Question on making bosses in custom groups..
I can't answer your first question. But their are two easy ways around it.
1) Make the boss it's own group.
2) Make the boss an EB.
@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo
I can't answer your first question. But their are two easy ways around it.
1) Make the boss it's own group.
2) Make the boss an EB.
[/ QUOTE ] making it an elite boss will ensure he doesn't go and spawn elsewhere? And, I'm assuming if one were to solo the mission he would be toned down to lt. right?
I was just wondering, when you make a custom boss in a custom group, if the player increases their notoriety or is in a team of a good amount of players and plays the mission, does the boss you made start spawning more then once?
I ask because it would just be odd to see a person you made who is supposed to be unique to start popping up everywhere, i.e. the leader of a zombie army who you are only supposed to see at the end of the map. If the answer to my question is yes, is there anyway around this?
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Put them in their own slightly differently named group. Like call the enemies "zombie soldiers" and your boss "zombie general" or something.
Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?
My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)
I was just wondering, when you make a custom boss in a custom group, if the player increases their notoriety or is in a team of a good amount of players and plays the mission, does the boss you made start spawning more then once?
I ask because it would just be odd to see a person you made who is supposed to be unique to start popping up everywhere, i.e. the leader of a zombie army who you are only supposed to see at the end of the map. If the answer to my question is yes, is there anyway around this?
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Put them in their own slightly differently named group. Like call the enemies "zombie soldiers" and your boss "zombie general" or something.
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Hrm ok I guess I'll just do that. thanks alot!!
I was just wondering, when you make a custom boss in a custom group, if the player increases their notoriety or is in a team of a good amount of players and plays the mission, does the boss you made start spawning more then once?
I ask because it would just be odd to see a person you made who is supposed to be unique to start popping up everywhere, i.e. the leader of a zombie army who you are only supposed to see at the end of the map. If the answer to my question is yes, is there anyway around this?
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Put them in their own slightly differently named group. Like call the enemies "zombie soldiers" and your boss "zombie general" or something.
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Hrm ok I guess I'll just do that. thanks alot!!
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Or do what I did in my arc:
I simply used a standard group (5th Column) as the spawn type in all missions and set up a custom group (it was a classic comicbook type villain group) of all EBs and Bosses which I used for Defeat Boss placement. And in the last mish I added Allies (SG members) that were in another custom group of all EBs and Bosses as well.
My 50s:
Prime Minister MA/SR Scrap - Protector
Captain Hit-Guy DM/Reg Scrap - Freedom
Prime-Minister ILL/TA Troller - Freedom
Ultimate Minister Inv/SS Tanker - Freedom
I was just wondering, when you make a custom boss in a custom group, if the player increases their notoriety or is in a team of a good amount of players and plays the mission, does the boss you made start spawning more then once?
I ask because it would just be odd to see a person you made who is supposed to be unique to start popping up everywhere, i.e. the leader of a zombie army who you are only supposed to see at the end of the map. If the answer to my question is yes, is there anyway around this?