What does it take to punch through Reichsman?
The MM gets the Power of Black Scorpion Temp from the machine which can be used to mitigate his Unbreakable power activations (the Unaffected period with high Regen)...but it's currently bugged. During beta it broke and was fixed about four times. It's currently known what is broken again on the temp so one more patch should get it. What you need *right now* to beat him is a whole lot more DPS than you had to beat him down between his Unbreakable activations.
There was a glowy next to the machine, but it was behind a laser door that repeatedly shot you with an autohit attack, and we were unable to reach it, despite Mako's suggestion that he was capable of slipping past it =/
[/ QUOTE ]
Mako is a Stalker. Just as you got the Scoprion special temp, Stalkers get the Mako special temp and can slip through the door and activate the Failsafe consoles. Doing so will kill all the 5th in the room.
There was a glowy next to the machine, but it was behind a laser door that repeatedly shot you with an autohit attack, and we were unable to reach it, despite Mako's suggestion that he was capable of slipping past it =/
[/ QUOTE ]
Mako is a Stalker. Just as you got the Scoprion special temp, Stalkers get the Mako special temp and can slip through the door and activate the Failsafe consoles. Doing so will kill all the 5th in the room.
[/ QUOTE ]Ohhh, I didn't realize the clicky temps were based on AT. That's actually pretty interesting. Not that the Mako temp would have helped, since we cleared out the 5th the "hard" way.
We had to disband. Team Makeup.
1 MM (bots/pain)
1 Brute (elec/shield)
1 Stalker (Nin/SR)
2 Corrs (Rad/Kin and Ice/Storm)
2 Crabs
1 Widow
We made it to Reichsman, but we did not have the dmg output to knock him down. The ice/storm corr quit after the first mission. After a few wipes with Reichs, we disbanded after two others had to log for bed.
That was a tough fight. I think if I attempt it again, I'll do it with a few more masterminds.
Overall, I'm not too eager to try again until I know more about how to beat this SF.
Overall, I'm not too eager to try again until I know more about how to beat this SF.
[/ QUOTE ]If what H_B says is correct, the intended way is to have a Mastermind on the team to use the click temp power which removes his phase so he doesn't get that invulnerable time, but the power doesn't work.
Overall, I'm not too eager to try again until I know more about how to beat this SF.
[/ QUOTE ]If what H_B says is correct, the intended way is to have a Mastermind on the team to use the click temp power which removes his phase so he doesn't get that invulnerable time, but the power doesn't work.
[/ QUOTE ]
Once we cleared the room (which involved being wiped out, starting at the beginning and fighting through ambushes again.) we found Reichsman a pushover.
The danger was from the minions, not him for us.
I put our success down to one power though, lingering radiation. We had two rad corrupters laying LR down to keep his recharge and regen down. he took about 5-6 minutes to take down once the mooks were cleared.
team make up, 3 corrs, 2 Brutes, 2 veats, 1 dom.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
I tried the BSF and it felt like I should have dropped the F and just call it BS. We had three brutes, two corrs (one rad and one kin), a poison MM, a bane and a fortunata and we failed. The team was made up of people who are pretty familiar with the alt they were piloting and we got pwned hard. Not a PuG really, just one unknown person who still played his brute fairly well.
To start, the objectives are rather unclear and esoteric. Especially compared to a TF like ITF which tells participants exactly what to do. I can get past that, but I just can't believe how difficult (nigh impossible) the BSF is. Even in the beginning of ITFs, it was a bit difficult, but I never felt the kind of frustration I felt today with Reichsman.
If the devs designed this TF to almost require teams to have one of each AT to be successful, it should be explicitly stated as such. Though I don't know if this is stated when one visits the contact or not- as I was in charge of recruiting and passed the star to a team mate to be the contact.
Also- I loathe caves. Having to crawl around in that cave and look for Recluse's generals was a vile way to kick off the beginning of a failed last mission. I think it would have been immensely more fun to take on all four of them simultaneously in the end room with a few ambushes as opposed to having to search for them and lead them back through those narrow and awful hallways to the end room.
I will probably not do this again until more is revealed on the ways to beat it. Not sure if it is just new SF blues or if the bugs contributed more to our failure, but it was more than a little frustrating.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
I totally agree that the hunting for recluses lt's bit is dull and not fun at all
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
I put our success down to one power though, lingering radiation. We had two rad corrupters laying LR down to keep his recharge and regen down.
[/ QUOTE ]I don't mean to sound antagonistic, but I doubt that's what made your run easy. Our team had more -regen than you (Poison Trap > LR for regen debuff; then add Twilight Grasp x2, Transfusion, and Howling Twilight), not to mention Reichsman has lower-than-average regen according to Castle. And while you had more -rech (120% before AV resistance vs. 45% on average), you had about 18% debuff actually affecting him. And if a difference of 11.25% recharge is what made your fight easy, then we should have been able to get him below the halfway mark at least once, since part of our -rech was from stacking Dark Watcher's procs
With the 2 rads, it was likely the -res that got him. That's more effective in general than -regen anyhow.
@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo
I just did this last night. It took us about 3 hours from start to finish. We had 1 MM, 2 Brutes, 3 Corrs and I can't remember what the other two were. We got rid of all the 5th ambushes, and then took him down by brute force (and 2 shivans and a heavy).
All for 20 merits. Hooah.
If I understand the temp powers right from other chatter on the boards, one of the temp powers gives hefty -res debuffs to Reichsman.
Also, I was on a brute while taking on Reichsman, is it odd that I saw my temp power miss? Seems like it is pretty harsh if it did. These temp powers seem to be THE way to take down Reichsman, and if they are not auto hit I think they ought to be.
I read it in another thread, but it seems like an AT from each class is almost needed in order to complete this tf. I don't know how I feel about that really. I am all for inspiring team play and social interaction in the game, but now it seems like this SF has gone a bit too far. Just because we have no stalker should not mean instant fail. I guess the days of hearing "BSF NEEDS a MM/Stalker" will not seem too silly anymore.
I propose that the necessary buffs be granted based on your number on the list of the team and not your given AT. That is, instead of MMs only receiving temp power Z, it should be given to team member number 1. Instead of stalkers only receiving temp power Y, it should be given to team member number 2... and so forth.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
I always pay close attention to threads like this one, since there is always some sort of finesse needed on a TF or SF. I always appreciate the experiences of others in finding that finesse.
But I have not yet seen the post where someone comes in and disdainfully announces that they easily did it in record time with a four man team while they were affected with Vahzilok disease, and what a bunch of weenies the OP's team were. There ALWAYS seems to be one of those posts by now. They seem to be late!
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
The Barracuda SF is a gimmick fight (or gadget fight as Castle put it). There are a quite a few gadgets and temp powers to make the fight much easier. But you don't need all of the Temp Powers. I completed the SF with 4 MMs, a Brute, and SoA and a Corruptor. And we never manages to activate the Failsafe Backup system. We had to brute force ourwya there the ambushes and Reichsman with much faceplanting.
And there are two different sets of Temp Powers you get from The Machine. First there is a set of passive auto from each Patron.
Power of Sirocco
You've drained the power from Sirocco increasing your resistance to Slows, Endurance Drain effects and also protects you from -Recovery effects. This effect will last for 30 minutes.
+20% RES to -SLOW, -RECH, and End Drain for 30 minutes
Power of Ghost Widow
You've stolen some of Ghost Widow's power, and by doing so you will benefit from a bonus to regeneration and resistance to To Hit debuffs This effect will last for 30 minutes.
+33% REGEN and +23.18% -TOHIT RES for 30 minutes
Power of Black Scorpion
You've defeated Black Scorpion and drained some of his power to increase your damage resistance, defense and resistance to defense debuffs for a short time. This effect will last for 30 minutes.
+6.7% RES to all damage, +6.7% DEF for 30 minutes
Power of Captain Mako
Captain Mako has fallen to your schemes and you've siphoned a portion of his power, this will temporarily increase your damage and recharge rate. This effect will last for 30 minutes.
+6.7% DAM and +6.7% RECH for 30 minutes.
Secondly there is a set Temp Powers what a grant to each player depending on their AT.
Power of Black Scorpion (Special) Mastermind
Using the power absorbed from Black Scorpion, you can match Reichsmans dimensional phasing, eliminating his ability to become immune to your teams effects.
Note: Not sure of the effect, but is supposed to neutralize Reichman's dimensional phases periods.
Power of Ghost Widow (+Res (End Drain)) Brute/Arachnos Solder/Arachnos Widow
Using the power of Ghost Widow, you enable yourself and your allies to better resist Reichsman's oppressive aura.
Note: 80 ft AoE which grants 66% End Drain Res to teammates
Power of Captain Mako (Max Stealth) Stalkers
The Power of Mako has maximized your stealth potential, perhaps even enough to allow you to approach the Fail Safe devices.
Note: Grants capped stealth to all teammates (80 ft AoE)
Power of Scirocco (Special) Corrupters/Dominators
Using Sciroccos's Power grants you the ability to Hold or Kill all 5th Column enemies present.
Note: 80 ft AoE Mag 3 Hold and defates held targets and Summons Sand Devils which will kill any held target.
Power of Black Scorpion
You've defeated Black Scorpion and drained some of his power to increase your damage resistance, defense and resistance to defense debuffs for a short time. This effect will last for 30 minutes.
+6.7% RES to all damage, +6.7% DEF for 30 minutes
[/ QUOTE ]Did you pull these numbers from the temp power on yourself? Because I recall having 10% res... (and if my memory's not faulty, that implies that it's based on AT modifiers, and probably the other temps as well)
Power of Captain Mako (Max Stealth) Stalkers
The Power of Mako has maximized your stealth potential, perhaps even enough to allow you to approach the Fail Safe devices.
Note: Grants capped stealth to all teammates (80 ft AoE)
Power of Scirocco (Special) Corrupters/Dominators
Using Sciroccos's Power grants you the ability to Hold or Kill all 5th Column enemies present.
Note: 80 ft AoE Mag 3 Hold and defates held targets and Summons Sand Devils which will kill any held target.
[/ QUOTE ]Are you sure about those? From others' comments, it seems Mako's power is supposed to get you past the laser doors, and the glowies are what kills the 5th Column. I remember the Corruptor on our team dragged the Scirocco power to chat, and the description I recall only mentioned damage, and being more effective against restrained foes (just like the sand devils, tornado, and water spout actually are)
I'm normally pretty forgiving of little bugs that can creep into a live issue when first released, but the bug with Black Scorpions temp power is inexcusable. First day of release and a temp power to help defeat Reichsman, who is a beast to start with, is bugged?
This is an epic fail for the Dev's IMO. First, impressions are everything and this has pretty much left a bad taste in everyones mouth. I like the SF in general, and even the final fight for the most part. It's just absurd that the version that hit live had the bug still on the temp power.
Seriously? Someone mentioned that they had to fix it 4 or 5 times in beta. Is this right, because if it had actually been fixed in beta, it really shouldn't be borked hitting the servers. It's shameful and sad.
On a separate note, I did get goosebumps during Reichsman's cut-scene. There needs to be more goosebump cutscenes in TF/Sf's.
I'm normally pretty forgiving of little bugs that can creep into a live issue when first released, but the bug with Black Scorpions temp power is inexcusable. First day of release and a temp power to help defeat Reichsman, who is a beast to start with, is bugged?
This is an epic fail for the Dev's IMO.
[/ QUOTE ]Was it reported as bugged during the last Beta build? Was it bugged during the last Beta build? If it was never reported as bugged since the prior beta build, it's not the devs that failed, it's the beta testers. If it wasn't bugged at all, then sometimes code just acts weird, especially in something new that the devs are trying like this.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
"Seriously? Someone mentioned that they had to fix it 4 or 5 times in beta. Is this right, because if it had actually been fixed in beta, it really shouldn't be borked hitting the servers. It's shameful and sad."
That's why I added this line. If it was fixed 4 or 5 times, like I heard, then it was brought to Dev's attention before live. In the instance of something this horribly broken, there's no way that this didn't get reported. If it didn't get reported, what is the testing for?
"Seriously? Someone mentioned that they had to fix it 4 or 5 times in beta. Is this right, because if it had actually been fixed in beta, it really shouldn't be borked hitting the servers. It's shameful and sad."
That's why I added this line. If it was fixed 4 or 5 times, like I heard, then it was brought to Dev's attention before live. In the instance of something this horribly broken, there's no way that this didn't get reported. If it didn't get reported, what is the testing for?
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, if it was fixed 4 or 5 times, which means that some other bit of code broke it.
And if the most recent build had no flags about "the power that helps take down Reichsman most is broken" in the bug report pile, the devs wouldn't necessarily know it was re-broken. Coding is a pain, and sometimes (often, in some codebases) fixing one thing will break something completely unrelated.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
"Seriously? Someone mentioned that they had to fix it 4 or 5 times in beta. Is this right, because if it had actually been fixed in beta, it really shouldn't be borked hitting the servers. It's shameful and sad."
That's why I added this line. If it was fixed 4 or 5 times, like I heard, then it was brought to Dev's attention before live. In the instance of something this horribly broken, there's no way that this didn't get reported. If it didn't get reported, what is the testing for?
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, if it was fixed 4 or 5 times, which means that some other bit of code broke it.
And if the most recent build had no flags about "the power that helps take down Reichsman most is broken" in the bug report pile, the devs wouldn't necessarily know it was re-broken. Coding is a pain, and sometimes (often, in some codebases) fixing one thing will break something completely unrelated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok this kind of scares me.
What if they fix it next patch, but then the patch after that breaks it again?
To me that sounds like they need to either change that temp power if it's so complex that it breaks when someone sneezes at it, or they need to put it at the top of their list to ALWAYS Q&A check when they are building a new build/about to issue a new in-between issue game patch.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Power of Scirocco (Special) Corrupters/Dominators
Using Sciroccos's Power grants you the ability to Hold or Kill all 5th Column enemies present.
Note: 80 ft AoE Mag 3 Hold and defates held targets and Summons Sand Devils which will kill any held target.
[/ QUOTE ]Are you sure about those? From others' comments, it seems Mako's power is supposed to get you past the laser doors, and the glowies are what kills the 5th Column. I remember the Corruptor on our team dragged the Scirocco power to chat, and the description I recall only mentioned damage, and being more effective against restrained foes (just like the sand devils, tornado, and water spout actually are)
[/ QUOTE ]
the dominator version looks like electric fences, holding a good majority of the present ambushes. this power should be used first, if no dominator is present to have received the power, then any hold will allow the 2nd part of scirocco's power (the corruptor version of the scirocco power) to spawn a series of whirlwinds, which will then defeat all held foes.
if the hold is not present, all you'll get from the corr is a few dust devils and sinking feeling it wasn't enough.
edited for swine flu.
Kittens give Morbo gas.
I'm normally pretty forgiving of little bugs that can creep into a live issue when first released, but the bug with Black Scorpions temp power is inexcusable. First day of release and a temp power to help defeat Reichsman, who is a beast to start with, is bugged?
This is an epic fail for the Dev's IMO.
[/ QUOTE ]Was it reported as bugged during the last Beta build? Was it bugged during the last Beta build? If it was never reported as bugged since the prior beta build, it's not the devs that failed, it's the beta testers. If it wasn't bugged at all, then sometimes code just acts weird, especially in something new that the devs are trying like this.
[/ QUOTE ]
All of the special temps except for the Dominator version of Scirocco didn't work the first time out of the gate; and even that power got modified during testing. Scorpion's just happened to break in "new and exciting ways" each patch after being fixed. I began drawing parallels to Oil Slick.
The SF is completable in its current state, just very very difficult. Assuming it doesn't break again in some brand new way, one more patch should get it. With that given, you can make a reasonable argument that holding up the entire rest of the issue isn't supportable just for this one thing.
To me that sounds like they need to either change that temp power if it's so complex that it breaks when someone sneezes at it, or they need to put it at the top of their list to ALWAYS Q&A check when they are building a new build/about to issue a new in-between issue game patch.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a new power that shuts down another power that has also never existed before (Unbreakable).
Just gave up on my first run of Barracuda's new TF. I was enjoying it a lot, until we hit Reichsman.
The team:
Thugs/Dark (me)
Super Strength/Shield
Fire Blast/Kinetics
All level 50 by the time we hit Reichsman.
When we first engaged him, it wasn't so bad. He was a huge sack of HP, but it's manageable, especially with the temporary powers given by the machine. Our first speed bump was when he summoned reinforcements at about 9/10ths HP... there were a LOT of ambushes, and considering what occurs later, I don't think they were all supposed to come at once.
So, we wiped, went to the hospital, and tried again. Except we got aggro from the ambushes (in the end room) as we entered the front door, and the two MMs were pasted without their pets ready. The Corr didn't last much longer, and eventually the Brute went down. I tried to rez when all the enemies had left, but then they turned around to gank me.
So, we regrouped again, and took our time dealing with all the ambushes, all the way back to the end room, defeating enemy after enemy as we made our way through rooms we had already cleared. But wait, there's more! Without even reaching Reichsman, more ambushes spawned while we were moving slowly through the map for a second time. It wasn't so bad when we were prepared, and we didn't have a super-death AV breathing down our necks, but still.
When we finally got back to the end room with Reichsman in it, the room was filled with more 5th, that hadn't been there before. Fine. We pulled them away from Reichsman and dealt with 'em. All 5th gone. Just one AV left.
We rebuffed, renewed our temporary powers, and engaged him. No problem, like before, and no new ambushes. at around 3/4th HP, he teleported into the machine (becoming untargetable), and spouted some text that indicated there should have been an ambush, but none spawned. Presumably because all the ambushes had spawned at once. After regenerating for a bit, he teleported back to us and continued to fight. Everything was peachy, until we got him to 1/2 HP, when he phased on us. This is an AV with as much HP as about 10 AVs together, phasing and preventing all damage.
The regen during his phase brought him back up to about 9/10ths, and we started to chip away again. This is when someone pointed out that I had a temporary power click, which for some reason hadn't been added to my tray. The description implied that it was supposed to remove his phase, but it had no apparent effect either before or after he activated his phasing power. I believe the others had a PBAoE endurance drain buff, and a power to summon Scirocco's sandstorms.
So we repeatedly brought Reichsman down to 1/2 of his HP, when he would activate his phase, and regen back up to 9/10ths. There was a glowy next to the machine, but it was behind a laser door that repeatedly shot you with an autohit attack, and we were unable to reach it, despite Mako's suggestion that he was capable of slipping past it =/
We sat there for 30-45 minutes wailing on Reichsman, repeating the damage-phase-regen-damage cycle. We even brought out 4 Shivans, a Snowbeast, 3 Zombies, and 4 Fire Imps, as well as a few uses of Vengeance. But we could never get him below 50% health.
So, what's the trick to defeating this guy? I mean, I realize we weren't a full team, but our efforts were completely futile. We had no real trouble surviving against him, he would just go invulnerable to everything and regenerate himself, and there was nothing we could do to stop him.