Traduction demande




J'ai écrit un programme relatif à Incarnates. Ce programme a un support pour plusieurs langues. Je voudrais que quelqu'un pour vérifier que j'ai bien traduit la liste ci-jointe, si vous seriez prêt à le faire. Merci.

I have written an Incarnate-related program which has support for multiple languages. I would like someone to verify that I have properly translated the attached list, if you would be willing to do so. Thanks.


Made by DeProgrammer for the Titan Network.
EULA is missing. Please re-download the program from 
Help file is missing. Please re-download the program from 
New Character
Select Character
Save Character
Save Character As...
New Database
Open Database
Save Database
Save Database As...
Always Craft Notices
Getting Started
Notice of the Well
The item you selected is not an ability. Please select an ability.
Click to Select
Click to Select
Error loading files.
Target Ability: 
Desired Intermediate Ability: 
 failed to load.
Spare shards
Shards (with minimum crafting)
Spare shards (with minimum crafting)
Final item already obtained.
The name you have entered is already in the database. Please give another name.
Name Error
Would you like to save the current character to the working database?
Text files
Failed to save database. (
Would you like to save the current database?
Error loading database file: 
  Character name:   
Please add another character before removing the last one from this database.
Do you really want to delete this character?
Select Character
Fait par DeProgrammer pour Titan Network.
Le CLUF est manquant. S'il vous plaît re-télécharger le programme à partir de 
Le fichier d'aide est manquant. S'il vous plaît re-télécharger le programme à partir de 
Nouveau Personnage
Select Personnage
Sauvegarder Personnage
Sauvegarder Personnage Sous...
Nouveau Base de Données
Open Base de Données
Sauvegarder Base de Données
Sauvegarder Base de Données Sous...
Notices bateaux toujours
Mise en Route
À propos
Notice of the Well
L'ordre du jour que vous avez sélectionné n'est pas une capacité. S'il vous plaît sélectionnez une capacité.
Cliquez pour Sélectionner
Cliquez pour Sélectionner
Il ya eu une erreur lors du chargement des fichiers.
La Capacité de l'Objectif: 
Capacité Souhaitée Intermédiaire: 
 n'a pas pu charger.
Tessons de rechange
Tessons (avec un minimum d'artisanat)
Tessons de rechange (avec un minimum d'artisanat)
La capacité de finale déjà obtenus.
Le nom que vous avez entré est déjà dans la base de données. S'il vous plaît donner un autre nom.
Erreur de Nom
Souhaitez-vous pour sauver le personnage courant à la base de données de travail?
Les fichiers texte
Impossible d'enregistrer base de données. (
Souhaitez-vous pour sauver la base de données actuelle?
Erreur lors du chargement du fichier base de données: 
  Nom du Personnage:   
S'il vous plaît ajouter un autre personnage avant de retirer le dernier de cette base de données.
Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce personnage?
Sélectionnez Personnage



Hi DeProgrammer and thanks for creating a tool which will support multiple languages, it's always much appreciated.

Here's my attempt at translating your file. Some "concepts" left me clueless though :

"Spare" ? (shard/thread)
Minimum crafting ? I didn't really translate that part because I'm not sure I got it.
"Target Ability" : is it an ability finder ?
Notice of the Well : it's singular, as intended ?


Fait par DeProgrammer pour Titan Network.
Le CLUF est manquant. Veuillez télécharger de nouveau le programme à partir de 
Le fichier d'aide est manquant. Veuillez télécharger de nouveau le programme à partir de 
Nouveau Personnage
Sélectionner Personnage
Enregistrer Personnage
Enregistrer Personnage Sous...
Nouvelle Base de Données
Ouvrir Base de Données
Enregistrer Base de Données
Enregistrer Base de Données Sous...
Toujours convertir en Attentions
Mise en Route
À propos de
Attention du Puits
L'élément que vous avez sélectionné n'est pas une aptitude. Veuillez sélectionner une aptitude.
Cliquez pour Sélectionner
Cliquez pour Sélectionner
Erreur lors du chargement des fichiers.
Aptitude recherchée : 
Aptitude intermédiaire souhaitée : 
Echec lors du chargement.
Fragments restants
Fragments requis (conversions minimales)
Fragment restants (conversions minimales)
Aptitude finale déjà obtenue.
Le nom que vous avez entré est déjà dans la base de données. Veuillez donner un autre nom.
Erreur de Nom
Souhaitez-vous enregistrer le personnage actuel dans la base (de données = not needed) de travail ?
Fichiers texte
Echec lors de l'enregistrement de la base de données. (
Souhaitez-vous enregistrer la base de données actuelle ?
Erreur lors du chargement du fichier de base de données: 
  Nom du Personnage:   
Veuillez ajouter un autre personnage avant de retirer le dernier de cette base de données.
Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce personnage?
Sélectionner personnage
"Obtained" / "Remaining":
if you're speaking of shards/threads or shards/threads/abilities = "Obtenus"/"Restants"
if you're speaking of abilities only = "Obtenues"/"Restantes"
"Choose One" is tricky to translate, because you have to know what will be the next word and its gender. It's safer to stick with "Choose".

Thread isn't translated yet, odds are it will be "Fil" but final translation is still unknown.



Merci beaucoup!

"Spare" refers to leftovers or extras--shards that you'll still have after you finish crafting.

"Minimum crafting" refers to the fact that you don't actually have to craft the Common components, because you can get them from completing task forces and things like that.

"Target ability" refers to the ability you want to craft in the end: your goal.

"Notice of the Well" is indeed intended to be singular. I should probably find the list of French names for the abilities and components, seeing as how those also need translated.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Merci beaucoup!

"Spare" refers to leftovers or extras--shards that you'll still have after you finish crafting.
OK then, I edited my first post to translate Spare by "Restant".

"Minimum crafting" refers to the fact that you don't actually have to craft the Common components, because you can get them from completing task forces and things like that.
This one's gonna be hard to translate.
If I click on "Shards (with minimum crafting)" what will happen next ? An answer could provide me some guidance



Well, it doesn't do anything if you click it. :P It tells you how many shards you would need if you already had all of the common components and Notice of the Well components.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
I should probably find the list of French names for the abilities and components, seeing as how those also need translated.
You might want to check this.



Excellent. I've got all the French ability/component names entered now, except for the Favor of the Well. It's not listed on that page, unfortunately, but I've also gotten the German names thanks to you pointing it out.

Edit: Got Favor of the Well now.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Well, it doesn't do anything if you click it. :P It tells you how many shards you would need if you already had all of the common components and Notice of the Well components.
I think I'd go with :

Shards (with minimum crafting) >>> Fragments requis (Conversions minimales)
(First post edited).


Spare Shards (with minimum crafting) >>> Fragments restants (Conversions minimales)

Though I'm not sure "Spare Shards (with minimum crafting)" is supposed to tell

As an aside, I also translated "Always Craft Notices" by "Toujours Convertir en Attentions", since I assume this option means "Always convert into notice provided I have enough salvage and inf". But I might be wrong
(First post edited).

Thanks to Beber for his help in that brainstorming ^^



Great! Thanks for all the help.

"Always Craft Notices" means that Notices *must* be crafted from components and shards, which isn't possible on the live servers yet. When the option is checked, each Notice of the Well will add 88 shards to the required "shards if crafting everything" number, as well as 40 shards to the "shards (with minimum crafting)" number.



I have a few more phrases I would like translated due to the GUI being a bit difficult at first, and I think the disclaimer is final:
shift+click to deselect
Click an Ability
Click to add to obtained list
Right-click to subtract from obtained list
Shift+click to craft

City of Heroes & City of Villains are (C) 2004-2011 NCsoft. City of
Heroes, City of Villains and all associated logos and designs are
trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
Copyright (C) 2011 Titan Network

Titan Waterworks is intended for non-commercial use by players of City
of Heroes and City of Villains.
You might like to give me a phrase to give yourself credit with, too.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
shift+click to deselect
Click an Ability
Click to add to obtained list
Right-click to subtract from obtained list
Shift+click to craft
Maj+Clic pour désélectionner
Cliquer sur une aptitude
Cliquer pour ajouter à la liste obtenue
Clic droit pour supprimer de la liste obtenue
Maj+Clic pour créer

City of Heroes & City of Villains are (C) 2004-2011 NCsoft. City of
Heroes, City of Villains and all associated logos and designs are
trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
Copyright (C) 2011 Titan Network

Titan Waterworks is intended for non-commercial use by players of City
of Heroes and City of Villains.
City of Heroes et City of Villains
(C) 2004-2011 NCsoft.
City of Heroes, City of Villains ainsi que tous les logos et designs associés sont des marques de commerce de NC Soft Corporation.
Toutes les autres marques de commerce sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.
Copyright (C) 2011 Titan Network

Titan Waterworks est destiné à un usage non commercial, par les joueurs de City of Heroes et City of Villains.



I may have added more to that post while you were typing the reply.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
I may have added more to that post while you were typing the reply.

Me too, and I edited a bit, after proofreading.



Great, thanks! That just leaves your credit and the help file, which I haven't finalized yet.



I thought of a couple more features that ought to be added, so I have a few more things for you to translate.

Always Save to File
Incarnate Shard (the exact in-game name; capitalization matters)
Incarnate Thread (but I'm aware you don't have the in-game name for this one yet)
No Breakdowns (this refers to not counting unused components as shards)



Hiya DeProgrammer,

Here are your requested translations

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Always Save to File
Not sure with this one. I'd say :

Toujours Enregistrer vers le fichier

Or, if it's an auto-save feature : Enregistrement automatique

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Incarnate Shard (the exact in-game name; capitalization matters)
Fragment Incarné

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Incarnate Thread (but I'm aware you don't have the in-game name for this one yet)
Fil Incarné

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
No Breakdowns (this refers to not counting unused components as shards)
Pas de Fragmentations



Thanks again. OK, I think this is all of the help file that I would like prepared for the initial release. You shouldn't have to re-translate some of this text, such as menu names, since I already have those. :P And these ought to be the last large chunks of text I need translated.

Adding/removing obtained items:

* Left-click a component or ability in the tree to add one unit of it to your Obtained list.

* Shift+click it to 'craft' it, removing one of each required component/ability that were in your Obtained list.

* Right-click a component or ability in the tree to remove one unit of it from your Obtained list.

* The "Edit" -> "Paste (Titan Sentinel)" menu item will overwrite the obtained list with data from Titan Sentinel 1.0 or newer. Do the following in Titan Sentinel in order to get that data: check the Incarnate items in the Inventory tab, then right-click in the list and select Copy.

Regarding the buttons at the top-right:

* The magenta button refers to the list you are currently looking at; you can click the black one to switch to that list.

* Click the 'Remaining' button at the top-right to see the items you need to obtain in order to craft the ability you selected.

* Click the 'Obtained' button to see the items you've selected as already obtained.

Regarding the three ability buttons at the bottom:

* Click on one and then click on an ability in the tree to set the selection for that button. Click on the button a second time instead of clicking on an ability if you decide you don't want to change the ability after all.

* Shift+click on one to clear the selection.

* The top button is the ability you're trying to earn, and the bottom two are abilities you'd like to have along the way. These are optional.

Regarding the options:

* "Always craft notices" will assume that you intend to earn each Notice of the Well the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit.

* "Always save to file" will save changes to the currently loaded database file any time a character is modified, rather than holding it in memory until you tell the program to save the database.

* "No breakdowns" will prevent spare components from being treated as shards/threads. Additionally, breakdowns will not be shown in the Remaining list.
And the web page needs translated: (This URL isn't permanent, incidentally.)



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Thanks again. OK, I think this is all of the help file that I would like prepared for the initial release. You shouldn't have to re-translate some of this text, such as menu names, since I already have those. :P And these ought to be the last large chunks of text I need translated.

And the web page needs translated: (This URL isn't permanent, incidentally.)

Titan Waterworks is Titan Network's utility to help make crafting your Incarnate Abilities simpler.

Keeping track of the Incarnate components you need no longer needs to be a hassle full of spreadsheets and text files. This program was designed with speed and simplicity in mind, while still remaining flexible.

Cross-platform: Leveraging the technological capabilities of Java, Titan Waterworks can run on several popular operating systems.

Keep track of multiple characters: The character database is designed to store as many characters as you could possibly want, all in one file. But if you want to have multiple files, no problem! Titan Waterworks does not limit you to one database.

Quick and easy: Titan Waterworks's interface is simple and easy to use. And with automatic updates, on-screen help and shortcut keys, it will always be ready to give you what you need so you can get back to the game.
Titan Waterworks est un utilitaire de Titan Network aidant à créer vos capacités d'Incarné de façon simplifiée.

Vous n'aurez plus besoin de fichiers textes ou de feuilles éparses pour garder une trace des matériaux Incarnés. Ce programme a été concu avec pour être simple et rapide, tout en restant flexible.

* Multi-plateformes : Axé sur les possibilités des technologies Java, Titan Waterworks focntionne sur plusieurs systèmes grand-public.

* Garder trace des plusieurs personnages : La base de données est conçues afin que vous puissiez stocker autant de personnages que vous le souhaitiez, en un seul fichier. Mais si vous voulez avoir plusieurs fichiers, pas de problèmes ! Titan Waterworks ne vous limite pas à une seule base de données.

* Rapide et facile : L'interface de Titan Waterworks est simple et facile à utiliser. Ajoutez à celà les mises à jour automatiques, l'aide en ligne et les raccourcis claviers, il sera toujours prêt à vous donner ce dont vous avez besoin afin de vous permettre de retourner rapidement en jeu.


If that can help you ^^



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Thanks again. OK, I think this is all of the help file that I would like prepared for the initial release. You shouldn't have to re-translate some of this text, such as menu names, since I already have those. :P And these ought to be the last large chunks of text I need translated.

And the web page needs translated: (This URL isn't permanent, incidentally.)

Titan Waterworks is Titan Network's utility to help make crafting your Incarnate Abilities simpler.

Keeping track of the Incarnate components you need no longer needs to be a hassle full of spreadsheets and text files. This program was designed with speed and simplicity in mind, while still remaining flexible.

Cross-platform: Leveraging the technological capabilities of Java, Titan Waterworks can run on several popular operating systems.

Keep track of multiple characters: The character database is designed to store as many characters as you could possibly want, all in one file. But if you want to have multiple files, no problem! Titan Waterworks does not limit you to one database.

Quick and easy: Titan Waterworks's interface is simple and easy to use. And with automatic updates, on-screen help and shortcut keys, it will always be ready to give you what you need so you can get back to the game.
Titan Waterworks est un utilitaire de Titan Network aidant à créer vos capacités d'Incarné de façon simplifiée.

Vous n'aurez plus besoin de fichiers textes ou de feuilles éparses pour garder une trace des matériaux Incarnés. Ce programme a été concu avec pour être simple et rapide, tout en restant flexible.

* Multi-plateformes : Axé sur les possibilités des technologies Java, Titan Waterworks focntionne sur plusieurs systèmes grand-public.

* Garder trace des plusieurs personnages : La base de données est conçues afin que vous puissiez stocker autant de personnages que vous le souhaitiez, en un seul fichier. Mais si vous voulez avoir plusieurs fichiers, pas de problèmes ! Titan Waterworks ne vous limite pas à une seule base de données.

* Rapide et facile : L'interface de Titan Waterworks est simple et facile à utiliser. Ajoutez à celà les mises à jour automatiques, l'aide en ligne et les raccourcis claviers, il sera toujours prêt à vous donner ce dont vous avez besoin afin de vous permettre de retourner rapidement en jeu.


If that can help you ^^



Thanks! You took care of the big chunks, but let me make sure the rest of the web page is correct, too:

"Simplified Incarnate Ability Crafting" = "Simplifié Aptitude Incarné Création"?

"Current Version" = "Version Courante"

"Download now (requires Java): Download" = "Télécharger maintenant (nécessite Java): Télécharger"

Google Translate suggests that you referred to the help as "online" (en ligne), while it is not online, but on-screen (sur l'écran?). It shows up in the program itself, next to the things you have to click in order to use the program.



A lot of translation here but I think I got through it.

First, since I went further in global understanding of Titan Waterworks, I think a couple of my previous translations need to be fixed (I haven't edited my previous posts for historical purpose) :

"Incarnate Abilities" = Aptitudes d'Incarné

"Spare" = Inutilisés

"Obtained" = Acquis (just because it sounds better)

"Always Craft Notices" = Toujours Convertir les Attentions

"Always Save to File" = Toujours Enregistrer dans le fichier

As for the Help File :

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post

Adding/removing obtained items:

* Left-click a component or ability in the tree to add one unit of it to your Obtained list.

* Shift+click it to 'craft' it, removing one of each required component/ability that were in your Obtained list.

* Right-click a component or ability in the tree to remove one unit of it from your Obtained list.

* The "Edit" -> "Paste (Titan Sentinel)" menu item will overwrite the obtained list with data from Titan Sentinel 1.0 or newer. Do the following in Titan Sentinel in order to get that data: check the Incarnate items in the Inventory tab, then right-click in the list and select Copy.

Ajout/Suppression des éléments acquis :
  • Clic gauche sur un composant ou une aptitude dans l’arborescence pour en ajouter un exemplaire dans votre liste d’éléments « Acquis ».
  • Maj+Clic sur chaque composant ou aptitude de votre inventaire vous permettra de les utiliser pour créer une nouvelle aptitude, tout en les supprimant de votre liste d’éléments « Acquis ».
  • Clic droit sur un composant ou une aptitude dans l’arborescence pour en supprimer un exemplaire dans votre liste d’éléments « Acquis ».
  • Le menu « Editer -> Coller (Titan Sentinel) » remplacera votre liste d’élément acquis actuelle avec les données issues du Titan Sentinel 1.0 ou plus récent. Pour importer votre inventaire Incarné du jeu avec le Titan Sentinel, vérifiez les éléments Incarné en votre possession sur l’onglet « Inventaire », puis faites un clic-droit sur la liste et sélectionnez « Copier ».

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Regarding the buttons at the top-right:

* The magenta button refers to the list you are currently looking at; you can click the black one to switch to that list.

* Click the 'Remaining' button at the top-right to see the items you need to obtain in order to craft the ability you selected.

* Click the 'Obtained' button to see the items you've selected as already obtained.
A propos des boutons dans la partie supérieure droite :
  • Le bouton magenta renvoie à la liste actuellement active ; un clic sur le bouton noir vous permet de changer de liste.
  • Cliquer sur le bouton « Restants » (coin supérieur droit) vous permettra de voir les éléments restant à obtenir pour créer l’aptitude que vous aurez sélectionnée.
  • Cliquer sur le bouton « Acquis » pour voir les éléments que vous avez sélectionnés comme étant déjà en votre possession.

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Regarding the three ability buttons at the bottom:

* Click on one and then click on an ability in the tree to set the selection for that button. Click on the button a second time instead of clicking on an ability if you decide you don't want to change the ability after all.

* Shift+click on one to clear the selection.

* The top button is the ability you're trying to earn, and the bottom two are abilities you'd like to have along the way. These are optional.

A propos des trois boutons d’aptitude dans la partie inférieure :
  • Cliquer sur un bouton, puis cliquer sur une aptitude dans l’arborescence, associera les deux. Cliquez sur le bouton une seconde fois au lieu de cliquer sur une aptitude si vous décidez finalement de ne pas changer d’aptitude.
  • Maj+Clic sur un bouton effacera la sélection.
  • Le bouton supérieur est l’aptitude que vous souhaitez acquérir, les deux boutons inférieurs sont destinés aux aptitudes que vous aimeriez développer en cours de route. Ces derniers sont optionnels.

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
Regarding the options:

* "Always craft notices" will assume that you intend to earn each Notice of the Well the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit.

* "Always save to file" will save changes to the currently loaded database file any time a character is modified, rather than holding it in memory until you tell the program to save the database.

* "No breakdowns" will prevent spare components from being treated as shards/threads. Additionally, breakdowns will not be shown in the Remaining list.

A propos des options
  • « Toujours convertir les Attentions » supposera que vous avez l’intention de créer vos Attentions du Puits au lieu de les gagner via les « Missions de la Semaine ». Ainsi, si une Attention est nécessaire pour créer une aptitude, elle n’apparaîtra pas dans votre liste d’éléments requis comme un composant rare mais à la place, les composants requis nécessaires pour créer cette Attention s’ajouteront à votre liste.
  • « Toujours Enregistrer vers le fichier » vous permet d’enregistrer en temps réel les modifications apportées au personnage, dans la base de données en cours, plutôt que de les garder en mémoire en attendant que vous demandiez au programme d’enregistrer la base de données.
  • « Pas de Fragmentations » empêchera la conversion des composants inutilisés de votre inventaire en Fragments ou Fils Incarnés. De plus, les Fragmentations n’apparaîtront pas dans votre liste d’éléments restants.



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
"Simplified Incarnate Ability Crafting"
"Création simplifiée des aptitudes d'incarné"
on-screen help
"Aide à l'écran" could be suitable

Dark Damor Chevalier Noir

Le chemin de la r�demption commence en Enfers...
Nindyn vel'uss kyorl nind ratha thalra elghinnn dal lil alust...



Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
And the web page needs translated: (This URL isn't permanent, incidentally.)
Now, the web page, based on Miss Quantum's work with some minor fixes, to remain consistent with our previous translations :

Titan Waterworks is Titan Network's utility to help make crafting your Incarnate Abilities simpler.

Keeping track of the Incarnate components you need no longer needs to be a hassle full of spreadsheets and text files. This program was designed with speed and simplicity in mind, while still remaining flexible.

Cross-platform: Leveraging the technological capabilities of Java, Titan Waterworks can run on several popular operating systems.

Keep track of multiple characters: The character database is designed to store as many characters as you could possibly want, all in one file. But if you want to have multiple files, no problem! Titan Waterworks does not limit you to one database.

Quick and easy: Titan Waterworks's interface is simple and easy to use. And with automatic updates, on-screen help and shortcut keys, it will always be ready to give you what you need so you can get back to the game.
Titan Waterworks est un utilitaire du Titan Network qui va rendre la création de vos Aptitudes d'Incarné plus simple.
Vous n'aurez plus à vous encombrer de vos notes ou autres tableaux pour retrouver tous les composants incarnés nécessaires. Ce programme a été conçu pour être simple et rapide, tout en restant souple d’utilisation.
  • Multi-plateformes : tirant parti des technologies Java, Titan Waterworks peut être exécuté sur de nombreux systèmes d’exploitation.
  • Gestion de plusieurs personnages : La base de données de personnages a été conçue pour stocker autant de personnages que vous le voulez, dans un seul fichier. Vous voulez plusieurs fichiers? Pas de problème : Titan Waterworks ne vous limite pas à une seule base de données.
  • Rapide et facile : L’interface de Titan Waterworks est simple et facile d’utilisation. Ajoutez des mises à jour automatiques, une aide contextuelle et des raccourcis clavier et vous aurez un programme toujours prêt à répondre à vos besoins, pour vous permettre de vous concentrer sur le plus important : votre jeu.

Thanks to Miss Quantum for her (or his) work.


Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
""Simplified Incarnate Ability Crafting""
Originally Posted by DarkDamor View Post
"Création simplifiée des Aptitudes d'Incarné

Originally Posted by DeProgrammer View Post
"Current Version"
Version actuelle



Great! Thanks, all of you. That ought to be all I need up until I20 is released. :P



All right, since I20 has been released, I've figured out a few more features that I need to add. These are...hopefully... the last things I should need translated before release. :P

Slots Share Obtained Items
Force Alpha Components
Force Other Components
Copy Obtained Items
Copy Remaining Items

Enabling this option will erase the obtained items from all slots except the currently selected one. Are you sure you want to do this? This option needs to be set for each character individually.
"Slots share obtained items" will use the currently selected slot's obtained items list as the inventory for all that character's slots.
"Force Alpha Components" will force the Alpha abilities to use only Alpha components.
"Force Other Components" will prevent the Alpha abilities from using any Alpha components.

Slots Share Obtained Items: Because the player only has one inventory, yet they may want to work on multiple Incarnate slots simultaneously, the program needs to have the option for there to be either one global inventory or one inventory per slot.

Force Alpha Components and Force Other Components: Now that the Alpha abilities can be crafted with threads and non-Alpha components, the user needs to be able to prevent Waterworks from showing shards or threads in the Alpha slot, depending on what they're using to craft their Alpha ability.

Copy Obtained Items and Copy Remaining Items: It'll copy the item list to the clipboard in a human-readable format.