Traduction demande
- Partager les éléments obtenus entre les emplacements
- Forcer les composants Alpha
- Forcer les autres composants
- Copier les éléments obtenus
- Copier les éléments restants
Enabling this option will erase the obtained items from all slots except the currently selected one. Are you sure you want to do this? This option needs to be set for each character individually.
- Activer cette option supprimera les éléments obtenus pour tous les emplacements à l'exception de celui sélectionné. Êtes vous sûr de vouloir le faire? Cette option doit être fixée individuellement pour chaque personnage.
"Slots share obtained items" will use the currently selected slot's obtained items list as the inventory for all that character's slots.
- "Partager les éléments obtenus entre les emplacements" utilisera la liste des éléments obtenus pour l'emplacement sélectionné comme inventaire pour tous les autres emplacements du personnage.
"Force Alpha Components" will force the Alpha abilities to use only Alpha components.
- "Forcer les composants Alpha" forcera les Aptitudes Alpha à utiliser uniquement les composants Alpha.
"Force Other Components" will prevent the Alpha abilities from using any Alpha components.
- "Forcer les autres composants" empêchera les Aptitudes Alpha d'utiliser quelconque composant Alpha.
That should do it. I can't help but think "Other Components" is not a well chose term, even though I can't find one any better.

By the way, do you need the translation for all the new components? And is there an ETA for Waterworks? I'm looking forward to it!
PS : Damn you DD!

Thanks, guys. Two translations are better than one! So I can pick which one I believe got the idea across better, which I decided upon by messing with Google Translate to put it back into English. :P We used éléments to refer to items (either components or abilities) in the other translations, so I'll use that word rather than objets.
I managed to get all the components' and abilities' names from the game client, so I should be good to go for those. They need to exactly match the in-game names even for the crappy or failed translations (example: one of the German Judgement ability names was actually French), so it's better that I get them that way.
ETA: Well, it needs to be thoroughly tested, but other than that and putting in the rest of the German translations, I have no further plans for changing it before its release. My best guess, assuming all goes well, is about a week... but I'm impatient, so I may rush it out the door--and then I may regret it.
Even though all components are translated in the game, there are still some missing translations in names and descriptions of Incarnate slots / categories / powers (they are not really "missing", they just put the english names instead). I don't know if you use them in Waterworks, but it's just a heads up.
And if the ETA is 1 week, it's perfect for me, we managed to wait months for the Incarnate version of the Mids, so one week for Waterworks should not be a problem.
Based on my own experiences using the program for post-Alpha Incarnate Abilities, I've made some changes regarding the Always Craft Notices option. Can I get these translated?
Craft Common Components
Craft Uncommon Components
Craft Rare Components
Craft Very Rare Components
* "Craft * components" will assume that you intend to earn the given type component the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit, even when it is possible to obtain the component directly (as with Notice of the Well).
(I'm guessing the "craft _ components" ones are as follows:
Convertir les Composants Commune
Convertir les Composants Peu Commune
Convertir les Composants Rare
Convertir les Composants Trés Rare)
Based on my own experiences using the program for post-Alpha Incarnate Abilities, I've made some changes regarding the Always Craft Notices option. Can I get these translated?
Craft Common Components Craft Uncommon Components Craft Rare Components Craft Very Rare Components |

Convertir les Composants Communs Convertir les Composants Peu Communs Convertir les Composants Rares Convertir les Composants Très Rares |
* "Craft * components" will assume that you intend to earn the given type component the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit, even when it is possible to obtain the component directly (as with Notice of the Well). |
Créer à partir / Craft from
[] des Fibres / Threads = for each recipe, convert every component into threads
[] des composés communs / commons = treats common as basic units, everything else is listed under its equivalent in threads.
[] des composés peu communs / uncommons = same as above with uncommons.
[] des composés rares / rares = same as above with rares.
[] des composés très rares / very rares = same as above with very rares.
I might not be very clear because of both my lack of vocabulary and my lack of understanding of TWW at the moment, I just thought my input could help

Radio buttons are too exclusive! You can select any combination of the four "Craft _ Components" options. For example, I may want to see the thread costs of my Common and Uncommon components, but I want my Rare and Very Rare to not show their requirements, because I'd rather earn a Very Rare by luck than by spending 400 million and four Rare components.
(Also, how about the translation for the help text I didn't attempt to translate?)
Hmmm sorry :
* "Craft * components" will assume that you intend to earn the given type component the hard way. The Items Remaining list will include the crafting requirements rather than treating the component as a basic unit, even when it is possible to obtain the component directly (as with Notice of the Well).
sélectionnés plutôt que d'attendre de les obtenir. La liste des éléments requis en tiendra compte et ne mentionnera pas ces composants mais les ingrédients nécessaires à leur création, même s'il est possible de les obtenir directement (comme pour les Attentions du Puits par exemple).
Forcer les composants Alpha
Forcer les autres composants
Copier les objets obtenus
Copier les objets restants
Activer cette option supprimera les objets de tous les emplacements, excepté celui sélectionné. Êtes-vous sur de vouloir faire ça ? Cette option doit être activée individuellement pour chaque personnage.
"Partager les objets obtenus de lemplacement" utilisera la liste des objets obtenus de lemplacement sélectionné comme inventaire pour tous les emplacements de ce personnage.
"Forcer les composants Alpha" forcera les aptitudes Alpha à nutiliser que les composants Alpha.
"Forcer les autres composants" évitera aux aptitudes Alpha dutiliser les composants Alpha.
I used "emplacement" for "slot". It's the french word, but actually I say "slot" in french too.
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