
Caped Keeper of Mids'
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  1. Radio buttons are too exclusive! You can select any combination of the four "Craft _ Components" options. For example, I may want to see the thread costs of my Common and Uncommon components, but I want my Rare and Very Rare to not show their requirements, because I'd rather earn a Very Rare by luck than by spending 400 million and four Rare components.

    (Also, how about the translation for the help text I didn't attempt to translate?)
  2. Based on my own experiences using the program for post-Alpha Incarnate Abilities, I've made some changes regarding the Always Craft Notices option. Can I get these translated?

    Craft Common Components
    Craft Uncommon Components
    Craft Rare Components
    Craft Very Rare Components

    * "Craft * components" will assume that you intend to earn the given type component the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit, even when it is possible to obtain the component directly (as with Notice of the Well).

    (I'm guessing the "craft _ components" ones are as follows:
    Gewöhnlich Komponenten Erzeugen
    Ungewöhnlich Komponenten Erzeugen
    Selten Komponenten Erzeugen
    Sehr Selten Komponenten Erzeugen)
  3. Based on my own experiences using the program for post-Alpha Incarnate Abilities, I've made some changes regarding the Always Craft Notices option. Can I get these translated?

    Craft Common Components
    Craft Uncommon Components
    Craft Rare Components
    Craft Very Rare Components

    * "Craft * components" will assume that you intend to earn the given type component the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit, even when it is possible to obtain the component directly (as with Notice of the Well).

    (I'm guessing the "craft _ components" ones are as follows:
    Convertir les Composants Commune
    Convertir les Composants Peu Commune
    Convertir les Composants Rare
    Convertir les Composants Trés Rare)
  4. That question has been answered elsewhere several times. You will not be excluded if your account goes down and back up in the same day.
  5. I started playing my dark melee/willpower brute in the Incarnate trials today. These were my reward tables:

    2 Uncommon
    5 Rare
    1 Very Rare

    And I managed to score three Empyrean merits, but no Master of BAF badge (which some people seem to think gives you an extra Empyrean merit). Shadow Punch/Smite/Boxing were the powers I used the most--and boy, do they recharge fast!
  6. A Real-Time Strategy game with the commander being a superhero that levels up and has powers just like in CoH. The heroes would train Longbow and Legacy Chain and hire Wyvern and Knives of Artemis, and the villains would train Arachnos and Crey and hire Malta and Knives of Artemis, for example. There would be more HP in most foes and plenty of weapon and body armor upgrades. The commanders would have the most effective buffs/debuffs, naturally, but you would be able to use other units' weaker abilities or set them to auto-fire. Firing ordinary weapons would cost no endurance, but other abilities would cost more endurance and recovery would be notably slower. Also, recharge rates would probably be a bit lower overall.
  7. DeProgrammer


    I believe it's any power that can be enhanced for damage (including Judgement since it can be enhanced by Musculature).
  8. Successful Master of Lambda run last night, completed with about 1.5 minutes to spare: I got a Very Rare component--and I was the +3 psi dominator meleeing Marauder to death. So I definitely did a massive load of damage, but I don't think I activated a too-unusually high number of powers (over time, that is; it was a longer trial than usual), and I've only gotten 2 other Very Rares in my probably 40+ trial runs.

    If what everyone else has said here is true, it sounds like it is indeed based on powers activated.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
    If the trials can go off just as easily with 23 as 24...why do the leaders wait for that long making sure they fill out the whole 24?
    You never know what you'll get--it could be a major game-changer like a kin (assuming you don't already have one)!

    I have reason to believe the rule of "the one" is untrue. The prompt disappears before one minute could possibly have passed, without the number ever reaching "16 of 16" or "24 of 24", but we still end up with everyone inside. :P
  10. I soloed a Rikti pylon on my dominator. Without inspirations.
  11. I'll replace him, and I'll do so for $8 an hour! :P
  12. The Test server hadn't been updated to I20 yet.
  13. The devs claimed the game wasn't made harder to compensate for IOs. (I'm sure they made the Incarnate trials harder for the forumgoers who complain that it's too easy, though!)

    In addition to their somewhat higher ToHit (assuming you guys are right), you're fighting +3 bosses (unless you've got your Incarnate level shifts), aren't you? +3 enemies have 1.3x as much accuracy as +0 enemies of the same rank, and bosses have 1.3x as much accuracy as minions. Rather than your enemies having a 5% minimum hit chance like +0 minions, you're looking at ~1.7x as much: about 8.5%.

    Say you were soft-capped against normal enemies, with 45% on the nose. These guys have a ToHit of 19% against you, and then you multiply by their accuracy to get a final hit chance of 32%. Hope you have a couple allies with Maneuvers. :P
  14. It doesn't look like anyone's said this, but at one point, we couldn't get into Lambda at all, and it gave us the error CantFindMap (1065). It may not be related, though. (We were booted a few seconds after we started loading; nowhere near long enough to finish.)

    04-07-2011 18:42:12 CantFindMap (1065)
    Timezone: CDT
    I believe it was 16 people in a preformed league.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Battledog View Post
    I'm just wondering why the devs thought it necessary to make threads needed for crafting the Alpha slot stuff now. I was looking to see how many more shards I needed to get to make the the necessary components when I noticed that the next teir now needed components crafted from threads instead of shards.
    They didn't. You can craft Alpha with EITHER Alpha components OR non-Alpha components.
  16. DeProgrammer


    Maybe there will be an out-of-game system for tracking inventory eventually!
  17. If you're scared about inf. costs, I'll send you a few hundred million. :P
  18. Thanks, guys. Two translations are better than one! So I can pick which one I believe got the idea across better, which I decided upon by messing with Google Translate to put it back into English. :P We used éléments to refer to items (either components or abilities) in the other translations, so I'll use that word rather than objets.

    I managed to get all the components' and abilities' names from the game client, so I should be good to go for those. They need to exactly match the in-game names even for the crappy or failed translations (example: one of the German Judgement ability names was actually French), so it's better that I get them that way.

    ETA: Well, it needs to be thoroughly tested, but other than that and putting in the rest of the German translations, I have no further plans for changing it before its release. My best guess, assuming all goes well, is about a week... but I'm impatient, so I may rush it out the door--and then I may regret it.
  19. All right, since I20 has been released, I've figured out a few more features that I need to add. These are...hopefully... the last things I should need translated before release. :P

    Slots Share Obtained Items
    Force Alpha Components
    Force Other Components
    Copy Obtained Items
    Copy Remaining Items

    Enabling this option will erase the obtained items from all slots except the currently selected one. Are you sure you want to do this? This option needs to be set for each character individually.
    "Slots share obtained items" will use the currently selected slot's obtained items list as the inventory for all that character's slots.
    "Force Alpha Components" will force the Alpha abilities to use only Alpha components.
    "Force Other Components" will prevent the Alpha abilities from using any Alpha components.

    Slots Share Obtained Items: Because the player only has one inventory, yet they may want to work on multiple Incarnate slots simultaneously, the program needs to have the option for there to be either one global inventory or one inventory per slot.

    Force Alpha Components and Force Other Components: Now that the Alpha abilities can be crafted with threads and non-Alpha components, the user needs to be able to prevent Waterworks from showing shards or threads in the Alpha slot, depending on what they're using to craft their Alpha ability.

    Copy Obtained Items and Copy Remaining Items: It'll copy the item list to the clipboard in a human-readable format.
  20. All right, since I20 has been released, I've figured out a few more features that I need to add. These are...hopefully... the last things I should need translated before release. :P

    Slots Share Obtained Items
    Force Alpha Components
    Force Other Components
    Copy Obtained Items
    Copy Remaining Items

    Enabling this option will erase the obtained items from all slots except the currently selected one. Are you sure you want to do this? This option needs to be set for each character individually.
    "Slots share obtained items" will use the currently selected slot's obtained items list as the inventory for all that character's slots.
    "Force Alpha Components" will force the Alpha abilities to use only Alpha components.
    "Force Other Components" will prevent the Alpha abilities from using any Alpha components.

    Slots Share Obtained Items: Because the player only has one inventory, yet they may want to work on multiple Incarnate slots simultaneously, the program needs to have the option for there to be either one global inventory or one inventory per slot.

    Force Alpha Components and Force Other Components: Now that the Alpha abilities can be crafted with threads and non-Alpha components, the user needs to be able to prevent Waterworks from showing shards or threads in the Alpha slot, depending on what they're using to craft their Alpha ability.

    Copy Obtained Items and Copy Remaining Items: It'll copy the item list to the clipboard in a human-readable format.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    those very rare components require hundreds of threads and 30 Empyrean merits
    "Or", not "and". 30 Empyrean Merits = 1 Very Rare component, or hundreds of threads + millions of inf. = 1 Very Rare component.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    My guess for the next one would be "fragment".
    They would have trouble naming the French version, if that's the case. "Fragments" is the French translation of "Shards" which is used in-game. :P
  23. Yeah, they should just get rid of threads and use shards for everything. I liked those components better anyway, as well as their method of obtainment. But seriously, it was a pain to code around the two alternate ways of crafting Alpha abilities, and I still have a bit more to do...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    None of which helped my Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster last night. I always targeted through a Tank and running 7-8 oranges at a time never kept me from getting held and killed whenever one of the 9CUs noticed me.

    For some reason, the game crashes every time I leave the hospital, so I'm loathe to go in there. Since there aren't any inspiration drops while you're fighting (at least there weren't during any of the times I tried it), I run out immediately. By the fourth time they shot straight through my inspiration defenses, I just stopped bothering. Didn't see the point, really.

    My guy is a Blaster, I expect him to die. A lot. That's like their secondary inherent. But dying like that while providing almost no benefit to the team? Kinda of tips toward the "Not Fun At All" side of the scale.
    The point is to expend your life clearing out the 9CUs. My dominator had little trouble surviving in the largest groups while whittling them down--even in the Lambda trial with Marauder's reinforcements stacking for fifteen minutes. If you beat a bunch of the 9CUs, it lessens the load for everyone else and you might even get another minute or two of survival out of it. :P