"You have quit your team."
The issue didn't actually pop up on test from what I can tell, and we ran several BAF Trials during one of the many open testing events. There's simply some things that don't manifest until you get into a live server environment.
That being said, we're currently investigating the issue.
- Z
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
The issue didn't actually pop up on test from what I can tell, and we ran several BAF Trials during one of the many open testing events. There's simply some things that don't manifest until you get into a live server environment.
That being said, we're currently investigating the issue. Thanks! - Z |
Have I told you how much you rock?
Thank you for sidestepping my nerdrage. Glad you guys have your eye on it.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

The same thing is happening on Lamda.
I've run 7 BAFs and not once seen this happen.
So the next question is was the team preformed or was it done through turnstile? or was it a mix some preformed the rest from a turnstile?
That's an odd bug I though was resolved. It was happening a lot at some point. I remembered getting the "you have quit your team" during a Virgil Tarikoss Strikeforce. But that was like more than a year ago.
Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.
just wanna throw my name in happening to me 1 out of 3 in the BAF and yes used the turnstile for all 3.
I've done leagues only so I guess turnstile is broken.
The issue didn't actually pop up on test from what I can tell, and we ran several BAF Trials during one of the many open testing events. There's simply some things that don't manifest until you get into a live server environment.
That being said, we're currently investigating the issue. Thanks! - Z |
Still here, even after all this time!

The issue didn't actually pop up on test from what I can tell, and we ran several BAF Trials during one of the many open testing events. There's simply some things that don't manifest until you get into a live server environment.
That being said, we're currently investigating the issue. Thanks! - Z |
@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
Same issue, Lambra, almost done, random reset kicked us to RWZ -.- You'd think this would have been on the checklist :P
Trying to find common factors to help if i can!
Thanks guys,
We have developers looking into the issue, so any amount of detailed information regarding occurrences are helpful.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Happened to us 2x tonight
1. BAF, was our 2nd attempt.
League was pre-formed from a previous attempt that failed during phase 3.
League was formed in RWZ1 and then we all moved to RWZ2 before beginning the 2nd attempt - we had a couple of people switch toons between attempts.
League was at 24 people at all times from just before queue to kick-bug occurance.
Boot occurred with about 1 minute remaining in prisoner escape phase that had been going extremely well.
Everyone was dropped from team, league and event and put back into RWZ2
(most of the same people went on to do 2 successful BAF runs after this - one of which was completed just as Protector crashed so we all got rolled back to various reward statuses but no one got their completion merits for the later phases and the trial complete)
2. Lambda attempt
League was pre-formed at 13 people and 3 got added by the turnstile according to the "click-in count"
About 30 seconds after zoning into the event and identifying the folks who had been added and starting to do introductory instructions/explanations we all got booted out of the event and back to the zone we'd queued from as a group - not entirely sure what happened to the 3 additional folks (where they zoned out to etc).
That group went on to fill out the league again entirely pre-formed and completed two Lambda trials after the boot-bug.
Not sure if any of that helps, but anything I can do to try to get this resolved - I'm all over it, just ask.
Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server
This just happened to my League in a BAF. All 24 members were kicked with no warning or reward. Both AVs were under 25% HP :/
The issue didn't actually pop up on test from what I can tell, and we ran several BAF Trials during one of the many open testing events. There's simply some things that don't manifest until you get into a live server environment.
That being said, we're currently investigating the issue. Thanks! - Z |
Also, ran a BAF tonight and killed Nightstar and within 5 seconds dropped siege. Siege proceeded to rez Nightstar and then she rezzed him while they were both dead. /Help.
"PvP Messiah"
I was on Freedom last night, and joined a Lambda run. It wasn't turnstyle, and both times I was with the group we were kicked. The leader had said this was his third attempt at putting the TF together, as the first one, too, had caused a mass kick.
Curious if it was server-specific I had asked a friend on Pinnacle if he had seen the problem, and he reported it had been happening there, too. I switched over to Triumph, and while I didn't experience any issues (was a BAF) there was a lot of talk of issues with being kicked.
Happened to me once last night on BAF. 23 player league went poof for everyone.
Happened on one of our runs this morning. I'd rather not talk about our first 2 attempts.... lets just say eveyone was under 10% Judgement at that point. THe 3rd run it borked, and the 4the run We won...
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
For those that are still experiencing this issue, if you could please let us know a few tidbits of information:
- Server you were playing on
- Size of League/Team
- Trial you were participating in
- Time of Day/Date/Timezone
- Did you join as a preformed group or did you utilize the Team Up Teleporter
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Both times it happened we were on Freedom, once was around 3 PM and the other was later, like maybe 7ish?
It's happened to me once on the BAF and once on Lambda.
Both times it was a maximum sized pre-made league.
Both times it happened immediately upon zoning in.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
![]() |
It happened to me once last night. Some of the details and specifics are fuzzy at this point but to the best of my knowledge
24 players/3 full teams
Early morning eastern time. I'd say between 2 am and 4 am
Predefined group.
We all met in the RWZ 3, the leader (I think he was Y2KING) organized the league, started the queue. We all got in. Shortly after getting in, we all zoned back to the RWZ, in the same place, but the team/league was no longer formed and we had to rebuild it. Can't remember if it said "You have quit your team" or whatever, but I was no longer on one.
I had this issue tonight. I formed 3 Lambda teams and all 3 of them everyone else in the team managed to zone but when the time came for me to zone it told me "You have quit your team" and I was effectively kicked from the trial even though I was supposed to be leading the thing. 3 TIMES!!!!!!
1) Union
2) 16 player League
3) Lambda Trial
4) 21:00-23:30 / 06/04/2011 / GMT
5) Preformed Group
From what I have observed, someone being afk and not clicking the "enter" button has caused my team to get booted every time. It explains the times we zone in then get booted immediately, but not the times we have been booted in the middle of a trial. However, the trials that did get booted while in progress has open slots which meant someone could have queued for a in-progress trial and been afk.
I've unsuccessfully run 3 BAF trials today. All of them ended with this, for the whole team. No problems, no objectives failed, everything going according to plan.
Suddenly, we're all kicked from the zone.
"You have quit your team."
Um, no, I didn't. Neither did the other 12 people I was with. This has happened 3 times:
First one during the opening cinematic.
Second one during the first prisoner escape.
Third one during the pull of Siege.
What the hell is going on? How was this missed on Test?
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."