm able to attack like a madman. Teaming, with buffs, just makes it ridiculous.
My db/sr stalker is 50 and was a fun ride all the way. As others have said, the aoe-age of BU + thousand cuts is crazy all on its own, but the ST damage ain't bad either. AV is spammable very early on. Plus you can stick the -res proc in ablating strike for nice short range aoe debuffing.
@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo
The reason there's few DB guides is that the set seems to be different for everyone. Some swear by one combo and never use another, and some are the other way around. You're best off trying it for yourself.
The reason there's few DB guides is that the set seems to be different for everyone. Some swear by one combo and never use another, and some are the other way around. You're best off trying it for yourself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Very true, like how one person said Sweep is useless and others followed saying it wasn't. DB started out very "lol stalkers" but as time has gone by I think many have learned more about it and changed their minds. My 50 DB/Nin was great fun and was the first toon I took to 50 after my scrapper who was Katana.
With 2 of it's combos attached to build up and the fact that it even has build up seems to put it at a serious disadvantage compared to other dual blade wielders at least in pve.
And do MM pets or pets in general count in crit calculation?
And did the snipe powers get a boost in damage?